What age does my child have to be to play in the KTDHL?
The KTDHL is for kids ages 4 -19 as of their age on 01/01/2020.
Is this just a boys league?
No, this league is open to all genders.
My child doesn't have any experience, does that matter?
No. Your child doesn't need experience to play in the KTDHL. Our mission is to provide a fun and safe environment for kids of all skill levels to enjoy the game of dek hockey, learn about being a team, and developing friendships. All kids will be treated fairly, be given equal dek time to develop their skills, and will be able to have fun in a "Zero Tolerance" atmosphere.
What equipment does my child need?
Please see our "Required Equipment" page for more details.
How can I register my child to play in the KTDHL?
You can register on-line from our homepage. Please visit our website and follow us on Facebook for the most up to date information on registration.
I have hockey experience and I am looking to coach, how do I volunteer?
Great to hear that you want to volunteer! This league wouldn't exist without people giving up a little time to help the kids. You can submit your request on the Contact Us page. Also, we need a number of volunteers for a variety of areas. Such as:
Rink Maintenance
Please talk to one of the board members to discuss volunteer opportunities.