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2018 TEAMS
Mosquito (2007-8)
Coach: Ryan Burnside (
The team will play a 24 game season in the National Capital Ontario Baseball Association, with games against Gatineau teams. The team will play in 5 tournaments over the summer.
Please see information at
Minor Midget (2002)
Coach: Stuart Bowden (
Coaching Staff: Karim Oliver (
Ghis Stucker
The Minor Midget team will play AAA baseball in the Elite Baseball League of Ontario.
This team will run a year-round program including:
*Fall Baseball: Three tournaments, practices, and exhibition games
*Strength and Conditioning Training (starting late Fall)
*Winter training (twice weekly from January-April 30)
*Spring Break training program in Florida (practices and 5 exhibition games)
*Summer Baseball in the Elite Baseball League of Ontario and 4-5 AAA tournaments, with two weekly practices and exhibition games (May-Labor Day weekend)