Constitution and By-Laws
(Revised: 3/1/2024)
This organization shall be known as Summit Senior Softball and shall be referred to as the Silver League.
The objectives of the Silver League shall be:
a. To give mature male persons who have attained at least their 43rd birthday in that calendar year, an opportunity to participate in the great game of softball.
b. To focus on good sportsmanship and conduct. This is a prerequisite for all who choose to participate. The Board of Directors has the right to act on all instances of misconduct.
c. To afford all members an opportunity to play regardless of age or athletic ability.
d. To promote activity that the whole family can enjoy.
e. To make the League and games enjoyable for all.
a. Membership in the Silver League shall be open to all male persons who have reached the age of forty-three (43) years by December 31st of the current year.
b. The amount of the participation fee(s) will be set by the Board of Directors prior to the annual registration period.
Section 1 – The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the following voting board members: the Vice President, Division representatives from each Division, two (2) At-Large representatives, the Treasurer, and the immediate Past President. The President, though a member of the Board, only votes in the case of a tie vote.
Section 2 – The Officers
The officers of the Silver League shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 3 – The President
a. The President will appoint a Vice Presidential nominating committee.
b. Board members will nominate candidates for Vice President from the following active players:
1. Any current Board member that was elected by the general membership and has not served as President for at least three (3) years.
2. Any former Board member that was elected by the general membership, has completed at least one (1) full year on the Board, and has not served as President for at least three (3) years.
c. A majority vote of the Board members shall elect the Vice President for a term of one (1) year. That election will take place at the August Board Meeting and prior to the Silver League banquet.
d. The current Vice President will become President for a one (1) year term on October 1st for the following year.
e. The current President will become Past President without option of running for Vice President for at least three (3) years.
f. The Immediate Past President will serve as a voting member on the Board of Directors for a period of one (1) year.
Section 4 – The Secretary
The Board of Directors shall elect a Secretary from the current Board members, for a one (1) year term, at the first Board meeting after September 30th.
Section 5 – The Treasurer
a. The Board of Directors shall elect a Treasurer for a one (1) year term at the first meeting of the Board of Directors after September 30th. The Treasurer will remain in said position until replaced or reappointed by the Board.
b. The Treasurer may be any current member of the General Membership not serving as a voting member on the Board of Directors.
c. The Treasurer will be a voting member of the Board of Directors.
d. The Treasurer cannot be elected President or Vice President unless he has previously served on the Board of Directors in a position elected by the General Membership.
e. The Treasurer will be bonded.
Section 6 – Board Members
a. The League members will elect an At-Large Board member from both the day and evening divisions and a Division Representative from each playing division.
b. Elected Division or At-Large Board members will serve a two (2) year term unless elected to fill a vacancy. The Board has the right to extend a term for a maximum of one (1) year to balance the election(s) for continuity purposes.
c. No Board member will serve in two (2) voting positions on the Board.
Section 7 – Board Vacancies
a. In the event of an “off season” Board vacancy other than the office of President or Vice President, the Board of Directors may by a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present, if a quorum exists, elect a person to fill the vacancy from a list of eligible candidates from the appropriate division who have asked for consideration.
1. Such "Board-elected" Division Reps will serve for the remainder of the year.
2. After that year, the General Membership of the division(s) will elect a member to complete the unexpired term, if needed.
b. In the event of a Board vacancy other than the office of President or Vice President during the season, the General Membership of the appropriate division(s) will vote on candidates who ask for consideration to be elected to the vacant position for the remainder of the unexpired term. The appropriate Division Rep or the League President will coordinate the vote.
c. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President will fill the remainder of the unexpired term.
1. If the remainder of the unexpired term is 6 months or more, the new President will be considered as having served a full term.
2. If the remainder of the unexpired term is less than 6 months, the new President will not be considered as having served a full term and will be eligible to serve a full term following the completion of the unexpired term.
d. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-President, the Board will elect a current Board member or a Board member who has served within the last four years, who was elected to the Board by a vote of the General Membership, and has not served as President for at least three (3) years, to fill the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 8 – Other Board Members
a. All Past Presidents, prior to the immediate current Past President, will be considered members of the Board with all rights and privileges, but will not be voting members of the Board.
b. Any non-voting member of the Board shall not count towards a quorum.
Section 9 – Indemnification and Insurance
To the full extent permitted by the laws and rules governing non-profit corporations in the state of Ohio, each Board member or officer who was, or is serving on the Silver League Board shall be indemnified by the Silver League Board against such expenses (including attorney’s fees), judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with the defense of any civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative action, suit or proceeding in which he or she was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party, by reason of being or having been such board member or officer, except in relation to matters as to which he or she shall be adjudged in such action, suit, or proceeding to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duties. The indemnification provided by this section shall not be deemed exclusive of any other right to which a person may be entitled as a matter of law or under any section of these Bylaws, agreement, vote of the of the Silver League Board or otherwise. The Silver League Board may purchase and maintain insurance for any person to the extent provided by applicable law.
Section 10 – Removals
Any Board member may be removed, with or without cause, after 10 days notice, by a three-fourths (3/4) super-majority vote of the Board provided there is a quorum present at the Board meeting when such action is taken.
Section 1 – Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the management and administration of the Silver League.
Section 2 – President
a. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Silver League.
b. The President shall preserve order therein.
c. The President shall call special meetings as needed.
d. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 3 – Vice President
a. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
b. The Vice President will perform duties as assigned by the President.
Section 4 – Secretary
a. The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the proceedings of all Board and General Meetings of the Silver League.
b. The Secretary will keep an accumulative historical record of approved Board minutes and General meeting minutes, which will be passed on to the newly elected Secretary.
c. The Secretary will assist as needed in preparing any correspondence and will keep an accurate record of all correspondence for the League.
d. The Secretary will keep all election ballots for a period of one (1) year, for review by any League member in good standing.
Section 5 – Treasurer
a. The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of the income and expenditures of the Silver League.
b. The Treasurer will present an up-to-date financial report at all Board meetings.
c. The Treasurer must have approval from the Board of Directors before making payment for any League purchases.
d. The Treasurer will present non-budgeted bills to the Board for payment approval.
e. The Treasurer will make payment of budgeted or approved non-budgeted bills under $400. Budgeted or approved non-budgeted amounts over $400 must be paid by check.
f. The Treasurer will present a financial report for audit by the Board at the first meeting in October or October 15th, whichever date is later. The auditing committee will be appointed by the President from Board or League membership.
g. The Treasurer will submit a proposed budget for Board approval at the November Board meeting.
h. The Treasurer will be either elected or reaffirmed at the first Board meeting after September 30th. Upon leaving the office of Treasurer, the Treasurer will deliver all monies, properties and Silver League rights to the President who will convey these to the newly elected Treasurer.
i. Only the Officers bonded can withdraw funds from the Silver League. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer shall be bonded annually by the Silver League. Inability to be fully bonded shall necessitate removal from the position.
Section 6 – Board Members
The Board Members will perform duties as assigned by the President.
Section 1 – Business
Adoption of any business of the Silver League will be done by having a quorum at a called meeting.
Section 2 – Count
A quorum at a meeting will be 50%, plus one (1) of the actual voting members of the Board.
Section 3 – Members
Membership of the quorum must consist of the following: the President, or in his absence, the Vice President, and any other voting members of the Board.
Section 4 – Motions
Motions presented and seconded will need a majority vote of the Board of Directors who are present to pass.
Section 5 – Remote Quorum
Members should be considered ‘present’ and may participate in Board meetings by using remote access, as long as the access is real time and the communication is completely interactive.
Section 6 – Emergency Meeting Quorum
If a quorum for a special Board meeting cannot be formed within 3 days after the request to hold a meeting, the Board may discuss and take action outside of the requested special Board meeting. Said discussion and action will require a simple majority vote plus one additional vote of the Board members eligible to vote. Only one item can be addressed and the subject matter of the meeting must be posted on the website prior to any action being taken. All votes will be electronic and read into the minutes at the next regular Board meeting.
Section 1 – Board Rules
The Silver League will be governed by the Constitution and By-Laws. Roberts Rules of Order can be used when needed.
Section 2 – Program Year
The program year of the Silver League will run from October 1st through September 30th.
Section 3 – Financial Year
The fiscal (financial) year of the Silver League will run from October 1st through September 30th. All business of the Silver League will be based on this fiscal year.
Section 1 – Formation
Committees will be appointed by the President and Board of Directors to carry out the programs of the Silver League. Committees may consist of Board Members or current members of the League in good standing.
Section 2 – Duties
The President / Board of Directors will charge each committee with specific duties to be carried out. All findings and recommendations of charged committees will be reported to the Board of Directors.
Section 1 – Changes
Proposed changes to the Constitution shall be presented to the Board of Directors in writing before October 1st. The President will appoint a By-Law Committee and assign the proposal for them to review. All By-Law changes will be presented with the yearly registration form, or entered on the website and must be returned or voted on by the end of the registration period.
Section 2 – Adoption
Adoption of changes will require:
a. A 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors before a proposed By-Law change can be presented to the General Membership.
b. A 2/3 majority approval of the responding general membership.
The Secretary must keep all results for one (1) year. Any member of the League may examine these results.
Section 1 – Annual
a. A General Election will be held each year as needed.
b. The General Election will be held no later than August 15th for Board members.
c. A Nominating Committee appointed by the President will submit at least two (2) nominees for each position.
d. Any qualified member of the League in good standing may submit their name not less than seven (7) days prior to the scheduled election for each Division or At-Large Representative position.
Section 2 – Eligibility
Paid-up members who are in good standing, that have completed, or are completing at least one (1) playing season are eligible:
a. For nomination and election.
b. To receive a ballot.
c. To vote.
Section 3 – Ballot
a. Elections will be by written or electronic ballot.
b. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast for any office shall be declared the winner.
Section 4 – Beginning Date
Board members elected by the general membership will begin their Board terms on October 1st.
Section 1 – General Meeting
Annual meetings for all members of the Silver League will be held in the first quarter of the calendar year and at the annual banquet. Members will be notified of meeting dates at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
Section 2 – Agenda
Agenda items at the annual meeting held in the first quarter will include:
a. The state of affairs of the organization, including any Rule Changes and proposed By-Law changes for the upcoming season.
b. The financial status of the League.
Section 1 – Proposed Changes
a. Any member in good standing in the Silver League can propose a rule change in writing to their division representative or Board Member. Proposals must be submitted before October 1st.
b. Proposed rule changes will be presented to the Board for discussion.
Section 2 – Adoption
a. Adoption of a playing rule change will be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, as outlined in Article VI.
b. If a rule causes unforeseen problems (difficult to enforce, unsafe, impractical, etc.) the Board may revise or delete whatever is needed for the good of a division or the entire League.
1. Such actions will require a 2/3 Board approval.
2. The General Membership will be informed of any such changes as soon as possible, via the most timely and effective method(s) available.
The Silver League will remain an active member, participant, and supporter of the Summit County Softball Hall of Fame
Section 1 – Failure
If the Silver League fails to survive, the Board of Directors will vote to dissolve the organization.
Section 2 – Obligations
The Board of Directors will oversee that all legal bills of the organization will be paid or prorated upon dissolution.
Section 3 – Remaining Funds
Upon dissolution, and after all bills are paid, any monies remaining in the treasury will be presented to a Board-designated charity or charities for their use.