Uplifting Advice for Parents
  • Don't make plans from November 1st through March.  You'll either be at practice, a tournament, driving someone somewhere or washing sweat soaked smelly clothes.
  • Be prepared ...tournaments run ALL DAY LONG.  Bring a cushion to sit on, a book to read and some snacks.
  • Yes, it does cost $80 for a pair of wrestling shoes that never leave the gym.
  • Don't laugh the first time you see your child in a singlet.
  • On a tournament day, make sure you have found the closest bathrooms so you can run to use them before and after your childs match.  You also might want to bring some Rolaids...you'll know why when the season starts!
  • Make sure your camera is ready to go...the batteries are charged and you have enough video tape left.  The last thing you want is to be recording your childs match and run out of tape...especially while your child is winning!!
  • Video Taping Etiquette  - DO NOT YELL TO YOUR CHILD WHILE TAPING A MATCH...he can't hear you, really!!  He can't even hear the coach who is sitting mat side yet you think they are going to hear you from the stands?  Not happening.  The worst thing is going home to watch that awesome wrestling match and all you hear is yourself YELLING like a crazy person.  Its not good...trust me, I know from experience!
  • I'm not sure who is in charge of weigh-ins but your child will always have to wrestle someone who is a foot taller and about 10pds heavier...and growls.  Its a fact.

  • Sit with other moms and dads...its helps to have their support when you want to run out onto the mat due to injury or to attack an official.

  • If your son is in a headlock, his face is starting to turn colors and you can tell he is saying " I can't breathe", just know that if he can talk, he can breathe...so sit back down, he's fine.

  • During wrestling season you will save money on groceries but when the season ends, just make sure your pantry and fridge is stocked up!  Your child will eat non-stop for 48hrs.

As a parent, you will never fully understand how your gentle, sweet child could possibly love to wrestle...to be stretched and twisted in ways nature never intended...but he does. 
Be happy when they win, supportive when they lose and we will do it all again next season!!



A Wrestler's Biggest Fan

by Jo Ann Innis

That's my little boy by Mat two . . .
He's on deck;
He's the one that tries to look so confident,
While I sit here a wreck.

I sit here watching nervously,
Biting my nails and shaking in my seat;
Praying for a victory,
And not a quick defeat.

Please don't let him be hurt,
please let him be all right;
after all this is why he practices so hard,
Almost every night.

I'll just suffer through it,
and give him my support;
wondering why sometimes,
He ever chose this sport.

But when it's finally over,
and he makes it through "the three";
nothing can beat the look on his face,
that look of VICTORY!

The look that says, "I did it, hey mom did you see?"
And when the ref holds up his hand I know why he chose this sport;
and when the victory goes the other way,
I still give him my support.

There's always a next time as long as you try,
A mom never fails so say,
"You're always a champion in my eyes, son,"
"And you will always be that way."

A mom is a wrestler's biggest fan,
she knows what's in his heart;
she know his dedication,
And how he tries so hard.

It's hard for a mom to sit and watch,
as her son gets pinned;
and it's hard not to get emotional,
as you watch your baby win.

Seeing his eyes search for you,
while you're sitting in the stands;
Making sure you saw his every move turn out,
just the way he had planned.

Because every wrestler knows,
that mom is his biggest fan!


The Wrestling Parent


Parents in wrestling are courageous -- it's true;

They feel all the pain that their boy must go through.

At home, when he diets, they wish it could stop,

Yet know he must do it to stay on top,

Excuses for losing they will never endure,
Don't blame the ref, son, because of the score.
The coach, he will show you the best way to move,
Keep working in practice if you want to improve.

At dual meets you'll see them whispering a prayer,
As their boy must compete with no one else there.
Whatever the outcome, Mom cheers with deep pride,
While Dad, you will notice, stands right by his side.

They'll drive to a tournament; many miles away,
To witness a son who's prepared for this day.
Their boy, he has trained, with all of his might,
Having hopes of becoming a champion tonight.

But should he fall short, in his corner you'll find,
A Mother and a Father, supportive and kind.
They teach that through wrestling he'll learn about life,
Yes, living is filled with both triumph and strife.

Now if you are searching for people who care,
Just look by a mat, they'll always be there.
Such love for the sport is truly inherent,
That's why we salute, The Wrestling Parent!


author unknown

*How to prevent skin diseases - Learn how to prevent skin conditions.

*Wrestling Glossary 
- You will find all wrestling terms and moves all broken down for parents and kids to understand.

 Parents Guide to Youth Wrestling - A great source of information about the sport of wrestling