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Author TOPIC: Tip of Foul?
Bill (From Mike S.)

August 5, 2014
8:40:54 AM

Entry #: 4139366
Two outs. Two strikes on the batter. Pitcher delivers the ball. Pitch takes one bounce on the way to home plate. The pitch enters the strike zone. The batter swings and makes contact with the ball. The ball goes sharply, without any discernible arc, directly to the catcher's glove and is held. Is this a foul ball or foul tip?


August 5, 2014
4:09:14 PM

Entry #: 4139463
If the batter had hit the bounced ball in the air for a fly out, or even a pop up in foul territory that was caught, would they not be legally batted balls and an out. The rules in fastpitch allow the batter to hit a ball that has hit the ground prior to reaching the plate. I would treat it the same as any other foul tip on 3rd strike. Batter out.


August 7, 2014
10:00:50 AM

Entry #: 4139796
I agree, foul tip.


August 13, 2014
8:56:21 AM

Entry #: 4140848
Foul tip is correct. A foul tip is a batted ball that goes sharply and directly from the bat to the catcher's hand(s)or glove/mitt and is legally caught by catcher.
Fast pitch ball can be batted after it bounces. Slow pitch it would be dead when the ball contacts the ground.


August 15, 2014
10:59:58 AM

Entry #: 4141172
Thanks for the clarification, Hank.

Ron C.

August 19, 2014
4:34:28 PM

Entry #: 4141771
Tipped, caught, held, out. Foul Tip.

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