Breaking News

Fall schedules are posted. The league is always looking for new players. New players need to complete the registration form and the insurance waiver form.  

Bruce Harrison, President

Paul Martinelli, Executive Vice President

Jeff Brocious, Secretary

Harry Nerozzi, Treasurer








We are about to start our second season with COVID19 still very much a societal, family, individual and league risk.  As was the case last year, we must have rules and recommendations to protect all those involved with the league.  While NJ residents are rapidly being vaccinated, there are still material safety and health risks presented by the pandemic.  Our revised rules recognize the very positive step of three vaccines being approved and that many of our players have been fully vaccinated.  At the same time, as of the approval of our 2021 rules and recommendations, many of our players are not even age eligible for NJ vaccination, and we anticipate that some players will decide that they do not wish to be vaccinated, which is a choice we must on the one hand respect, and on the other hand hedge against.


Last year's rules and recommendations are a template for this revised set.  In fact, last year's rules were compiled in multiple documents, and we think having just one (at least at the start of the season) is prudent.


Social Contact before, during and after games:

1.  There will be a “no-contact, no-handshake policy” to be observed at every level of the organization until further notice. This includes all physical contact and extends to customary game-related activities, such umpire-coach introductions, and post-game handshakes between members of opposing teams. Instead, staff, players and coaches should verbally “good game,” without shaking hands, high-fiving or fist-bumping.

2. Players will be expected to maintain social distancing before and after the game – and during the game when possible.

3. Managers will be responsible for keeping any sick players or players in quarantine out of the games.

4. If you are sick, do not come to the field.

5. Spectators will be required to maintain social distancing during the games.

Dugout or Sidelines:

6. Keep 6 feet of distance in and out of dugout.  Players will be required to separate and in most cases be in and out of the dugout on the outside of the field fences to maintain space. 

7. Players must stay behind the field fences outside the field of play. 1st base and 3rd base coach are exempt of this rule.

8. The team leaving the dugout/sidelines will need to police the dugout and get rid of trash, especially empty drinking containers.

9. Coaches will be asked to periodically disinfect the dugouts by wiping down or spraying touched surfaces.

10. We will be sending managers new Team Waiver Forms that each player must complete and sign, which say that the player understands that softball is a game involving risk and that there is always a risk in group activities of contracting viruses and illness. These waiver forms should be returned to Ed Dodson ( or by postal mail to him at 202 Horse Shoe Court, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034) or to your manager to forward to Ed. These forms will assist the League in developing a durable player master list.

The Game:

11. It will be mandatory for catchers to wear a covering over their nose and mouth. Every player should bring a mask to the field in case they are asked to be the catcher.

12. We encourage players to wear masks when in the dugouts/sidelines during the game.

13. Managers/coaches will keep the game balls and we recommend they disinfect the balls they throw in each inning. In other words, game balls/new balls thrown in after being fouled out of play, should be disinfected before play/before the start of each inning.

14.  Umpires must also wear a mask. Additionally, and as a backup, umpires will be provided with spray disinfectant or wipes to wipe balls off if necessary.

15. The on-deck batter or a player assigned by the offensive team will wear gloves and be responsible for picking up the bat after it is used.

16. Players will need to supply their own individual water.

17. Any gatherings of teams or players before or after games will need to follow personal distancing recommendations of being 6 feet apart.  Beer, by the way, is not an approved COVID-19 treatment.

Personal hygiene:

18. Most important: Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

19. Cover your mouth and nose – with a tissue, if possible – when coughing or sneezing, then properly discard the tissue in the trash.

20. Avoid close contact with anyone else who is coughing or sneezing or who is otherwise sick. People who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to leave the park. If you are sick, do not come to the field.

21. Wash your hands as often as possible, using soap and water for at least twenty seconds each time.

22. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

IMPORTANT: We will be enforcing these safety measures to protect all players, their families and friends, umpires and other game attendees. We will eject any players or guests who refuse to follow these safety and health rules for the good of everyone in the park.


Tournament/Travel/Vacation Rules

23.  Players on select teams may play in tournaments/travel/vacation out of state.  Players need to follow the NJ travel restrictions with a few variations. Players who before leaving the state provide to either their Sunday or Wednesday manager a copy of their vaccination card documenting vaccine completion will not have to quarantine upon return to New Jersey.  Conversely, players returning from tournaments/travel/vacation who have not provided vaccination cards to their managers must serve a 10 day quarantine, which starts to run from the day after arrival at home.  Once a player provides to his manager a completed vaccination card, the need for quarantine will be waived for the balance of the spring/summer season. A player may materially shorten his quarantine obligation by getting a COVID test after waiting 3-5 days to get the test upon returning, which is found to be negative.  Under these circumstances, the player may play by providing documentation to the manager of the next game for which he is eligible.  A knowing violation of the rules of this section is very serious and could result in dangerous safety issues.  This being so, the Executive Board shall review the pertinent facts of any possible knowing violation, including input from the player and other knowledgeable players, and if the EB determines that a knowing violation has occurred, the player will be suspended for the balance of the year.  



COVID symptoms


24.  COVID symptoms take many forms including fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting.  To be sure, a player could have many of these symptoms and not have COVID.  That said, all players are encouraged to err on the side of caution and get tested if symptoms occur.  Likewise, miss a game when your underlying health may be iffy.  If a player or a member of a player’s family, or a friend, tests positive, immediately advise your manager(s), who will, in turn, advise the Executive Board.  A player should not attend a game until there is clearance from the Executive Board.





25.  Players may attend planned team practices or ad hoc batting practice outings or the like.  All the rules contained above will apply to those events.





26.  As was the case last year, the league will supply all managers with a Non-Contact Forehead Thermometers with the expectation that every player each game day will be tested before the start of the first game.  Any player testing over 100.4 degrees will be sent home.  Players with pre-existing medical conditions which include higher than normal temperatures may be provided special accommodation on an individual basis.


Please feel free to contact your manager, your division VPs or the league Executive with questions or concerns.  Thank you.

We appreciate your cooperation in following these new procedures as we work together to maintain the highest health and safety standards.

SSUSA’s and SJSSL’s primary concern is the health and welfare of players, officials and their families.