CNOBF 2020 AGM -

Wednesday, August 5th. Started at 9:10 pm EST

Tim Lessard open the meeting stating he sincerely hoped all was well, and stated that everyone including himself misses the game we all love, at which point introduced
Phil Beaudoin to present the CNOBF - 2019/2020 Financial Report - which was accepted by Rich Knight and 2nd by Jim Hambrook (please see below for 2019/2020 Financial Report - and the project CNOBF budget for 2021)

2019 - Business

Tim Lessard introduced Rich Knight to go over the 2019 Winner rewards noting with 2020 CNOBF Tournament Cancelled Due to Covid 19

Rich Knight said that all 2019 winner Rewards will automatically be transferred to the 2021 CNOBF Tournament and an e-mail notification will be sent to all those teams.

Tim Lessard ask all teams on the Conference Call if there was any other 2019 Business - and no other questions came up

On to 2021 Business

President Tim Lessard introduced Gary Foran - Gary and his Team will host the 2021 CNOBF tournament in Halifax - Gary went over that his group is very excited to do so, although he has not received 100 percent notice that all the 5-6 Parks in Halifax have been confirmed.

Gary went on to let all know as soon that everything is confirmed he will inform Tim Lessard / Rich Knight.

Gary will then start working on putting together a list of Hotels and Restaurants in the downtown area also noting there are other plans to make this Tournament a must for all Teams to come and Enjoy the games and night life!

Trevor Freeman who hosted the 2019 offered his support to Gary and other suggestions that would help out with expenses,

(Trevor has also offered his support in trying to search out sponsorships responsibilities )

Rule Suggestion #1 Lowering the CNOBF 35+ Age Category
- After some discussion prior to this Conference Call - it was decided to get a small group one from each Province to discuss the situation noting that it is important that the 35+ has new teams coming into this Age Category for the longevity of the Tournament.

For Example, In Ontario they have reduced their entry age to 33 after noticing that a lot of the Teams in that Age Category have either folded or moved up to the 43+ Division.

This focus group meeting will be set up at the end of October for those involved to come up with possible solutions and then passed on to all 35+ CNOBF teams to vote upon



Rule Suggestion #2

- In the 57+ Age Category, is where this situation probably comes up this most, of the teams get older they will choose to move up a division to compete however they often may leave teammates behind that have supported their club Team for years

So as the Rule stands now the Age rule is 57+ by December 31st of the Playing year, and up to 3 players that are 55+ by December 31 (of which only one and only that one can be eligible to pitch) the Rule change is out of those 3 players that one of the players be 53+ by Dec 31st (HOWEVER that player cannot pitch and that the Team notify the Executive in advance and be highlighted on Roster Sheet)
Brought forward by Gary Duke, accept by Rich Knight and 2nd by Todd Breedon

This rule change will be sent out to all teams that have played in that age category with the last CNOBF cycle (2020 will include 2017 instead) To vote in OR decline,

Tim asked for any other new items - no other items brought forward

Tim wished all to stay healthy and safe

Meeting concluded at 9:33 pm EST







BALANCE:    August 1, 2019-2020                         $4,4948.24


INCOME:       Annual Fees: 2020                              $        0.00


                                    TOTAL:                                 $4,948.24


EXPENSES:   Conference calls                      $          103.89


                        Website Hosting                      $          169.50


                        Shipping                                  $          149.78


                        Hall of Fame Trophies            $          213.68


                        Insurance: Liability                 $              0.00


                        Insurance: Sport Accident       $              0.00


                        Corbetts                                   $       1,151.94


                        Baseballs                                 $       1,850.00



TOTAL:                                                         $       3,638.79


ANNUAL BALANCE:                                 $       1,309.45




Submitted by:

















INCOME:       Annual Balance                                               $ 1,309.45


                        Annual Fees:  33 teams @ $350.00                $11,550.00


                                                TOTAL:                                 $12,859.45



EXPENSES:   Conference Calls                                             $    200.00


                        Website Hosting                                              $    160.00


                        Hall of Fame Awards                                      $    300.00


                        Office Expenses                                              $      25.00


                        President's Expenses                                       $      30.00


                        Insurance                                                         $ 1,700.00  


                        Trophies                                                          $    250.00


                        Award Bats                                                     $    660.00


                        Baseballs (18 dozen)                                       $ 1,170.00


                        Tournament Awards                                        $ 4,200.00


                                    TOTAL:                                             $ 8,695.00


                                    ANNUAL BALANCE:                     $4,200.45