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Author TOPIC: Is it Obstruction?
Opa Ump

July 11, 2014
10:55:55 PM

Entry #: 4135431
I was talking to an Umpire about a tournament he worked a couple of weeks ago. He said on 1 of the gasmes, B1 bunted the ball and ran towards first. The F2 came out to field the ball, and the F1 ran towards the line. As F2 was fielding the ball, F1 ran into the BR. F2 made the throw to F3 for the out. A discusion ensued about it being obstruction and the BR should be awarded 1st base. The UIC was called to make a ruling. He ruled that since the BR never got to 1st base there was no obstruction and had B1 bat again. (do-over) Never heard of do-overs in Softball unless it is sandbox softball. Any Ideas on if this is really obstruction or not?


July 12, 2014
9:35:16 PM

Entry #: 4135502
I heard the same story from a veteran umpire last week. It had one difference, and an explanation. The difference was that the batter runner had no chance to make it safely to 1B. There was indeed obstruction. But obstruction does two things. First, it makes it impossible for the runner to be put out between the two bases where she was obstructed. So, no out at 1B. But the award is the base that the runner would have gotten - in the umpire's judgment - had she not been obstructed. Since the umpire felt the runner wouldn't have made it safely to 1B even without the obstruction, he had no other choice than to put her back at the plate.


July 13, 2014
8:18:02 AM

Entry #: 4135530
If obstruction was ruled by the umpire, the only award possible is 1st base. Home plate is not a base that can be occupied by the batter/runner and the situation is not one that allows a "do over" by the rules. The only time the rules allow an out to stand when the batter/runner is obstructed between home and 1st is when the batter hits a fly ball that is caught for the out.


August 25, 2014
12:56:40 AM

Entry #: 4142477
RKB is correct again. no do-overs, the UIC ruling is ridiculous - how could he/she decide there was no obstruction? it was called! the BR cannot be put out between the bases she was obstructed so she is awarded 1st


October 19, 2014
9:59:18 PM

Entry #: 4149615
What has happened to common sense? Obviously here it has died. It's a no brainer: the batter-runner is awarded first base.

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