Coventry Rugby is open to all children grades 5 through 12 in the area surrounding Pottstown, PA. This includes students from OJR, Pottstown, Pottsgrove, Boyertown, Spring-Ford, Phoenixville, Twin Valley, Daniel Boone, and all private schools.
Spring is tackle only 15 on 15. Flag will be open in the summer for younger players. Summer and Fall we play 7's tackle.
All coaches are experienced in rugby, and train the players in safe tackling techniques to minimize the risk of concussion. We actively have emergency-trained personnel at practices and matches. Any injuries are assessed by our staff, and if there is any concern, the player will need medical clearance to return to play. Your child's safety is our highest priority.
Our coaches and parents like to foster a family atmosphere. Every home match, the players, both home and away, are provided with a small meal to foster the sense of community and good sportsmanship.
Here's to a great season!