Dear Business Owner,


 The Dacusville Recreation department has some exciting plans.

 Some of these include:

 - Updating our facilities

 - Hosting instructional camps for all sports

 - Hosting community events to promote growth

 - Giving back to the community


 We can’t do this without you!


What can you do to make a difference in Dacusville and the surrounding area?


Become a Sponsor  







Annual Sponsorship Form




             Gold                    $300                                Company Name and contact information on respective sport Jersey PLUS  Large banner on outfield fence or in gym




            Silver                    $200                                 Banner on outfield fence or in gym




           Bronze                  $100                                 Logo included on general sponsors banner in outfield or gym





Sponsorship Level           _______________________








 Business          __________________________________                     Email       ______________________________






Phone               _______________________                     Name      ________________________________








Please Contact us at 864-238-1623 and send banner artwork to



 Thank you for supporting our Dacusville athletes !