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Author TOPIC: Dead ball or Interference

May 5, 2016
11:02:59 AM

Entry #: 4196911
R1 on 2nd with no outs. R1 is stealing on pitch. Pitcher pitches ball that hits ground and the batter seams to put her foot out and makes slight contact with ball and ball diverts away from catchter which results in a no throw to 3rd.
Is this a dead ball or interference?


May 8, 2016
8:57:53 AM

Entry #: 4197070
Sounds like interference batters out runner back to 2nd.


May 8, 2016
10:02:24 AM

Entry #: 4197075
Was this a pitched ball that had not yet reached the catcher? If so, the first rule you need to look at is a batter contacted by a pitched ball and the outcome of that.

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