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CGYBA Conduct Codes


  1.  All rules & regulations associated with Carlisle Area School District (CASD) will apply during all Carlisle Girls Youth Basketball Association (CGYBA) events, including practices, games, clinics, tournaments & other special events.

  2. Players will demonstrate positive sportsmanship on & off the court.

  3. Players will be humble in victory & gracious in defeat.

  4. Players will demonstrate respect & courtesy to fellow teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents/guardians & spectators, regardless of the behavior of others.  Insulting comments, arguing, verbal abuse, inappropriate gestures & profanity will not be tolerated.

  5. Players will not, under any circumstances, participate in physical violence or threats of physical violence before, during or after any game or practice.

  6. Violation of this conduct code or continued unacceptable behavior during CGYBA events will result in action taken as directed by league policy, including (but not limited to) removal from practices, removal from games, subsequent game suspension(s) and/or dismissal from the league.

  7. Proper attire (athletic apparel) is recommended for all practices & games.

  8. Most important, players will remember to have fun. 


  1.  Parents/guardians & their guests will demonstrate positive sportsmanship & supportive encouragement to all players.

  2. Parents/guardians & their guests will demonstrate respect & courtesy to all players, coaches, parents/guardians & spectators, regardless of the behavior of others.  Parents/guardians will also demonstrate respect for officials, in part by accepting their judgments and/or decisions.  Insulting comments, arguing, verbal abuse, inappropriate gestures & profanity will not be tolerated.

  3. Parents/guardians & their guests will require that their child treat fellow teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents/guardians & spectators with respect & courtesy, regardless of race, sex, creed and/or ability.

  4. Parents/guardians & their guests will not encourage any behaviors and/or practices that would endanger the health & well-being of teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents/guardians & spectators, regardless of the behavior of others.

  5. Parents/guardians & their guests will not, under any circumstances, participate in physical violence or threats of physical violence before, during or after any game or practice.

  6. Parents/guardians & their guests will refrain from the possession and/or use of alcohol, illegal drugs & tobacco during any CGYBA event.

  7. Parents/guardians & their guests will be support coaches & officials to ensure a positive & enjoyable experience for all, including being a respectful fan & promoting a healthy & safe environment.

  8. Parents/guardians are responsible for providing and/or arranging transportation to practices & games for their child.

  9. Parents/guardians are responsible for timely & appropriate notification of absences from practices & games to the head coach and/or assistant coaches of the team as determined by the coaching staff.  Unexcused and/or continual absences from practices or games will result in not starting the subsequent game(s) as directed by league rules & regulations.

  10. Violation of this conduct code or continued unacceptable behavior during CGYBA events will result in action taken as directed by league policy, including (but not limited to) removal from venues, dismissal from the league and/or law enforcement involvement.

  11. Parents/guardians & their guests will remember that the game is for youth, not adults.

  12. Parents/guardians & their guests will make every effort to make youth sports fun for their child & their teammates. 


  1.  All rules & regulations associated with Carlisle Area School District (CASD) will apply during all Carlisle Girls Youth Basketball Association (CGYBA) events, including practices, games, clinics, tournaments & other special events.

  2. Coaches are required to obtain & update the necessary volunteer background clearances as directed by CASD.

  3. Coaches will demonstrate positive sportsmanship & supportive encouragement to all players.

  4. Coaches will be humble in victory & gracious in defeat.

  5. Coaches will demonstrate respect & courtesy to all players, coaches, parents/guardians & spectators, regardless of the behavior of others. Coaches will also demonstrate respect for officials, in part by accepting their judgements and/or decisions. Insulting comments, arguing, verbal abuse, inappropriate gestures & profanity will not be tolerated.

  6. Coaches will not encourage any behaviors and/or practices that would endanger the health & well-being of teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents/guardians & spectators, regardless of the behavior of others.

  7. Coaches will refrain from the possession and/or use of alcohol, illegal drugs & tobacco during any CGYBA event.

  8. Coaches will have a basic knowledge of the game of basketball.  Coaches will teach proper basketball skills & techniques to their players, appropriate for their age & ability.

  9. Coaches will become familiar with league rules & regulations, assisting in making recommendations for changes where deemed appropriate.  Coaches will impress on their players that they must abide by the rules & regulations of the game.

  10. Coaches will enthusiastically support & practice the “Everyone Plays” & “Positive Coaching” philosophies of CGYBA.

  11. Coaches will be reasonable in their demands on the young player’s time, energy, enthusiasm & performance.  Coaches will keep informed about sound coaching principles, growth & development principles of children.

  12. Coaches will set a good example & be generous with their praise when it is deserved.  Player’s should never be yelled at and/or ridiculed for making mistakes or losing a game.  Children need a coach they can respect.

  13. Coaches will respect & follow the advice of a physician in determining when an injured child is ready to play again.

  14. Violation of this conduct code or continued unacceptable behavior during CGYBA events will result in action taken as directed by league policy, including (but not limited to) removal from venues and/or dismissal from the league.

  15. Coaches will remember that the game is for youth, not adults.

  16. Most important, coaches will make every effort to make youth sports fun for all players.