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Meeting Minutes
General Meeting – Call to order 7:04
- Field configuration (Thanks to all who helped with field day on the 14th!)
Concession field resting for this season. Most Gr 3/4 games to be played at Robinson field in Hanson. Some Co-Ed games to be played at the turf field at the High School.
- Schedule update
Schedule released Saturday 8/21. Because of unprecedented number of teams some Co-Ed games on Friday evenings & Saturday evenings.
- Cancelling / Rescheduling games
Coaches should determine mutually agreed upon time for any reschedule. Contact General Manager and Head Ref for field availability. Generally, make-up games will trump practices.
- Any issues scheduling practices
Practice schedule sign up in Google Sheets has been posted. Any issues getting a time slot please contact General Manager.
- Coach resources
- WYS putting together some coaching materials. Specific questions can be directed to division directors:
For Instructional and Gr 1/2 contact Colin Burns, wys.instructional.director@gmail.com
For Boys teams Gr 3 and up contact Jamie Sousa, wysboysdirector@gmail.com
For Girls teams Gr 3 and up contact Meghan Fennessey, wysgirlsdirector@gmail.com
- Equipment pick-up Monday 4:00 to 4:30 then 6:30 on. GM to announce when Jerseys are available for pick up. Small goals should be available for practices at Middle School fields.
- More info on Wednesday player Clinics to come.
- COVID regs
WYS to report any COVID incidents to the BoH health and follow thier direction. Coaches should be prepared that games may be cancelled or postponed. Additional COVID regulations to be posted on the website.
- Revs night @ Gillette
Saturday 25th from 2-6pm. Revs will be sending out email to individual players and coaches for ticket redemption.
Other business:
Referees will be following IFBA Laws of the Game theifba.com. Referees qualified via massref.net. Please note our refs are youths themselves learning how to be refs. Harassment of refs is neither appropriate nor acceptable.
Sign up sheet to be created for helping with field prep each week.
Preliminary nominations taken for Spring 2022 Coaches:
Boys Gr 3/4:
Rita Kershner
Rob Gould
Warren Maccallum
Boys Gr 5/6:
Bryan Davidson
Eugene Jackson
Jamie Sousa
James Cullity
Boys Gr 7/8:
Jaime Sousa
Stephanie McKay
Boys Gr 9/10:
Boys Gr 11/PG:
Chuck Allen
Girls Gr 3/4:
Colin Burns
Erin Robins
Melissa O’Brien
Lenny Cipolla
Pam Moreau
Chad Lyons
Alicia McKee
Girls Gr 5/6:
Greg Bell
Erin Robins
John Barata
Colin Burns
Girls Gr 7/8:
Meghan Fennessey
Jerry Amado
Ethan Schnabel
Warren Maccallum
Girls Gr 9/10:
Greg Bell
Girls 11/PG: