Recreational Curling League Bylaws


1.1 Purpose – These Bylaws relate to the general conduct of affairs of the Edmonton Garrison Recreation Curling League.


2.1 Player eligibility will be as follows:

A. All military and DND employees and Associate Mess members stationed to 3 CDSB Edmonton are eligible to participate;

B. League is co-ed, both genders may play on the same team;

C. All teams must submit a nominal roll prior to the commencement of the season;

D. Players listed on a team roster are to play primarily for that ream. On an emergency basis, a player may fill-in for another team (preferably within their unit);

2.2 Playoff eligibility

A.During playoffs, teams must stay within their roster, rule 2.1.D does not apply. Players must be on the roster submitted at the commencement of the season.


3.1 The league games shall be conducted in accordance with the current Canadian Curling Association and Alberta Curling Association Rules. 

A. Game duration will be 8 ends or 2 hours of play, whichever comes first. If tied at the conclusion of 8 ends or 2 hours the game remains tied.

3.2 Dress and Etiquette

A. Footwear must be changed at the rink from street shoes/boots to proper curling footwear;

B. Must adhere to proper use of equipment:

i. Do not chip ice when releasing stone;

ii. Do not hit hack with rocks; and

iii. Do not impede vision when opposing team is throwing.

3.3 Schedule and Standings

A. Schedule will be prepared and distributed by the PSP Military Sports Department and/or League Executive;

B. If a team has three defaults during the regular season, that team shall be dropped from the league. A team that cannot make a game due to military commitments must contact the opposing team and the PSP Military Sport Coordinator to cancel and/or reschedule the game. This will not count as default. If the game cannot be rescheduled, the team that cancelled will take a loss.

C. Points for stats will be awarded as follows:

Win: 2 points;
Tie: 1 points;
Loss: 0 point; and
Forfeit:  0 points

D. Playoff format will be produced by the Military Sports Department and/or League Executive.


4.1 Curling fees will be determined prior to each season by the PSP Manager. Civilians will be notified of the cost prior to the commencement of the league.