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Author TOPIC: Unreported Substitute
Forum Administration

December 18, 2016
10:39:01 PM

Entry #: 4213080
A reported substitute for B2, is at bat with a 2-1 count while an unreported substitute for R1 is on 3B. The defense informs the umpire that R1’s unreported substitute is illegal. The umpire disqualifies R1’s unreported substitute and the team replaces the unreported substitute with a legal substitute.


December 22, 2016
11:05:25 AM

Entry #: 4213209
As soon as a pitch was thrown to B2, the substitute became legal. There should be no penalty.


December 26, 2016
12:23:36 PM

Entry #: 4213291
An illegal player/substitute cannot be made legal by a pitch being thrown.

Forum Administration

December 29, 2016
10:39:01 AM

Entry #: 4213386
RULING: Incorrect procedure. The unreported substitution is now officially in the game, the count on the batter remains as is and all plays stand. (4-6A & C [4])


December 29, 2016
12:03:10 PM

Entry #: 4213390
Is the unreported sub on 3rd illegal or not? The OP states the defense appeals the player as being illegal.

If the unreported sub is illegal, that particular player cannot be made legal.


December 30, 2016
1:34:30 AM

Entry #: 4213410
An unreported sub, is not an illegal player. An illegal player is one that has used up all re-entry rights or has been ejected from the game. Bering an unreported sub, does not make the person illegal, just unreported.


December 30, 2016
7:56:40 AM

Entry #: 4213416
No, simply being an unreported sub does not necessarily make the player illegal. But, the play presented indicates the defense has appealed the player as being illegal.

My question stands, is the player illegal or not? You cannot provide a ruling on this play without determining the status of this player. If they are just an unreported sub, then yes the ruling that has been posted is correct, if they are an illegal player then no, the ruling presented is not correct.


December 30, 2016
3:16:33 PM

Entry #: 4213431
It is the Umpire that determines if the player is illegal or not, not the defense. In fact most coaches I have run across in the past 20 + years think unreported subs are illegal, or at least try to make the umpire think so. it said the Umpire dq'd the unreported sub, not an illegal sub, the Umpire made the wrong ruling, which happens when rules are not kept up with, or sometimes calls are just booted due to not taking an extra couple of seconds.


December 30, 2016
4:57:12 PM

Entry #: 4213436
The word illegal is used in the original play and goes on to state the disqualified player is replaced with a legal substitute. Without the play stating if in fact the player was illegal or not you cannot say one way or the other if the umpire made the correct ruling or not. If you say their ruling was incorrect, you are ignoring the use of the word illegal in the play presented.

If the player was illegal, the umpire did in fact make the correct ruling. If the player was not illegal, then no, they did not make the correct ruling. Whoever made the original play must expand on if the player was illegal or not.


December 30, 2016
10:00:13 PM

Entry #: 4213454
It is either unreported or illegal sub. They can not be used together. You do not DQ an unreported Sub. as the umpire did. Look at the rule refference in the 2016 rule book. Some times we have a tendency to read too much into a play due to the fact we have so much time to look at it, unlike being in the field to make the quick judgement.

Forum Administration

December 31, 2016
5:39:27 PM

Entry #: 4213466
The first line of the play, clearly establishes the situation.

george Q

March 24, 2018
9:54:51 PM

Entry #: 4245361
Checked with an e-mail to USA Oklahoma City.
Administrator has the correct ruling
The first line does give the correct ruling away and is a simple ruling. How anyone is confused is beyond me as an umpire.

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