2024 CYL Big Thank You


The 2024 CYL regular season i
s over and we had another good year.
On behalf of the Youth League Committee, I want to thank a lot of people
and sponsors for another great and fun season. To the 27 head coaches and
around 67 assistant coaches your time and energy goes a long way in our
youth league program, thank you for working with and teaching the kids the
game. These are the people and sponsors behind the youth program scenes.

To our 26 sponsors for sponsoring the 28 youth league teams in our league
this year thank you for your support.
* Farm Credit, L & C Tree Service, Bridgestone, Smile Doctors,
Supreme Storage, Smedley's Auto, Cherry Springs Nursery for sponsoring 2
teams, Douglas & Lanier for sponsoring 2 teams, Dream Builders, Spring
Landscape, Monkey Wrench Garage & Tool, Totherow/Hale/Welch CPA's, US Barn
Builders, Dr Pepper, Crisp Springs Fireworks, Warren Apparell, Nokes Grave
Services, Ozzy's Transport, DC's Home Improvement, Ben Lomand Connect,
Holder Realty, The Voice Box, Citizens Tri County Bank, Sonny Roach of RRP,
Ray Martin of Bandits and Prater Realty.

To our 13 recreational park sponors for purchasing a park banner to help out
with the funds of the building and grounds needs.
* Donnie Caldwell, The Voice Box, Holder Realty, Prater Realty, Stephanie
Parker, Ben Lomand Connect, Ozzy's Transport, Douglas & Lanier, Spring
Landscape, Cherry Springs Nursery, Crisp Springs Fireworks, Crisp Springs
Market, and D & D Home Improvement.

Park Buildings and Grounds Upkeep: Thanks to these people who see the park
and fields are kept up,
* Ray Robinson; dragging and preparing the game playing fields, Ozzy Lopez;
mowing, spraying and working on the grounds as needed, Donnie Caldwell;
marking the games playing fields, Marlin Scott, Barry Taylor, Donnie Caldwell
upkeeping the buildings and grounds and maintaining the upkeep of it, Davy Sneed
for providing the fields marking line, Tim and Michelle Boady for helping out
with park trash pick up and to Phillip Prater for helping out when needed on
anything asked of.

Concession Stand Operation; Thanks for the hard work and hot work inside the
concession stand building, overseeing and preparation work; Barry and Kathy
Taylor and Carolyn Judkins. Thanks to all the team coaches, parents, relatives,
friends and the Bates Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church for taking time to
work in the concession stand.

Our Games Rules Committee; thanks to Kevin Miller, Josh Winfree, Marlin Scott,
Donnie Caldwell and Phillip Prater for overseeing our game playing rules to make
the game fun, fair and safe.

Our Youth League Umpires and Scorekeepers; thank you for your time, energy for
overseeing the games.
* Scorekkepers; Emily Scott, Jacob Scott, Marlin Scott, Bridgett Prater,
JP Prater, Phillip Prater, and Taylor Swann.
* Umpires; Phillip Prater, JP Prater, Jacob Scott, Marlin Scott, Hunter Jones,
Stevie Swann, Tonya Swann, Brian Scott, Brian Reed, Josh Winfree, and Tommy

A big shout out thanks to all the parents, relatives and friends for coming
out to support our program and most of all our youth league players.

A special thanks to our youth league players who came out to play this year
for giving us fans a time of enjoyment, fun and watching you play.

This is what our youth league program is all about; "It's For The Kid's",
Thank You all and God Bless You.
From the 2024 CYL Committee
Bridgett Prater; Treasurer
Emily Scott; Public Relations Coordinator
Kathy and Barry Taylor; Concession Stand Corridators
Ozzy Lopez; Building and Grounds Coordinator
Justin Lanier; Insurance Coordinator
Trista Potter; Players Coordinator
Donnie Caldwell; Coaches Coordinator
Marlin Scott; Scheduling Coordinator
Sheila Scott; Scorekeepers Coordinator
Phillip Prater; Umpires Coordinator