While we do keep score in this division, and there are winners and losers of games, the emphasis here should not be on the winning or losing of a game but in the development of attitude, good sportsmanship and skill. This is where players learn how to react to winning or losing a game, to making mistakes, what it means to be on a TEAM and how to love the GAME, not the score. Attitude of coaches and parents at this level is critical for the rest of their lives.

1) Games are 5 innings long. All games will be a maximum of 2 hours 20 minutes long. If games start late they will still end 2 hours 20 minutes from the original scheduled start time. The end time does not change. If a game is not completed at the end of regulation time then the score will revert back to the last full inning played. However, if in the last playable inning (does not have to be the open inning), Home team ties or takes the lead then the game does not revert back to the last full inning played. The game will continue until the time limit. If a game is called due to rain, field conditions, darkness, etc. then 3 full innings will be considered a full game.

2) There is free and unlimited substitution at the beginning of each inning except for the pitcher (rule # 18). 

3) Defensive team can have 10 players on the field at a time. The 10th player must play in the outfield.

4) A team needs 6 players to play an official game. There is a 15 minute grace period but if there are 6 players at game time then the game will start on time. Players arriving late to a game (no matter what inning) will be placed at the bottom of the batting order. If a team has less than 6 players it forfeits the game. Teams are then to even up with players and play a scrub game.

5) All players are in the batting order.

6) There are no restrictions on bat size/weight for this division. Wood bats are permitted.

7) For the first offence of a batter throwing a bat (umpire's call) the batter will be called out and given a warning. If the batter does it a second time during the game they will be called out and ejected from the game. If a bat (or any equipment) is thrown in anger it will be an automatic ejection for that player. 

8) Three outs end an inning.

9) There is a maximum of 5 runs per inning with the exception of the last inning, which is "open". You must get 3 outs to end the last inning.

10) Runners cannot lead off or steal a base until the ball reaches the batter.

11) There is no stealing from 1st to 2nd. Players can steal from 2nd to 3rd. There is no stealing from 3rd to Home.

12) There is no stealing of any base when the coach is pitching. Players are allowed to steal from 2nd to 3rd when the pitcher is pitching. A player can only make the attempt to steal when the pitch reaches the batter.

13) The rule of NO STEALING HOME. 

If a player, on a hit, is running to third and there is an overthrow at third then the runner can make the attempt to go home as long as they have not STOPPED on or past third . This is not a steal but a continuation of play. Sliding into third is considered a stop. If a player is STOPPED ON THIRD the only way they can get home is by a hit ball or, if the bases are loaded, the batter is hit by a pitchers pitch. If a player rounds third base then comes to a stop he is considered STOPPED at third. A player cannot round third then stop to wait to see where the play will be. Once a player stops they must go back to third. The player must make it back to third without being put out. If a player rounds third and gets caught in a rundown (WITHOUT STOPPING) then play will continue and the rundown will be played out.    

14) If a batter hits the ball into the outfield the runner(s) must stop at the base they are on, or on their way to, once the ball arrives back in the infield. The ball does not have to be caught in the infield it only has to touch the infield for the runners to stop on their base. On an outfield hit the batter is allowed to round first and make the attempt to go to second. Outfield for this age group is when the ball hits the ground past the bases/baseline.

15) On an infield hit the batter must stop at first base. Other runners also only get one base. This allows the fielders the opportunity to learn how to throw to the bases without being penalized for overthrows, etc. Infield for this age group is when the ball touches the ground before or on the bases/baseline. Once the ball hits the ground infield it does not matter how far out it rolls, bounces, etc. to the outfield, it is still considered an infield hit.

16) All pitchers must pitch from the 9U pitching rubber - not ahead of or behind it. If a pitcher is comfortable pitching from the 11U rubber they may do so.

17) If a pitcher hits three batters in a game then they must be removed from the mound and cannot pitch again for the remainder of the game.

18) Pitchers can only pitch 2 innings per game. MUST BE CONSECUTIVELY. One pitch constitutes an inning pitched.

19) Catchers/coaches must wear a helmet and mask when warming up a pitcher.

20) Double eared flap helmets  must be worn by players at bat, on deck or on the bases.

21) We do encourage the coach to involve the parents into helping out on the field, etc. However, only a maximum of FOUR coaches/helpers are to be in (around) the dugout or on the field at any given time. This is less confusing for the players and they will learn to know who they should be listening to instead of having an overabundance of people telling them what to do.

22) One of these four coaches/helpers is permitted in the outfield to guide and encourage defensive players. **This is for regular season only, not during playoffs.**

The rule is designed so that there will be no walks during games. Player pitchers pitch to a batter until the batter gets to a 4 ball count. As soon as that happens one of the batter's coaches (usually the 3rd or 1st base coach) runs out to the mound to pitch (NOT LOB the ball) to the batter. The PLAYER PITCHER MUST STAND WITHIN FIVE FEET on either side of the coach as the coach pitches. As soon as that batter is done the coach runs back to his position and the normal player pitcher then begins pitching to the next batter.

When coaches come in to pitch there will be a 5 PITCH MAXIMUM (including foul balls). The pitching coach must pitch from the 11U rubber standing upright (not kneeling, squatting or crouching). Pitching coaches must pitch overhand NOT underhand. The batter is not allowed to bunt when the coach is pitching.

If the pitching coach hits a batter with a pitch, the batter is not automatically given first base. The pitch is just considered as one of the 5 coach pitches.

If the pitching coach throws a pitch that is not a strike it is simply called a no pitch and the count remains at four balls and the coach pitches again. If the count is four balls and two strikes and the pitching coach throws a strike (swinging or called by the umpire) then the batter is out. If, after the 5th coach pitch, the batter has not hit the ball or has not been called out with 3 strikes the batter is automatically out. 

If the batter gets a hit when the coach is pitching then the pitching coach must make every attempt to immediately get off the playing field in order not to interfere with the play. If an umpire feels the pitching coach has interfered with the play then the batter may be called out.

It's not easy for coaches to pitch to the batters. They have a tendency to try to throw TOO EASY to their batters. This results in a slow arc pitch (lob) coming in to the batters.  It's very hard to throw strikes down the middle to these small players but when pitching try to keep your speed up enough so the ball comes in on a fairly straight line. It will make it easier for your batters to hit. Have fun and good luck.

24) If you are short players instead of forfeiting a game the coach can call up/call over players from your division or the division below. A CALL UP/CALL OVER MUST BE PLACED LAST IN THE BATTING ORDER. CALL UPS/CALL OVERS CANNOT PITCH but they can catch. You can only call up/call over enough players for a fielding team of ten. If you call up/call over more players then they have to sit out unless a player from the regular team is, for some reason, unable to continue the game. Only house league players NOT Rep players can be called up/called over. You cannot call up/call over a player if it is going to interfere with their house league schedule or practices. Sometimes a player you were not expecting shows up unexpectedly. Please discuss this with the opposing coach as it is a bit unfair to tell a call up/call over they are no longer needed. COACHES ARE TO NOTIFY THE OPPOSING COACH, BEFORE THE GAME, WHO THEIR CALL UPS/CALL OVERS ARE. 

25) An AVOID CONTACT rule is strictly enforced. Base runners must make every attempt to not have any contact with fielders on plays at the bases/home plate. On accidental contact the runner MAY BE ruled out, on contact ruled intentional or negligent the runner is ruled out and is out of the game. Contact ruled intentional may lead to game suspensions. At no time are fielders/catchers allowed blocking the bases/plate. This includes straddling or standing with both feet on the bases/plate.

26) ONLY ONE COACH PER TEAM IS ALLOWED TO ASK THE UMPIRES ABOUT A CALL. That coach is to be named before the game begins when Coaches and Captains are called to the plate. Players are not to be named as the person to approach the umpires. If a non-named coach or player approaches the umpires it is an automatic ejection. If the named coach is ejected that team has lost the right to have a coach approach the umpires. Coaches will only be permitted to cross the foul lines to assess and/or assist injured players or ask for a ruling clarification. No player, coach, manager, trainer or any other team rep shall address an umpire to debate/question a judgment call by an official. This will result in an automatic ejection.

27) If a game has a tied score at the end of regulation play then the game stays a tie game.

28) Catchers rule is in effect to speed up the game. If a catcher is on base and there are two outs they are to be replaced by the player who made the last out so that the catcher can get their gear on.

29) Shorts, tights, yoga pants, etc. are  not permitted. Players must wear ball pants or sweat pants.

30) A protection cup (boys) or a jill (girls) must be worn at all times during games or practices.

31) No jewelry is to be worn except for medic alert.

32) No tobacco products (smoking) allowed on the field or in/around the dugouts.

33) All players /coaches are asked to pick up any garbage in or around their dugout at the end of each game.

Violations of house league rules could result in a forfeit game score. House rules take precedence over BNS/ Baseball Canada rules.

35) If an umpire deems that a team/coach/player(s) have deliberately delayed (or slowed down) a game so the score will revert back to the last full inning played then the umpire will immediately notify us after the game at  sackvilleminorbaseball@outlook.com The coach will be notified with a warning and should it happen again the offending team will have the score posted as a forfeit game.

36) We ask that everyone follow the FAIR PLAY policy.