2024 Rule Changes

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2024 NFHS Rule Change, Review Previous Years Changes

Softball Rules Changes - 2024

By NFHS on September 01, 2023softball Print


1-8-6:  Permits electronic information to be transmitted to the dugout from anywhere outside of live ball area.
Rationale: The rule change reflects current technology and still requires that electronic devices used for coaching purposes may only be used in the dugout butdoes not stipulate where the video is recorded or how it is transmitted.

3-2-3:  Beginning January 1, 2027, uniforms may only bear a single manufacturer's logo, school name, school logo, mascot and/or the participant's name. Advertisements, messages, team slogans, etc., will no longer be permitted.
Rationale: Consistent language has been established for NFHS sports that describe what information is permitted on the uniform. A player’s name, school name, school nickname, school mascot and/or the school logo may be placed on the uniform.

3-2-5Removes the color restriction for headbands and ribbons.
Rationale: Adds consistency amongst headwear requirements for other NFHS sports.

3-2-7Defines where a wristband with a playbook/playcard may be worn. If worn by the pitcher, the wristband with a playbook/playcard must be worn on the non-pitching wrist or arm.
Clarifies where this equipment can be worn. This change will prohibit wristbands from being worn on the belt. It remains legal for players to keep the wristband with a playbook/playcard in their back pocket.

4-2-7, 10-2-3e, h: The umpire may call (end) a game if playing conditions in or around the facility become unacceptable to safely continue the game.
Rationale: Provides rule justification when an umpire ends a contest due to unacceptable playing conditions to continue play in addition to weather.  

6-1-2c, 2-47: The pitcher may now have both feet off the ground at the same time as long as both feet remain within the 24-inch width of the pitching plate and the pitcher does not replant the pivot foot. A definition for a replant was added.
The rule change permits both feet to disengage from the playing surface while delivering a pitch. The addition of Rule 2-47 defines that a replant of the pivot foot occurs when the pitcher pushes off the playing surface from anywhere other than the pitcher’s plate prior to the act of delivering the pitch.

6-2-2: Pitchers can only use dirt, powdered rosin or comparable drying agents that are listed on the USA Softball’s certified equipment webpage to dry the hand.
Clarifies the difference between tape and other non-approved substances on the pitching hand or fingers versus the use of approved substances under the supervision and control of the umpire.

1-5-1c, 1-6-1, 1-7-1, 2-4-3, 1-6-1b, 7-1-2 PENALTIES 2 & 3, 7-4-4



  1. Game Management
  2. Unacceptable Conditions
  3. Unreported vs. Illegal Substitutions
  4. Pitching Mechanics: Replant     



2022 NFHS RULE CHANGES (as of 10/25/2021)


1-2-1: Clarifies bases may be designed to disengage from their anchor system.

  • Rationale: This change places rule language with other regulations covering the field and its equipment.


1-3-3: Aligns ball tolerance specifications with other rule codes.

  • Rationale: Balls manufactured with the former specifications will be permitted through 2024, to allow for manufacturers and schools to reduce current inventory. The new ball specifications are permitted for use during the 2021-22 season and will be required by January 1, 2025.


3-2-5b: Removes the language prohibiting hard items to control the hair in the sport of softball.

  • Rationale: Clarifies adornments such as beads can be worn in the hair and aligns language with other NFHS rules codes.


3-2-5c: Permits players to wear soft and secure headwear for religious purposes without prior state association approval.

  • Rationale: Eliminates the need for authorization from the state associations for religious headwear.


3-5-3: When in live ball areas, a coach shall be attired in a school uniform or jersey/coaching shirt with slacks, shorts, or other leg coverings in school colors or colors of khaki, black, white or gray.

  • Rationale: Updated language clarifies items which can be worn by coaches in a live-ball area.


3-6-21 & PENALTY: Establishes the penalty when a damaged bat that was previously removed is re-introduced into the game.

  • Rationale: The penalty outlines protocol for dealing with situations in which a damaged bat is removed, then reintroduced to the game.


6-2-2 & NOTE: Removes language from Rule 6-2-2 and places it as a NOTE under the PENALTY.

  • Rationale: The language and rule reference is a reminder to players, coaches and officials about distracting items worn by the pitcher, but is not a part of Rule 6-2-2.


8-2-6: Clarifies a runner is considered outside the running lane when either foot last contacting the ground completely outside the lane.

  • Rationale: New language more adequately describes the intent of the rule and will provide more consistent enforcement.



2-4-3, 2-37, 2-38-2, 2-38-3, 2-38-4, 3-2-12, 3-7-1 NOTE, 4-2-3 NOTE 2, 5-1 Dead Ball Table, 7-3-1, 7-4-2 NOTE, 7-4-6, 7-4-

7, 7-4-15 NEW, 7-5-4 PENALTY 1, 9-5 EXCEPTION 1 and 3



  1. Huddles Between Innings
  2. Guidance for Pitcher Utilization
  3. Assisting A Runner
  4. Simulating Taking a Sign

NFHS Documents For Download [PDFs}

2022 NFHS Softball Rule Changes

2022 NFHS Softball Rule Change Comments

2022 NFHS Softball Points of Emphasis

2022 NFHS Softball Unform Diagrams


Below are rule changes made in previous years. The NFHS did not change any rules in 2021 due to the pandemic, but the FHSAA modified the pitching rule, which remains in effect in 2022. 




Florida has adopted a pitching rule change for the 2021 season. A pitcher is no longer required to have the stride foot (non-pivot foot) in contact with the pitching plate. This rule change brings the FHSAA in line with changes made in late 2019 in NCAA, USSSA and USA Softball. The NFHS rule has been in place in most states for several year.


It is important to note that the FHSAA change is different from the NFHS or USSSA rule. It is identical to the NCAA rule. Below is the text of the new rule from the FHSAA 2021 Softball Sport Manual:


  • 6-1-1. Prior to starting the delivery (pitch), the pitcher shall take a position with her hands apart, her pivot foot in contact with the pitcher’s plate, both feet on the ground within the 24-inch length of the pitcher’s plate. The stride foot may be on or behind the pitcher’s plate as far back as desired. Once the pitcher initially sets the toe of her stride foot, she may not step back any farther to increase the distance behind the pitcher’s plate.
  • 6-1-1b. While in this position, the pitcher shall take (or simulate taking) a signal. The signal need not come from the catcher.
  • 6-1-1c. After completing “b” above, the pitcher’s hands must come together in view of the plate umpire for not more than five seconds. The hands do not have to come to a complete stop and, therefore, may be moving during the touch.

In short, the pitcher may start with her foot on or behind the plate. However, she may not step back once she has paused to take her sign. Once the foot is set, it may not go back further prior to delivery of the pitch.



  • Damaged bats are defined. 
    • Rationale: Clarifies that a damaged bat is removed from the game without penalty.
    • NFHS Comment: Added language to give a clear definition of a damaged bat separating it from illegal and altered bats. Damaged bats are not to be considered illegal bats, therefore they do not carry the same penalty as illegal bats. Damaged bats should be removed from the game without penalty. Language added additional certification marking (USA Softball All Games mark) to update current legal marks.
    • Example: Batter B1 comes to the plate with a damaged bat. Umpire removes bat from the game, B1 can get another, legal bat without penalty.
    • Rule Change: NFHS 1-5-1e, 2-4, 2-4-3, 7-4-2 PENALTY NOTE:
  • Prior to starting the delivery (pitch), the pitcher shall take a position with the pivot foot in contact with the pitcher's plate.
    • Rationale: Clarifies that the pivot foot must be in contact with the pitcher’s plate, rather than on the top surface of the pitcher's plate.
    • NFHS Comment: Clarifies that any part of the pivot foot is in contact with the pitcher’s plate is legal and no longer limits the pivot foot to contacting just the top surface of the pitcher’s plate, which reflects current practice.
    • Example: U1 calls an Illegal Pitch because the pivot foot is only in contact with the pitcher's plate and not overlapping the top of the plate. On appeal this is overturned as U1 enforced the rule incorrectly. The outcome of the pitch stands.
    • FHSAA Note: This is consistent with FHSAA interpretation taught within BCSA for several years
    • Rule Change: NFHS 6-1-1
  • A run is not scored if the runner advances to home plate during action in which the third out is made by the preceding runner who is declared out on an appeal play.
    • Rationale: Clarifies that on any appeal play, a run is not scored if the third out is made by a preceding runner.
    • NFHS Comment: Added language to make clear that if a preceding runner is called out on appeal, subsequent runner(s) that cross the plate do not count as run(s) scored.
    • Example: Bases loaded, two outs. B4 hits a home run. During the play A) R2 at 2B misses 3B before touching home; B) R3 at 1B misses 2B before touching home; C) B4 misses 1B before touching home. Results are as follows: A) Only R1 scores as R2 precedes R3 and B4; 2) R1 and R2 score as R3 only precedes B4; C) R1, R2 and R3 score and only B4 is declared out. 
    • Rule Change: 9-1-1 EXCEPTION c: 


  • Clarifies that game management or a state administrator may establish a dead-ball media area within the confines of the field, but that area will remain a dead-ball area throughout the game.
    • Explanation: There was some confusion about whether a media area could be designated on the field under a 2019 Rule Changes.
    • Note: It reinforces that if a media area is established on the field, it will be a dead-ball area whether occupied or not by a media member.
    • Editorial Change: 1-1-7
  • Updates to add the new USA Softball All Games certification mark.
    • USA Softball has a new, simplified All Games certification mark. The mark is the outline of home plate with USA Softball Certified. It joins the ASA 2000 and ASA 2004 All Games certification marks as legal use in fastpitch softball when certified. (Note: Some bats are later de-certified by USA Softball which requires coaches and umpires to check bats against the illegal bat list on the USA Softball website.) Do not confuse this All Games certification with a mark established in 2015 using the last ASA logo, which is ONLY for slowpitch softball bats.
    • Editorial Change: 1-5-1d
  • Clarifies that the batter-runner, not the batter is awarded bases when a fielder intentionally contacts the ball with detached equipment.
    • Explanation: Some umpires would award bases to batters and runners consistent with the detached equipment rule when a hat or glove thrown by a fielder to stop a dead ball, usually in foul territory.
    • Example: A batter hits a foul ball down on the first base side in foul territory. F9, hoping to prevent the ball from rolling out of the field beyond the fence, throws her glove at the ball to stop it. This is not considered a contact with the ball with detached equipment since the ball is dead. The batter remains at bat.
    • Editorial Change: 8-4-3d


  • 1-2-3, 2-22-4, 2-57-3, 3-4-1c, 7-1-2 PENALTY 2


  1. Bat certification marks and USA Softball’s list of Non-Approved Bats with Certification Marks
  2. Damaged bat vs. illegal bat penalties
  3. Contact with the pitcher’s plate
  4. Inspection of equipment (by coaches). This remains the coach's responsibility per 2018 rule change.

2019 NFHS Softball Rules Interpretations

Below are Rule Interpretations issued by the NFHS during the 2019 season clarifying new or recently instituted rules, points of emphasis and editorial changes to the rule book. These Rule Interpretations serve has helpful guides clearing up any misunderstanding of recent changes in HS softball rules. The 2019 documents present situations involving an Illegal Pitch (2019 rule change), Intentional Walk (2018 rule change) and Illegal and Unreported Substitutions.












2019 Rule Changes Reminder

·         Runners no longer advanced on illegal pitch

o   Official: Only affects batter, ergo that is the only award. Unofficial: Syncs with NCAA rule. Result - Delayed Dead Ball: Ball or choice of outcome if put into play, with Exceptions 1-4 (NFHS 6-1-1, 6-2-1)

·         Clear face shields on fielder’s masks

o   Clarifies fielders may wear face shields if they are clear. Tinted, reflective shields not allowed (NFHS 1-8-4) (See graphic p.2)

·         Adjustable knob on bat now legal

o   Must be permanently attached. Adds adjustable to existing language for molded, lathed or welded knob. (NFHS 1-5-2a) (See p.2)

·         Media box in live-ball territory eliminated

o   Eliminates box in live ball territory that is only dead ball territory when occupied. For practical purposes this eliminates the media box on the field. If a box is used it is always a dead ball area. (NFHS 1-1-7) (See p.2)


Editorial Changes

·         No appeal on previous play after intentional walk

o   Clarifies that once an IW has been granted a previous play can’t be appealed. Functionally same as legal delivered pitch. (NFHS 2-65-2)

·         Motion clarified on start of pitch

o   Pitcher must have hands apart when stepping on pitching plate (ball in glove or hand) and must pause at least 1 sec, simulating taking a sign, BEFORE HANDS ARE TOGETHER. (NFHS 6-1-2a)

·         Added DP/Flex quick reference in the Appendix


Points of Emphasis

·         Pitcher simulating taking a sign

o   Momentary pause no longer allowed. NFHS wants genuine 1 sec pause before bringing hands together. Emphasis is pause with hands apart, not on pitcher looking at the catcher.

·         Sliding safely

o   Review Rule 2-52 Legal, Illegal Slide

·         Lineup card best practices

o   Remind coaches should put names on lineup cards.

·         Illegal pitch penalties

o   Make sure the new Illegal Pitch penalty of ball/choice is communicated to officials, players and coaches


2018 Rule Changes Reminder

·         Intentional Walk Rule

·         No Equipment Check/Coach Responsibility

·         Pitcher Stepping Back (Changes to Hands Separating vs. Hands Coming Together)

·         Wrist Playcards are Equipment

·         No Alcohol, Tobacco Products Upon Arrival/Until After Leaving Competition Site

·         Obscure Situations Warm-Up Pitchers, Injured/DQd Pitchers/Catchers & CRs

Click on links below to download documents