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Author TOPIC: Courtesy Runner

May 3, 2014
6:59:08 PM

Entry #: 4123748
The pitcher, Brown, is hitting for herself in the sixth batting slot for the entire game. Pinch hitter, Jones, is inserted for the pitcher in the bottom of fifth inning. Jones gets a double, and the coach re-enters Brown to run for Jones. After Brown officially re-enters and occupies second base, the coach asks to insert a courtesy runner, Thompson, who had run for Brown previously, and had not yet entered the game. Is this legal?


May 3, 2014
10:20:22 PM

Entry #: 4123762
This is Not a Legal move as Brown did not bat for herself nor did she reach base safely on her own.


May 4, 2014
7:29:35 PM

Entry #: 4123883
The original pitcher is being run for by a legal courtesy runner. Should't this be allowed?


May 5, 2014
8:38:25 AM

Entry #: 4123957
ASA 8-10-A-1

The pitcher or catcher must bat for themselves. In the play presented the pitcher did not bat and is not entitled to a courtesy runner.


May 10, 2014
12:27:52 AM

Entry #: 4124926
mike & rkb are correct. the pitcher [or catcher] has to EARN their way onto the bases to qualify for a courtesy runner


May 20, 2014
9:39:10 PM

Entry #: 4126989
This scenario actually happened in my NFHS game. Answer - no courtesy runner allowed. Reason - once the pitcher was substituted for a pinch hitter the pitcher now is out of the game and regulated to the bench. There is now no pitcher listed on line-up card as a pitcher. This means there is no pitcher of record at this time. Therefore only way ex-pitcher/player can come back is by re-entry as a substitute for this substitute only. Cannot have a courtesy runner because not a pitcher, a substitute from the bench. This player of course could re- entry for the player substituted and pitch again. Then would be considered a pitcher. Sorry about the long answer, but wanted to clearly explain why.
Also double checked with NJ ASA UIC who also agrees with the ruling I applied.


May 22, 2014
8:21:14 PM

Entry #: 4127371
Thanks for the clarification, Hank.

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