Subscribe to our NewsletterCoaches : How to Report Scores & Pitch Counts
Coaches : Please review the PDF for instructions on how to report scores and pitch counts.
Instructions on Reporting Scores & Pitch Counts
Passwords were provided in your coaches folders. Home Team is responsible to report the score and counts.
We have never had a problem with coaches reporting scores timely. It is easy to do from your phones, so our best practice recommendation is to do before you leave the fields, but please enter them no later than 12:00pm the following day.
Another best practice suggestion for player pitch leagues is to confirm pitch counts with the opposing coach at the end of each half inning. Then double check the totals by pitcher at the end of the game.
Finally, if a player hits a home run over the fence, please text Caitlin Morgan 812-484-6888 to update the Home Run Club. Our players love to see their name on the web page, so include any notes like "Grand Slam", "Walk Off", "Into the Lake", etc.
Thank you for all you do!