Breaking News

Fall schedules are posted. The league is always looking for new players. New players need to complete the registration form and the insurance waiver form.  

Field Directions

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Atkinson #1 Washington Township

If you are coming from the north take 42 to 55. Proceed south on 55 to exit 56A, which will lead you onto Rt. 47 S. In about a mile or less you come to an intersection known as "5 Points." At the light turn right onto Rt. 47 and continue south for about a mile or so. At a stop light you will see the restaurant "Terra Nova" on the left. Immediately after the light turn right into the park, bearing right. This road leads to the parks parking lot, and you will see the field in front of you.( Same directions if you are coming from the South on Rt 55.)

138 Bethel Mill Road, Washington Township, 08080