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Author TOPIC: how many infielders?
henry payne

November 4, 2016
8:39:33 AM

Entry #: 4211074
Can the defense bring the outfielders in to the dirt and play right behind 1st or 3rd base.? Having a pitcher-catcher and 7 people in the infield?


November 4, 2016
9:42:03 AM

Entry #: 4211079
Answer is in rule 6-5-A.


November 4, 2016
11:41:05 AM

Entry #: 4211088
Seems to me, that as long as you provide a battery (pitcher and catcher), and as long as the other seven (7) players are in fair territory, you can place those seven other players anywhere you want.


November 5, 2016
4:30:54 PM

Entry #: 4211140
The catcher needs to be in the catcher's box in foul territory, and the pitcher on the rubber, other than that you can place the other seven players any where you want as long as they're in fair territory.


November 5, 2016
9:56:31 PM

Entry #: 4211145
I agree with Tammy with the added stipulation that none of the fielders hinder the batters swing.

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