1) Games are 6 innings long. All games will be a maximum of 2 hours 20 minutes long. If games start late they will still finish 2 hours 20 minutes from the original scheduled start time. The end time does not change. If a game is not completed at the end of regulation time the score will revert back to the last full inning played. However, if in the last playable inning (does not have to be the open inning), Home team ties or takes the lead the score will not revert back to the last full inning played. The game will continue until the time limit.
If, during a game, the umpire(s) make the decision to call the game due to rain and field conditions then the final score will be taken after 4 complete innings or 3 and a half if Home team is ahead.

2) There is a limit of 4 runs per inning except for the last inning which is open (must get 3 outs).

3) If a game has a tied score at the end of regulation play then the game stays a tie game.

4) The 10 run mercy rule is in effect after 5 innings of play (4 and a half if home team is leading).

5) Teams must have at least 7 players to start an official game, 15 minutes grace is allowed but if 7 players are present at game time the game will start on time. Players that come late to a game (no matter what inning it is) are allowed to play and are just added to the end of the batting order. If a team does not have 7 players the game is a forfeit. Teams are asked to then even up and play a scrub game.

6) All players are in the batting order and everyone must play a minimum of 3 innings unless the game is shortened for whatever reason (weather, time limit, etc.)

7) Bat size for this division shall not be more than 32 inches in length, no more than 2 3/4 inches in barrel diameter and have a weight /length differential of no more than -10. Wood bats are permitted with no restrictions.

8) For the first offence of a batter throwing a bat (umpires call) the batter will be called out and given a warning. If the batter does it a second time during the game they will be called out and ejected from the game. If a bat (or any equipment) is thrown in anger it will be an automatic ejection for the player.

9) There is unlimited and free substitution at the beginning of each inning except for the pitcher (rules #10-13). 

10) PITCH COUNT   Daily pitches   1-30    no rest

                                                         31-45     1 day rest

                                                         46-60     2 days rest

                                                         61-75     3 days rest

                                                         76-85     4 days rest

                                                         daily maximum 85 pitches

One days rest is considered midnight to midnight. Please check the BNS handbook section 10 for further clarification on the pitch count rules.

11) If a player pitches in a game they cannot catch in that game but if a player catches first in a game then they can pitch in the same game.

12) Overage players are NOT ALLOWED to pitch or catch. There is a maximum of only 2 overage players permitted on a team. Only one year overage is permitted.

13) Catchers rule is in effect to speed up the game. If a catcher is on base with two outs they are to be replaced by the batter who made the last out so the catcher can get their gear on.

14) If there is a third strike dropped ball the batter is automatically out. They may not make the attempt to steal first.

15) No jewelry to be worn except for medic alert bracelets.

16) An AVOID CONTACT rule is in effect. Base runners must make every attempt to not have any contact with fielders on plays at the bases/home plate. On accidental contact the runner MAY BE ruled out. On contact ruled intentional or negligent the runner is ruled out and is out of the game. Contact ruled intentional or negligent may lead to game suspensions. At no time are fielders/catchers allowed blocking the bases/plate. This includes straddling or standing with both feet on the bases/plate.

17) A protective cup (boys) or a jill (girls) must be worn by all players during games or practices. 

18) Double ear flap helmets  are to be worn while on deck, at bat or on the bases.

19) Shorts, tights, yoga pants, etc. are not permitted. All players must wear ball pants or sweat pants.

20) A helmet and mask are to be worn by players/coaches warming up the pitcher.

21) Lead-offs and stealing is allowed. Consequently balks will be called at the discretion of the umpire(s).

22) If you are short players instead of forfeiting a game the coach can call up/call over players from  your division or the division below. You can only call up/call over enough players for a fielding team of ten. CALL UPS/CALL OVERS MUST BE PLACED LAST IN THE BATTING ORDER. CALL UPS/CALL OVERS CANNOT PITCH but they can catch. If you call up/call over more players (fielding team of 10) then they have to sit out unless a player from the regular team is, for some reason, unable to continue the game. Only house league players NOT Rep players can be called up/called over. You cannot call up/call over a player if it going to interfere with their house league schedule or practices. Sometimes a player who you weren't expecting shows up unexpectedly. Please discuss this with the opposing coach as it is a bit unfair to have a call up/call over being told they are no longer needed. COACHES ARE TO NOTIFY THE OPPOSING COACH, BEFORE THE GAME, WHO THEIR CALL UPS/CALL OVERS ARE.**** DURING PLAYOFFS YOU CAN ONLY CALL UP PLAYERS FROM THE 11U DIVISION. YOU CANNOT CALL OVER PLAYERS FROM THE 13U DIVISION****

23) There is a maximum of only 4 coaches/helpers on the field or in (around) the dugout during a game.

24) ONLY ONE COACH PER TEAM IS ALLOWED TO ASK THE UMPIRES ABOUT A CALL. That coach is to be named before the game begins when Coaches and Captains are called to the plate. Players are not to be named as the person to approach the umpires. If a non-named coach or player approaches the umpires it is an automatic ejection. If the named coach is ejected that team has lost the right to have a coach approach the umpires. Coaches will only be permitted to cross the foul lines to assess and/or assist injured players or ask for a ruling clarification. No player, coach, manager, trainer or any other team rep shall address an umpire to debate/question a judgement call by an official. This will result in an automatic ejection.

25) There will be no tobacco products (smoking) on the field or around the dugouts.

26) All players/coaches are asked to pick up any garbage in or around their dugout at the end of each game.

Violations of house league rules could result in a forfeit game score. House rules take precedence over BNS/ Baseball Canada rules.

28) If an umpire deems that a team/coach/player(s) have deliberately delayed (or slowed down) a game so the score will revert back to the last full inning played then the umpire will immediately notify us after the game at  sackvilleminorbaseball@outlook.com  The coach will be notified with a warning and should it happen again the offending team will have the score posted as a forfeit game.

29) It is the responsibility of the Home team to email (or call 865-5586) scores in within 24 hours after a game to sackvilleminorbaseball@outlook.com

30) It is the responsibility of Home team (contact your association) to reschedule any make up games. Field time in most areas is limited so try to do the best you can. Only games that are rained out (field conditions) or canceled due to a tournament (maximum 2 games) etc. will be rescheduled. Games that are canceled due to not enough players, coaches, etc. will be posted as a forfeit. If you need to cancel a game please let me (Christine) know in plenty of time. When you do reschedule a game please let me know so it can be posted in the Home page on the website. This way coaches who are rescheduling games can check so there will be no conflicts. When another coach or myself contact you with a rescheduled game and your team is unable to make it then the game will be posted as a forfeit. Try to give five days notice for a make up game. There will be some exceptions like don't reschedule a make up on a long weekend.

31) Any team can apply to go into Provincials. Due to the fact that our playoffs begin around mid August, teams who enter Provincials teams must decide whether they want to participate in playoffs or Provincials. They cannot do both.

32) Game protests will not be accepted during regular season play. This is only for playoffs IF NEEDED. A protest can be made for things, such as an illegal player/pitcher or rule, which could result in a win/loss situation. A protest cannot be made for judgment calls such as safe/out. The protest must be made before the game or immediately upon realizing a protest needs to be made during the game. The protesting coach must inform the umpires and the opposing coach of the reason for the protest. Once a protest is made known, but not resolved, the game will start/continue. On completion of the game the protesting coach must immediately email sackvilleminorbaseball@outlook.com the reason for the protest, the umpires names, the team names/field involved and the name of the opposing coach. In the event of an illegal player being used, but not known until after the game, the opposing coach has 24 hours, from the start time of the game, to email the pertinent info. Upon review of the protest, by the protest committee, the game could result in a forfeit score. Please remember that this is recreational baseball. A formal protest should only be used as a last resort as issues during the game can normally be resolved on the field.

33) We ask that everyone follow the FAIR PLAY policy.