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Become A Sponsor

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Dear Sponsor,


            Please allow me to introduce to you the Suncoast Youth Sports and Mentoring, Inc.  Our organization strives to provide children with a strong foundation for the future by developing their confidence, self-respect, leadership skills, and integrity through sports and mentoring.  The Suncoast Ducks believe “It’s better to prepare a child than to repair a child”! 


            In order to make this rewarding experience a reality for our youth, we are reaching out directly to area businesses, and friends by offering the opportunity to become a sponsor! Your contributions will be targeted exclusively to lower the growing costs of the organization’s 100+ participants, enabling them to fully participate in SYSM training programs, prospective local, regional, and national tournaments, as well as support the our core mission to encourage the youth to excel academically and athletically.  Any sponsorship level you select will be greatly appreciated.  


The Suncoast Ducks is a not-for-profit, 501 (c) (3) organization supported primarily by individual and corporate contributions, and fundraisers.  The Suncoast Ducks looks forward to building a strong partnership with your organization that will advance and fulfill the hopes and dreams of our youth.  .


In the enclosed sponsorship packet, you’ll find the following information:


v  Introduction


v  Program Overview


v  What Sponsorship Dollars Are Used For


v  Benefits Of Sponsorship


v  Sponsorship Form


Feel free to contact me or our Vice President with any questions and we look forward to forming a partnership that will impact our youth and inspire our future.


Sincerely yours,


Latressa Preston/Jimika Williams

President/Vice President