2024 Season Info

As the season is quickly approaching we are now taking registrations for new and excisting teams. Please email your team name, contact info including phone number, and email. Please include an alternate contact as well with all their contact info. Please email: paslopitchleague@gmail.com

1. The uniform rule will be enforced from the start of the league.( no exceptions) If you are ordering new ones do it early so they are here for the start of the season.

2. League fees will be $1400

League fees are due by March 31    Etransfers can be sent to: paslopitch@outlook.com

Fees that are paid after March 31 will be $1500 (no exceptions)

3. As discussed at the fall AGM the league will be reverting back to the “old” dual division rules( limits of dual division players in line up at a time, plus you will only be allowed to play on 2 teams) Last years trial didn’t meet the leagues needs in creation of new teams for men’s or coed 1.

4. We will be affiliated with NSA so all players need to make a player profile so the team coach/ manager can add them on the roster.

5 Important dates:

New team information meeting will be held March 11, 7p.m. @ Bugsy's. All new teams must have a representive in attendance.

League start -May 6 ( weather permitting) Opening tournament June 1 & 2,  Closing tournament July 27 & 28

6. We are in desperate need of umpires. If you are anyone is interested please contact Leroy Jensen (306) 961-1361 or Keanan Tibbs (306) 940-8622

If you have any questions please contact Trevor at 306-980-7185.

7. Teams that owe fines from last season. They need to be paid to register for the 2024 season. We will be posting a list of teams that owe fines. If fines do not get paid in full, players who were on that teams roster will be responsible to pay an individual fee in order to play in the league.

If you have any questions please call Trevor at 306-980-7185.

If you have no umpire at your game...

Latley we have had calls from teams saying they are missing an umpire for the night.  If at 6:15 there is no umpire at your game this is the procedure:

-Call Leroy Jensen (306)961-1361or Bill Hoko (306)930-9449.  Maybe he can get ahold of his umpire and get them out there

- In the meantime, find a neutral person capable of umping the games. 

-If this person umps the entire game, they should sign the scoresheet and write in the comments box on the score sheet their name and phone number. 

-At the end of the night the person who umped needs to drop off both scoresheets into the mail slot on our beer gardens bulding

-We will pay you to ump!  But you need to fill out the form on our website.  Click on the tab Dual Division & Umping Forms.  Then click on "I Umped Tonight".  Fill out the form and we will put it in our records.

- Last but not least, be kind to your fill in umpire, you can't play without one.



Dual Division Form & Rules

If your Coed team has men or women that are playing on 2 two teams, they must register as a dual division player.  The registration is on the left hand side under the tab Dual Division and Umping Forms.

Dual Division Rules:

Male Players

-All male players can play in a maximum of 2 divisions (mens & coed or coed & coed)

-Coed 1, Coed 2, Coed 3, Coed 4- allowed unlimited male dual div players on roster.  Only 3 of them can play at one time.

-Coed 5 - allowed unlimited male dual div players on roster. Only 1 of them can play at a time.

Female Players

-All female players can play in a maximum of 2 coed divisions

-Teams in all divisions can have unlimited dual div females on roster and on the field.