General Meeting Minutes

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February 4, 2024

Silver League General Membership Meeting Minutes – February 4, 2024




Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, John Welsh, and Bryon Wine.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 1:05 pm.


Introduction of Board Members (Chuck Lancaster)

Treasurer’s Report (Bryon Wine)

2023 End of Fiscal Year Financial Position

          $21,185.39          (CD Account Value)

          $17,210.83          (Checking Account Balance)

          $38,396.22          (Total League Funds)

2023 Goals

-      Control Costs

-      Upgrade Uniforms

-      Increase Membership

-      Increase Sponsors

2024 Budget Issues

-      Increase in field usage expenses

-      No increase in registration fees


2024 Rule Changes (Tom Koch)

Three (3) rule changes approved for 2024 season.

-      Pitching screen will be placed fourteen (14) feet in front of pitching rubber

-      Pitches hitting the front edge of pitching board and bouncing back towards the pitcher will be called ‘Balls’.

-      Pitcher must come to a complete stop for one (1) full second before delivering a pitch.

Constitution and By-Laws Changes (Sam Galluch)


-      Board had approved five (5) changes pending General Membership approval.

-      On-line voting has been open

-      In-person voting available at this meeting

Procedure Manual Update (Tom Koch)


League Website (Roger Mears)


-      Reminder to register for cancellation alerts

Super Bowl Squares Fundraiser (Kevin Kimmell)


Illegal Bats (Randy Ballard)


Fund Raiser (Larry Deibel)


-      Raffle tickets will be available for sale throughout the season.

-      Cost will be $5 per ticket, or a book of five (5) tickets for $20

Sponsor Requests (Chuck Lancaster)


          -    Forms available at front table

Canton P&R Update (Chuck Lancaster)


-      Present contract to run for two (2) years

-      Subsequent contract length and terms dependent upon future levy

Registration Reminder (Dick Kostko)


Uniforms (John Galizio)


Open Q&A

Meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm


SJG - 02/05/2024


February 20, 2022

             Silver League General Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 20, 2022

 Board Members Present:   Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut,  John Welsh,  Roger Mears, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Larry Ashbaugh, Bryon Wine  


 Board Members Excused: Tom Koch and Kevin Kimmell


 General Membership:  34


 Additional registrations taken by Roger M and Bryon W. before and after meeting


 Sam Galluch, President –


    Board members introduced.                  

    Subjects reviewed:

       Successful audit.

       Venue 2022 – Willig Fields, Canton

       Communication - Minutes from latest Board Meeting posted on Web Site prior to next meeting.

-      Field related “problems” should directed to Board members,

Not to Canton Parks & Rec staff.

-      Players should make sure they sign up on the web site for text and email announcement – rainouts, schedule changes, etc.(Contact Roger Mears if there is a problem.)          

    Registration - If online and signing up for more than one divisions, need a form for each.


-      All divisions paying the same for 2022.

-      BUT, on line is higher due to processing charge to SL.

-      March 5 (including post mark) is registration deadline.  After that an additional $20.00 charge, and have to go on a waiting list.


2022 Playing Days – White and Red still Pm on Mondays and Tuesdays respectively. Blue and Gold have moved to Monday and Wednesdays AMs.  Same times as last year, EXCEPT for certain Mondays due to field prep.  Could be 11:00ish for first game. Possibly 2-4 such days.  They will be on the schedule at the beginning of the season.  (Will save SL considerable money.)

Subs – Definite guidelines set up for sub coordinators for 2022.


Randy Ballard (Representing Tom Koch, Rules Committee, and Head Umpire)


    Rule changes were reviewed and discussed for 2022. ALL 2022 Rules are available on the web site. Situations not covered by Silver League Rules fall under SSUSA Rules.

    Additional Discussions-

         More detail given as to why the 1 & 1 count was retained by a Board’s unanimous vote.


         Blue Only – All five (5) infielders must remain on the dirt until the ball is hit. (OFers must still remain behind the “arc”). Penalty for infielders is the same as previous, and current, for outfielders.)

         Base runner struck by a batted ball while on the base: When a “dead” ball or “live” (in play) ball.  If the closest infielder is behind the base runner, it is a “dead ball”. The batter-runner is awarded first base, and all runners -                 if forced – move up one base. If the closest fielders is in front of the base runner, it is a “live ball”.

          If a sub is assigned by the sub coordinator to play for a player that is to be absent, and that regular player shows up, the sub plays. The regular does not. If he does the game is a forfeit

         Uniforms – ALL Divisions – To be strictly enforced this year. Exact details to be discussed and set up by Board.

          Some additional brought up were – AEDs, keys for OF fence to get HRs, and umpire locations.  Will be handled by Board and Head Umpire.

 Some Silver League flyers were given out to be posted by any players that think it can help “recruiting.”




3/7/22 dlv

Silver League General Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 23, 2020

Board Members Present:   Sam Galluch (VP – Acting Pres.), Larry Chimento, Dave Vanderneut, Jerome Bloodworth, Al Barracato, Dennis Mathieu, John Welsh, Greg Gonzalez, Roger Mears  


Board Members Absent: Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard


General Membership:  Approximately 40 players


Additional registrations taken by Tom K before and after meeting


Board members introduction.                  


Subjects discussed, with questions allowed from the floor.



 Hats – Acceptable official SL hat for 2020 defined and shown.

 Pants - Same as 2019, with color emphasized.  Dave V. has some “coach’s shorts" at $20.00 a pair for Elite.

 Shirts – basically the same, but slightly better quality at same price as there is a vendor “trying to get in the door” at Elite.

  No names on jerseys if ordered after registration deadline. (Post marked February 26)


Rules –

  Tom K chaired a Rules Committee made up of umpires, players, and board members.  Their input was then presented to the Board for discussion and possible approval.

   Main rules discussed were “1 &1 count”, “”deadline time for asking for Subs”, “extra inning count (3-2)”, “No game cancellations due to any tournament”, “ flipping”, “time limits”, “over running 2b or 3B”, and “illegal pitches that can lead to a pitcher being removed as a pitcher”.


Registration and Sponsors

  Chuck Lancaster advised we currently have 17 committed sponsors.

  Registration is down at this time.  It was explained that the board does not know exactly what may have to be done if the numbers force any revisions in divisions, teams, days or times. (This question was ask from the floor about 5-6 different ways, with the same answer from the board members.)



  Since there will be no rain out number, Roger Mears explained what players have to do to get a text or email about cancellations. And how managers will have to call players with no access to tex

  Make up will be the Friday of the following week (accept July 3) for all divisions.



Sam G asked members that have any questions or want to help “rumor control” to contact their division rep or other board members to find out any correct information.


Next Board Meeting, Wednesday, March 4, at Manchester Road ACME

February 17, 2019

Silver League General Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 17, 2019

Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, Sam Galluch, Larry Chimento,  Dave Vanderneut, Jeff Brenneman, and John Welsh

Board Members Absent: Dick Kapper, Dennis Mathieu

Web Master Present - Roger Mears


Board members introduction.                  


By Law Changes for 2019 – None


Treasurer’s Report -

    Tom K. advised the current checking account balance. Still can use more sponsors. Only 18 to date.  Needed 31 last year. 25% of incoming funds are from sponsors.


Randy B., SL President’s Comments-

   SL finished with a positive income of $4,000.00 for 2018.  $3,000.00 of that has been put towards the ‘rainy day” fund.  Tom K will be looking for some sort of interest bearing account to place that money ($25,000.00).

    Randy pointed out that that for players should wear assigned uniforms out of respect to sponsors that pay $400.00 to be a sponsor.(Also in SL Rules.)

   Registrations are lagging behind last year in all divisions.  Divisions Reps, Board members, and all players are encouraged to get “missing” players from 2018, and new players, to register.  It may be necessary to adjust the divisions if hoped for numbers are not reached by the time normal registration is closed.


Banquet –   It will be at Guy’s Party Center, September 29, 2019.  It has been pushed back to eliminate the conflict with tournaments that occurred last year. This will also simplify the printing of directories/programs, and championship shirts.


Hall Of Fame- Nomination should be in by August 1, 2019.  The form is on the web site. Jeff B. is chairing the HOF committee, and has forms available.  He is in need of committee members.   


Web Site-

 Roger M. discussed how alerts can be set up thru the web site.  This can be broken down by divisions, if players only want info related to their division.  If you have problems contact Roger.  Emailing back to a SL mass email goes to Roger.  If you have a specific problem for your Division Rep., you will find their contact info on the web site




  No significant rule changes for 2019.  Tom K chaired the Rules Committee made up of players from all divisions.  Their input was then presented to the Board for discussion and votes.

  Tom K. is the new Head Umpire for 2019. He will, as has been attempted in the past – to get more consistency from the assigned umpires.  “Problems” should be brought to his and/or the division reps’ attention.

  Randy B. brought up some specific “situations” or “problems” that seem to be around consistently. They involved obstruction play, avoiding collisions, retaliation, over throw awards, commitment line, over running bases, etc.

  The new umpire cards for 2019 will have info placed on them after games to allow game length to be studied.  This will be the basis if any changes are needed to speed up games in all divisions in 2020.

  All divisions are working on ways to make up games lost to various reasons.  There is NO guarantee that 24 games will be played.  (There never was.)  “Other days” – not weekends – may have to be used to get games made up. Players will know that prior to the start of the season. It will be their responsibility to realize they may have to play other days or nights.

  Pitching screens in the Silver Division will be located the same as the other four divisions


Division Drafts-

 There were requested exceptions brought to the board involving situations that could affect what division a player would be in. All such “exceptions” are decided by a Board vote.  The players asking exception are advised of the Board’s decision.


 There were lengthy discussions today about certain draft procedures that “evolved” in some divisions that go against the basic concept of a new, not preset- draft each year. (The Board spend considerable time discussing this at their last meeting) The areas of concern involved player-managers, player-sponsors, players and managers “connected” to certain sponsors, and playing assistant managers/coaches (Not non-playing assistants).

  NO player, other than the player-manager can be “frozen, or pre-assigned, to ANY team prior to the draft.

Sponsors can be assigned to managers as late as after the draft. A player-sponsor will have to be drafted as part of the normal draft.  Prior to the draft a “gentleman’s agreement” may allow other managers to NOT draft that sponsor-player. But they                                

should still be drafted in an appropriate round based on their rating. (A three inning catcher cannot be a 2nd round pick)

“Bloodlines” are also covered by the “playing-sponsors” guidelines.

In addition to a possible “gentleman’s agreement”, manager may make trades at the end of the draft.


    All divisions should have a pre-draft meeting with their Rep to discuss the ratings of players in the forthcoming draft.  ALL players will be rated to be in the draft. Managers should be aware of individual players’ rating in each of the categories.



  To expedite the jersey order, all names on jerseys will be done in white lettering. This will allow the name order to be placed as soon as final registration is complete, and before the actual drafts.  This will eliminate some colors for jerseys – white, light yellow, etc. – but not affect the colors of the numbers or logos on the front. (The names on jerseys are being paid for by an anonymous benefactor)



DV 2/17/19

General Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2019


             Silver League General Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 17, 2019


Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, Sam Galluch, Larry Chimento,  Dave Vanderneut, Jeff Brenneman, Dennis Mathieu , and John Welsh (Arrived Late)


Board Members Absent: Dick Kapper, Dennis Mathieu


Web Master Present - Roger Mears 

Board members introduction.                  


By Law Changes for 2019 – None




Treasurer’s Report -


    Tom K. advised the current checking account balance. Still can use more sponsors. Only 18 to date.  Needed 31 last year. 25% of incoming funds are from sponsors.




Randy B., SL President’s Comments-


   SL finished with a positive income of $4,000.00 for 2018.  $3,000.00 of that has been put towards the ‘rainy day” fund.  Tom K will be looking for some sort of interest bearing account to place that money ($25,000.00).


    Randy pointed out that that for players should wear assigned uniforms out of respect to sponsors that pay $400.00 to be a sponsor.(Also in SL Rules.)


   Registrations are lagging behind last year in all divisions.  Divisions Reps, Board members, and all players are encouraged to get “missing” players from 2018, and new players, to register.  It may be necessary to adjust the divisions if hoped for numbers are not reached by the time normal registration is closed.




Banquet –   It will be at Guy’s Party Center, September 29, 2019.  It has been pushed back to eliminate the conflict with tournaments that occurred last year. This will also simplify the printing of directories/programs, and championship shirts.




Hall Of Fame- Nomination should be in by August 1, 2019.  The form is on the web site. Jeff B. is chairing the HOF committee, and has forms available.  He is in need of committee members.   




Web Site-


 Roger M. discussed how alerts can be set up thru the web site.  This can be broken down by divisions, if players only want info related to their division.  If you have problems contact Roger.  Emailing back to a SL mass email goes to Roger.  If you have a specific problem for your Division Rep., you will find their contact info on the web site.







  No significant rule changes for 2019.  Tom K chaired the Rules Committee made up of players from all divisions.  Their input was then presented to the Board for discussion and votes.


  Tom K. is the new Head Umpire for 2019. He will, as has been attempted in the past – to get more consistency from the assigned umpires.  “Problems” should be brought to his and/or the division reps’ attention.


  Randy B. brought up some specific “situations” or “problems” that seem to be around consistently. They involved obstruction play, avoiding collisions, retaliation, over throw awards, commitment line, over running bases, etc.


  The new umpire cards for 2019 will have info placed on them after games to allow game length to be studied.  This will be the basis if any changes are needed to speed up games in all divisions in 2020.


  All divisions are working on ways to make up games lost to various reasons.  There is NO guarantee that 24 games will be played.  (There never was.)  “Other days” – not weekends – may have to be used to get games made up. Players will know that prior to the start of the season. It will be their responsibility to realize they may have to play other days or nights.


  Pitching screens in the Silver Division will be located the same as the other four divisions




Division Drafts-


 There were requested exceptions brought to the board involving situations that could affect what division a player would be in. All such “exceptions” are decided by a Board vote.  The players asking exception are advised of the Board’s decision.




 There were lengthy discussions today about certain draft procedures that “evolved” in some divisions that go against the basic concept of a new, not preset- draft each year. (The Board spend considerable time discussing this at their last meeting) The areas of concern involved player-managers, player-sponsors, players and managers “connected” to certain sponsors, and playing assistant managers/coaches (Not non-playing assistants).


  NO player, other than the player-manager can be “frozen, or pre-assigned, to ANY team prior to the draft.


Sponsors can be assigned to managers as late as after the draft. A player-sponsor will have to be drafted as part of the normal draft.  Prior to the draft a “gentleman’s agreement” may allow other managers to NOT draft that sponsor-player. But they should still be drafted in an appropriate round based on their rating. (A three inning catcher cannot be a 2nd round pick)


“Bloodlines” are also covered by the “playing-sponsors” guidelines.


In addition to a possible “gentleman’s agreement”, manager may make trades at the end of the draft.




    All divisions should have a pre-draft meeting with their Rep to discuss the ratings of players in the forthcoming draft.  ALL players will be rated to be in the draft. Managers should be aware of individual players’ rating in each of the categories.






  To expedite the jersey order, all names on jerseys will be done in white lettering. This will allow the name order to be placed as soon as final registration is complete, and before the actual drafts.  This will eliminate some colors for jerseys – white, light yellow, etc. – but not affect the colors of the numbers or logos on the front. (The names on jerseys are being paid for by an anonymous benefactor)






DV 2/17/19

Judge Teodosio
Big Bats Inc.
Hartville Kitchen
Chenoweth Golf & Banquet
Galluch's Pizza
Cramer's Cliffside
Cottage Muffler
Nathan's Patio Bar & Grill
Mosquito Authority
Dr. Bryan M. Scott, DDS
Red Beard Automotive
Kristen Scalise
Bomani Sports Research
Paragraphics, Inc.
Campus North Church
Drivers On Demand
Basement Sports Bar & Grille
Sergeant Home Improvements
Walts Cleaning Contractors
Howard Hanna
Portage Pumps of Ohio
Akron Monument & Granite
Summit County HOF
Guy's Party Center
The Cypress Colts