• Send EMT's to paslopitch@outlook.com
  • League Starts May 6th
  • Opening Tournament June 1st & 2nd
  • Closing Tournament July 27th & 28th

The early bird fee's are due on or before March 31. Please etransfer $1400 to paslopitch@outlook.com

If fee's are paid after they are $1500. These are due on or before April 10.

As of now we have 49 coed teams registered,  unless we get another team the first 48 to pay will be entered in the league as we will not have coed divisions with and odd number of teams.


Trevor Gunville


2024 Season Info

As the season is quickly approaching we are now taking registrations for new and excisting teams. Please email your team name, contact info including phone number, and email. Please include an alternate contact as well with all their contact info. Please email: paslopitchleague@gmail.com

1. The uniform rule will be enforced from the start of the league.( no exceptions) If you are ordering new ones do it early so they are here for the start of the season.

2. League fees will be $1400

League fees are due by March 31    Etransfers can be sent to: paslopitch@outlook.com

Fees that are paid after March 31 will be $1500 (no exceptions)

3. As discussed at the fall AGM the league will be reverting back to the “old” dual division rules( limits of dual division players in line up at a time, plus you will only be allowed to play on 2 teams) Last years trial didn’t meet the leagues needs in creation of new teams for men’s or coed 1.

4. We will be affiliated with NSA so all players need to make a player profile so the team coach/ manager can add them on the roster.

5 Important dates:

New team information meeting will be held March 11, 7p.m. @ Bugsy's. All new teams must have a representive in attendance.

League start -May 6 ( weather permitting) Opening tournament June 1 & 2,  Closing tournament July 27 & 28

6. We are in desperate need of umpires. If you are anyone is interested please contact Leroy Jensen (306) 961-1361 or Keanan Tibbs (306) 940-8622

If you have any questions please contact Trevor at 306-980-7185.

7. Teams that owe fines from last season. They need to be paid to register for the 2024 season. We will be posting a list of teams that owe fines. If fines do not get paid in full, players who were on that teams roster will be responsible to pay an individual fee in order to play in the league.

If you have any questions please call Trevor at 306-980-7185.


When filling out the scoresheets put the team name on top and fill in all the required information, if you are a team that fills out 2 sheets a game make sure these sheets are clearly marked Game 1 & Game 2 this will make everything go faster 

Team Managers, please use these instructions to add players to your rosters. All players need to have a NSA profile made up for themselves to be entered. Thanks.

Team Manager

When the League Executive creates a Team Manager and assigns them to a team, an email is sent to the team manager letting them know they can login.


Instructions for Login:

Go to www.nsacanada.ca , click login

Enter the email that was registered with the league for your username

The first time you are logging in you will not have a password, leave this blank and click on Lost Password

You will be instructed to enter your email and be sent a password reset email.

Open the email and follow the instruction to reset your Password.

Now you can login with username and password


Adding Players to Rosters: (players must be in the player registration file or they will not add to a roster)

Click on your team name

Enter the players Last Name

Click on the player and they will be added to the roster


Follow these steps to register with NSA
This is the process:
All players need to register at www.nsacanada.ca click Player Registration then Register Now. This is a one time thing.
This is an Honor system when a player first enters himself. Click the link to review the guidelines.
Once that is completed it is like a mathematical solution LOL
You are allowed 2 players from division above the division you register for, or 1 player from 2 divisions above the division you register for.
Example: We are a league team and strictly REC caliber players. We could enter REC division and have 2 D Players OR 1 C Player.

These are the instructions for all league members to follow. All players should enter the lowest division possible.
Welcome to the NSA League program.
I tried calling but was told it was the wrong number. Is there a phone number I can contact you at
This is the step by step for players to register in the Player Registration file:
NSA Canada is the only Association that insures the Team Name and therefore once you have submitted your Registration and Team Names your League has coverage. We request that ALL players register in the Player Registration database. By ensuring all Players register, they will be agreeing to the Waiver and in turn this protects the League, Executive, Managers, Coaches, Captains, Volunteers and the Player in the event of a law suit.
By choosing not to have the players adhere to the Player Registration request, there is no Insurance implications but could result in legal complications in the event of a law suit. 
If a player is not in the Players Registration database, a Team Manager will not be able to add them electronically to a roster.
  1. Please have All your players register online in the Player Registration database. This is a one time task, once a player is in the database they do not need to register in subsequent years.                
  2.  Go to www.nsacanada.ca
·         Click on Player Registration
·         Click on Register Now
·         Fill out the form and click Submit
            o   An email will be sent now to your email account.
            o   Click on the link in the email to complete your registration
            o   If you wish to confirm you are in the database go back to Player Registration and click on List of Players and enter your LAST NAME only on the first attempt.
If you have any questions or troubles contact:
Darlene Bowman 
905-546-0501 Ontario Office
403-250-9655 Head Office 877-250-9655 Toll Free
 Thank you
Trevor Gunville