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Becoming a BCSA Official

To join BCSA please contact Predient Paul Sjogren via email at or phone at 754-234-5478
or simply fill in the registration form under the  Forms Menu


Required Equipment & Purchasing Details

You will require (minimally) the following equipment to be a fastpitch official:

Equipment Needs:

  • Polished, black athletic shoes. Either turf shoe or flat—bottom
  • Black socks
  • HEATHER GREY umpire slacks - recommend you get COMBO pants for both plate and base umpiring
  • FHSAA powder blue shirt available from authorized dealers (see below)
  • Black leather belt
  • FHSAA NAVY cap. Get a sized one rather than an adjustable
  • Officiating tools: pencil, flipping coin, indicator, NAVY ball bag(s), umpire wallet
  • A mask with a throat protector
  • An inside chest protector
  • A cup (for men)
  • Shin guards
  • Protective plate shoes or shin guards with built in guards

Online Stores for Equipment Needs:

Required FHSAA POWDER BLUE logo shirts and BLUE caps available from:

Purchase Officials