Edmonton Garrison Hockey League Bylaws


1.1   Purpose – These Bylaws relate to the general conduct of affairs of the Edmonton Garrison Hockey League. 


2.1   Positions

A. President
B. Vice President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Referee-In-Chief
F. Statistician
G. Military Sport Coordinator
H. League Scheduler
I. Team Representatives
J. Protest and Discipline Committee

All Positions: All positions (a through h) will be made up of military members of PSP staff. Each position will be appointed prior to each season, and if the position remains vacant, then the position can be filled by election at the pre-season meeting (AGM).

Teams: Team representatives will consist of the following:

i. Contact for the Unit (Sports O or representative)
ii. Contact for each team participating in the EGHL

Protest and Discipline Committee: This Committee will rule on all protest and discipline matters. It will consist of a minimum of three positions (a through h), and all decisions made by the Committee will be final.


3.1   Player eligibility and Participation:

A.  All military personnel are eligible to participate in the EGHL for their unit team.  DND civilian members are not eligible to participate, as noted in the CANFORGEN;

B. A maximum of thirty (30) personnel can be associated with each team roster.  Each team roster cannot have the same personnel on two (2) or more different rosters for that unit;

C. All teams must submit a nominal roll  for each unit team in each division prior to the commencement of the season;

D. The exception to this rule is for any garrison team participating in the EGHL.  Personnel participating in the EGHL on a garrison team can also be on the roster for their unit team.  Personnel are allowed to participate in any division for their unit, but once that player has played four (4) games within a certain division that player will be deemed to belong to that division;

E. Goalies are the exception to this rule, as they can play in any division for their unit’s team. Goalies must still register with a team to be able to play.

3.2   Team Augmentation

A. To avoid game forfeitures, due to an unforecasted shortage of players, personnel within a unit may play for their unit teams up a division but not down.  More specifically, a player in C Division may augment their unit team in B or A Division; and, a player in B Division may augment their unit team in A Division.  However, a player in B Division cannot play in C Division, nor can a player in A Division play in either B or C Division. 

B. Personnel called up must be placed on the game sheet with AP (affiliate player) noted beside their name.  This augmentation is meant to be an exception, to avoid game forfeitures, opposed to the norm.

C. Once a player has played four (4) games within a certain division that player will be deemed to belong to that division

3.3   Playoff eligibility

A. During playoffs, teams must stay within their roster. Players must be on the roster submitted at the commencement of the season.

B. All unit personnel are eligible to participate in the playoffs if they have played four (4) games for their unit in the regular season. 

C. Personnel can be called up from a lower division team to participate in a higher division if required.  Personnel called up must be placed on the game sheet with AP (affiliate player) noted beside their name. As mentioned in by-law 3.2C, if they play four (4) games in the playoffs they are now part of that team’s roster for the remainder of that team’s playoffs. 

D. Goalies are the exception to this rule only if a team’s regular goalie is unavailable for legitimate reasons.

E. Garrison players are also an exception to this rule, and they may play for their unit with the following guidelines:

3.3.E.1 Players must be a registered garrison player (Men’s, Old Timers, Women’s);

3.3.E.2 Men’s and Old Timers players are only eligible to participate in the A division; and

3.3.E.3 All eligibility issues will be referred to the Protest and Discipline committee for review and final decision.


4.1   The EGHL will conduct play in accordance with the current Hockey Canada Rulebook.  The EGHL will abide by all annual changes made by Hockey Canada. In accordance with the official rules, the EGHL is entitled to make adjustments to playing rules in order to enhance game play and player safety. All adjustments will be covered in the EGHL by-laws. Any rules not covered in these by-laws are captured within the Hockey Canada Rule Book.

4.2   Player Equipment

All players in the EGHL will wear the proper protective equipment as set out by Hockey Canada and the CAF National Sports Rulebook. Highlights to these rules are the following:

A. CSA Helmet with full cage; and

B. BNQ neck guard

If a player is found to not to be wearing the proper protective equipment while on the ice (this includes warm up) the player will be given a minor penalty for illegal equipment.  If the player returns to the ice and had not corrected the deficiency after the infraction, they will be given a game misconduct.  If a player is found to be wearing any protective equipment improperly, they along with their team will be given one (1) warning. Any further violation of this rule by any players on the team will be assessed a misconduct.

4.3   Goalie Equipment

All goalies in the EGHL will wear the proper protective equipment as set out by Hockey Canada and the CAF National Sports Rulebook.  Highlights to these rules are the following:

A. CSA Helmet with CSA cage (No Cats Eyes);

B. BNQ neck guard; and

C. Plastic throat protector

Violation of these rules will result in the same consequence as listed under Player Equipment (Bylaw 3.2). The exception to this rule will be that no goalie will serve a minor penalty or misconduct. If a goalie does not have the proper protective equipment, then the goalie’s team will forfeit the game, resulting in a win for the non-offending team.

4.4   EGHL Divisions

The EGHL will consist of A, B, & C divisions. All units will be encouraged to have maximum participation throughout the EGHL.  Units will not be directed as to which division they must participate in, but the following is a general participation guideline for the upcoming season:

A. A Division (Total: 7): 1VP, 3VP, LdSH(RC), 1 CER, 1 Svc Bn, HQ & Sigs Sqn, Base Old Timers Team;

B. B Division (Total: 10): 1VP, 3VP, LdSH(RC), 1 CER, 1 Svc Bn, MP, 408 THS, Base Cooks, 1 Fd Amb, 3 CDSG; and,

C. C Division (Total: 8): 3VP, 1 CER, 1 Svc Bn, HQ & Sigs Sqn, 408 THS, 1 Fd    Amb, 3 Cdn Div HQ, Garrison Women’s Team.

All units must confirm their unit’s participation in each division no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the season. This timeline ensures ample time to put together the season game schedule.  All confirmations must be sent via email to the Military Sports Office from each unit Sports O.  Once the league has commenced, only the Military Sport Coordinator or Assistant Military Sports Coordinator can make changes to the Schedule.

4.5   Team Composition

Teams must have a minimum of seven (7) players to start a game and can have a maximum of twenty (20) players (including goalies) plus five (5) team officials on the bench. If a team has seven (7) players to start the game but no goalie they have the following options:

A. Wait for the goalie.  He must be on the ice ready to play by the end of the first period. For every five (5) mins that passes on the game clock a goal will be awarded to the non-offending team until the goalie is on the ice. Also, the offending team will be given a bench minor penalty for delay of game once play starts

B. The team can play with six players.  They would not receive a minor for delay of game; however, their goalie must be on the ice by the end of the first period or they will lose by default

C. Forfeiture.  If the goalie does not arrive by the end of the first period the non-offending team wins by default with a score of 4-0.

4.6   Game Play Rules and Guidelines

A. The EGHL is a non-body checking league in all divisions;

B. Each team is permitted one (1) time-out per game;

C. Teams are not allowed to call time-outs if they are waiting for their goalie to arrive at the game;

D. Each game will have a three (3) min warm up;

E.  Ice resurfacing will happen every two (2) periods.  There is a possibility to skip the scheduled resurfacing but that decision resides with the arena staff at that game.  It is not recommended but an option.

F. If a regular season game is tied at the end of regulation, a 3-person shoot out will take place. If after the 3-person shoot out the teams are still tied, then they will go to a one-for-one shoot out until one team wins. All players on the team must shoot once. If all the players on one team have shot, then each player is eligible to shoot again in any order. Once one team has gone through their game roster, both teams can send a shooter for a second shot in any order.

G. If a playoff game is tied at the end of regulation, a 4th period will be played. The ice will not be resurfaced, and the teams will not switch ends. The period will be ten (10) mins stop time. If the game is still tied at the end of the 4th period, then the ice will be resurfaced and the teams will switch ends and continue to play twenty (20) mins stop time until there is a winner. The ice will be resurfaced every two (2) periods during overtime.

H. All teams are expected to be at the rink and prepared to start fifteen (15) mins prior to their scheduled start time. The exception to this is rule is the first game of the day as teams are expected to start on time.

I. At the beginning of each game the time on the clock will read twenty-four (24) mins and will start running when both goalies are on the ice or the schedule game time. At the twenty-one (21) min mark the whistle or clock will sound and players must pick up their pucks and be ready for the opening face-off.

J. Game play will consist of 3 x 20min straight time periods with the last five (5) mins of the 3rd period being stop time, if the goal difference is four (4) or less. If at any time during the stop time period the goal difference is five (5) or more the clock will turn to straight time upon the scoring of the fifth (5th) goal. If the goal difference becomes four (4) or less then the clock will stop upon the scoring of the goal. If a penalty is called during straight time it will be a straight time penalty. If a penalty is called during stop time it will be a stop time penalty.

K. Penalty times are as follows:

Straight time Minor = 3 mins;
Straight time Major = 7 mins;
Stop time Minor = 2 mins; and
Stop time Major = 5 mins

L. All face-offs following penalties will be in the offending team’s zone at one of the face-off spots or as designated by the referee, as per Hockey Canada Jr and Sr supplement rules.

M. Head Contact will be called as per Hockey Canada Jr and Sr supplement rules.

4.7   Suspensions

The following guidelines are the minimum standards for the following infractions:

A. Misconduct: If assessed in the last ten (10) minutes of the 3rd period, a minimum of one (1) game suspension and league review for repeat offenders;

B. Game misconduct: Minimum one (1) game suspension and league review;

C. Match Penalty: Minimum three (3) game suspension and league review;

D. Gross Misconduct: Minimum five (5) game suspension and league review; and

E. Fighting: Minimum three (3) game suspension (includes misconduct suspension) and league review.

The above criteria is a general guidelines for all teams to follow.  Upon league review, the player in question could potentially receive suspensions above the minimum for his actions, based on the circumstances of the situation. 

4.8   Player Suspension Tracking

A. PSP will be tracking all suspensions nationally, and a suspensions in the EGHL could carry over to the next season anywhere in Canada for military sports;

B. Player suspensions will also carry over to Exercise STRONG CONTENDER, and player suspensions awarded during this exercise will carry over to the regular EGHL season games;

C. All suspensions will be passed on from the Protest and Discipline Committee to the Military Sports office and then on to the unit Sports O and team reps within 24-48 hours;

D. If a player plays while he is suspended, then the offending player will face additional disciplinary actions and the player’s team will automatically forfeit the games played with the suspended player on the ice. Note that a suspended player cannot sit on the bench;

E. Once players are suspended, the team must place the players name on the game sheet for the games he is suspended. The onus is on the player and his team to prove that he has served his suspension. The following is an example of the expected suspension format: Players name Serving 1 of 3.

4.9   Schedule and Standings

A. Teams will be ranked by the total amount of points they have earned during the regular season. If teams do not have the same amount of games (plus or minus 2), then the standings will be based on winning percentage;

B. All playoff series will be a best out of three (3) games. The maximum amount of teams to make the playoffs will be eight (8) per division. Garrison teams are not eligible for the playoffs, but their players are. The following playoff format will apply, based on the amount of teams in each division:

4.9.B.1 Four Teams        

4.9.B.1.1 Round 1:  1st vs. 4th / 2nd vs. 3rd

4.9.B.1.2 Round 2:  Winner of each first round series

4.9.B.2 Five Teams

4.9.B.2.1 One-game playoff:  5th vs. 4th

4.9.B.2.2 Winner of one-game playoff becomes the 4th place team

4.9.B.2.3 Follow four-team format to complete playoffs

4.9.B.3 Six Teams

4.9.B.3.1 Round 1:  6th vs. 3rd / 4th vs. 5th

4.9.B.3.2 Round 2:  Round 1 winner vs. 1st / Round 1 winner vs. 2nd

4.9.B.3.3 Round 3:  Round 2 winner vs. Round 2 winner

4.9.B.4 Seven Teams

4.9.B.4.1 One-game playoff:  7th vs. 6th

4.9.B.4.2 Winner of one-game playoff becomes the 6th place team

4.9.B.4.3 Follow six-team format to complete playoffs

4.9.B.5 Eight Teams

4.9.B.5.1 Round 1:  1st vs. 8th / 2nd vs. 7th / 3rd vs. 6th / 4th vs. 5th

4.9.B.5.2 Round 2:  Round 1 winners – 1st vs. 4th / 2nd vs. 3rd

4.9.B.5.3 Round 3:  Round 2 winner vs. Round 2 winner

C. Points for stats will be awarded as follows:

Win: 3 points;
Shoot-out Win: 2 points;
Shoot-out Loss: 1 point; and
Loss in regulation: 0 points

D. If units are unable to ice a team for a scheduled game, they must inform the Military Sports Office no less than 24 hours prior to game time. Failure to do so will result in a team forfeiture, and the offending unit will be given a warning for a first offence. This warning will be sent to all unit team reps and the offending unit’s CO.  Further game cancellation violations by the same team may result in the removal of the unit’s team from the EGHL for the remainder of the season, as decided by the Protest and Discipline Committee.


5.1   There are no fees to play in the league.