Mission Statement

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Our goal is to train our young athletes to the best of our abilities and to help them achieve the most beneficial rewards the sport has to offer.
We feel these benefits include the reward of dedication, pursued through determination.
We feel it includes the lessons learned through realizing how hard work pays off both physically and mentally.
We feel it also includes discipline, respect for authority, self control, a good work ethic, good sportsmanship, team support, a positive attitude and compliance to the rules.

The child’s character is just as important as their development as a wrestler.
Therefore, we will not condone a win at all costs attitude nor will we tolerate bad sportsmanship. 
Life lessons from wrestling can help a child’s mental self-confidence, physical development and overall self-image.
We will do this by giving your kids the keys to victory and outlining the path to success, without the cost of integrity.
Wrestling is considered an individual sport, but includes many benefits of team sports.
The individual nature of the sport provides an outstanding opportunity for your child to develop a sense of responsibility and self esteem while learning the relationship between effort and achievement.
Some other benefits your child will learn are flexibility, coordination and strength all while having fun!
Wrestling is the best sport for overall physical development because it involves all muscle groups and requires the greatest balance of athletic skill.

We take the responsibilities of our influence on the kids very seriously.