Kennedy Township Dek Hockey League (KTDHL)

Rules and Regulations


1)     Game Location

a.     All games will be played at the KTDHL rink in Fairhaven Park, Kennedy Township.


2)     Teams

a.     Jerseys

1.   All players on a team must have matching jerseys as provided by the KTDHL.  If you forget/lose a jersey, then you must get a replacement or wear a shirt that is close in color.

b.     Number of Players - each league will play the following players

1.   Instructional 2 - 5 v 5, 5 players/1 goalie (Must have 5 players to start the game)

2.   Minors - 5 v 5, 5 players/1 goalie (Must have 5 players to start the game)

3.   Majors - 4 v 4, 4 players/1 goalie (Must have 4 players to start the game)

4.   Champions - 3 v 3, 3 players/1 goalie (Must have 3 players to start the game)

c.      Player Injury/Late Arrival Game Play

1.   If a play is blown dead due to a player injury, the injured player must return to the bench until the proceeding face-off.  After that face-off, the previously injured player may be substituted.

2.   Any player that is late to the game may enter the game once the player arrives.

3.  Any player on a team that is deemed injured/sick during the game may still play in the game at any point as long as the player is on the bench and in uniform during the entire game.

d.     Player Call Ups – All must be approved by Ray and Joe.

1.   All divisions can arrange a call up for any missing player, up to their original number of players on their roster.  Please report any missing players by 8pm the night before your game in order to maximize time to find an adequate call up.

2.   If there is a long-term injury or a player that has to leave the team for an extended period of time.  A long-term call up can be chosen to replace the injured or absent player.


3)     Equipment

a.     All running players must have the following equipment based on KTDHL Insurance Plan

1.   Approved HECC Ice/Street Hockey Helmet with face protection (Cage/Full Visor)

2.   Ice Hockey, Dek/Ball Hockey Hand Protection

3.   Shin Guards

4.   Elbow Pads

5.   Males – Protective Cup Recommended, Not Required

6.   Stick – Must be approved for Dek/Ball/Ice Hockey

7.   Any player not in accordance with the equipment rules will be asked to leave the dek until they are wearing the equipment.

8.   A bench minor penalty will be assessed if any player enters the playing surface with missing equipment after the start of the game.

b.     Goalies

1.   Approved Helmet

2.   Goalie Chest Protector

3.   Leg Pads

4.   Blocker

5.   Catching Glove

6.   Goalie Stick

7.   Males – Protective Cup Recommended, Not Required

8.   Any player not in accordance with the equipment rules will be asked to leave the dek until they are wearing the equipment.


4)     Game Play

a.     Game Clock

1.   All games will consist of 3 periods on a running clock, 5-minute overtime running clock, and no shoot-out.

-     Instructional 2 will play 3 – 10-minute periods with stoppages every 2 minutes for line changes.

-     Minors, Majors, & Champions will play 3 – 15-minute periods.

-     Playoffs – Overtime will continue as a normal period until the first team scores.

2.   Each team will receive one 1-minute timeout for regulation time and one 1-minute timeout for overtime.

3.   There will be 1 minutes in between periods.

b.     Pre-Game

1.   There will be a 5-minute warm-up before each game.

2.   Any team not ready at the start of the game will receive a Delay of Game penalty.

-     A team may use their 1-minute timeout at the start of the game before a Delay of Game penalty is assessed.

3.   A team shall forfeit the game if they do not the required number of players as outlined in section 2b.

c.      Scoring

1.   The ball needs to completely cross the goal line as seen by the referee to be considered a good goal.

2.   A goal can be scored from anywhere on the dek for Minors, Majors, and Champions as long as the play is on-sides and there isn’t a delayed penalty on the scoring team.

3.   Instructional 2 can’t score a goal from before the defensive zone blue line.

1.   Rule enforced in this league due to skill level of the players.

d.     Mercy Rule

1.   There will be a 10-goal differential Mercy Rule in effect after 2 periods of play. Immediate stoppage of game play once the 10-goal differential is reached in third period.

e.     2 Goal Differential in 3rd Period

1.   If there is a 2 goal or less differential in the last 2 minutes of a game, the clock automatically become a stopping clock. Anytime the differential is greater than 2, the clock becomes a running clock again.

f.      Weather

1.   Play will stop immediately in the event of rain/snow that the referees deem the game surface unplayable.

2.   Play shall resume after the playing surface is deemed playable.

3.   If game is cancelled due to unplayable surface, a record will be kept of period, time, and score and will be resumed at a later date.

g.     Hand Pass

1.   A hand pass in the offensive, neutral zone, or a pass that transitions from the defensive zone to the neutral or offensive zone will cause the play to be called dead. A faceoff will take place outside the zone at the offending teams offside faceoff dot.

h.     Covering Ball in Crease

1.   Any player other than goalie covering the ball in the crease with any part of their body will results in a penalty shot.

2.   Goalies can come out of the crease to cover a ball up to the circle when there is immenent pressure.

i.       Ball Out of Play - when the ball leaves the playing area

1.   If ball touches the netting above the fencing, the ball will be “out of play."

2.   If ball is shot out of play from the defensive zone by the defensive player, then the faceoff will be at the nearest faceoff dot next to the goalie.

3.   If the ball is shot out by an offensive player in the offensive zone and doesn’t touch any part of the goal or goalie or hits a teammates body, then the face off will take place outside the zone at the offending teams offside faceoff dot.

4.   If the ball hits off of opposing player’s body, stick, or goal in the offensive zone, then the face off will be at the nearest faceoff dot where the ball left the rink.

j.        Play Time

           1.   I2 players can not play more than two consecutive shifts in a row, after two consecutive shifts they must be one of the players taking a break for a shift.

           2.   Excessive play time calls will be called at the discretion of the referee as follows:

                 -  If a player has been deemed to be playing too much at the expense of his other teammates who are willing and able to go on the coach will recieve a warning.

                 -  If the player continues to be playing in what is considered in excess after being warned the referee will assess a bench minor for the team.

k.       Penalties

1.   For Majors, Minors, and I2

·     Minor: 2 minutes

·     Major: 5 minutes, does not end when a goal is scored, and results in a game misconduct

2.     For Champions

·     Minor: 1 minute

·     Major: 3 minutes, does not end when a goal is scored, and results in a game misconduct

3.   The following infractions will be issued a penalty in all leagues. Any infraction where it is deemed there was intent to injure or excessive, then the infraction will result in a major and game misconduct penalty.

·     Hooking

·     Tripping

·     High Sticking

·     Sliding

·     Making an intention to slide in a forward motion

·     Roughing

·     Boarding

·     Holding

·     Cross-Checking

·     Kneeing

·     Elbowing

·     Delay of Game

·     Interference

·     Slashing

·     Spearing

·     Too Many Men on the Ice

·     Unsportsmanlike Conduct

·     Excessive Playtime

4.   Goalie Penalties

·    Any time there is interference with the goalie trying to make a save will result in a Goalie Interference minor penalty.

·    The goalie must keep the ball in motion at all times outside of the goalie crease.  A minor Delay of Game penalty will be called if a goalie covers a ball beyond their crease in order to stop the attacking player for attempting to score.

·    Goalie can press on a breakaway but can’t slide into a player and will be assessed a minor penalty if the goalie slides into the player.

5.   All penalty faceoffs will take place closest to the goal of the penalized team.

6.   Fighting is an automatic ejection and automatic 1 game suspension. Degree of fight may increase the number of games suspended.

7.   Any person receiving 3 penalties will automatically be ejected from the game.

8.   Stacking of penalties

·     Anytime a team receives a 3rd penalty while 2 other penalties are active those penalties will not begin until one of the active penalties expire from a goal or time.

k.   Icing

1.   Icing will be called in Instructional 2, Minor League and Major League.

·    Normal icing rules apply except for Major league.

·    Minor and Major League - The team called for icing will not be allowed to make any substitutions.

·    Major League - Icing called if the ball shot from the defensive zone doesn’t touch a side wall or a player before crossing the far end redline.

·    If a player is behind their own blue line in their defensive zone the icing will be waved off.

l.     Off-sides

1.   The center line is the off-sides line for Instructional 2, Minor League, and Major League

2.   If a team is offside and the other team brings the ball back into their own zone the offsides is waved off.

3.   Champions will use “Floating Off-sides”

·     The far blue line in the attacking zone is the initial offsides line

·     Once the play is deemed on-sides, then the center line becomes that clearing line.

l.     High Sticking the Ball

1.   High Sticking of Ball will result in play being called immediately and a faceoff in the defensive zone of the offending team.


5)   Zero Tolerance Policy

a.   In effort to make hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants, coaches, volunteers, and parents/spectators, the KTDHL uses a strict Zero Tolerance Policy.

1.   Coaches are to treat all players with respect regardless of skill level

2.   Coaches are to not yell/scream at referees over a conflict of calls on the rink

3.   Players will treat all coaches and referees with respect and will not argue with aforementioned parties

4.   Parents are to not judge, yell/scream, abuse any player, coach, referee, or volunteer of the KTDHL.

b.   Penalties for Violating Zero Tolerance Policy

1.   Any verbal abuse by coaches or players toward a referee will be assessed a minor bench penalty.

2.   Any additional infraction will result in double minor and automatic ejection of the coach or player.

3.   Any parent/spectator who verbally abuses referees, players, or coaches will cause their team to get bench minor.

4.   Any additional parent/spectator who verbally abuses referees, players, or coaches will be ejected from the premises.

5.   Any physical abuse by anyone will be an automatic expulsion from the league.