League Rules
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PLAYING RULES Rev:07/25/2024
1. PURPOSE OF THE SILVER LEAGUE: The purpose of the Silver League is to give men 43 years of age and older the opportunity to compete in the great game of softball within the guidelines of fun, fitness, and competitive sportsmanship.
2. PERSONAL LIABILITY: The Silver League does not provide liability insurance. It is the responsibility of each player to purchase insurance to protect himself.
A. THE UNIFORM - Complete Silver League uniform for the current year must be worn for each game. The uniform will include:
1. Any current or previous years’ approved Silver League hat.
2. Current year assigned Silver League team jersey. Subs can wear any assigned silver league team jersey.
3. League approved solid light gray (matching the gray of the hats) shorts, or solid light gray softball/baseball pants. No shorts or pants with stripes, designs, or patterns are permitted. No un-hemmed cutoffs are permitted. Players cannot start a game with pants, shorts, or shirts with holes in them, unless they were “damaged” in the first game of a doubleheader.
EXCEPTION: An injured player that is not playing may coach with just the approved team jersey and an approved league hat.
B. RESPONSIBILITY - It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors and managers to enforce the Silver League dress code.
C. The only exception to the dress code will involve unsafe playing conditions such as glasses fogging, sun sensitivity, etc. The umpire will be responsible for such rulings.
D. Shoes must be worn. Molded plastic and/or hard rubber cleats are acceptable. No metal spikes are permitted.
E. Players must always present a good appearance. Any perceived intentional/persistent dress code violation should be referred to the Division Rep. and/or the Board for action.
FIRST OFFENSE: If the approved Silver League uniform is not worn, the player will be considered out of uniform. His manager will give him a warning and he will be allowed to play. The manager will inform the Division Rep. of the player and warning.
SECOND OFFENSE: The Division Rep. and Manager will inform the player that he is out of uniform and he will NOT be allowed to play. If the player gets into proper uniform, he can be inserted into the game and bat last in the order. If a manager allows a player out of uniform to play, the Manager and player will sit out the next scheduled game. The Division Rep. will notify the President of such action.
THIRD OFFENSE: Any perceived intentional and persistent dress code deviations by a player will be reported to the Board of Directors by the Division Rep. for further action. The player will NOT be allowed to play in this game even if he gets into the proper uniform. The Division Rep. and one other Board member will inform the player of such action. If the Manager allows the player to play in the game he also will be reported to the Board of Directors for further action.
NOTE: If a player changes into a sub shirt, the warnings, further action and each offense of the uniform dress code will be applied.
F. UMPIRE’S RESPONSIBILITY - If the umpire sees a player out of uniform, he will notify the Manager of such player and note the player’s name on the back of the scoring card for the Division Rep.
4. SSUSA RULES: Silver League rules will supersede SSUSA rules. If no Silver League rule covers a problem or protest, you will refer to the current SSUSA Rule Book.
A. COMMITMENT LINE – A commitment line thirty (30) feet from the scoring line or scoring plate will be used. Once a runner’s foot touches the ground on or past this line, the runner is committed to advancing to the scoring line or scoring plate, and can no longer be tagged out.
EFFECT: Tag of the runner by a defensive player will not be allowed. The runner will be called safe; the ball remains LIVE; and the runner is not required to cross the scoring line or touch the scoring plate. NOTE: if a runner re-crosses the commitment line for any reason to return to third base, he will be declared out, and the ball remains LIVE. (2017-18 SSUSA Rules 8.8)
B. All bases are 70 feet in distance in all directions.
C. FIRST BASE/DOUBLE BAG – A double bag of equal size totaling (15” x 30”) shall be used at first base. The double portion of the bag shall be orange in color and be in foul territory abutting the original. If there is a play on a batter/runner going to first base, the batter/runner must touch the orange portion of the double bag extending into foul territory. The batter/runner will be called out if he fails to do so.
Exception: If in the umpire’s judgment, the batter/runner is attempting to avoid a collision. On any force out attempt from the foul side of first base, the defense and the batter/runner may use either the white or orange portion of the base. On an errant throw pulling the defense off the white portion of the base into foul ground, the defense and batter/runner can use either the white or orange color portion. When the defensive player uses the foul portion of the double base, the batter/runner can run in fair territory when the throw is coming from the foul side of the base, and if hit by the thrown ball, it is not interference. If intentional interference is ruled, the batter/runner is out. This is not an appeal play.
D. Once the batter/runner reaches first base safely, the double base shall be treated as one base. The runner may use any portion. (See Rule 11.E for more detail)
A. Prior to the start of the game both managers and umpire will discuss ground rules.
B. Each team is responsible for keeping its own scorebook. Both scorekeepers must agree on the score at the end of every half inning in which the score changes. Umpire will turn in scorecard to the Division Rep.
C. Managers will exchange line-ups with the opposing manager during the pregame meeting with the umpire. Players not available to play at that point will be removed from the line-up. Players arriving late can be added to the line-up per Rule 10-B.
D. Each manager will notify the other, along with the umpire, who the DH’s (Designated Hitters) and DR’s (Designated Runners) are (where applicable). Managers are responsible for letting their pitcher/team know.
E. Managers will also confirm the validity of any sub(s) being used.
1. All Blue and Gold Division games are scheduled for 7 innings, or (90 minutes) 1 hour and 30 minutes in duration. At 70 minutes after the umpire starts the game, if the next inning is not the seventh inning, the umpire will call (up to and before the first pitch of the next inning) the next inning to be the last inning.
2. All Red and White Division games are scheduled for 7 innings, or (75 minutes) 1 hour and 15 minutes in duration. At 60 minutes after the umpire starts the game, if the next inning is not the seventh inning, the umpire will call (up to and before the first pitch of the next inning) the next inning to be the last inning. There will be a five (5) minute break between double-header games before the clock will start for the second game.
B. COMPLETED GAMES – A completed game is 7 innings (6.5 innings if the home team is ahead). A game called by the umpire due to time, darkness, or severe weather, will be a complete game if 5 innings (4.5 innings if the home team is ahead) have been played.
C. SUSPENDED GAMES – A game stopped because of severe weather or darkness with the score tied at the last complete inning, will be a Suspended Game. If the game is suspended after 5 innings and the score is tied after the last complete inning, the game will be completed from the point of suspension. If a game is suspended prior to being a complete game, it will be picked up at the point of suspension. If a game is suspended after the completion of 7 innings and the score is tied, the tie breaker procedure will be used when the game is resumed.
1. If lightning is seen by anyone at any of the SL games being played at that time, there will be a mandatory 20-minute delay on all fields. Any additional lightning sightings will start another mandatory 20-minute delay.
D. FIVE RUN RULE – When a team scores 5 runs in its half inning, their turn at bat is ended. This Five Run Rule does not apply to the 7th inning or beyond, or to a last inning imposed by a time limit.
1. All Divisions will play with a ‘5 home runs then out’ rule.
2. It is not necessary to advance to the next base or touch first base on home runs.
3. The team that hits a home run must retrieve the ball if it can be retrieved.
4. All home runs hit over the fence will count towards the team’s total of five per game.
F. TIE BREAKER – If the game is tied at the conclusion of the seventh inning or last inning, the Umpire(s) and Managers will meet at home plate and review the Tie Breaker Procedure. Each team will start their half inning by placing ANY participating player as their designated runner at second base. This player may not be used as a courtesy runner for the duration of that inning and cannot be used as the designated runner at 2B in any other extra innings.
1. All batters come to bat with a 1 and 1 count.
2. Extra innings will continue until a winner is decided.
G. MERCY RULE - If a team is ahead by fifteen (15) or more runs after five (5) innings have been completed, or by ten (10) or more runs after six (6) innings have been completed, the game shall be declared a complete game.
H. There is no “flip-flop” rule. There will be no changes to who the home team and visiting teams are in the last inning, regardless of the score.
I. LEAGUE BALL – All Divisions will be assigned game balls by the Silver League Board.
J. INTENTIONAL WALKS - Each manager will select two (2) players as Designated Hitters that cannot be intentionally walked in innings 1-5. The umpire is to be notified prior to the start of the game which players are designated. A DH can be walked if they have had at least one (1) strike pitched to them. If they are walked without getting a strike, they are awarded second base on the walk, forcing any runners ahead of them to the next base. If a runner is not forced, he does not move. After any inning after the fifth (5th) inning the two Designated Hitters (DHs) are treated the same as any other batters.
K. PITCH HEIGHT – Pitches must be delivered with an arc no less than six (6) feet and no more than twelve (12) feet high. Any pitch outside these limits will be considered “illegal”.
A. If Round Robin scheduling is used in a Division, the team with the better won-loss record shall have the choice of home or visitor in the Round Robin game.
B. Double header divisions will alternate home and visitor during Round Robin play with the team having the better won-loss record having the choice of home or visitor for the first game.
A. NUMBER OF PLAYERS – Red teams must have 8 Players available to start. White and Gold teams must have 9 players available to start, Blue Division teams must have 10 players to start. If a team has less than the minimum players to start on time, a grace period of 10 minutes for a late start time will be permitted. If a team is using the grace period to acquire their minimum number of players, that time is considered part of the game time. If a team has the minimum number of players to start, then the opposing team may provide a catcher. (See Rule E.8.)
B. If an injury, sickness, or any other reason except for being ejected from the game causes a team to fall to the minimum number of defensive players (8 - Red, 9 -White and Gold and 10 - Blue) during the game, the opposing team will provide a catcher without being forced to take an out.
C. Red can use a maximum of ten (10) defensive players. White and Gold can use a maximum of eleven (11) defensive players. Blue can use a maximum of twelve (12) defensive players.
D. All managers are to call the sub coordinator by 6:00 PM the day before their game if they need subs. Calling for the possibility of a no show is not cause to get a sub {must be a definite no show}
E. SUBSTITUTE PLAYERS – Maximum of two temporary subs per team for any regular season game.
1. All substitutes must be age eligible to play in the division they are substituting in and must be in a Silver League uniform.
2. Division Representative and Sub Coordinator will have a complete roster of all players and draft ratings.
3. Temporary subs can only be assigned by the appropriate Sub Coordinator.
4. To request a sub, a team must be one under the allotted playing number of fielders for their division. That means that a team that is allowed eleven (11) fielders must be down to ten (10) players before getting a sub.
5. The Sub Coordinator will have the requesting team provide the names of all roster players that will be missing the game.
6. Prior to the start of the game, the Sub Coordinator will inform the managers and the Division Rep. which sub(s) will be allowed to play, along with the name(s) of player(s) missing. If an illegal sub enters the game, it will go as a forfeit. The assigned sub is only for that game.
7. If a sub has been assigned and any of the players that were supposed to miss the game show up, the sub must play the entire game. A player that was not to be there but shows up will not play. If that player enters the game, he will be considered an illegal player and the game will go as a forfeit.
8. If a manager fails to notify the Sub Coordinator prior to the game (or a player(s) does not show), no player will be assigned. Only subs assigned by the Sub Coordinator may be used. If a team has the minimum number of players, they can get a defensive catcher from the opposing team. If the short team’s manager chooses to do this, he will take an out when that position in the batting order comes up. If an additional player shows up for the short-handed team after the game has begun, they will be placed in the last place in the order. The automatic out will no longer exist. Any spot in line-up not filled will be an automatic out taken at the end of the line-up.
9. All subs (not permanent) must bat last in the batting order.
10. No subs, other than permanent ones assigned prior, will be allowed in any playoff or championship games.
11. PERMANENT SUBS - If a player is injured and cannot play the rest of the season, he must notify his manager in writing as soon as possible. After receiving the request, the Manager will have two weeks to forward a request to the Sub Coordinator and Division Representative, for a Permanent Sub for the team. The Sub Coordinator and the Division Rep. will TRY to assign an appropriate player of equal talent, or position, to that team. This player will come from the established league substitution list, or late registration list, and the original player will be removed from the roster, thus becoming ineligible to play the rest of the season without Board action. The permanent sub becomes a regular member of that team’s roster. Permanent subs must be requested prior to the League championship game or the league tournament. A team may request a permanent sub when the team’s roster of active players drops below the following numbers: Red - 10, White -11, Gold - 11 and Blue - 12.
F. DEFENSIVE PLAYERS – Free substitution is permitted. Defensive players may leave the game and return later at the same or various positions. Team managers are responsible for each team member playing at least three (3) full defensive innings per seven-inning game. Failure by managers to comply with the 3 out of 7 defensive innings rule may result in a protest, or action by the Board of Directors up to, and including the game being forfeited.
G. INJURED PLAYERS – A player injured during the game and unable to continue to play will NOT be declared out when it is his turn to bat. The other players shall move up a line in the batting order. That player CANNOT return to that game but can play the 2nd game of a double header. A player who declares himself unable to play at the beginning of the game is ineligible to enter the game after it has started. Any player unable to play defense shall not bat.
H. PART-TIME PLAYERS (Blue and Gold divisions only) – Players who register as part of a playing pair are only allowed to play on the day of the week originally specified. Exception – In post-season tournament games, a player registered as part of a playing pair will be allowed to play on a day different from his specified day, if the other member of the registered pair can not play for any reason. It is illegal for both players from a registered playing pair to play in the same regular season or tournament game. Such action will result in a forfeit.
A. All team members reporting healthy enough to play the game will be in the batting rotation. If a player is unable to start a game due to health reasons, he will not be allowed to participate in that game in any way, other than coaching.
B. Players arriving AFTER the game has started, shall be added after the last batter in the original starting batting order.
C. All Divisions will start with a one (1) ball and one (1) strike count. If the batter hits a foul ball with two (2) strikes, he will be called out. If the batter hits the screen after two (2) strikes, it will be his waste pitch/swing. A second ball hit into the screen after two strikes will have him called out. If a foul ball is caught on the fly by a defender, normal rules are in effect.
D. A Designated Hitter (DH) must be thrown one strike during innings 1-5 before he can be intentionally walked.
E. An intentional walk is done verbally with the umpire.
F. Bunting is prohibited.
G. Any un-hit legal pitch contacting the mat will be called a strike. EXCEPTION: A pitch that hits the front part of the plate and goes back towards the pitcher is automatically a ball.
H. A strike zone mat (21” W x 34” D x ½” thick) shall be used.
I. Bats imprinted with “BPF 1.21” may be used. Bats imprinted with “Exceeds BPF 1.21” are not legal.
J. Wooden bats marked “Official Softball” and meet the 2.25” ring test shall be considered legal.
K. Any player ejected for using an illegal bat will be suspended for that game and one more.
L. Bat warmers are allowed but must be kept on the outside of the field fence or in the dugout.
M. Batters must be prepared to bat within ten (10) seconds after the umpire says, “play ball” or “batter up”. If, in the umpire’s judgment, the batting team causes an unnecessary delay, a strike(s) can be called on the batter.
N. All runners requesting a courtesy runner must notify the umpire every time they come to the plate, prior to a legal pitch being made.
O. Players from the batting team must be in the dugout or outside the fence area unless they are coaching a base, “on deck”, or serving as a backup catcher.
1. If a batted fair ball reaches, and touches, the grass in the outfield (in any way), the batter-runner is entitled to first base without liability to be put out. If the batter-runner advances beyond first base, the exemption is canceled, and he is liable to be put out. All other runners are liable to be put out during the play. If infield fly rule is called, the batter is out even if the ball lands on the grass.
2. There will be a line 170 feet from home plate in fair territory in the outfield. No outfielders may start, or move, in front of this line until the batter hits the ball. Any outfielder on the grass must be behind the arc. If an outfielder moves in front of the arc before the batter hits the ball, the umpire will call a delayed ‘DEAD BALL’ after the play has ended.
EFFECT: Batter will be awarded first base and any runners on base will advance one base. No putouts made during the play will stand.
If the batter and/or runner(s) advance more than one base during the play, the batting team’s manager will have the option of accepting the play as it finished.
3. The defensive team must have 5 players on the grass behind the arc until the batter hits the ball.
4. The defensive team must have 5 players on the dirt/turf portion of the infield until the batter hits the ball.
A. A courtesy runner may be used after a batter has safely reached, or is awarded, first base – at the request of the batter turned runner, not the manager. The batter is allowed to remain in the game. The batter who wants a courtesy runner must advise the umpire every time he comes to the plate. This must be done prior to the first legal pitch to the batter. If not done then, a courtesy runner cannot be used until the next batter has completed his at bat.
B. Teams in the Red, White, and Gold Divisions will be allowed three (3) courtesy runners per offensive team per inning. Blue Division teams will be allowed four (4) courtesy runners per inning. An individual may only be a courtesy runner once each inning.
Exception: If a team in an “open inning” bats through its entire order, the three (3) courtesy runners can be reapplied.
Example: The 5th batter in the order leads off the “open inning” and comes up again in the same inning. At that point the “three courtesy runners per inning” starts over for that inning. This is true for any “last” or extra innings.
C. In the event the courtesy runner on base is scheduled to bat, an automatic out will be declared. The runner is out at the base he reached, and he may take his turn at bat, unless it creates the third out.
D. A courtesy runner may not be replaced with another courtesy runner except for an injury causing the permanent removal of the original courtesy runner from the game.
E. Any runner must hold his base or his “safety option” (explained in “Exception” below) until the batter contacts the ball. Runners should not be called out if a batter swings and misses. Runners should return promptly to their base when required.
EXCEPTION: There is an optional safety rule that can be used by runners on first or third base. They do not have to be on the base. They can go as far into foul territory as they want if they are even with their base and at a right angle to the foul line. BUT they cannot advance to second base or home plate without first retouching their base. Once the runner establishes his position in foul territory he cannot advance to the next base until the ball is hit. If he leaves early, he will be called out.
(Runners need to remember to “retouch” when a line drive or fly ball is involved. They can be “doubled up” prior to “retouch”)
F. A runner must make every effort to avoid colliding with opposing players while running the bases. If, in the umpire’s judgment, a runner misses a base or overruns 2B or 3B to avoid a collision with a defensive player, the runner will not be called out. (See SSUSA Rule 8.6 and 8.7(4)
EFFECT: If any of the above procedures are violated and the runner is considered illegal, he will be called out.
G. A batter, after hitting a fair ball, cannot carry his bat any farther than halfway up the first base line. For safety reason, if a batter – turned runner does carry his bat past the halfway point, he will be called out.
H. BLUE DIVISION ONLY: Each manager will identify two players as ‘Designated Runners’ prior to the start of the game. These ‘Designated Runners’ cannot be part of a conventional double play.
EFFECT: If a ‘Designated Runner’ comes to the plate with less than 2 outs, should the defensive team record an out via a force or tag play prior to recording an out at first base, the ‘Designated Runner’ is entitled to first base without liability to be put out.
1. If a ‘Designated Runner’ is forced to leave the game for any reason, his team loses the ‘Designated Runner’ advantage associated with that player.
12. APPEAL PLAYS: All appeal plays are governed by the playing rules and as such must be made before the next pitch or before all the fielders, including the pitcher, have crossed the foul line.
A. PROTESTS – A protest must be based on a misrepresentation or misapplication of the rules and not on the umpire’s judgment. It must be announced to the umpire prior to the next legal pitch. Only the manager and player involved can discuss the questionable play; others will be considered as misconduct. Any protest will be settled with the umpire during the game before play is resumed. If the protest cannot be settled at the game, a written protest must be submitted in writing to the Division Rep, or to the Board of Directors within 24 hours. A $20.00 protest fee should accompany the protest letter. The Silver League President shall establish a protest committee upon receipt of a written protest and accompanying fee. The protest committee will review all the facts, interview participants including the umpire related to the protest. After the committee has completed their review, they will provide a written recommendation to the Board within seven (7) days of being notified by the President. The Board of Directors will review, approve, and make a final decision on the protest and notify the parties. The Board of Directors will retain the right to amend the committee’s recommendation. All decisions by the Board are final.
The Silver League President may refer to the Constitution & By-laws (Article VI – Quorum, Section 6 – Emergency Meeting Quorum) to hear the protest and follow the guideline procedures in this section when time is of the essence. If the protest is upheld, the $20.00 fee will be returned and the game will be played from the point of the protest.
1. The penalty for misconduct is ejection from the game, and the forfeit of his/their right to play in his team’s next game.
2. An ejected manager, coach, or player must leave the playing area.
3. All ejected players’ names must be provided to the Division Representative, immediately. He will then notify the opposing manager of the next scheduled game. Failure to sit out the next scheduled game will result in a forfeit.
C. GROSS MISCONDUCT – Gross misconduct is pushing, shoving, striking, fighting, dangerous or violent play, or any other act by a manager, coach, or player involving an opponent, spectator, umpire, or Silver League standards related to fields.
1. The penalty for gross misconduct is ejection from the game and suspension for a minimum of four (4) games. The ejected player or players must leave the playing area.
2. The Silver League Board will have the discretion to impose an appropriate action and/or suspension based on the severity of the incident.
3. Players that are to serve a suspension will not serve that suspension until they are in “good standing” in the Silver League.
NOTE: The umpire’s judgment determines if misconduct or gross misconduct has taken place. The umpire(s) have the authority to forfeit a game if, in their judgment, the offense warrants that action.
D. “Misconduct” not covered by the rules above can be overseen under the Silver League By-Laws if brought to the Board’s attention.
E. SITUATIONS – If a player experiences a situation or has a grievance that he believes would inhibit his participation in the Silver League, he may ask that the situation/grievance be reviewed by the Board of Directors or a Grievance Committee (appointed by the President). This application and reason must be in writing. If a Grievance Committee is formed, they will present their recommendation in writing to the Board of Directors for review and approval. The Board of Directors will retain the right to amend the committee’s recommendation.
F. Only managers and roster individuals are permitted in the dugouts.
G. All players are to focus on good sportsmanship and conduct. If in the course of the game, a player creates a situation of misconduct or inappropriate behavior (language F-Bomb) directed at a player, umpire or spectator, the umpire will eject the player from the game. If the same situation occurs at the playing venue before or after a game, the incident should be reported to a member of the Board of Directors. The Board has the right to act on all instances of misconduct.
A. Division champions will be determined by a playoff between the winners of each half. If the same team wins both halves, they will be declared the Division champion. The winner of the half is the team with the best win/loss record. If two or more teams are tied with identical records, the tiebreaker will be as follows:
1. Head-to-head competition.
2. Run differential head-to-head.
3. Run differential overall.
B. Home team determination in division championship game will be by coin flip. Division championship games will have no time limit.
A. The Division regular season champion will be omitted from the post-season tournament if a Division has two (2) champions for the season.
B. If there is a Division championship game, the loser of that game will be the number one seed for the post-season tournament. All other teams will be seeded using their overall regular season records. If two teams have identical records, the tiebreaker in 14.A will be used.
C. If there is no Division championship game, all teams will be seeded using their overall regular season records. If two teams have identical records, the tiebreaker in 14.A will be used.
D. The higher seeded team will have their choice of home or visitors.
E. Regular season time limits will apply to all tournament games except for the championship game.
A. All divisions will use a pitching net/screen. (Minimum of six (6) feet).
1. The pitcher must throw from behind the screen and deliver an underhand pitch over the screen. He must come to a full and complete stop with at least one foot in contact with the pitching rubber and with the ball in either the pitching hand or both in front of his body prior to delivering a pitch. This position must be maintained for at least one (1) second prior to releasing the ball. Pitches not meeting these standards will be called “illegal” by the umpire, and will result in an automatic and mandatory warning to the pitcher.
2. He is required to deliver a pitch within ten (10) seconds after the batter is set in the batter’s box. If in the umpire’s judgment, the pitcher takes excessive time, a “ball” can be called for the batter.
3. Pitchers must remain completely behind the screen until the ball is hit. If the pitcher moves outside the screen before the ball is hit, the umpire will call a delayed ‘DEAD BALL’ after the play has ended. This will result in an automatic and mandatory warning to the pitcher.
EFFECT: Batter will be awarded first or second base depending on the game situation (inning, count, DH status). Runners on base will advance, if forced. No putouts made during the play will stand. The batting team’s manager will have the option of accepting the play as it finished.
4. Pitching infractions (not limited to B.1-3, above) in the judgment of the umpire, will result in a warning to the pitcher. Violations of any one rule or combination of rules, after the umpire has given a warning to the pitcher, will result in the following actions:
1ST OFFENSE - pitcher will be removed as the pitcher for the remainder of the game
2ND OFFENSE – pitcher will be removed from the game
3RD AND SUBSEQUENT OFFENSES – pitcher will be suspended from ALL League games for a period of one (1) week
5. The catcher must remain within the lines of the catcher’s box (by the umpire’s definition) until the pitched ball is batted, touches the ground or home plate/mat, or reaches the catcher’s box.
C. SCREEN POSITION - The screen must be fourteen (14) feet directly in front of the pitching rubber. The screen cannot be moved from that position at any time during the game. If struck or knocked out of position, it must be moved back to the proper position before the start of the next play. For definition “the screen” includes the frame, stand, netting and any attachments.
1. A batted ball that strikes/hits any portion of the screen will be called a ‘DEAD BALL’. This includes balls that hit the ground before hitting the screen.
2. A batted ball that strikes/hits any portion of the screen, if touched by a defensive player first, is in play.
- If a defensive player throws a ball that becomes entangled or lodged in any part of the screen, the umpire will call “time.” Runner(s) on base at the time of the throw will be awarded two bases (same as any “out of play” – over a fence, in the dugout, etc. – situation).
- 2. Any thrown ball deflecting off the screen will be in play.