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Author TOPIC: Dropped third strike

May 19, 2017
7:34:51 AM

Entry #: 4221113
Heard this from another umpire,middle school girls softball. Runner on first, dropped third strike on the battter with 1 out. Umpire clearly states batter is out. Coach tells the batter who has just struck out to run to first base. Catcher throws ball to first now being confused and hits the batter who just struck out in the back. Runner from first advances to third. An umpire told me that he made the runner return to first, obviously the batter is out. Indicated that the batter who struck out should not have been running and was attempting to deceive the defense. Can't figure out under what rule to call this, but I see his logic. What's the call?


May 19, 2017
11:39:11 PM

Entry #: 4221149
If there was only runner on 1st, the following would be correct. Batter Runner called out was correct. Being now a retired runner, Interference should be called. A second out can not be called on the retired runner, so the rule has the runner closest to home being called out. You now have 2 outs and no one on. The coach can alkso be warned for unsportsman like conduct.


May 20, 2017
7:27:23 AM

Entry #: 4221154
The retired batter running on a dropped third strike is not in itself interference. In the USA rules and clarifications there is a play similar to what you have described. The defense is responsible for knowing the game situation and that there is no play on the retired batter due to first base being occupied. The defense should be aware and make the appropriate play which would be on any other runner attempting to advance. Now, if the throw was an attempt to pick off the runner on 1st going back to first base, then the batter being hit by the throw could very well be considered interference.

NFHS has a very similar statement in their case plays. While it is dealing with a batter walking on ball 3 and runners advancing, it also states the defense is responsible to know the situation and make the appropriate play.

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