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Author TOPIC: Was this handled right

June 21, 2016
9:24:01 AM

Entry #: 4200507
Bases loaded, 2-2 count, next pitch thrown is a ball. Batter drops her bat and jogs to first like she walked, all runners do the same thing, moving to the next base, before ball is thrown back to the pitcher. i look at my partner and he has a confused look on his face and he's discretely showing me 3-2 Count. I just nodded to him , yes. Pitcher now has the ball and is just watching them. All runners have now moved to the next base, I motion to the batter that is standing on 1st to come back and finish her at bat, the count being 3-2.
defensive coach comes out and says " what just happened?" And I said the runners just stole a base, run scored and the batter is going to complete her at bat. He said, "that's umpire error, you just let that happen". I said , of course I let it happen. It's a live ball and its up to the defense to know the situation. Coach then wanted the batter out because " she left the batters box". Uh, no coach, she's allowed to leave the batters box. Play on.


June 22, 2016
8:35:50 AM

Entry #: 4200602
It is absolutely the defensive team's responsibility to know what is going on. The offensive team just stole the bases right in front of the defensive coach's eyes.


June 23, 2016
9:37:24 AM

Entry #: 4200726
Anyone else have thoughts on this?


June 24, 2016
9:52:31 AM

Entry #: 4200817
Triple steal. Short and simple.


June 24, 2016
1:38:29 PM

Entry #: 4200843
Umpires should not use the term game control as a tool for an umpire to be involved every situation occurring on the ball field. Game control should seldom, if never, be noticed: Example, if we have a batter-runner who starts to run to 1B thinking ball four has been awarded the umpire should call “time” and bring the batter back to the plate. The same holds true with runners on 1B and 2B and the batter takes off for 1B thinking it is ball four causing runners to advance. To eliminate confusion for both the offense and the defense, the umpire should call “time.” An umpire with good game control who gives a loud “time” can prevent the chaos before it gets a chance to start.


June 24, 2016
7:24:18 PM

Entry #: 4200895
Which is direct conflict with their clarification on a batter/runner running on a D3K with first base occupied. If the defense is expected to know the situation and make the appropriate play on a dropped third strike, why should the umpire suddenly bail them out on a batter walking on ball 3? Exactly how do you explain to a defensive coach who's team recognized the situation and would have made one or more outs on the play that you called time "to avoid confusion".

And by the way, that clarification was very widely criticized as not being game control at all but an umpire inserting themselves into the game.


June 27, 2016
10:11:32 AM

Entry #: 4201038
Widely criticized, I bet it was. Has there been an update to this? Has this been taken off the ASA website. If not I have to rule it the way ASA wants us to rule it. I believe ASA is the only rule set that is going with this explanation.
That is why I posted so that everyone knows of the different rulings.


June 27, 2016
1:22:43 PM

Entry #: 4201056
I have not seen anything else from ASA on this topic. For that matter, when I read that entire release, not just the few lines that were copied and pasted it reads very much just like a personal opinion discussion of game controal and not an actual clarication. It is even self contradicting in that it states umpires should follow the rules and not insert themselves into the game, yet they suggest an umpire do exactly that by calling time during live playing action. There is also no rule support in the rule book for the umpire to call time while runners are off base and the ball is live.


June 29, 2016
8:20:56 AM

Entry #: 4201240
So what is the final answer?


June 29, 2016
9:50:58 PM

Entry #: 4201319
In ASA games go with my answer
Alll other alphabets I would let the play stand

John S

July 19, 2016
3:01:51 PM

Entry #: 4203117
Maybe this is a different approach (preventive umpiring). I very loudly say "ball 4" when a batter gets a base on balls. In this case I would have just said "ball". because I do not say ball 1, 2 or 3.When the batter starting running to 1st base I would have said laudly "Ball 3, ball 3". That alerts both teams to the situation and no time is called. The runners are now at risk and the defense is aware and I have not given an advantage to either team.

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