Board Meeting Minutes

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December 19, 2024




















NET CASH FLOW: ($446.00)

ACCOUNT BALANCE 12/19/24: $19,771.99





































Beginning in 2025, the SSUSA will prohibit the use of any bat warmers, including plastic

sleeves left in the sun and portable heating devices. This rule is part of an effort to strengthen

bat safety regulations.



November 14, 2024































REGARDING BATTING POSITION: SSUSA Rule 7.3(A): The batter must take an

initial position with his back foot behind a line defining the front edge of home

plate. The batter will be called out if he hits the ball when the back foot is

completely forward of that line. SSUSA Rule 7.5(C): Batter is out when an

entire foot is touching the ground completely outside the lines of the batter's

box when he hits a ball fair or foul.










October 24, 2024



























TREASURER’S REPORT 9/20/24-10/24/24








CANTON P&R) =$8290



DUMONT’S = $900


SUMMIT HOF= $150.00

MISC= $172

NET CASH FLOW= ($15,807.28)

ACCOUNT BALANCE 10/24/24 = $20,217.99






















NEXT MEETING: 11/14/2024 6:30pm

September 19, 2024

Silver League Board Minutes – September 19, 2024


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, Paul Rebillot, and Bryon Wine.

Absent: Kevin Kimmell, Roger Mears, John Welsh

Others In Attendance: Larry Deibel, George Mahaffey

Quorum: 7 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:25 pm.

Minutes from the August 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 8/23/2024 – 9/19/2024.

Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

There is $127 in Petty Cash.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,564.65, which is unchanged.

The Checking Account beginning balance was $32,694.05

Revenue totaled $4429.25, which included $210 from raffle ticket sales, $2,165.25 from Banquet registrations, $120 from umpire fee overpayment, $25 from a raffle donation, and $22 from apparel sales.

Disbursements totaled $1,098.03, which included $900 to Miracle Trophies for banquet plaques, $74 registration refund to Tony Ninni, $50 flower reimbursement to John Galizio for Tom Turnipseed, $30 donation to the American Cancer Society for Kathy Koch, and $44.03 to Bryon Wine for postage and mailing supplies.

Net Cash Flow for the period was $3,331.22.

The Checking Account ending balance was $36,025.27.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously

Old Business

Raffle Report – Larry D reported total ticket sales at $6,150. The top two ticket sellers were Tom Augustyn (16 books) and Joe Troyer (15 books). These players will have their 2025 registration fees waived.

New Business

White Division Rep – George Mahaffey was approved to fill the remaining one-year term for the open White division rep position by a unanimous vote.

New League Positions – Sam G suggested the League should formally create a non-Board position for Equipment Manager, and then agreed to fill the role.  Dick K volunteered to act as assistant Equipment Manager.  Sam also suggested the League create a non-Board Historian position responsible for preserving League archives.

Softball Inventory – Randy B reported that we have 47 dozen new softballs in inventory, and used 23 dozen for the 2024 season.

Banquet Planning – There was extensive discussion concerning final preparations for the upcoming banquet. Highlights are as follows:

-      Each attendee will receive a drink ticket and a door prize ticket

-      Tom K volunteered to distribute the drink and door prize tickets

-      Door prizes will include a wine basket, a whiskey basket, and seven pullovers

-      Kevin K will sell raffle tickets for a chance to win up to three (3) softball bats

-      Bryon W will create an alphabetized attendee list for the check-in table

-      President Lancaster requested Board members to arrive by 4:00 pm

-      Division Reps should be prepared to introduce Spirit Award winners

-      HoF inductees will be introduced by the person who nominated them

-      Kevin Hubler will be asked to recognize deceased members

-      Larry Deibel will conduct the raffle drawing

-      The first raffle ticket drawn will win the $1,000 top prize

-      Sam G volunteered to distribute the Player Directories

A motion allowing a player responsible for obtaining a sponsor to attend the banquet without charge if the sponsor does not attend the banquet, did not come to a vote.

A motion allowing a player responsible for obtaining a new sponsor to attend the banquet without charge, starting in 2025, was approved unanimously.

A motion to refund banquet registration fees for players responsible for obtaining one of the new sponsors for 2024 was approved unanimously.

Next Meeting – TBD

SJG – 09/22/2024

August 22, 2024

Silver League Board Minutes – August 22, 2024


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, and Bryon Wine.

Absent: John Welsh

Others In Attendance: Larry Deibel

Quorum: 8 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:30 pm.

Minutes from the July 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 7/26/2024 – 8/22/2024.


Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

There is $22 in Petty Cash.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,564.65, which is unchanged.

The Checking Account beginning balance was $35,289.40.

Revenue totaled $2,635, which included $1,740 from raffle ticket sales, $753.65 from Banquet registrations, $130 net proceeds from the hitting clinic, and $12 from hat sales.

Disbursements totaled $5,231, which included $5,178 to Tom Koch for the final two umpire fees, and a $53 refund for a duplicate banquet payment.

Net Cash Flow for the period was ($2,595.35).

The Checking Account ending balance was $32,694.05.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.

Old Business

Spirit Awards – All winners have been selected. Division Reps should make sure all winners are present at the banquet.

Team Photos – All team photos have been completed.


Banquet Plaques – Chuck L reported that plaques for Spirit Award winners, Hall of Fame inductees, and Sponsors have been ordered.  Sponsors not associated with a specific team will receive a plaque with a clock.


Player Ratings – Division reps were reminded to schedule meetings to review all player ratings.


Raffle Report – August ticket sales were reported as $2,125, bringing the total receipts to $5,630.  The Board unanimously approved a motion to award the top two (2) sellers with free registration for the 2025 season.

New Business

Banquet Raffle – Kevin K reported that Bilal Bomani has provided three (3) bats at cost, to be raffled off at the banquet.  This raffle will be separate from any other banquet raffles.  Other possible raffle items include a whiskey basket, a wine basket, and Silver League pullovers.  Details on these raffles are not yet finalized.  The Board decided there would not be a 50/50 raffle this year.

Player Directory – Sam G reported that all information has been provided to the printer.  Chuck L will meet with the printer to provide updated Sponsor business cards.

League Photographer - Chuck L reported that the League will need to find a new photographer for the 2025 season.


Banquet – The Board finalized menu selections.  Chuck L will contact Guy’s Party Center to discuss dessert options.  Chuck stated he will need to provide a final headcount by Sept. 17th.


Championship Shirts – John G reported that championship shirts have been ordered from Dumont Sporting Goods. The target delivery date is Sept. 19th. Shirt graphics will be printed in the color of the division.


Open Board Positions – Jay Airhart was elected Red division rep. Dick Kostko will remain Blue division rep.  Dave Madjerich will remain AM-At Large rep.

Paul Rebillot was elected Vice-President by a 7-0 vote with one abstention.

Candidates for the open White division rep position should notify President Lancaster before the Sept. 19th Board meeting.

Open Discussion

Canton Parks & Rec – Sam G will contact Erin to schedule a post-season meeting with Canton and selected Board members, as well as invite her to the banquet. Paul R agreed to determine actual field usage prior to final payment to Canton P&R.  

Division Realignment – Tom K reported that a meeting on this subject was held with a number of interested players. The consensus was to keep the current division setup intact.  Concern over the current draft process was heard.  The draft process will be reviewed before next season.


Koch Celebration of Life – Tom K expressed his gratitude for the support from Silver League players and Board members at the service for his wife Kathy

Injured Player Refund – The Board approved Tony Ninni’s registration refund request.


Upcoming Deadlines – Roger M agreed to notify players of the upcoming deadline for League rules and by-law changesAll changes will be consolidated with Kevin K.

Summit County Softball HoF – Randy B reported the exhibition games held at Firestone stadium on August 17th went well. Chuck Lancaster will be inducted as this year’s Miktarian Award winner and the Silver League itself will be inducted into the Summit County HoF at their November 3rd banquet.


Post-Season Play – There was a discussion on the current post-season play format as well as possible changes going forward. No action was taken. 


Website Issues – Roger M reported that the software glitch that has disabled our ability to distribute text alerts remains unresolved. The software vendor remains unresponsive. 


Next Meeting – September 19, Manchester Rd. ACME @ 6:30 pm.


SJG – 08/23/2024


July 25, 2024

Silver League Board Minutes – July 25, 2024


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, and Bryon Wine.

Absent: Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, and John Welsh

Quorum: 7 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Vice-President Kimmell opened the meeting at 6:30 pm.

Minutes from the June 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 6/14/2024 – 7/25/2024.


Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

There is $12 in Petty Cash.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,564.65 which includes $261.03 in interest earned for the second quarter.

The Checking Account beginning balance was $36,244.40.

Deposits totaled $1,205 which included $1,140 from raffle ticket sales, $20 from shorts sales, and $45 from a paid-sub registration.

Disbursements totaled $2,160 which included $1,920 for umpire fees, and $240 to John Galizio for the purchase of 20 hats.

Net Cash Flow for the period was ($955).

The Checking Account ending balance was $35,289.40

The Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.

Old Business

IRS Tax Status – Bryon W reported that the IRS has confirmed the League as a 501(c)(7) tax status entity. The League had previously been classified as 501(c)(3) entity. The main difference is the nonprofit’s purpose. A 501(c)(7) provides social or recreational opportunities for its members and relies primarily on membership fees for funding. A 501(c)(3) focuses on charitable causes and relies on fundraising and donations.

Raffle Report – July ticket sales were reported as $1,740, bringing the total receipts to $3,505.

Hitting Clinic – Kevin K reported net proceeds of $130 from the hitting clinic held on June 20th. Total revenue was $485.  Expenses included $105 for field usage fees and $250 to Bomani and his staff.


Division Realignment – Tom Koch reported a meeting will likely be held next week.


Open Board Positions – At this point, only one candidate has stated his intention to run for Vice-President.  No one has confirmed their intent to run for the open Board positions, although a potential candidate has been identified for the Red division rep position.


Hall of Fame Voting – After reviewing a total of 11 nominees, the Selection Committee forwarded the names of 5 players and 1 sponsor to the Election Committee.  The Board unanimously approved the 2024 class which includes players Mike Crawford and Eddie Schepp, along with sponsor Jim and Sons Transmission.  The Board then agreed to review and update the Procedure Manual Hall of Fame information.


Spirit Awards – All divisions were reminded that recipient names are due at the August Board meeting.


Team Photos – All team photos have now been completed.  The process of identifying player names should be completed in the next couple of days.


New Business

Player Ratings – All division reps were reminded that this process should begin as soon as possible.

Banquet – The September 22nd date for the banquet was confirmed. The Board recognized the need to finalize costs for food and drink tickets as soon as possible so registration forms can be created.


Open Discussion

Umpire Issues – Sam G delivered comments related to ongoing umpire issues. Tom K confirmed the umpire’s authority to call “excessive speed”. The Board unanimously approved a motion to modify League rules for repeated pitching violations as follows:

1st offense - Pitcher will be removed from the mound for the remainder of the game.

2nd offense - Pitcher will be removed from the game.

3rd offense - Pitcher will be suspended from all League games for one week.

Tom K will notify all umpires of these rule changes and the need to enforce them consistently.

Summit County Softball HoF – Randy B reminded everyone of the upcoming exhibition games scheduled for August 17 at Firestone stadium.


Tim Horvath Sr. – John G announced that a celebration of life will be held on August 4th at the Nauti Vine Winery.


Canton Parks & Rec – Paul reported there has been no response to requests for gate keys or fence repair. The Board agreed an end-of-season meeting with Canton P&R should be arranged.


Time Constraints – The Board agreed that the current time constraints for PM games (60 minutes) should not be enforced.  Tom K agreed to notify all PM umpires.  The Board also agreed to review the 60-minute PM game time constraints before the 2025 season.


Injured Player Refunds – The Board agreed that players who miss the season due to injury are entitled to a registration refund.  These players will have the option of receiving a refund less the cost of their jersey, or having their registration fees applied to the following season.


Website Issues – Roger M reported that the software glitch that has disabled our ability to distribute text alerts still has not been resolved. 


Next Meeting – August 22, Manchester Rd. ACME @ 6:30 pm.


SJG – 07/28/2024


June 13, 2024

Silver League Board Minutes – June 13, 2024


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, and Bryon Wine.

Absent: John Galizio, Dick Kostko, and John Welsh

Others Present: Larry Deibel, Rich Nisly, and John Robles

Quorum: 6 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:30 pm.

Minutes from the May 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 5/23/2024 – 6/13/2024.

Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

There is $10 in Petty Cash.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,306.62, which is unchanged.

The Checking Account beginning balance was $45,475.40.

Deposits totaled $792 which included $625 from raffle ticket sales, $135 from apparel sales, and $32 from (2) additional jerseys.

Disbursements totaled $10,023 which included $7,600 to Canton P&R for the first installment of field usage fees, $2,280 for umpire fees, and $143 to Vision Graphics for additional raffle tickets.

Net Cash Flow for the period was ($9,231).

The Checking Account ending balance was $36,244.40

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

Old Business

Division Realignment – There was a lengthy discussion on this topic with varying views on the pros and cons. Tom Koch requested player ratings from the AM division reps to help with analysis before moving forward.

Canton Parks & Rec – Issues with the Willig field complex were discussed, including fence disrepair, our inability to unlock the side gates, and the absence of foul lines. Chuck will contact Canton P&R to escalate these concerns. 

Raffle Report – Larry D provided an update on ticket sales, which are nearing the break-even point. 

New Business

Open Board Positions – Board positions for the Red and Blue divisions, as well as AM At-Large will open up at the end of this year.  President Lancaster encouraged everyone to identify and recruit solid candidates.

Hitting Clinic – Kevin K reported a hitting clinic has been scheduled at Willig for June 20th with a June 27th rain date.

Hall of Fame Nominations – President Lancaster reminded everyone of the June 15th deadline for 2024 HoF nominations.  Board members also did a quick review to make sure that all known nominations have been received for consideration.

Team Photos – This effort is underway but not yet completed.  The process has been delayed due to the large number of missing and injured players.   

Player Directory – Sam G will head up the Player Directory effort this year.  The League plans to use a different print vendor this year that will hopefully reduce costs.  Chuck L requested to be involved in the sponsor portion of the document.

Open Discussion

Website Issues – Roger M reported that the software glitch that has disabled our ability to distribute text and email notifications still has not been resolved.  The last communication with the vendor was on June 6th. Roger will follow up again and keep the Board apprised of any progress towards resolving this issue.

Spirit Awards – Chuck reminded division reps to begin thinking about the selection process and eligibility for these awards.

Willig Fence Discussion – The Board discussed the problem we currently have with out-of-play situations due to the disrepair of fences behind first and third bases.  In order to avoid confusion that may result from a fence-specific rule change, it was decided that no action would be taken at this time.

Next Meeting – TBD

SJG – 06/14/2024

May 22, 2024

Silver League Board Minutes – May 22, 2024



Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, John Welsh, and Bryon Wine.

Absent: Kevin Kimmell

Others Present: Larry Deibel, John Robles

Quorum: 8 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:28 pm.

Minutes from the April 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 4/26/2024 – 5/22/2024.

Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

There is $30 in Petty Cash.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,306.62, which is unchanged.

The Checking Account beginning balance was $45,965.55.

Deposits totaled $436 which included $400 from sponsors, and $36 from hat sales.

Disbursements totaled $926.15 which included $786 to Dumont Sports for hats and pullovers, $50 for the Ohio Non-Profit registration fee, $46 to Sam Galluch for shorts ordered from Epic Sports, $34.16 for sponsor banners, and $9.99 for IRS form 8868 filing extension fee.

Net Cash Flow for the period was ($490.15).

The Checking Account ending balance was $45,475.40.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

Old Business (None)

New Business

Uniform Recap – John G. reported that a shipping error was the cause of the uniform delay. Options to shorten the time from ordering to delivery will be looked in to.

Pullovers are available for sale with any remaining ones to be raffled off at the banquet. Fitted hats and sub jerseys are on order.

Umpires – Tom K reported that he is having a difficult time finding umpires to cover the evening division games. Roger M agreed to distribute information about the batter’s box rule in an effort to make sure players are aware.  Division Reps were asked to remind all managers that they are the only ones allowed to discuss controversial calls with umpires.  There is confusion related to balls hitting the pitching board.  Roger agreed to distribute information on this rule to hopefully bring some clarity.

Division Realignment – The Board agreed to look into a proposed third AM division in the future, due to the increasing number of older players.  A committee including Tom K, Dick K, Dave M, Sam G, and John Robles was tasked with researching the feasibility and logistics of this idea.  Additional players would be added to this committee. 

A similar idea for the PM divisions was also discussed with the objective of reducing the age span for the Red division.

Roger M agreed to provide AM and PM registration information for analysis.

Open Discussion

Pitching Screen – The Board voted 7-1 in favor of a motion to keep the pitching screen 14 feet in front of the rubber for the remainder of the season.  Paul R voted against the motion.

Hall of Fame – Roger agreed to post a reminder for June 15th Hall of Fame nomination deadline.

Health Issues – A Red division player developed a serious strep infection due to an abrasion resulting from a slide.  Paul R contacted the Stark County Health Dept. to inquire about any existing field sanitation guidelines.  In the absence of any guidelines, their recommendation was to wash any open wounds with soap and water as quickly as possible, apply antibacterial ointment, and keep the wound covered.

Extreme Heat Conditions – Sam G will revise the Procedure Manual to include the Extreme Heat guidelines originally approved by the Board in June of 2022.

Part-Time Player Rule – The Board agreed that the Part-Time Player Rule (9.H) inadvertently omitted from the 2023 version of the League rules should be added back to the 2024 version.

Automated Sub Requests – John W proposed a system to notify potential subs when a request has been made. Interested subs would then respond, allowing the At-Large reps to fill requests without making the number of calls currently required.  Roger M agreed to explore the feasibility.

Next Meeting – TBD

SJG – 05/24/2024

April 25, 2024

Silver League Board Minutes – April 25, 2024


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, John Welsh, and Bryon Wine.

Absent: Chuck Lancaster

Others Present: Larry Deibel, John Robles

Quorum: 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Vice-President Kimmell opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Minutes from the March 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 3/22/2024 – 4/25/2024.

Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,306.62 after first quarter interest of $118.20.

The Checking Account beginning balance was $45,928.53.

Deposits totaled $8,167 which included $6,067 from player registrations, $2,000 from sponsors, and $100 from the sale of shorts.

Disbursements totaled $8,129.98 which included $5,722.08 for half the jersey costs, $1,137 to Cincinnati Insurance for the commercial and officer policy, $1,035 for SSUSA team insurance, $147 for (2) player refunds, $54.90 for additional checks, and a $34 bank stop payment fee.

Net Cash Flow for the period was $37.02.

The Checking Account ending balance was $45,965.55.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

Old Business

Eagle Life Annuity - Bryon W. confirmed that the Eagle Life annuity was renewed for a three (3) year term at a rate of 4.95%.

Uniforms – John G. reported that League hats are available for distribution, and jerseys are reportedly in transit.  He agreed to keep the Board informed of any status updates on the jerseys.

New Business

Canton Parks & Rec. – Paul R. shared email correspondence with Erin from Canton P&R confirming that all four (4) Willig fields will be available for team practices the week of April 29 during regular game times, and someone from Canton P&R will be on-site for access to our equipment storage area.  Sam G confirmed that all equipment will be available for use at the Willig complex by 9:00 am on Monday (4/29).    

2024 Schedules - The Board confirmed that there will be no games on June 19th, a Canton holiday.  The Board also confirmed that there will be no morning games on Monday, June 24th and Wednesday, June 26th due to Thee Buckeye Classic tournament schedule.  The White division may play on June 24th if makeup games are needed.

Umpire Meeting  – Tom K. reported that the annual umpire’s meeting was held on Sunday, April 21, and that there are adequate umpires available to start the season.

Raffle Tickets – Larry D. distributed raffle tickets to all division reps and explained how the money from ticket sales was to be handled.

Team Pictures Team pictures will be scheduled starting as early as Wednesday, May 8th.

Open Discussion

Schedules – In response to reported questions related to playing schedules, Roger M. agreed to send an email explaining how to access schedules from the League website.

Prayer Line – Larry D proposed a prayer line be established on the League website. The motion was approved unanimously. Players will be able to add and remove their names as needed.  Interested parties will be able to inquire for prayer intentions. Roger M. agreed to add this capability to the website and to provide necessary information.

Board Of Directors Meeting Schedule – The possibility of changing the schedule for future Board meetings was discussed due to conflicts a number of Board members will have with the current schedule over the upcoming months.  Kevin K. agreed to discuss proposed changes with President Lancaster.

Next Meeting – TBD

SJG – 04/27/2024


March 21, 2024

Silver League Board Minutes – March 21, 2024


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, John Welsh, and Bryon Wine.

Others Present: Larry Deibel

Quorum: All 9 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:25 pm.


Minutes from the February 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report for the period from 1/19/2024 – 02/21/2024.

Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,185.39.

The Checking Account beginning balance was $29,866.21.

Deposits totaled $17,584.56 which included $10,334.56 from player registrations, $7,000 from sponsors, and $250 from Super Bowl squares proceeds.

Disbursements totaled $1,004.94 which included $665 for player refunds, $299.94 for website renewal, and $40 for player polling fees.

Net Cash Flow for the period was $16,579.62.

The Checking Account ending balance was $46,445.83.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Old Business

Eagle Life CD – A motion to renew the league’s CD with the current institution for a 3-year term at a rate of 4.95% was approved unanimously.

2024 Rule Change – The Board unanimously approved a motion to waive enforcement of the 2024 USSSA rule change requiring the batter’s back foot to be behind the front edge of home plate. The motion included that a warning would be issued for the upcoming season.


New Business

Board of Director Support – President Lancaster reminded the Board of the importance that all members publicly support Board decisions regardless of their individual beliefs on a decision.

Division Draft Status – Drafts for the Red, White and Blue divisions have been completed and went smoothly.  The Gold draft is scheduled for March 22nd.


Division Realignment – The benefits of possibly realigning the AM divisions for 2025 were discussed.  The Board agreed to revisit this subject prior to next season.


Playing Schedules – Canton P&R has requested digital versions of our 2024 schedules. Roger M agreed to provide them to Canton P&R and Tom K for umpire assignments, after receiving them from Division Reps.


Sponsors Chuck L reported there are more sponsors than teams for 2024. An alternate plaque design will be considered for ‘League’ and ‘Division’ sponsors.


Uniforms – John G has received uniform orders for the Red, White and Blue divisions.  He is planning to meet with B. Bomani on Monday, (3/25) to finalize the orders and discuss turnaround time.  John G will also meet with Dumont Sporting Goods to order hats.


Open Discussion

Equipment Status – Sam G reported that all League equipment is ready.

Bryon W reported that he is in possession of one of the League’s AEDs, which was last used for Fall ball.

Summit County Softball HoF – Randy B reported that the open house/exhibition game event has been scheduled for August 17th, and that raffle tickets are available for sale.


Raffle Tickets – The Board unanimously approved a motion to award a free registration to the person selling the most League raffle tickets.


Next Meeting – Thursday, April 25th @ 6:30 PM (ACME – Manchester Rd.)


SJG – 03/22/2024


February 21, 2024

 Silver League Board Minutes – February 21, 2024


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, John Welsh, and Bryon Wine.

Absent Members: Dave Madjerich

Others Present: Larry Deibel, John Robles, Joe Troyer

Quorum: 8 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:25 pm.

Minutes from the January 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 1/19/2024 – 02/21/2024.

Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,185.39.

The Checking Account beginning balance was $18,876.63

Deposits totaled $13,821.58 which included $12,167.58 from player registrations, $1,600 from sponsors, and $54 from apparel sales.

Disbursements were $2,832 for softballs.

Net Cash Flow for the period was $10,989.58.

The Checking Account ending balance was $29,866.21

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Old Business

Constitution & By-Law Changes – Kevin K gave an update on results of the membership voting.  All five (5) proposed changes are passing with approval ratings above 90%.  The Board agreed to close voting as of March 1st in order to avoid an additional monthly service fee.  Sam G will provide Roger M with the revised document to be posted on the website.

Procedure Manual Update – Tom K reported on final changes which the Board unanimously approved.  Sam G will provide Roger M with the revised document to be posted on the website.

Banquet – The banquet is tentatively scheduled for Sep. 22 at Guy’s Party Center.

CD Renewal – The current CD’s term will end on March 22.  The Board agreed that a 1-year term would be optimal given the current economic situation.  A committee of Kevin K, Tom K, and Bryon W was formed to research a longer-term strategy for these funds.

Super Bowl Squares – Kevin K reported that all payouts have been completed and the Silver League earned $250 from this fundraiser.  


New Business

Registration – Roger M reported the current registration counts by Division as follows:

Blue – 73, Gold - 63, Red – 23, White – 49.  These numbers include nine (9) new players.  Division Reps are to follow up with players that failed to designate an AED option.  Roger M will send a registration reminder email broadcast on Friday, Feb 23.

There was a lengthy discussion concerning the published March 1st registration deadline and the current number of registered players.  Paul R suggested the Board should have a contingency plan in place in the unlikely event that the PM divisions would have to be combined.  A decision will be made by the Red division draft scheduled for March 10th. 

Sponsors – Chuck L reported sponsors are currently assigned as follows:

Blue – 6, Gold – 4, Red – 3, and White – 5.


Next Meeting – Thursday, March 21st

SJG – 02/25/2024

January 19, 2024


Silver League Board Minutes – January 18, 2024


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, and Bryon Wine.

Absent Members: Kevin Kimmel, John Welsh

Quorum: 7 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:28 pm.

Minutes from the December 2024 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report for the period from 10/20/2023 – 01/18/2024.

Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid and there is $10 in Petty Cash.

The value of the Eagle Life Annuity is $21,185.39, which includes 4th quarter interest of $109.15.

This annuity currently earns 2.1% and will mature on March 22, 2024

The Checking Account beginning balance was $17,210.83.

Deposits were $2,317.97 from player registrations.

Disbursements were $652.17, which included $600 to the IRS for a 1024 application, $22.17 to Go Daddy for the web domain, and $30 for Peggy Yurkschatt’s memorial donation.

Net Cash Flow for the period was $1,665.80.

The Checking Account ending balance was $18,876.63.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

The Board unanimously approved a motion to research current CD rates for a decision at the upcoming General Meeting on where to invest the maturing Eagle Life funds.


Old Business

Registration – Roger M reported the current registration counts by Division as follows:

Blue – 20, Gold - 15, Red – 6, White – 11.

Dick K agreed to contact Tim Wunderle concerning his limited playing availability.


Rules Committee – Tom K. presented the committee’s recommendations.

A total of 21 rule changes were submitted and reviewed.

The Board approved the following rule changes for the 2024 season:

1.   “A pitch that hits the front edge of the plate and bounces back towards the pitcher is automatically a ball.”  The vote was 4-3 with Dave M, Dick K, and Paul R voting ‘No’.

2.   “The pitcher must throw from behind the screen and deliver an underhand pitch over the screen. He must come to a full and complete stop with at least one foot

in contact with the rubber and with the ball in either the pitching hand or both, in front of his body prior to delivering a pitch. This position must be maintained for at least one (1) second prior to releasing the ball.  If the pitcher doesn’t come to a complete stop, an illegal pitch will be called.”  The vote was unanimous.

3.   “The screen must be fourteen (14) feet directly in front of the pitching rubber.”  This change was approved only for the first half of the season on a trial basis. The vote was 6-1 with Dick K casting the ‘No’ vote. 


Softballs – Randy B reported that 48 dozen softballs have been ordered at a total cost of $2,832.


Field Committee – Randy B reported on the meeting with Canton P&R that focused primarily on our field usage contract with the following discussion points:

10% of any grants the Silver League may receive for Canton P&R would be deducted from our fees.

A 30-day termination notice by either party was agreed on.

The term of the contract was set at two (2) years.

The per-field pricing structure of $100 for AM-only use, $150 for PM-only use, and $195 for all day use was confirmed.

Canton’s regular lighting fee of $15/hour/field was waived.

Silver League’s option to schedule on Monday/Tuesday or Monday/Thursday in the future as a way to reduce field usage fees.

There is a possibility of a four (4) year term on our next contract, depending on the status of the Canton Park’s levy.

The Board unanimously approved the contract.


Uniform Committee – John G. reported there will be a 10% increase in costs over last year.  The supplier has requested half of the payment will be due when the order is placed, with the remaining half due upon delivery.  The Board agreed to finalize drafts as soon as is practical, and provide uniform information as each draft is completed, to smooth out the ordering as much as possible.


Procedure Manual Committee – Tom K reported final changes were being completed and will be presented at the next Board meeting.


General Membership Meeting – Agenda items for the Feb. 4th General Membership meeting were established as follows:

1.   Financial Report

2.   Canton P&R Update

3.   Season Start Date

4.   Rule Changes

5.   Constitution and By-Laws changes / voting

6.   Registration

7.   Fund Raiser

8.   Q & A

     Next Meeting – TBD

SJG – 01/19/2024


December 14, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – December 14, 2023



Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, and Bryon Wine.

Absent Members: Dave Madjerich, John Welsh

Others Present: Larry Chimento, Larry Deibel, Rich Nisly

Quorum: 7 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Opening Remarks – President Lancaster reminded all Board members of the League’s mission statement and encouraged everyone to act in accordance with it’s stated objectives.

Chuck also thanked Vice-President Kimmell for conducting the November Board meeting in his absence.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 11/17/2023 – 12/14/2023.


Bryon Wine reported there were no changes to League finances during the period.

The Board voted unanimously to approve a motion holding 2024 sponsor fees at $400.

Minutes from the November 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Old Business

General Membership Meeting – The Board unanimously approved a motion detailing the general membership meeting which will be held on Sunday, Feb.4th, at the Manchester Rd. Acme, starting at 1:00 pm.

Uniform Committee – John G. reported that members from each division now comprise the committee.


Rules Committee – Tom K. reported the committee will meet on Sunday, Dec. 17th to review the proposals.


Field Committee - Canton P&R has informed the League of their 2024 pricing structure.  Daily field usage fees increased from $125 to $195.  AM fees will be $100 per field and PM fees will be $150 per field.


The Board unanimously approved a motion to keep the 2024 playing schedule the same as the 2023 schedule (Mon. AM/PM, Tue. PM, and Wed. AM).

The Board also agreed that schedules for all divisions should target 24 games.

After reviewing a proposal from Barberton P&R, the Board unanimously approved a motion to remain at the Canton Willig complex for 2024.


The Field Committee will meet with Canton P&R to discuss their revised fee structure and a possible 2-year contract agreement.

2024 Budget – Bryon W presented a budget proposal for Board review. The budget’s framework included 24-game schedules, the revised Canton P&R fees, and a $90 player registration fee.  The budget included a softball purchase expense that would cover softballs used beyond the 2024 season. The Board decided to prorate the softball purchase expense over multiple years, so the budget would reflect the actual annual expense. This modified budget proposal would result in an operating surplus of approximately $650.  Based on this proposal, the Board voted 6-1 in favor of a motion to keep the player registration fees at $90.  Paul R. voted against the motion.


Registration Form - Roger M will finalize the 2024 registration form based on today’s Board decisions related to fees and schedule of play.


Fund Raising Committee – Larry D. presented details on the raffle discussed at the November meeting. The presentation included a revenue/expense breakdown as well as a sample ticket. The Board voted unanimously to approve a motion to move forward with the raffle which will be held at the League banquet.      


Constitution and By-Law Changes – The Board discussed the logistics of the voting process required for approval of the proposed Constitution and By-Law changes.  The general membership will be able to vote in person at the general membership meeting or on-line.  Voting will end with the close of registration. Sam G. will provide a summary of proposed changes to Kevin K. and Roger M.  Kevin K. will prepare the hardcopy ballots. Roger M. will notify players via broadcast email and prepare the on-line voting mechanism.

New Business

Championship Patches – Chuck L. and Paul R. agreed to look into sourcing patches as an alternative to shirts for divisional tournament champions.

Open Discussion

Player Registration - The Board agreed that imposing strict cutoffs on the number of registering players is not in accordance with League objectives.

Paul R. raised the issue of players who fail to register in their age-appropriate division.  The Board agreed that Division Reps should be responsible for identifying these situations, which have historically required a waiver from the Board.


Next Meeting – TBD


SJG – 12/16/23


November 19, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – November 16, 2023


Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dick Kostko, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, John Welsh, and Bryon Wine.

Absent Members: Chuck Lancaster

Others Present: Larry Deibel

Quorum: 9 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Vice-President Kimmell opened the meeting at 6:30 pm.

Minutes from the October 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for the period from 10/20/2023 – 11/16-2023.

Bryon Wine reported that all bills have been paid.

The checking account balance carried over from the 2023 fiscal year was $17,210.83.

The value of the League’s CD was reported as $21,076.24.

The total value of the League’s funds for the start of 2024 was reported as $38,287.07.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

Audit Committee – Committee chairman Larry Deibel reported that the committee met with League Treasurer Bryon Wine on November 15th, and found that the League’s financial records are accurate and true.  Other committee members included Tom Koch, Dick Kostko and Mike Mack.

Old Business

Softballs – Randy Ballard reported that there were three (3) viable options for softballs to be purchased: Baden Fire @ $59 per doz.; Trump Stote @ $68 per doz.; and Tattoo @ $69.95 per doz. All of these options are for 44/375 balls that have been used in the past.  The Board unanimously approved a motion to purchase 48 dozen of the Baden Fire balls.

New Business

Insurance – Randy Ballard agreed to inquire about the cost of player insurance coverage for 2024.

2024 Proposed Budget – Bryon Wine presented a proposed 2024 budget for Board review.  Most notable was a planned increase in the field usage fees from Canton P&R.  The Board delayed approval of the proposed budget, pending the actual 2024 field usage fees.

Committee Updates

Field Committee – Canton P&R has stated they will provide cost information related to the use of the Willig field complex, by Dec. 1st.

Uniform Committee – John Galizio reported that Matt Fuller and Mike Lee have been added as committee members, Dick Kostko also requested to be added.  Paul Rebillot suggested that Division Reps should be involved in assignment of team colors.

Fund Raising Committee – John Welsh reported that Chris Kruty and George Mahaffey have been added as committee members, with Jay Airhart joining as an alternate member.  Larry Deibel was also assigned as a member.  Two potential fund raising ideas were proposed.  The first was based on the daily 3-digit lottery drawing.  The second was the sale of raffle tickets with cash prizes. This proposal was well received.

By-Laws Committee – Paul Rebillot reported there was nothing new, pending the general membership vote on changes previously approved by the Board.

Rules Committee – Tom Koch reported that Jay Airhart, Randy Ballard, Dick Kostko, Dave Madjerich and Paul Rebillot have been added as committee members. Tom is looking to add additional PM players. Dennis Nutt was suggested as a possible addition from the PM divisions.  Tom is planning on meeting in mid December after the December 1st deadline for rule change submissions.

Procedure Manual Committee – Tom reported that Sam Galluch, Paul Rebillot, and Bryon Wine will serve as committee members.

Open Discussion

Post-season Tournament - Bryon Wine did a follow-up on his proposal to overhaul the format of the current post-season tournament. The Board agreed that the proposal should be submitted as a rule change and be dealt with accordingly.

Registration Form – Roger Mears presented a draft of the 2024 registration form for review.  Notable changes included deadline dates, fees for part-time players, and hats for new players. The Board agreed that a final decision on registration fees should be made after field usage charges are provided by Canton P&R.

General Meeting – Kevin Kimmell agreed to look into locations and dates for the 2024 general membership meeting to be held in February.  Concerns included a location with adequate space and avoiding a scheduling conflict with the Super Bowl. 

The Buckeye Classic – Randy Ballard shared the schedule for this tournament.  He identified a potential issue with umpire availability when the 70, 75, 80 and 85 year olds play on Monday thru Wednesday, in conflict with AM League games

Next Meeting – Dec. 14th 6:00 pm (The Basement on Manchester Rd. * First round on President Lancaster)

SJG – 11/19/23


October 19, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – October 19, 2023


Board Members Present: Chuck Lancaster, Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Tom Koch, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, Bryon Wine.

Absent Members: Dick Kostko, John Welsh

Others Present: Rich Nisly

Quorum: 7 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

President Lancaster opened the meeting at 6:28 pm.

Open Board-elected Positions     

Sam Galluch was nominated for Secretary and approved unanimously.

Bryon Wine was nominated for Treasurer and approved unanimously.

Tom Koch was nominated for Umpire-In-Chief and approved unanimously.

Roger Mears was nominated for Web Administrator and approved unanimously.

Minutes from the August 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report for the period from 8/24/2023 – 10/19-2023.


The value of the League’s CD was reported as $21,076.24, which included 3rd quarter interest of $108.63.

Starting checking account balance was $30,567.54.

Revenue was $3,052.84, which included $2,055.84 from banquet signups, $965 from the banquet 50/50 and bat raffles, and $32 from apparel sales.  

Disbursements were $16,409.55 which included $5,686.25 to Guy’s Party Center (after a $400 credit for their 2023 sponsor fee), $4,500 to Canton P&R for final field usage costs, $2,016 to SSUSA for 36 dozen softballs @ $56/doz, $1,908 to Tom Koch for umpire fees, $992 reimbursement to Sam Galluch for player directories, $716.50 reimbursement to Chuck Lancaster for plaques, $440 to Dumont’s Sporting Goods for championship shirts, $105.80 reimbursement to Sam Galluch for shorts, and $45 half-season player refund to Paul Rebillot.

Net cash flow was ($13,356.71).

Ending checking account balance was $17,210.83.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

New Business

Committee Formation

Uniform Committee – John G chairman.  To be populated with non-Board members.

Field Committee – Randy B, Paul R, and Bryon W.

Procedure Manual Review Committee – Tom K chairman.

Rules Committee – Tom K chairman.

By-Laws Committee – Paul R chairman.


Fund Raising Committee – John W chairman.

Canton Parks & Rec – Chuck L reported on the 10/18 meeting attended with Paul R and Bryon W.  A long-term contract was discussed. Canton P&R is open to the possibility, with a limited term based on an upcoming 2026 operating levy.  Canton P&R stated they plan to modify field pricing which is expected to include discounts for day usage and premiums for night usage. Canton P&R committed to providing details on their new pricing structure by December 1, 2023. Pre-season practices will be permitted. Canton P&R confirmed that Willig fields are not available on Wednesday nights.  They will check on Thursday night availability and get back with the League.  The possibility of obtaining State grants was discussed.  The League will investigate.  


Rule Changes – Roger M agreed to post a reminder of the upcoming Dec. 1st deadline for rule changes.


Registration – Roger M presented a first draft of the 2024 registration form for review.


Discussion points included the registration deadline, late fees for returning players, start date, and on-line registration fees.

The Board voted 6-1 to approve a motion for the League to provide a hat to all new players at no cost. Kevin K voted against the motion.

2024 Banquet Venue – Chuck L reported that he met with Chenoweth Golf and Banquet to discuss the possibility of them hosting the 2024 banquet.  Chenoweth agreed to provide a quote after reviewing this year’s arrangement with Guy’s.


Domain Name – Kevin K presented information on domain name changes. The Board agreed to table the subject until the November meeting to allow time for review.


Regular and Post-Season Schedules – Bryon W presented information on possible changes to the current playing schedule outlined in the League Rules.  The discussion included the scope of changes (morning vs. evening divisions).  The Board agreed to review the proposal for further discussion before the Dec. 1 rule change deadline.


Rule Change Deadline – The Board voted unanimously to approve a motion changing the submission deadline for rule changes from Dec. 1 to Oct 1.  This will now be presented for general membership approval along with the By-Laws changes previously approved by the Board.


SJG – 10/21/23


August 23, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – August 23, 2023


Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Randy Ballard, Larry Deibel, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Dick Kostko, Chuck Lancaster, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, Bryon Wine.

Others Present: Rich Nisly, John Robles, and John Welsh

Quorum: All 9 voting Board members in attendance.

President Koch read Larry Deibel’s resignation letter and thanked him for his service to the Silver League.

Treasurer’s Report for period from 7/27/2023 – 8/23/2023.

The value of the League’s CD remained $20,967.61.

Starting checking account balance was $31,046.86.

Revenue was $2,283.68, which included $1,446.68 from banquet signups, a $550 IRS refund for form 8940, $275 in gross proceeds from the hitting clinic, and $12 from apparel sales.  

Disbursements were $2,758 which included $2,340 for umpire fees, $125 to Canton P&R for hitting clinic field usage fees, $186 for player refunds, $100 to the state of Ohio for 2020 and 2021 late filing fees, and $7 for a banquet overpayment refund.

Net cash flow was ($474.32).

Ending checking account balance was $30,567.54.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Minutes from the July 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.



Old (Unfinished) Business

Web Site – Roger M has broadcast a reminder for the banquet and will send another reminder early next week.

Hitting Clinic – Bryon W reported $750 in gross receipts from the hitting clinic.  The League had proceeds of $150 after field usage fees and a ‘thank you’ payment to the group that conducted the clinic.


Banquet – Chuck L reported that banquet invitations were sent to all sponsors. Bryon W reported that he has received 110+ banquet reservations, and will provide President Koch with a list of all registrants.


Player Ratings – Division reps reported that most player ratings have been completed, and agreed to follow up on the remaining forms to finalize the process.



New Business

Player Directory – Sam G reported that all updates have been sent to the printer.  He is waiting for a proof version for review and will forward it to Dave M, Tom K, and Kevin K who have agreed to help in the review process.

Plaques – Chuck L has ordered the sponsor and Hall of Fame plaques which should be ready by Sept. 14th.  Sam G provided Chuck with a list of the Shaffstall Spirit Award winners so those plaques can also be ordered.  President Koch requested text for a special recognition award to be presented to Bill Zavarello.  Sam G and Bryon W agreed to create and submit the text for Board approval.


Championship Shirts – The Board voted 5-4 in favor of a motion to provide championship shirts only for division winners, thereby eliminating shirts for post-season tournament winners.  Sam G, Chuck L, Dave M, and Paul R, voted against the motion.  Bryon W stated that the 2023 budget was approved with funding sufficient only for division championship shirts. It was apparent that not all Board members were aware of this.


Banquet Program - The Board agreed to conduct a 50/50 raffle at the banquet. A sample windbreaker will be on display for anyone wishing to place an order.  Kevin K will get in touch with Bomani Sports to try and obtain one or more bats to be used as raffle prizes.


Player Survey – Dick K presented the results of the comprehensive player survey he conducted.  The survey results will be reviewed by the Board, with any related action(s) to be taken up by the 2024 Board of Directors.


By-Law Changes – The Board voted 8-1 in favor of a motion to approve the four (4) major changes to the Silver League Constitution and By-Laws document as recommended by the assigned committee. Paul R cast the ‘No’ vote.  These changes will be presented to the general membership for approval.  Voting will occur either through an on-line survey developed by Kevin K, in person at the February general meeting, or as part of the registration process.


Next Meeting – Wednesday, 9/27/2023


SJG – 8/24/23


July 26, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – July 26, 2023



Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Randy Ballard, Larry Deibel, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Dick Kostko, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, Bryon Wine and Jeff Brenneman.

Absent: John Galizio

Others Present: John Robles

Quorum: 8 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Treasurer’s Report for period from 6/29/2023 – 7/26/2023.

The value of the League’s CD was reported as $20,967.61 after 2nd quarter interest of $108.06.

Starting checking account balance was $41,702.86

Revenue was $634 which includes $436 from banquet signups and $198 from the sale of apparel including Silver League hats, shorts, and windbreakers.  

Disbursements were $11,295 which included $8,375 to Canton P&R for field usage fees, $2,040 for umpire fees, and $880 to SSUSA for insurance fees (22 teams @ $40 each).

Net cash flow was ($10,661).

Ending checking account balance was $31,046.86

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Minutes from the June 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Old (Unfinished) Business

Web Site – Roger Mears will post the banquet registration form with on-line payment option.   

Hitting Clinic – Kevin K reported the follow up session originally scheduled for Thursday, July 20th, at Willig fields was canceled do to inclement weather and has been rescheduled for August 10th at Willig fields.  Cost will be $50 for players who did not attend the initial session and $35 for players who did attend the initial session.  There are currently a very limited number of slots still available.

Banquet – President Koch will follow up with Chuck Lancaster to make sure sponsor letters for the banquet have gone out.  There was some discussion on how the league is charged (plates vs. headcount we provide). Bryon W emphasized the fact that sponsors should be reminded to attend if they commit to do so.  President Koch also reported that Erin Thompson from Canton P&R (and a guest) have been invited at league expense.


Player Survey – Dick Kostko presented a sample survey for Board review. The Board recommended some additional questions should be added. Evening players will be asked about their availability on Monday and Tuesday evenings should division schedule changes be required based on registration numbers.  Morning players will be asked about the possibility of moving game days from Mon/Wed to Mon/Tue as a potential cost saving measure since field usage fees are expected to increase in 2024.


New Business

Schedules – President Koch requested to be kept informed of upcoming division schedules as tournaments approach so umpires can be assigned as needed.

Open Board Positions – The following players have expressed interest in open Board positions:  PM At-Large Rep – John Welsh; White Div Rep – Paul Rebillot; Gold Div Rep – Randy Ballard.


Sam G will prepare election ballots.  Tom K will conduct the elections.

Vice-President Resignation – President Koch announced that Larry D intends to resign his position as Vice-President. Sam G presented a list of potential replacement candidates based on the Constitution and By-Laws.  Paul R moved to have his name added to this list.  The Board voted 6-2 in favor of this motion.  Randy B and Sam G cast the ‘No’ votes. Paul R moved to have the Board solicit possible replacement candidates over the next month prior to voting for a replacement VP.  The motion died when it failed to receive a second.  Bryon W nominated Chuck Lancaster to fill the open VP position.  The Board approved this nomination unanimously contingent on Larry D’s resignation and Chuck Lancaster’s willingness to serve.


By-Law Changes – A number of By-Law changes have been identified.  A committee of Sam G, Randy B, and Kevin K was formed to prepare proposed By-Law changes.


Rule Changes – Roger Mears will post a website reminder of the deadline for rule changes.


Tom Shaftstall Spirit Awards – President Koch reminded all division reps that selections for Spirit Award winners are due.  Sam G and Roger M should be notified as soon as divisional winners are determined.


Player Ratings – President Koch reminded all division reps that player ratings need to be completed before the season ends.


Player Directory – Sam G reported that work on the Player Directory is in process.


Team photos have been completed. Help will be needed identifying Red and White division players.  Roger M requested team photos as they are finalized.

Silver League Hall of Fame – On July 19th the Selection Committee advanced six (6) names to the Election Committee.  On July 24th, Rich Burrows, Gary Busson, Dennis Loughry, and Judge Teodosio (sponsor) were elected to the Hall of Fame. The Board unanimously approved this slate of inductees.


Special Recognition – The Board unanimously approved a motion to present Bill Zavarello with an award at the banquet in recognition for his many contributions to the league over his career.


Open Discussion

Summit County Hall of Fame – Randy Ballard reminded everyone about the exhibition games schedule for August 12th at Firestone Stadium.

Umpires – President Koch discussed the importance of consistent calls among all umpires.  The primary issue remains how to call pitches on the front of the plate.  The Board voted 7-1 to approve a motion that any ball hitting the plate and bouncing back towards the pitcher will be called a ‘Ball’.  Dick K cast the only ‘No’ vote.  Tom K will notify all umpires of the decision.


SJG – 7/27/23


June 28, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – June 28, 2023



Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Randy Ballard, Larry Deibel, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Dick Kostko, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, Bryon Wine and Chuck Lancaster.

Quorum: 9 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Treasurer’s Report for period from 5/25/2023 – 6/28/2023.

The value of the League’s CD was reported as $20,859.55.

Starting checking account balance was $44,071.86

Revenue was $425 from the sale of apparel including Silver League hats, shorts, and a windbreaker.  

Disbursements were $2,794, which included $2,100 for umpire fees, $550 for IRS form 990, and $144 to Dumont Sports for 12 fitted hats @ $12 each.

Net cash flow was ($2,369).

Ending checking account balance was $41,702.86

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

Minutes from the May 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Old (Unfinished) Business  

Hitting Clinic – Kevin K reported the follow up session is scheduled for Thursday, July 20th, at Willig fields.  There will be two sessions (6:30-8:00 and 8:00-9:30) with a total of 20 open slots.

Procedure Manual – Updates to the Procedure Manual previously distributed for Board review were discussed. There were (4) major areas of change. The sections on the Hall of Fame and the draft were revised.  New sections on 5-inning games and part-time players were added.  The Board voted unanimously to approve the updates with the addition of a statement determining the number of innings required for a 5-inning game to be considered complete in the event of inclement weather.


Umpires – President Koch discussed the importance of consistent calls among all umpires.  Major areas of concern were the batter’s box, pitches on the front of the plate, and fielders ability to use the orange bag when needed.


Canton Parks and Rec – Paul R shared en email conversation with Erin from Canton P&R concerning rain out notifications.  Erin stated that with the turf in place, they are unlikely to cancel games unless the outfield was too wet or soft.  Division reps will determine if games should be canceled due to inclement weather.  


Banquet – Chuck Lancaster reported the banquet will be held on Sept. 17 at Guy’s Party Centre and provided a list of menu options.  The league will pay $26.50 per person which includes Salad, Bread Sticks, Coffee, Iced Tea and Lemonade.  The deadline for a headcount is Sept. 8.  The Board approved the menu which includes Chicken Cordon Bleu, Beef Sirloin Tips, Rigatoni with Meatballs, Roasted Redskin Potatoes, and California Mix Vegetables. Each person will receive a drink ticket at a cost of $3.75.  The Board set the cost at $20 per player with guests paying $27.  Sponsors and a guest can attend for free.  Chuck also reminded Bryon that Guy’s sponsor fees of $400 should be deducted from our final invoice, as was previously agreed.


New Business

Upcoming Board Meetings - President Koch reported that upcoming Board meetings will be held at the Manchester Rd. ACME on July 26 and August 23.

Silver League Hall of Fame – Nominations for the Silver League HoF are now open. Larry D will chair the Selection Committee and inform Sam G once members are selected so he can form the Election Committee.


Board Elections – President Koch reported that the PM At-Large rep, Gold Division rep, and White Division rep Board positions will be open at the end of this year.  He requested that existing Board members begin to identify and recruit candidates for these open positions.  Roger M will send an email to all players in an effort to encourage candidates. 


Open Discussion

Randy B stated that there has been some confusion related to the number of players required to avoid a forfeit, which has led to inconsistency in how that threshold has been applied. The controversy was whether substitute players should be included in the minimum numbers or only rostered players.  Sam G agreed to research rules from previous years to determine when the wording in question may have changed.

Paul R raised the idea to possibly move the Vice-President election from August until the new Board is in place.  


The idea of conducting a player survey was raised, although no specific topics were identified. 


John G reported that replacement jerseys for Nathan’s Bar & Grill, along with a size 5X jersey that has been on order, are now in the country and soon to be delivered.


Roger M agreed to post information related to the banquet, open Board positions, and the upcoming deadline for By-Law changes, on the league website.



SJG – 6/28/23

May 24, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – May 24, 2023



Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Dick Kostko, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, Bryon Wine and Jeff Brenneman.

Absent: Larry Deibel

Quorum: 8 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Others Present: Gil Gonzalez, John Robles

Treasurer’s Report for period from 4/27/2023 – 5/24/2023.

The value of the League’s CD was reported as $20,859.55.

Starting checking account balance was $46,125.34.

Revenue was $586, which included $240 from Night at the Races tickets, $140 from hat and shorts sales, $180 from (4) paid sub registrations, and $26 from jersey and hat sales from Bryon Wine.

Disbursements were $2,639.48, which included $1,248 to Dumont Sports for league hats, $362 to Dumont Sports for windbreakers and fitted hats, $415 for Night at the Races refunds, $400 for a sponsor refund to Walt’s Cleaning, $110 to Paul Rebillot for scorebooks, $55 to Robert Lawthers for registration refund, and $49.48 to Bryon Wine for banners, stamps, and postage.

Net cash flow was ($2,053.48).

Ending checking account balance was $44,071.86

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Minutes from the April 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Old (Unfinished) Business  

Hitting Clinic – Kevin K. reported the follow up session is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, July 20th, at Willig fields.  More details to follow.

Night at The Races – Kevin K reported that the venue and the emcee have been notified that this event has been cancelled due to lack of interest.



New Business

Banquet – President Koch reported that this year’s banquet will once again be held at Guy’s Party Centre.

Rules Violation – On May 10th, both teams in a Gold division game were found to have used an illegal substitute player.  By a vote of 5-0, the Board approved a recommendation to declare the game a double forfeit. 


John Galizio, Dick Kostko, Dave Madjerich, Sam Galluch, and Randy Ballard all voted in favor of the recommendation.  Bryan Wine recused himself, and Paul Rebillot abstained from voting. Roger Mears was instructed to modify the standings to reflect the Board’s decision.


Player Misconduct - In a related Gold division incident, by a vote of 7-0, the Board approved a recommendation to serve a player who used profanity, with a one-game suspension, with the penalty enforced as time served.  Kevin Kimmell abstained from voting.


President Koch will draft a letter to notify the offending player of the Board’s decision, and to outline the penalties associated with any similar actions in the future.

The Board also affirmed its authority to deal as it sees fit, with any issues of misconduct.


Open Discussion

Possible ideas for future fund raiders were discussed, including raffles at the annual banquet.  President Koch will look into getting raffle tickets printed.

The length of bases was discussed. The 70 foot base length was confirmed.


Some confusion regard the proper procedure for extra-inning games was discussed.


The existing rules were clarified.

John Galizio reported that some of the Trump Stote balls were found to be dented.


A motion to refund registration fees (less the cost of a jersey and hat) for players who do not participate, as a credit for the following year was approved by a vote of 6-2.  John Galizio, Bryon Wine, Dave Madjerich, Kevin Kimmell, Randy Ballard, and Dick Kostko all voted in favor.  Paul Rebillot and Sam Galluch voted against the motion.


Paul R reported there have been instances where umpires did not do an adequate job. He suggested that new umpires be reviewed by veteran umpires before they are allowed to umpire a game.


Randy B reported that a Silver League jacket from 1993 will be donated to the Summit County Softball HoF.


Randy also reported that a senior exhibition game is tentatively scheduled for August 9 at Firestone stadium.


Monday night usage of a third Willig field was discussed.  It was reported that the White division ‘bye’ team has been using a third field for practice.


Board members agreed that ‘bye’ teams in the Red and White divisions are not in the best interest of the players or the league, and that every effort should be made to insure this situation does not occur in the future. 



Next Meeting – Date, time, and location to be determined.

SJG – 5/25/23


April 26, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – April 26, 2023


Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Larry Deibel, Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Dick Kostko, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, and Bryon Wine.

Quorum: 9 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Others Present: John Robles, John Welsh

Treasurer’s Report for period from 3/23/2023 – 4/26/2023.

The value of the League’s CD was reported as $20,859.55, which includes first quarter interest of $108.95.

Starting checking account balance was $44,726.33.

Revenue was $7,555, which included $1,600 from (4) sponsors, $5,452 from player registrations, $415 from hitting clinic proceeds, $52 from apparel sales, and $36 from other sales received from Dave Vanderneut.

Disbursements were $6,155.99, which included $4,563.05 to Dr. Bomani for jerseys, $1,137 to Cincinnati Insurance for the commercial and officer policy, $299.94 to Roger Mears for League Lineup fees, $95 to Roger Mears for AED wristbands, and $61 to Rob Lawthers for partial registration reimbursement.

Net cash flow was $1,399.01.

Ending checking account balance was $46,125.34

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

Minutes from the March 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Old (Unfinished) Business  

AED – Paul R reported that the CPR class has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 13th at 1:00 pm. The class will be held at Canton fire station #4, located at 25th and Cleveland Ave. NW.

We have not been able to get access to the League locker at Willig fields to store our AED machine.

Roger M distributed the red wristbands he ordered, and laminated documents with the names of the players that have requested not to have AED used on them.  There was still some level of uncertainty concerning AED waiver forms and AED usage in general.

Night at The Races – President Koch expressed some concern about the low number of players that have registered to this point. Kevin K reported that he believes there is a ten-day cancelation window.  He will verify with Chenoweth.

Uniforms – Bryon W reported that shirts were expected to arrive earlier today.  He and Sam G will verify the order before distributing the shirts to the Division Reps. Bryon also reported the hats have arrived and are waiting to be embroidered.  

Canton Update – The turf installation has been completed on all four (4) fields.  Work on the outfield irrigation system was expected to be completed today.  Work to re-install the fencing is yet to be completed.

Sub Lists – Roger distributed lists of player names to Dave M and Kevin K.

Hitting Clinic – John G reported he has not yet heard from Dr. Bomani concerning the planned follow-up sessions.  Kevin K will check with him to determine if there is a possibility to hold the follow-up sessions at Willig fields.

New Business

Procedure Manual – Sam G reported that updates to the draft and Hall of Fame sections are ready for review.  President Koch stated that any review would be delayed until all changes have been completed.

Scorebooks – Paul R delivered scorebooks, which were given to all Division Reps.    

Schedules – President Koch stated all schedules should be sent to Roger M as soon as possible so they can be posted on the League website.  He also requested a hard copy of the schedules so he can assign umpires as needed.

Umpire’s Meeting – President Koch reported that the umpire’s meeting was well received.  Randy B clarified two rules discussed at that meeting:

1.     Pitches hitting the ground or the plate are ‘dead balls’.

2.     Fielders establishing a position directly in a run lane before a pitch, are creating an ‘obstruction’ situation.

John Wellock Recognition – The Board approved a decision to recognize John Wellock on opening day as the oldest active player in Silver League history at 93 years of age. 

Roundtable Discussion – Randy B reported that the Summit County Softball HoF is currently considering options to recognize the Silver League.

Player Directories – Sam G reported the League has a set of Player Directories which serve as a historical record of the League.  The 2006 and 2008 versions are missing. Roger M will broadcast a request to try and obtain those missing copies.

Page 3   4/26 Silver League Board Meeting Minutes

Next Meeting – Date, time, and location to be determined pending a request to delay the start time of future meetings.

SJG – 4/27/23 


March 22, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – March 22, 2023



Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Larry Deibel, Randy Ballard, John Galizio, Sam Galluch, Kevin Kimmell, Dave Madjerich, Roger Mears, Paul Rebillot, Bryon Wine, and Jeff Brenneman.

Absent: Dick Kostko

Quorum: 8 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Others Present: John Welsh


Minutes from the February 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report for period from 2/22/2023 – 3/22/2023.

The value of the League’s CD was reported as $20,750.57.

Starting checking account balance was $32,601.33.

Revenue was $13,165.09, which included $1,600 from sponsors, $11,465.09 from player registrations, and $100 from Night at the Races.

Disbursements were $1,040.09, which included $350 for IRS form 990 tax prep, $50 for 2020 Ohio 990 filing fee, $50 for 2021 Ohio 990 filing fee, $269.09 for AED maintenance parts, $143 for mock jerseys, and $180 for (3) player registration refunds.

Net cash flow was $12,125.

Ending checking account balance was $44,726.33

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Old (Unfinished) Business  

AED – President Koch reported that the long-awaited maintenance parts have been received.  Both AED devices are now in working order.  The current plan is to keep one of the units in the Silver League locker at Willig fields.

Softball Order Status – Randy B reported that he has received the 36 dozen ‘Baden Fire’ balls previously ordered.  The Red and White divisions will use the ‘Trump Stote’ balls leftover from the 2022 season.

League Web Site – Roger M reported the following final registration counts: Blue-93;  

Gold-84; Red-66; White-69. Roger will double check these counts.

Swing Clinics – Kevin K reported a total of 23 players participated in the two sessions held on March 11. The League had a net of $450 after paying the $160 cost of renting (2) batting cages.  Dr. Bomani was recognized for all his efforts in making this event a success. 

Night at the Races – Two registrations have been received to date. Volunteers will be needed to work the betting and payout windows.

Canton Update - President Koch reported that the League has received and signed a 1-year contract from Canton P&R. Field costs will remain the same. Other topics discussed included:

- Possibly playing Red and White divisions on Monday night as a cost-saving measure. Players registered in both Divisions would be an issue.   

- Possibly starting the White division a week early on May 1, due to play dates lost for Monday holidays.

- Field availability on June 19 (reportedly a holiday for the city of Canton)

- Whether to schedule games on Monday, July 3, due to the high number of players unavailable in the past.

- The need to identify weekend tournament dates that could delay Monday games

- Available weeknights for rain out makeup games, if needed.

President Koch will discuss these topics with Canton P&R.


New Business

2023 Rules Changes – A letter from Red Bole regarding rule changes was discussed.  The Board determined that his suggested rule changes had previously been discussed and voted upon.

The SSUSA rule change to end the ‘commitment line follies’ designed to draw a tag on the wrong side of the line, was discussed.  The Board voted 5-4 in favor of keeping the existing Silver League rule.  Randy, Sam, Kevin and Paul voted in favor of the rule change. John, Dave, Larry and Bryon voted against the rule change. President Koch broke the tie with his vote against the rule change.

The Board voted unanimously to approve a final version of the 2023 rule changes.

Sam will provide President Koch with a final draft of the 2023 rules, with highlighted changes, for inclusion on the League website.

Elite Sports Letter – The Board voted unanimously to approve the draft of a letter informing Elite Sports that we would be using a different uniform vendor this year.  President Koch will mail the letter to Elite.

Sponsors – Bryon reported that the League now has enough team sponsors.  At this time we have not received sponsor money from Guy’s Party Centre.  The suggestion was made to consider Chenoweth Golf & Banquet as a possible banquet venue if Guy’s does not sponsor. 

AED Wrist Bands - The Board unanimously to authorize Roger to purchase AED wrist bands to be worn by players who have opted not to authorize use of an AED.  Paul agreed to inquire about the use of these wrist bands.

Scorebooks – Paul agreed to check if Dumont Sports can provide scorebooks for the League.  Scorebooks should provide space for 15-man rosters.

Next Meeting - Wednesday, April 26 at a location to be determined.


SJG – 3/22/23

February 21, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – February 21, 2023



Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Larry Deibel, Sam Galluch, Bryon Wine, Kevin Kimmell, Roger Mears, Dick Kostko, John Galizio, Paul Rebillot, Randy Ballard, Dave Madjerich, Jeff Brenneman and Chuck Lancaster.

Quorum: 9 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.


Others Present: John Robles and Jeff Marsh (Humana)

Minutes from the January 2023 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report for period from 1/12/2023 – 2/21/2023.


The value of the League’s CD reported as $20,750.57.

Starting checking account balance was $15,883.94.

Revenue was $16,917.39, which included $6,000 from sponsors, $10,772.39 from player registrations, $70 from shorts sales, and $70 from Night at the Races.

Disbursements were $200 which included $150 for the Summit County Softball HoF ad and $50 for the Ohio 990 filing fee.

Net cash flow was $16,717.39.

Ending checking account balance was $32,601.33.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Old (Unfinished) Business  

AED – No change in status. Maintenance parts still not available.

Paul R reported a CPR training class has been scheduled for April 22, 2023.

President Koch expressed his desire to have league umpires and managers trained.


Softball Order Status – Randy B reported that the League has ordered 36 dozen ‘Baden Fire’ balls at a cost of $56 per dozen, and that this order has shipped.  The league also has approximately 6 dozen ‘Trump Stote’ balls left from the 2022 season.


League Web Site – Roger M reported that the transaction processing fee has now increased from $1 to $2.

Current registration counts are as follows: Blue-71; Gold-61; White-40; Red-27.

A number of players have registered without payment. Division reps will contact these players based on lists Roger provided.


Swing Clinics – Kevin K. reported all slots have been filled for the March 11 sessions.


Night at the Races – One registration received to date. Nothing else to report.


Canton Update

President Koch reported that the League has not yet received a contract from Canton P&R. He will contact them to schedule a meeting to resolve this and discuss restrictions related to the artificial turf.

Paul R reported that all fields now have drainage and gravel completed.


New Business

Humana – Jeff Mash conducted some basic fact-finding to determine the best fit between Humana and the Silver League.  Options discussed included a presence on the SL website, team sponsorship, giveaways, the Player Directory, and the banquet.  Any involvement from Humana would have to be approved by their management.


Solon All Star Games – Solon is interested in playing games with 65+ and 75+ players. Friday morning games to be played in Solon and Canton have been proposed.  Each player would pay $20 to cover field costs as well as food and drinks.  Liability issues must be resolved before dates can be determined.


2023 Rules Changes – A draft of the final wording for rules related to Uniform Policy, Pitching, and Foul Language was presented for review.  Discussion was cut off due to time constraints.  President Koch will convene a meeting to clarify the wording before presentation for Board approval.


Uniforms – Sample jerseys from Bomani and Dumont Sporting Goods were available.  The cost of these as well as the quote from Elite Sporting Goods was discussed.  Sourcing, turnaround time, current sponsor relations, and sizing issues were all considered.  The Board voted 7-1 to approve a motion to purchase sublimated jerseys from Bomani. Randy B cast the only ‘No’ vote. Paul R abstained from voting.


Next Meeting - Wednesday, March 22nd at the Manchester Rd. ACME at 6:00 pm.

SJG – 2/21/23

January 11, 2023

Silver League Board Minutes – January 11, 2023



Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Larry Deibel, Sam Galluch, Bryon Wine, Kevin Kimmell, Roger Mears, Dick Kostko, John Galizio, Paul Rebillot, Randy Ballard, and Dave Madjerich.

Quorum: 9 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.


Others Present: John Robles, John Welsh, and Jeff Brenneman


Minutes from the December 2022 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report for period from 10/27/2022 – 1/11/2023.


The value of the League’s CD is now $20,750.57 after interest in the amount of $330.53 was posted.

Starting checking account balance was $14,465.29.

Revenue was $1,488.82, from player registrations.

Disbursements were $70.17 which included $50 for the Ohio non-profit charity registration and $20.17 for GoDaddy web domain expense.

Net cash flow was $1,418.65.

Ending checking account balance was $15,883.94.

The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

Bryon reported that PayPal will not be a registration payment option for 2023 due to the fact that the League must provide additional information before it can be set up.


Old (Unfinished) Business  

AED Status – No change. Maintenance parts still not available.

President Koch expressed his desire to have all umpires trained in the proper use of AED equipment.  Paul R will look into certification options and cost.


League Web Site – Roger M reported that service charges related to on-line registration have increased.  In addition, effective Feb. 1st, the transaction processing fee will increase from $1 to $2. The Board voted unanimously to change the on-line and hard copy registration forms to reflect a $5 cost for on-line registration.

Roger will provide an updated version of the hard copy form for distribution.

Roger also discussed the pending cost increase for using the League Lineup software.


Swing Clinics – Kevin K. will contact Bilal Bomani and D-Bat to determine a weekend date for this event.  The League will publicize once a date and costs have been determined.


Softball Order Status


Randy B. reported the cost of 44/375 Trump Stote balls is now $68 per dozen. Senior Softball USA has agreed to honor their 2022 quote of $58 per dozen, up to 36 dozen.

SPA is now using a Baden Fire 44/375 ball for their tournaments.  The cost of this ball is $56 per dozen.

The league currently has between 5 and 6 dozen of the Trump Stote balls used last year.


New Business

Night at the Races – Kevin K. reported the event will be held on Friday, June 2, 2023.

The Board agreed to set the cost for buying a horse at $20.  Roger will publish a ‘Save the Date’ notice while final costs and other details are determined.


2023 Rules Changes – A summation of the 10 proposed rule changes follows:

1.   (Blue Division only) Two (2) players will be identified as ‘designated runner/players’.  These players can’t be part of a double play unless the out at first base is recorded before the out at second base. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

2.   An injured player may run if unable to bat or play defense.  REJECTED.

3.   Eliminate 1-1 starting count.  REJECTED.

4.   Move pitching screen from 15 to 14 feet.  REJECTED.

5.   Number of players on defense.  The Board voted 8-1 to maintain the existing number of defensive players in all divisions. (Blue-12, Gold & White-11, Red-10). Paul R was the only ‘No’ vote.

6.   Change lead time for requesting evening division subs.  REJECTED.

7.   Base runner obstruction. DISMISSED - No change to existing rule.

8.   Courtesy runner changes. REJECTED.

9.   Eliminate duplicate jersey numbers. REJECTED.

10. Uniform dress code. DISMISSED – Policy currently in place.


2023 By-Law Changes – Tabled due to timing conflict per existing By-Laws.


General Meeting – Will be held at the Montrose ACME on Feb. 5 starting at 2:00 pm.


Next Meeting - Wednesday, February 22nd at the Montrose ACME starting at 6:00 pm.

SJG – 1/12/23

December 8, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – December 8, 2022



Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Larry Deibel, Sam Galluch, Bryon Wine, Kevin Kimmell, Roger Mears, Dick Kostko, John Galizio, Paul Rebillot and Dave Madjerich.

Absent:  Randy Ballard


Quorum: 8 of 9 voting Board members in attendance.

Others Present: John Robles, John Welsh, Bilal Bomani, and Larry Thompson (via phone)

Minutes from the October 2022 Board meeting were approved unanimously after a minor correction.


Treasurer’s Report for period from 10/27/2022 – 12/8/2022 was unchanged from the report presented at the previous Board meeting. (Bryon Wine)


Old (Unfinished) Business

‘Seasoned Players’ – Larry Thompson spoke via telephone to outline possible rules designed to insure the most ‘seasoned’ Silver League players would experience additional playing time.  His proposal would create an additional division that would be available to the oldest players, by choice.


AED Status – No change. Maintenance parts still not available.


Softball Order Status – No change to previous order status.

Baden softballs may be available for use.  These balls have been used for Senior Softball tournaments.  Paul R. expressed concerned about the quality of Baden balls. Bomani reported that there are different models of Baden balls and the league should only consider using Baden balls labeled ‘Multi Layer’.  Bomani also reported that his company’s cost on Baden balls is lower than the league’s quoted cost. The Board agreed to consider this option after looking into the details of the existing open order. 


On-Line Registration – Roger M reported that PayPal will be an option for payment of on-line registration fees.  Roger will work with Bryon W to make sure required setup is completed with the bank.


Audit Committee – The committee, chaired by Larry Deibel, met with Bryon Wine to audit the league’s 2022 financial records, and issued a report stating these records are accurate and true.  Mike Mack and Dick Kostko were also on the committee.


New Business

2023 Budget – Bryon W restated that the league operated at a deficit for the 2022 season.  In an effort to balance the budget, Bryon presented (3) options with different combinations of registration fees and hats  The Board unanimously approved a budget raising the registration fee to $90 for all divisions, and making hats optionally available for an additional $10.  New players would be required to purchase a hat.


Bomani Sports Research – Bilal Bomani presented information about swing analysis sessions that could be made available to Silver League players at a nominal cost, with proceeds going to the league.  One-on-one hitting improvement sessions would also be available at an additional cost.


2023 Playing Venue – League representatives met with Barberton and Canton to review proposals for the upcoming season.  After considering a number of factors including cost, venue layout, parking, fence height and distance, field conditions, and contract term, the Board voted 7-1 to return to Canton for the 2023 season.


2023 Registration Form – Relevant changes to the 2023 registration form were finalized.  Significant changes include the increased registration fee and optional hats as stated above in the 2023 Budget discussion. Roger M will provide Board members with a copy of the new form for their approval. 


General Meeting – The Board chose Feb. 5th as the date for the 2023 General Membership meeting, at a location to be determined.


Upcoming Board Meetings – The Board meetings scheduled for Jan. 25 and Feb. 22 will be held at the Montrose ACME and will start at 6:30 pm.


Fundraiser – Kevin K provided information about the proposed ’Night At The Races’ fundraiser.  The Board approved holding the event at Chenoweth.  Kevin will contact Chenoweth to determine if a suitable Friday in May is available.


Next Meeting - Wednesday, January 25th, Montrose ACME @ 6:30.

SJG – 12/9/22

October 26, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – October 26, 2022



Board Members Present: Tom Koch, Larry Deibel, Sam Galluch, Bryon Wine, Kevin Kimmell, Roger Mears, Dick Kostko, and John Galizio.

Absent:  Randy Ballard and Dave Madjerich


Quorum: 6 of 8 Voting Board members in attendance.

Others Present: Paul Rebillot, and John Robles

Minutes from the September 2022 Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.


Sam Galluch was elected Secretary for 2023 by a unanimous vote of the Board.



Treasurer’s Report for period from 9/29/2022 – 10/26/2022 (Bryon Wine)

Current checking balance is $14,465.29 plus $20,420.04 in a three-year CD.

Total Revenue was $499 broken down as follows:

-      Banquet Drink Tickets and Windbreaker Sales $385

-      Banquet Payment $84 (Larry Chimento)

-      Sales of shorts $30

-      Reimbursement for J. Wellock shirt $10

Total Disbursements were $1,401.50 broken down as follows:

-      Elite (Championship Shirts and 5 Windbreakers) $1,065.50

-      Elite (12 Windbreakers) $336

 All outstanding invoices and bills have been paid.

 Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.


Old (Unfinished) Business

AED Status – No change. Maintenance parts still not available.

Softball Order Status – No change. Softballs ordered have not been received. 

Player Ratings – Ratings for all divisions have been collected.

Web Administration Update – Full administrative authority has been granted to Tom K, Larry D, Bryon W, and Sam G.

White Division Rep - Paul Rebillot was unanimously approved to fill this open position.


New Business

Sponsor Relations – A number of sponsor-related errors have been identified. These errors affected team jerseys, plaques, and the Player Directory.  The Board committed to take actions necessary to eliminate these errors in the future.

Hats – Given the increased cost of hats, the possibility of making hats a registration option for returning players was discussed as a way to reduce registration fees.  Returning players would be allowed to wear a Board approved hat from a previous year.  New players would be required to order a hat for an add-on fee.

2023 Budget – Plan is to finalize at the November Board meeting. 

Uniform Committee - Bryon W, Roger M, and Sam G, will work with the League’s uniform vendor.

Awards - Kevin K volunteered to identify possible alternative award vendors.

Audit Committee - Larry D was appointed as chair and will choose other members.

Rules Committee - Dick K will chair the committee.  Larry D, Paul R, Dave M, John G, and Tom K will serve as members.

By-Laws Committee - Kevin K will chair the committee. Randy B and Sam G will also serve as members.

Fundraiser - John G and Kevin K will gather information about hosting a ‘Night at the Races’ event.  An early May pre-season-opening schedule date was discussed.

501-C3 status forms will be made available to all sponsors.  This will allow them to claim their sponsor fees as a tax write off.

Roger M will investigate the possibility of using PayPal as an on-line registration payment option.

Bulk Mailing Discounts – Not an option for the League due to limited mailing volume.

Canton P&R – Tom K and Sam G will contact Erin to set up a meeting on field usage.


Next Meeting - Wednesday, November 30, 2022 @ 6:30. Location TBD.

SJG – 10/27/22

September 28, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – September 28, 2022


Attendance - Board Members Present: Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Bryon Wine, Kevin Kimmell, Roger Mears, Larry Chimento and John Welsh.


Absent:  Larry Ashbaugh, Tom Koch, and Dave Vanderneut


Quorum: 6 of 9 Voting Board members in attendance.

Others Present: John Galizio, and John Robles


Minutes -  from the August 31, 2022, Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.


Treasurer’s Report for period from 9/1/2022 – 9/28/2022 (Bryon Wine)

Current checking balance is $15,367.79 plus $20,420.04 in a three-year CD.

Total Revenue was $2,413.74 broken down as follows:

-      Banquet $1,673.74

-      Drink Tickets and 50/50 raffle $464

-      Banquet Donation $16 (Randy Ballard)

-      Sales of windbreakers and shorts $230.00

-      Umpire Credit $30

Total Disbursements were $14,654.75 broken down as follows:

-      Canton Parks & Rec $8,000 (Final field usage payment)

-      Guy’s Party Center $4,986 (SL banquet)

-      Vision Graphics $963 (Player directories)

-      Chuck Lancaster $646.75 (Reimbursement for plaques)

-      Mike Logan $45 (Sub registration refund)

-      Debit Adjustment $14 (Jerome Bloodworth money order)

 Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.


Old (Unfinished) Business

AED Status – No change. Maintenance parts still not available.

Softball Order Status – No change. A ‘Baden’ ball with the same specs may be an option for next year if the ‘Trump Stote’ balls we have ordered are not available. 


Banquet Update – Total attendance was approximately 170, including 103 players.


Web Administrator Documentation – All tasks previously identified as ‘Must have ASAP’ have been completed.



New Business

White Division Rep – Election to fill open position scheduled for 10/26 Board meeting. One candidate has currently expressed interest in the position.

Procedure Manual Change – A minor addition to the Banquet Agenda section will be made to add recognition for Silver League HoF members.


Post-Mortem on 2022 Season – Sam Galluch recapped the season.  Topics included Goals, Accomplishments, and Challenges the SL faces going forward.



Open Discussion

By-Law Change – Sam G. suggested a ‘cosmetic’ change to the By-Laws to improve readability (ARTICLE IX and ARTICLE X). Roger Mears will make the change.

The Oct. 1st deadline for By-Law changes will be extended to Nov. 1st to better align with the transition to the incoming Board.


Departing Board Member Forum – John Welsh discussed a variety of topics including the following:

-      The Red division’s unique characteristics

-      Possible cost savings opportunity related to hat purchases

-      Possible cost savings opportunity related to modified scheduling of morning and evening divisions

-      Alternative umpire assignments for evening division games


Bryon Wine discussed budgetary issues and questions:

-      Multiple 2022 budget line items that never materialized

-      Timing of various payments

-      Software and web-site costs  


Roger Mears discussed ideas to improve league finances:

-      501C3 status and tax implications for SL sponsors.

-      Possibility of reaching out to the 130+ SL sponsors from previous years

-      Use of bulk mailing rate to reduce costs


Discussion on possible SL fund-raiser activities including ‘Night at the Races’ and ‘Casino Night’.   More discussion on feasibility will follow.


Next Meeting - Wednesday, October 26, 2022 @ 6:30. Location TBD.

SJG – 9/30/22

August 31, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – August 31, 2022


Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut,  Bryon Wine, Tom Koch, Roger Mears, Larry Chimento and John Welsh.  

Absent:  Larry Ashbaugh (bur available for VP vote via phone) and Kevin Kimmell (but available for VP vote via phone if it goes to a second ballot0


Quorum: 7 of 9 Voting Board members in attendance.

Others: John Galizio (2022-23 Red Div. Rep) Larry Deibel (VP Candidate), Bob Johnson (VP Candidate), and John Robles

Minutes from July 27, 2022 Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.

  SL received a thank you note from the widow of Mike Costill, who was an active SL player who passed away this summer.  SL had made a donation in his name to his charity of choice.


Treasurer’s Report for 7/28/22 – 8/31/22 (Bryon Wine)


         Current checking balance is $27,605.86 plus $20,420.04 in a three year CD.

Revenue was $2,133.25 for

- Windbreaker sales. $640.00 (SL plus $ 325.00 for all 43 windbreakers sold to date). Another small order will be going to have for the banquet for recent orders.

-  Sponsor final payment. $200.00 (Akron Monument)

- Banquet. $1,279.25 (“About 50” attendee signed up at this time.  Guy’s bases our cost on 125.  That is about the normal sign up at this date.)

        ** Update – 9/12/22 – number of attendees is now 119.

- Banquet Donation. $14.00 (John Wellock)

Disbursements were $4,724.00 for:

- Umpire Payments. $4,180.00

- Elite for Windbreakers. $196.00

- Photos, misc. $71.00 (To Chuck Lancaster

- Key Bank. $2.00 Debit adjustment (To be checked by Bryon W.)

- IRS 1023 Application Fee. $275.00 (SL is back to “Private Foundation” .  Sponsorship, donations, etc. are tax deductible. Bryon W. suggested that SL might want to get advice, and/or hire an accountant to assist with this paper work [13 pages].  Board approved Bryon checking into this.

 Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.


Open Board Positions – Terms Completed and Resignations


  John Galizio, Dave Madjerich, and Dick Kostko were elected to Board positions as Red Div. Rep., AM At-Large Rep, and Blue Div. Rep, respectively by the appropriate general membership.

 White Div. Rep, Larry Ashbaugh, has advised he will be resigning at the end of this season, with one year to go on his term.  His replacement will have to be selected by the Board for one year from eligible players with any interest.


VP Election (By a majority of Board members)

  Eligible SL members that expressed an interest in the VP position were John Welsh, Bob Johnson, and Larry Deibel.  Pres. Sam G. asked each of them to a brief statement as to why they are interested in the positon and what qualifications they might bring.

  Larry Deibel was elected VP for next season.  He received a majority of the votes cast by the Board. Total votes cast were: 7 in person, 1 via phone, and 1 abstaining.




     Canton will still have an AED available at Willig by the SL locker available for the Canton PM Fall League.

 Bryon W. is to check for the same at Lions Park for the Tallmadge AM Fall League.

 Parts for two that SL has are “being shipped”, and will be billed to SL.


Rule Changes for 2023 season – Any or All Divisions

  Any suggested rule changes must be sent to a 2023 Board member by December 1, 2022 for any consideration by the Rules Committee.

 Sam G. received the “survey” total from Red Bole involving “1 &1 Counts”, “Time Limits”, and “requests for courtesy runners”.  He will be giving them to Tom K. next president for further review and consideration.




    SL is still talking to SSUSA to get senior softballs for 2023. Per Randy B.’s conversation with them the “Tote” balls that we used this year, and plan to use in 2023 are still – paraphrase – “out on the ocean”. Hopefully, something will be known by next week.

    SSUSA has received a different ball with the same specifications as the “Tote” ball.  But those are committed to future tournaments.  SL will hopefully have 36 dozen Totes by next season.  SL does have enough of the Tote balls to go forward to start the 2023 season at this time.


Canton (Willig Fields) and Silver League


  Mickey Ryan will be leaving Canton in the very near future for a job with the Jackson Parks & Rec. At this time SL has no idea who will be replacing him. 

  Mickey will be contacted by Sam G., to see if SL can get any more detail as to what is going to happen.  SL and Canton do not have a long term contract, so it has to be “developed” for each year.  Also, Mickey Ryan’s name is on the grant that Tom Koch was working on with the State of Ohio. The grant request included funding for the construction of a new rest room, installation of artificial turf, and fence upgrades at Willig Fields.


Silver League Banquet -2022

     It will be at Guy’s Party Center on Sunday, September 25. Cost will be $14.00 per player, and $28.00 per guest.  That will include a $3.50 drink voucher.  ($1.50 to be paid by SL, and $2.00 by an anonymous sponsor that Sam G. has contacted.

No dessert.

  Sponsors and Willig Field coordinators can attend for free.

  Forms for the banquet will be on line thru the web site, and available to give out to players.

  “Assignments” were set up for the check-in table, Drink tickets, 50/50 raffle, etc.

  Championships shirts will be given to managers at the banquet.  (Board approved final design and color tonight.)


Player Ratings/Evaluations for 2022 Players for 2023 Season

   All divisions but the White Division have completed theirs


Firestone Stadium Senior All Star Game

  Despite rain, it went well, and seemed to impress “the powers that be” for a possible repeat next year.


Board Discussion about League Objectives and “On Going” Rule “Infractions”

   SL Rules and By Laws encourage good sportsmanship, and appropriate conduct for ALL league members.  There have been – as late as this past season – where players and/or managers have “pushed the envelope”, “sidestepped” Rules and By Laws to get an advantage against opponents.  There are specific penalties in both Rules and By Laws that do not seem to be enforced.  Or are not being made an issue.   

 New players that go as far as to read the Rules and By Laws of the SL, are often confused by the lack of enforcement. There has appeared to be no real penalties for such actions.


 Board Members, Umpires, Managers, and Players, need to “discuss”, be advised how to handle, and/or be made aware that such incidents are hurting the image of the SL. “Zero tolerance”, and “progressive Discipline” needs to be understood, and enforced.



Next Meeting:  Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 6:30, at Sam G’s Home.


DLV –9/12/22

July 27, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – July 27, 2022


Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut,  Bryon Wine, Tom Koch, Roger Mears, Kevin Kimmell and John Welsh.  

Absent:  Larry Chimento, Larry Ashbaugh


Quorum: Full quorum

Others: John Galizio (Red Rep Candidate), Dave Madjerich (AM At-Large Candidate), Red Bole, and Larry Thompson


Minutes from June 22, 2022 Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.


Treasurer’s Report for 6/23/22 – 7/27/22 (Bryon Wine)


         Current checking balance is $30,196.61 plus $20,420.04 in a three year CD. New revenue was $1,295.00 from two new paid sub registration fees, one sponsor payment, and SL windbreaker sales.

$3,353.00 was disbursed for one paid sub reimbursement, umpires’ payment, SL windbreaker purchases, and memorial donation for an active player that passed away,

  No outstanding bills at this time

  Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.




     Canton now has an AED available at Willig by the SL locker that will be available for the Canton PM Fall League. (This league is actually Canton’s league, with some equipment assistance from SL.) Bryon W. is to check for the same at Lions Park for the Tallmadge AM Fall League. (That league is organized and coordinated by SL personnel, using Tallmadge’s Lions Park Field.)

  The two that SL has are still waiting for repair parts, with no promise of any kind of early arrival.

    Managers should have knowledge of any players on their teams due to certain medical conditions, and/or medical devices who cannot have AEDs used on them. 

  The need for such information has been posted on the web site.  All mangers have been advised to check with their players


Possible Age Redistribution in AM (Larry Thompson)


    Larry presented his thoughts – with supporting numbers – about redistributing players by age, particularly in the Blue Division.  Currently there is a 22 year gap between the oldest and youngest players in Blue. Board members were given a listing of the 91 players currently in the 2022 Blue Division, by age.

  This is something that can be discussed when the new board prepares for the 2023 season.


Possible Rule Changes for 2023 in Blue Division (Red Bole)

   Red presented his thoughts and suggestions for possible changes for 2023.  He is preparing a SURVEY – NOT a VOTE – for current Blue Division players to respond to  questions about the “1 & 1” count, time limits, and procedure for having a courtesy runner. This would be something that the new board can discuss as to the 2023 season.

  Red also brought up that there seems to be some inconsistencies by umpires as to “infield balls” between innings.  Some allow it, particularly in Blue, where it takes more time for the defense and offense to get in place.  And with the mandatory “three innings on defense” rule, often a player has not warmed up where he has been placed on defense. This should be considered a “Rule Change” suggestion (prior to December 1), and discussed when rule changes are discussed for 2023.




    SL is still talking to SSUSA to get senior softballs for 2023. Hopefully, something will be known by next week.

    John Welsh (Canton Fall League), and Bryon Wine (Tallmadge Fall League) are to finalize the softball “situations” for their leagues


Pitching Screens

  Sam G. suggested, and it was agreed upon by the Board, that SL would NOT loan out the newly purchased screens to the two fall leagues.  And that some responsibility has to be agreed upon as to damage or “adjustments”.


Silver League HOF

   The initial committee action has taken place. Jeff B. will select and convene an election committee to complete the process.


Ohio Grants (Tom Koch)


  Tom K. has been working with Canton Parks & Rec., and he has prepared a grant request and sent it in. The grant request included funding for the construction of a new rest room, installation of artificial turf, and fence upgrades at Willig Fields.

  There is a certain amount of money for such grants with one sum at the state level.  It is then broken down by cities, etc., if awarded


Silver League Banquet -2022

     It will be at Guy’s Party Center on Sunday, September 25. Cost will be $14.00 per player, and $28.00 per guest.  That will include a $3.50 drink voucher.  ($1.50 to be paid by SL, and $2.00 by an anonymous sponsor that Sam G. has contacted.

No dessert.

  Sponsors and Willig Field coordinators can attend for free.

  Forms for the banquet will be on line thru the web site, and available to give out to players.


WEB Administrator’s Backup Plan

  Roger M. has completed documenting additional tasks required to maintain the web site.  He and Sam G. will meet to review the latest documentation.


Tom Shaffstall Spirit Awards and Player Evaluations

  All managers should be aware by now that they need to have both done and turn them into their Division Reps.


2022 Directory (at Banquet)


  Same number – 200 – to be printed for this year.

  Current year Directory always shows the present and previous SL players that have passed away during the past year.  Anyone that is connected with the SL is encouraged to advise the league secretary if they become aware of any one that needs to be mentioned on the directory.


Open Positons on the Board


   Larry Ashbaugh, White Div. Rep, will not be returning due to health reasons. Larry Chimento, At-Large (Gold) Rep was only serving a one year temporary term. That position will be combined with the At-Large (Blue) and replaced by one person. The Red Div. Rep, the Blue Div. Rep, and the AM (Blue) At Large Rep’s terms are up at the end of this season.

  The VP position on the Board is open for those eligible as previously shown in minutes, and in SL By-Laws.


  There have been some individuals that have stepped forward with interest.  The White Div. Rep, and VP are Board voted position per By Laws.  The other are all Division elections by ballot. Anyone with any interest needs to advise a Board member very quickly as ballots will be prepared soon.


Championship Awards


Discussions as to what qualifies a team for a “championship” award. This can be discussed by the new Board for the 2023 season.  This year the four Divisions will each have a “regular season” champ, and a “playoff” champ.

  Dave V will be meeting with Elite to see what will be available – colors, sizes, design, and cost –for about 112 shirts.


“Silver League” Windbreakers and Light Gray Shorts


    Windbreakers can be ordered thru Dave V for $35.00 each, and are a fundraiser for SL.  Delivery is 10-14 days once the order is placed.

    Light Gray shots – appropriate for SL, by the 2022 Rules – are available for $10.00 each. Medium to 4XL.


Board Meetings


  If anyone wants to attend a Board meeting as an observer, or wishes to present, or discuss matters with the Board, they should contact Sam Galluch by the Monday prior to the Wednesday Board Meeting.


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, August 24, 2022, 6:30, at Sam G’s Home.


DLV – 7/31/22

June 22, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – June 22, 2022


Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Larry Chimento, Bryon Wine, Larry Ashbaugh, Tom Koch, Roger Mears, Kevin Kimmell and John Welsh.  

Absent:  None

Quorum: Full quorum, until John Welsh had to leave early.  Still enough for a quorum.

Others: John Robles, Chuck Lancaster


Minutes from May 25, 2022, Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.

Final list of eligible league members for VP includes all current voting Board members, except for Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, and Sam Galluch. Eligible members are Chuck Lancaster, Carl Sidoti, Lyle Carpenter, Red Bole, Paul Rebillot, Bob Johnson, Mike Crawford, Eddie Schepp, Dennis Mathieu, Larry Deibel, Adrian Achtermann, Mike Logan, Jerome Bloodworth, Dick Kapper, Dennis Loughry, Jeff Sloan, and Kirby Mayle.

Any of the above that would like to be considered should advise a current Board member.


Treasurer’s Report for 5/25/22 – 6/22/22 (Bryon Wine)


   Current checking balance is $32,254.61 plus $20,420.04 in a three-year CD. New revenue was $379.00 from new registration fees from one full time players, two subs, and one underpayment. $51.00 was for sales of excess SL equipment. $154.00 was from a sponsor that had ordered additional jerseys thru SL.

$2,829.73 was disbursed for player reimbursement, umpires’ payment, pitching screens, and last of regular season jerseys.

Net cash flow was minus $2,450.73 for the dates show above.

  Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.



Canton now has an AED available at Willig by the SL locker. The two that SL has are still waiting for repair parts.


It was pointed out to the Board that people with certain medical conditions, and/or medical devices can have fatal effects from using AEDs on them. 

The Board unanimously passed a motion that Sam G prepare a statement to post on the Web Site and send out via email asking all players to advise their manager if they DO NOT want an AED used on them in an apparent emergency.  Each Manager should also ask their players directly. Division Reps are to be advised of the name and date asked of any player NOT wanting AED used on them.  Abiding by HIPPA regulations, it is not necessary for the person to advise exactly why, just “no”.


This question will be added to the 2023 Registration Form.




    SL is still talking to SSUSA to get senior softballs. Nothing definite as of this date.


Pitching Screens

  Sam G. was able to get two new screens from Pitch-Safe.  The new ones are aluminum frames.  Sam will rotate them into “active duty” and move the others to his new “storage and maintenance” facility.


Team Pictures

   Bob Phillips has taken all team pictures.  They will have to be given to managers to put appropriate names for the directory.


Silver League Banquet -2022

     It will be at Guy’s Party Center on Sunday, September 25. Cost will be $25.50 per person.  Alcohol tickets will be $3.50 each.  Chuck Lancaster presented the food options.  Board made the choices for the banquet.  No desert.


Silver League HOF and VP Committees.


   Tom K., and Jeff B., are working on the final list of candidates.  HOF nominations closed June 15. The HOF selection committee should have a list of candidates for the election committee by July 16th.


Open Division Rep. Positions


  There will be openings for a Blue Div. Rep., a Red Div. Rep., and an AM At-Large Rep for the 2023 season. Roger M. has sent another system wide email advising all.


WEB Administrator’s Backup Plan


  Roger is to work with select Board members to have some general information on the workings of the web Site so that he will have people to support him – just in case.


Excessive Heat


  The Board unanimously approved a new procedure related to excessive heat.

If the temperature is predicted to be 95 degrees, or higher, and the heat index could be 100 or higher, the individual Division Rep. can cancel games – in their Division – beforehand.

If all participants are at Willig, games can be changed to five (5) innings, or canceled at that time, after discussion between the Division Rep. and the assigned umpires, or head umpire.


Open Discussions   


Sponsor Banner

  Mickey Ryan of Canton P & R has agreed to SL hanging a banner with all sponsors’ names when SL is playing. Bryon W. has ordered.


“Silver League” Windbreakers


   Dave V. has a stock for those that have ordered, those that want to order, and those that need a “fitting.  They are $35.00 each and are a fundraiser for SL. Any order over 25 is cheaper for SL.  Delivery is 10-14 days.




  At-Large Reps and Division Reps are allowed to vary from the “normal conditions” and assign a permanent sub if necessary to keep teams competitive. This would be discussed with other Division managers prior to the addition. The premise being players will quit, or not return the following year, if not on competitive teams.

   Division Reps can authorize a team having more than two subs to play a game. This is not to get a team to normal defensive numbers, but to avoid forfeits.


Board Meetings

  If anyone wants to attend a Board meeting as an observer, or wishes to present, or discuss matters with the Board, they should contact Sam Galluch as soon as possible.


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 6:30, at Sam G’s Home.


DLV – 6/30/22

May 25, 2022

  Silver League Board Minutes – May 25, 2022


Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Larry Chimento,, Bryon Wine,  Larry Ashbaugh, Tom Koch, and John Welsh.  

Absent:   Roger Mears, and Kevin Kimmell

Quorum: 8 of 9 voters in attendance.

Others: John Robles, Chuck Lancaster


Minutes from April 27, 2022 Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.

Minutes from March 30 were amended by email, adding the detail of the revised Uniform Dress Code. The exact wording was not in the original approved minutes from that date. Approved unanimously


Treasurer’s Report for 4/28- 5/25/22 (Bryon Wine)

         Current checking balance is $34,705.34 plus $20,400.04 in a three year CD. New revenue was $469.00 from registration fees from four full time players and three subs. $8,612.75 was disbursed. $7,772.75 to Elite Sports for 2022 jerseys.  $840.00 for SSUSA team insurance for 21 teams. Only outstanding payment is due to Elite Sports for the last of the jerseys to the amount of $204.50.

   Payments already made, and potential cost for the Banquet, and championship jerseys (number not known at this time) may possibly exceed the original 2022 season budget.  If needed, SL can take up to 10% of the money in the CD out without penalty

  Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.



     AEDs are to be available at the fields.  One furnished by Canton P&R is in the storage areas, not the concession area, as previous done.  But it is under a key and alarm system.  SL staff does not have access to it. Mickey Ryan of Canton P&R will be contacted about that.

   SL has two AEDs that need to be tested.  Eddie Schepp, former SL President is working on having them tested.  Tom K. is to follow up and coordinate the AEDs availability, and with some training.



    SL attempted to get ahead of possible cost increases for next year by contacting   SSUSA to get senior softballs.  Unfortunately they had only 1-2 cases available due to overseas shipping problems.  SL should have enough for 2022.  SSUSA was asked to notify Randy B. when they have a larger quantity available for SL to purchase at that time.  Depending on any price changes, money was budgeted for such a purchase.


Pitching Screens

   Age, condition, and possible cost increases and availability brought this up for discussion. The manufacturer has made some changes in the composition of the vertical and horizontal tubes, but the old and new ones will work on both old and new screens.

 There are currently four screens at Willig, one in Sam G.’s garage, and two that are used at Nesmith. They vary in quality, and the amount of past “repairs” considerably.

  The Board voted unanimously to have Sam G. order two new screens at a cost about $300.00 each. Future budgets will have “screen money” discussed prior to doing the budget each year.

 (Note: Sam’s call to Pitch Safe Sports, LLC. did not allow for an order, as they are out of stock at this time. Again, SL will be notified when available.)


Team Pictures

   They are to be taken the week of June 13.  Players without the team’s sponsor’s jerseys will not be in the pictures.


Silver League Banquet -2022

     Chuck Lancaster to contact Guy’s for cost and an available Sunday date in September.  Could be a raise in the cost per person, depending on the 2022 cost, and number of attendees. Randy B. Is to check to see if there are any tournament conflicts in September, and advise Chuck


Silver League HOF.

   Roger M. will be sending out a system wide email reminding all SL players about HOF nominees. Send form to Tom K.  Due by June 15


Open Division Rep. Positions

  There will be opening for a Blue Div. Rep., a Red Div. Rep., and an AM At-Large Rep for the 2023 season. Roger M. will be sending another system wide email advising all.


Board Vice President

      By-Laws are very specific as to whom is eligible for this position.  A committee will be appointed by the current President to present nominees from active players as follows –

             Any current board member, any past board member that have not been on the board for the past three seasons, or any past president who has not been president for at least three season.


All current Board members, with the exception of Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballad, and Sam Galluch are eligible for VP.  Other active members of Silver League that meet the criteria are Chuck Lancaster, Carl Sidoti, Lyle Carpenter, Red Bole, Paul Rebillot, Bob Johnson, Eddie Schepp, Dennis Mathieu, Larry Deibel, Adrian Achterman, Mike Crawford, Jerome Bloodworth, Dennis Loughry, Mike Logan, Dick Kapper, Larry Ashbaugh, Jeff Sloan, and Kirby Mayle.


Sponsor Banner

  Mickey Ryan of Canton P & R is to be checked to see if SL can hang a banner with all sponsors’ names when SL is playing.


Thank You to Former Player

Bob Bell made a contribution to SL.  He did it as he could no longer be a player due to health reason, but wanted to support SL.

He was sent a lengthy thank you email from the SL Secretary.  And given a “life time pass” to any future games.  He was also thanked in person at Willig last week.


Miscellaneous New Business and Discussions


Possible conflicts with AM Divisions and The Buckeye Tourney.

   Missing players, and a lack of enough subs could be a problem.  Nothing definite at  this time as Buckeye playing times are not known for sure.  Sam G will furnish the AM sub coordinators a list of the players of appropriate ages that are not ”paid subs”, but are willing to sub in other divisions.

  (Since this meeting, SL has been advised that 70+ tournament games will be at 12:00 Noon, June 20-21-23.  80+ games will be June 23-24-25. Blue and Gold games on the 20th and 22nd will switch times. Gold – 9:30.  Blue – 11:00.) 


“Silver League” Windbreakers

   Chuck Lancaster had a sample of a jacket that Elite has made for him, with the Silver League logo on it.  There is interest in making it available to anyone thru the league.  Additional details as to advertising, samples, etc. are to be worked on.


Rules & Umpires

  Situations where a “third party” becomes overly involved in a call dispute is to be minimized by managers and board members.  The manager, and possibly the player involved can “discuss” a call. But other parties that continuously get involved can be reported to the Board for disciplinary actions by the Board.

  A batter that asks for a runner when coming to bat, and then get an extra base hit MUST have asked for said runner.  Just being on 2B or 3B does not qualify for a runner until the next batter is done.

  2022 “Uniform Dress Code” is now the final word on that issue. 

  A team that drops below the “normal” number of defenders due to an injured player (no out in the lineup, just skip), can only request, and get, a catcher from the other team by accepting an out in the last spot in their order.


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 6:30, at Sam G’s Home.


DLV – 6/23/22

April 27, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – April 27, 2022


 Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Tom Koch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Kevin Kimmell, Bryon Wine, Larry Ashbaugh, John Welsh, Larry Chimento, and Roger Mears.

Absent:  Dave Vanderneut (Sam Galluch acting Secretary)

Quorum: 8 of 9 voters in attendance.

Others Present: Dave Madjerich and John Robles

Minutes from March 30, 2022 Board meeting were not approved pending final draft of the 2022 Uniform Enforcement Policy which must be included.  Randy B. will forward this information for approval and inclusion in the March minutes. Sam G. will then request approval of the March meeting minutes via email.  

Treasurer’s Report for period from 3/31/22 – 4/27/22 (Bryon W.)

   Current checking balance is $42,849.09 plus $20,420.04 in a three year CD.

   Revenue was $2,170, which includes $170 from player registrations, and $2,000.00 from sponsor payments.

   Disbursements were $1,749.24. This includes $1,137 to Cincinnati Insurance for liability/crime insurance, $234.92 to Roger M. for website renewal, $92.01 to Dave V. for scorebooks and scoring plates, and $280.31 for player refunds.

   Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.


Canton Parks & Recreation Update (Willig Fields)

   The OHSAA is currently scheduled to use (2) fields on Tuesday 5/17. The Red division will be able to use the (2) remaining fields that night since the start of the women’s league will be delayed until Tuesday 5/24.

   The code for the lock to be used for the Silver League’s locker was given to all Board members.

   All Silver League equipment (other than AEDs as discussed later) will be on-site at the Willig fields and available for practices on May 2.

  AM Divisions will play scheduled games on Wednesday and Friday the weeks of the Memorial Day and July 4 holidays.

   Final schedules for all divisions are due as soon as possible so Sam G. can forward them to Canton P&R as requested.

  AED Status

   Jeff B. reported that the availability date for our AED’s is unknown at this time due to parts on order.

 Protest Committee Members

   Division reps were asked to identify (3) players plus an alternate from their division to serve on protest committees, if needed.  Board members should be excluded.


Final Prep for 2022

   Sub coordinators were given the opportunity to ask any job-related questions.

   Requests for player rating information were also fielded.

   Tom K. will contact Senior Softball to inquire about team insurance and softballs availability.

   Randy B. distributed game balls to the Division reps.

   Elite has stated that uniforms and hats are now ready.  Dave V. is planning to pick them up on Thursday 4/28.

   Sam G. reported that our inventory of pitching screen replacement parts is getting low.  He has contacted the supplier with questions about the availability and compatibility of replacement parts but has not received a response. John Robles agreed to pick up the raw material used for frames if it is available locally.

Summit County Softball HOF

  Randy B. has spoken with Bernie Factor about the possibility of playing an all-star game at Firestone stadium in conjunction with an open house planned for the Summit County Softball HOF sometime in July.  Participation would be limited to Blue division players due to the short homerun fence currently in place at the stadium.  No firm date for this event has been established at this time.


   Tom K. requested schedules for all divisions so he can properly assign umpires.

In addition, he must be kept informed of any changes to published schedules.

Tax Exempt Forms

   Bryon W. stated that all league purchases should be tax exempt.  He will send a digital copy of form 990-N to Roger M. for posting on the league website.  Bryon will provide the league’s EIN number for use on form 990-N, as needed.

AED Training

   Tom K. stated his intention to conduct AED training for all umpires.  The date for this training has not yet been determined.


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 6:30, at Sam G’s Home.

March 30, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – March 30, 2022

Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Kevin Kimmell, Bryon Wine, Larry Ashbaugh, Tom Koch, and John Welsh.  

Absent:   Roger Mears, and AM At Large Rep. (Position currently open due to resignation. Board to vote at this meeting to fill the voting position on the Board

Quorum: 8 of 9 voters in attendance.

Others: John Robles

Minutes from February 23, 2021, Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.  There were none for 2/23/22 minutes.


Treasurer’s Report for 2/24 – 3/30/22 (Bryon Wine)

Current checking balance is $42,428.33 plus $20,420.04 in a three-year CD. New revenue was $11,398.67 from player registrations, and $1,200.00 for sponsor payments. $6,586.00 was distributed for refunds for over payments, players refunds who are not playing in 2022, and the initial payment to Canton Parks & Recreation for the use of Willig Fields.

Dave V. is to receive payment of $92.01 for 15 scorebooks, and two (2) scoring home plates.

Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.


Canton Parks & Recreation (Willig Fields)

The Monday AMs games that Blue and Gold Divisions are to start late will be June 20, June 27, and July 18, with the possibility of the week of May 16, depending on OHSAA’s Girls’ Softball.  The exact time for the late starts will not be known until the Maintenance Crew does it once and knows what fields will be needed for the Silver League.

AEDs will be available at the fields.  One will be furnished by Canton P&R, and a second by the Silver League.  (SL will need to have to test the SL ones to be used.)

Canton P & R will allow SL to use – and lock – one of the metal cabinets at the bottom of the stairs. SL will be able to store AEDs, balls, game/ump clip boards, Ump cards, and sub jerseys for players that forget their 2022 jerseys. (They will be returned – cleaned – prior to their next game.

The exact fields (by number) have not been settled yet.  But Monday AM and PM Divisions will play on two of the same fields.

Canton has agreed to let the AM Divisions play Wednesday and Friday AM the weeks of Memorial Day and July 4.  The games played on those Fridays will be regularly scheduled games.  PM cannot do that due to scheduled tournaments on those weekends.

Canton will make a key to the outfield fence gate available to PM Divisions, so HR balls can be retrieved.

Fields will be available for practices on Monday, May 2, for SL teams.  Managers should schedule such thru their Division Rep.

Some discussion of allowing Red makeups to be played Monday nights on the field not used by, but already paid for by SL.  Canton’s willingness, and the possible conflict with players playing in both Red and White is to be discussed.

Banners for individual sponsors will not be acceptable to Canton.  But it appears that one banner with “Silver League” and ALL sponsors would be acceptable.  

Tom Koch is to review the old Grant information to see if SL and Canton can come up with an appropriate Grant possibility.

Possibility of Willig Fields being redone with artificial turf for 2023 has been stated by Canton P&R personnel.


2022 Game Softballs

Randy B. has been in contact with possible vendors.  He has ordered thirty (30) dozen from Senior Softball. This should take SL thru 2023, and avoid an expected 2023 price increase

Blue Division will use the Stote, used by all other Division thru 2021as their “game ball” (as they did at the end of 2021.)  But they will be using the Tattoo balls - still in good condition - as their “backup” balls for games.


AM At Large Board Positon

Larry Chimento was unanimously elected by the Board to this voting position for the remainder of this season.  Jeff Brenneman will assist Larry C. by handling Blue Division subs. Jeff will still be a voting member of the Board as a Past President only.



Elite has advised that they have received three, across the board, increases in prices in the last four months. That was on top of the increases last October.

Hats – Cost will be $9.85 each, up from $7.50 for 2021.  The “middle” quality, and appropriate middle cost have been eliminated by most manufacturers.  Better hats are $15.00 to $25.00 each.  The solid light gray ones SL has ordered were “in country” and available.  But they are now $9.85 each.  An order for 305 hats has been placed.

Players will be allowed to wear the light gray, with black bills, from 2021, and/or the new all light gray ones from the 2022 order. This will be updated in the 2022 Rules.

Randy B. will be “gathering” unused 2021 hats to be distributed to the paid subs. (About 14)


Jerseys – The 2022 order for 363 Jerseys will be placed with Elite.  They will vary in price from $14.00 to $14.75, plus additional cost for larger sixed (XXL and up).  The jerseys worn from 1998 – 2021 would cost the same as the new ones. They are to be ready by May 2. Sponsors names will be on the front, numbers, and “Silver League” on the back.

Rules (Involving Uniforms) – Hat rules to be changed in Rules

Randy B. presented possible clarifications, updating, and enforcement, for “Dress Code” as set down in “2022 RULES”.  This was passed 6-2, with “no” votes from Jeff B., and John W. Randy will be sending the exact wording with a new three stage “enforcement”, that does not involve umpires having to enforce the rules, to be put in the on line “2022 RULES”.  Copies of this will also be given out to all managers and umpires.



At this time registration is closed for full time players to be assigned to teams.

Sam G sent out a welcoming email, along with one from the Web Site to all (37) new players.  They were also asked how they found out about SL.  Of those that replied 75% found out “word of mouth”.


Web Site

Board unanimously voted to renew with the current vendor for one year rather than a five-year commitment, at a lower per year rate.  There will be additional discussions as to staying with them, or making a change at the end of the year. 


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 6:30, at Sam G’s Home.


Dlv - 4/14/22 


February 23, 2022

Silver League Board Minutes – February 23, 2022


Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Kevin Kimmell, Bryon Wine, Roger Mears, Larry Ashbaugh, and John Welsh (late).


Absent: Tom Koch, and AM At Large Rep. (Position currently open due to resignation. Any Gold or Blue Division player interested in being the AM At Large Rep., for one year, should contact Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, or Sam Galluch.)

Quorum: 8 of 9 voters in attendance.

Others: John Robles, Chuck Lancaster

Minutes from January 26, 2021 Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.  There were none for 1/26/22.

As of the October 20 meeting, the league Secretary is preparing a “draft” of minutes to be posted on the SL web site as soon as available, after email changes from those present at the meeting.  The final approved minutes will be posted on the web site with   any changes made at the next meeting. If no changes the original can remain there.

Minutes from the February 20, 2022 General Membership meeting will be posted on SL Web Site.


Treasurer’s Report (Bryon Wine)


         Current checking balance is $36,415.66, plus $20,000.00 in a three year CD. New revenue was $12,581.45. $10,849.10 from player registrations.  $1,800.00 was from sponsors for 2022. $179.00 was refunded for overpayments, etc. (Another $400.00 will be returned to one sponsor as they may not be in business.)

  Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.


Critical Task List


  Roger Mears will continue to work on developing a backup plan for his responsibilities as the Web Site Administrator. 2022 Registration of players must take precedent.


Registered Player List

   Players registered will show on the web site by Divisions as Roger has time to post them. Those lists (names only) will be available to anyone.  Detailed lists will sent to all Division Reps by Roger as an ongoing process.


Division Meetings

  Division Reps should be setting up dates for pre-draft managers’ meetings, as well as actual draft meetings.  Tom K. should be advised of both so he can have someone representing umpires to discuss 2022 Rules at one of the meetings.


  Chuck Lancaster is handling the sponsor development.  He currently has 15 sponsors for sure, and two “promises. Anyone that has a contact with a potential sponsor should notify Chuck L.

  Some discussion of seeing if Canton Parks & Rec will allow us to put banners on the fences, or on the back of dugouts, “advertising” the Silver League and certain sponsors. Sam G. to check with Canton.

(Bryon W. has a connection with a company that can get such banner at a reasonable price.)



  Flyers -More flyers were given out to post to encourage new – or old – players to sign up

  Facebook – For $31.00 Roger M. was able to put info advertising SL on Facebook. Board approved unanimously to do it another time prior to registration deadline.

  Players from 2021 that have not signed up yet, will be contacted by Divisions Reps.



    Softballs – All Divisions will be using the same ball (Blue previously used a “livelier” ball.) Current ball is Trump Stote, 44COR, 375psi (“Designed for Senior Softball”)

SL appears to have enough for the 2022 season.  But it was suggested that SL get more before the price goes up again, as it did this season.  Randy B is checking on cost.

     Defibrillators – Canton is supposed to have them at the Willig Fields.  There was some confusion last season.  SL has two that may have to be tested as to batteries, etc. Jeff B is to check with Canton and advise next meeting.

  Scorebooks – Once the number of teams is set, Dave V will order any additional scorebooks needed.

  Screens, Mats, and Scoring plates – SL has enough.  They just need to be refurbished prior to 2022 season



    Randy B – per the Board’s approval – has developed procedures for setting up committees, and in particular the system for a Protest Committee.

   These will be in the Procedure Manual.

    Board unanimously approved the Committee guidelines, and then unanimously approved the Protest Procedure, as both were explained by Randy.


Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 6:30 PM at Sam G.s home. Anyone wishing to attend or participate should contact Sam prior to the meeting.

(Blue Div. Rep and SL Secretary will not be present.)                      

3/7/22 - dlv

February 23, 2022

             Silver League Board Minutes – January 26, 2022


Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Kevin Kimmell, Bryon Wine, Roger Mears, Tom Koch, Larry Ashbaugh, and John Welsh (late).

Absent: AM At Large Rep. (Position currently open due to resignation. Any Gold or Blue Division player interested in being the AM At Large Rep., for one year, should contact Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, or Sam Galluch.)


Quorum: 8 of 9 voters in attendance.

Others: John Robles

Minutes from December 15, 2021 Board meeting were approved unanimously. Those approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site if there were any changes.  There were none for 12/15/21.


 As of the October 20 meeting, the league Secretary is preparing a “draft” of minutes to be posted on the SL web site as soon as available, after email changes from those present at the meeting.  The approved minutes can then be posted on the web site if there are any changes.


 Treasurer’s Report (Bryon Wine)


         Current checking balance is $24,013.21, plus $20,000.00 in a three year CD. Revenue is $6,291.39. $300.00 of revenue was from the money Chuck Lancaster received for softballs used in Fall Leagues.  $2,800.00 was from sponsors for 2022. ($400.00 may have to be returned to one sponsor as they are having a “lease problem”.  Bryon is to be advised.) Remainder was from player registration.

$134.42 was expended for bank checks and postal needs to mail out registrations.

Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.


Critical Task List

Roger Mears continues to work on developing a backup plan for his responsibilities as the Web Site Administrator.

“Review Protest Process” is being completed by Randy B.  for the Procedural Manual, with Tom Koch assistance.

 All Division Reps should have their Division’s players rating prepared by the registration deadline, and mid-March.

 Some sort of “plan B” will be set up if no one comes forth to be the AM At Large Rep.


2022 Registrations Received To Date (1/26/22)


Blue – 21, Gold – 15, White – 9, Red – 3

Only two “kickbacks” on registrations filed and paid on line.  Roger M. is checking into the why of those two.

Pants Survey:  Black – 11, Gray – 35.

Presently all on line and US Mail registration come to Roger M.  He enters needed info for the 2022 master registration list.  He must take the checks to Bryon, and advise him of on line payments. It was suggested that he have access to SL checking account to speed this process.  This cannot be done at this time as the bonding of appropriate Board Members has already been done for the 2022 season.


2022 Rules

Tom Koch reviewed multiple  rule suggestions, modifications, clarifications, additions, and changes presented to him by Board members and General Membership players prior to December 1, 2021 – the deadline for any such suggestions. Some of the “new” rule suggestions were already SL Rules from prior years.

They were reviewed, and voted on, if applicable by the Board members.

Ø “1 and 1 Count” – To remain as is for all Divisions based on conversations related to “playing 7 innings”, “First game holding up a second game”, “players taking too many strikes, particularly in older division – a walk is as good as a hit”, etc.

Ø “3 and 2 count for extra innings” - Dropped.  Will be 1 & 1 like every other innings.

Ø “Five (5) infielders on dirt until ball is hit” (Blue and Gold) – Blue WILL have this rule for 2022. Five (5) OF’ers must still be behind the arc (170’).   Gold Division decision was tabled for Randy get some additional input.

Ø “Eleven Players on defense in White and Red” - White Division WILL have 11.  Red will continue with 10.

Ø “Part Time Players” (players that sign up to play on only one day a week) – In the playoffs, if a player assigned to a particular day is not available, the other player IS ALLOWED to play in his spot in 2022.

Ø “Over running 2B and 3B” - Rule is the SAME as previously.  Can “overrun”, if to avoid a collision.

Ø “Flip” Rule” – Remains the same with NO flip.

Ø “Mid-Season Tournament” - Too complicated based on makeups, players available, and just plain logistics. NOT approved

Ø “Major and Minor Divisions”- Too complicated, not enough players and managers, etc. NOT Approved

Ø “Courtesy For BATTER” (Blue Only – NOT approved 

Ø “Courtesy Runner to be the first base coach” – NOT approved. But batter must tell the umpire he needs runner prior to the first pitch to him. If he gets on base without that prior notice to the umpire, he will not be able to get a runner until he reaches 2B. (unless injured during a related play)

Ø “Courtesy Runners” – Must be the first base coach was NOT approved

Ø “Courtesy Runners” – A player can only be a courtesy runner three (3) times in the normal seven innings in ALL divisions.  Three count starts over in extra innings. NOT approved. Current rules to stay as is.

Ø “Late Arrivals” – They CAN still play in the game, but go to the bottom of the batting order.

Ø  “Teams with Travel Team Players” – Games will NOT be rescheduled due to missing travel team players.

Ø “2022 Team Jerseys” - Players MUST have appropriate 2022 team jerseys to play in a game.

Ø “Sub Request” By 6:00 PM the day prior to the game. Sub Coordinator is NOT to be contacted by a manager if a player MIGHT not be at the game.

Ø “Blue Division Permanent subs” - Blue Division teams cannot get a permanent sub until they are down to twelve (12) players. (Typo in 2021 Rules)

Ø “Sub Request” - When requesting a sub a manager must advise ALL players that will be missing, not just the best one.

Ø “Pre-Game”- Umpires are to be advised of each team’s subs and DHs to put on the umpire/game card.

Ø “Hats” - Players will NOT play defense or bat without the proper 2022 Silver League hat.


Uniforms  (Jerseys and Hats)

Dave V met with Elite Sports to discuss changing jersey styles (Logos, colors, styles, sponsors’ names, etc.- after 24 years). There has been a 30% increase in all for 2022. They will try to come as close as possible to last 2021’s cost for 2022.

Names on the back of jerseys will not be an option for 2022 due to costs, new designs, and in order to expedite the league order, as previously approved. 

Players will still be able to buy a second jersey for their particular team in a division.  There will be a charge, but the cost will not increase by sizes.

 Hats will be Silver/Gray with black bills, and the same logo as 2021. Matching hats to jerseys would slow up the order considerably.


New Business


It was suggested that Roger M as Web Administrator be made a voting member of the Board.  He is currently a non-voting member. This will be discussed at a later date as it would necessitate a By-Laws change. By Law changes must be introduced by October 1 of that season. (Roger has been a manager in the past.  “Tradition” has it that Board Members do not manage.  “Non-Voting” Board Members is a new situation.


League “Marketing”


  Canton Parks & Rec. will be putting some information on their web site and Facebook.

   Sam G. was given some flyers from previous years that were posted at various places.  He is to review them.


Registration Deadline

     Saturday, March 5, 2022



General Membership Meeting

  Sunday, February 20, 2022, 1:00 at Kiwanis Civic Center, 725 Portage Line Dr., Akron, Ohio 44319

Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 6:30 PM, at Sam Galluch’s home.



December 15, 2021

Silver League Board Minutes – December 15, 2021


Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Kevin Kimmell, Bryon Wine, Roger Mears, and Larry Ashbaugh.

Absent: Tom Koch (Advance Notice), John Welsh, and the AM At Large Rep. (Position currently open due to resignation. Any Gold or Blue Division player interested in being the AM At Large Rep., for one year, should contact Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, or Sam Galluch.)

Quorum: 6 of 8 voters in attendance.

Others: John Robles

Minutes from November 17, 2021 Board meeting were approved unanimously. The approved minutes can now replace the draft on the Web Site can now be the “approved minutes” for the Web Site. No changes from the “Draft Not Approved” ones already posted. As of the October 20 minutes, the league Secretary is preparing a “draft” of minutes to be posted on the SL web site as soon as available.  Any final, or corrected minutes will be formally approved at the following Board Meeting.


Treasurer’s Report

Current checking balance is $17,854.35 up from last month’s $16,979.33, plus $20,000.00 in a three year CD. Increase was due to some outstanding payments received. Had been some confusion with KeyBank, but Bryon Wine was able to straighten it out once he got SL’s EIN number.

Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s report


Critical Task List

Roger Mears is to develop a backup plan for his responsibilities as the Web Site Administrator, and SL’s “I.T. guy” – just in case.

“Review Protest Process” is being handled by Randy Ballard, who will be communicating with Tom Koch, head of the Rules Committee for a final system.


Canton (Willig Fields) Update

Mickey Ryan of Canton Parks & Recreation has talked to his maintenance people about moving AM games to Monday and Wednesdays from Tuesdays and Thursdays.  They can have the fields ready for AM games at 9:30 AM, except on the Mondays after there has been a tournament that used “short” fences.  On those Mondays, fields will not be available until about 11:30 AM.  They will always be ready at 9:30 AM on Wednesdays.

Since moving to Mondays and Wednesdays will save SL $1,000.00 - $1,500.00 for the 2022 season, the Board voted unanimously to make the change. (Motion by Larry Ashbaugh: second by Randy B.) to Move AM games to Monday and Wednesdays. Dave Vanderneut presented the pros and cons that he received from players prior to the vote.

A second motion with the times of 9:30AM and/or 11:30 AM for the start of games on Monday was unanimously passed by the Board. (Motion by Bryon Wine; second by Jeff Brenneman).


Uniforms (Jerseys and Hats)

Dave V and Bryon W. had sample jerseys and prices from two possible vendors.  Dave V, Sam G., and Bryon W. will be meeting with Elite Sports to discuss, as the board is in favor of changing jersey styles (Logos, colors, styles, sponsors’ names, etc.- after 24 years). No matter what jerseys are decided on, there has been a 30% increase in all for 2022. 

Names on the back of jerseys will not be an option for 2022 due to costs, new designs, and in order to expedite the league order.  This was unanimously approved by the Board. (Motion by Larry A.; second by Randy B.)

Players will still be able to buy a second jersey for their particular team in a division.  There will be a charge, but the cost will not increase by sizes.

A change in the color of the 2022 hats may also be discussed as the ones with a gray/silver body and black bills are difficult to find. Hats that match the jerseys was is a possibility.


Registration Payment Updates

Roger M. advised that it should be possible for players to register and pay – at the same time – online by using E-check or Credit Cards.  Payment can still be made by mailing in a check with the Registration Form printed from the Web Site, or received in the mail from SL.

Once the Registration form is on line certain Board members will “test” the system by “on line registration and payment”. If successful, Sam Galluch, President, will send a cover letter by email, or U.S. mail, explaining in more detail.

A “convenience” fee for on line payment of $4.00 was unanimously passed by the Board (Motion by Larry A.; second by Kevin Kimmell). This was necessary due to the current arrangement, and previous problems with on line payment.

Deadline for registration will be based on receiving by, or post marked by, March 5, 2022. Motion passed unanimously. (Motion by Larry A.: second by Kevin K.)  Any players registering late will have to pay a $20.00 late fee and will be assigned if an opportunity arises. Motion passed 4-1-1. Jeff B. voted no. Kevin K. abstained. (Motion by Dave V.; second by Randy B.)

Registration fees will be $80.00 per player, for all divisions for 2022. Motion passed unanimously by Board. (Motion by Bryon W.; second by Larry A.)

Players will have to make out separate registration for each Division they intend to play in, if they register, and pay, online.

Manager (not Player-Managers) will have a registration fee of $45.00. Motion unanimously approved by Board. (Motion by Randy B.: second by Bryon W.)

Umpires, Coach Only, and Paid subs will pay $45.00 per motion unanimously passed by Board (Motion by Randy B.; second by Kevin K.)


Procedure Manual

Tom K. sent out copies of the Procedure Manual to all Board members to read, review, and discuss approval at tonight’s meeting.

Changes: Keep the By-Laws and Rules separate from the Procedure Manual on the web site, and on paper.

“Placing a Coach (player-manager) pick in the draft” was simplified as the player will be in the round appropriate with their rating.

“Pitcher – in first three rounds” – After a manager has not taken a pitcher in the first three rounds (highest rated players), or in the fourth (lowest rated players), they MUST pick a pitcher in the next    round.

Forms will be updated for 2022.

Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 6:30 PM, at Sam Galluch’s home.



November 17, 2021

Silver League Board Minutes – November 17, 2021


Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Tom Koch, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Kevin Kimmell, Bryon Wine, and Roger Mears.  Larry Ashbauugh arrived late after attendance taken.


Absent: John Welsh, and At Large (Position currently open due to resignation. Any Gold or Blue Division player interested in the AM At Large position should contact Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, or Sam Galluch.)


Quorum: 7 of 8 voters in attendance.

Minutes from October 20, 2021, Board meeting were approved unanimously. They can now be the “approved minutes” for the web Site. No changes from the “Draft Not Approved” ones already posted.


 Starting with the October 20 minutes, the league Secretary is preparing a “draft” of minutes to be posted on the SL web site as soon as available.  Any final, or corrected minutes will be formally approved at the following Board Meeting.


Treasurer’s Report


         Current checking balance is $16,979.33, plus $20,000.00 in a Three-year CD at 2.8%. Money can be taken out of that CD each year up to 10% with no penalty.

         Bill for field usage from Canton for $11,125.00 has been received and paid.

         Canton owes $600.00, $300.00 to SL, and $300.00 to Chuck Lancaster, for softballs used for their Tuesday fall “Senior” league. They were not charged for use of SL Mats, screens, or scoring plates.

         Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s report


Critical Task List

  Reviewed with some slight changes.  Only major addition was the “Review Protest Process”, to be done by a committee headed by Randy B.  A smoother, and less complicated, process is to be developed.  It will be due for the February 2022 Board meeting.


Audit Committee Report


   Letter attached to minutes from Larry Deibel stating, “Committee is satisfied with the validity and accuracy of the records”.  Audit Committee consisted of Larry D, Tom K., Dick Kostko and Mike Mack.

   Report unanimously accepted by Board.


2021 Budget Performance (Treasurer Bryon Wine)


  With all previously outstanding bills for 2021 paid, SL finished with a surplus of $3,486.53. This was mainly due to donations, and some registration fees from players that did not play, and let SL keep their payments


General Meeting Venue


  Sam G. has arranged for the General Membership Meeting to be at Portage Lakes Kiwanis Civic Center at 725 Portage Lakes Drive, Akron, Ohio, 44319.  It will be on Sunday, February 20, 2022.  Exact time is not set yet, but SL has the facility from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM. (Super Bowl is Sunday, February 13, 2022.)


Canton (Willig Fields) Update

    There have been discussions with Mickey Ryan of Canton Pks. & Rec. At this time, it appears that they will be charging us the same as 2021 - $125.00 per field per day.  He is checking to see if it would be possible for AM SL to play on Monday and Wednesday AM.  That could mean a later start on Monday AMs for Blue and Gold.  But by going to Monday and Wednesdays the league could save about $1,500.00 on fields.  He is to get back to Sam G.


Procedure Manual Update (Tom Koch)

   Tom has sent out copies of the Procedure Manual to all Board members to read, review, and advise any questions.  It will be presented for a vote at the December meeting.

  Question of keeping the By-Laws and Rules separate from the Procedure Manual on the web site, and on paper was brought up, and will be discussed at the next meeting.


 Registration Payment Update (Roger Mears & Kevin Kimmell)

  They are trying to see if online can be done by sending the registration form and paying “on line” at the same time by Pay Pal or credit card (Am. Ex., VISA, Discover or MasterCard). Some of the details they still need to check into are “convenience” fees charged to SL for such payments, and if a player would have to sign up separately for each Division, they play in.

  They would still have to have a process available for those that do not participate in email or online activities. There would still be several who register and pay by check, either by US Mail, or at the General Membership meeting in February.

  This discussion will be continued at the next meeting.


Projected Budget for 2022 (Treasurer Bryon Wine)


    Bryan W. presented a “projected” – not guaranteed – budget for 2022 based on information from the 2021 budget, and information gathered from other Board members.

  The proposed budget was unanimously approved by the Board, with knowledge that there were a few small adjustments to be made.  Bryon will make those adjustment and send an updated copy to all Board members. (Original and updated version received today are attached to minutes.)


Uniform Discussion – Black/Gray Pants

   Considerable information – options, cost, availability, etc., had been send out and/or discussed in writing, or verbally, between Board Members, and general membership players. Both the pros and cons lists were extensive. Each Board member was allotted several minutes to express their thoughts and viewpoints.

> Motion was made by Bryon W., that the previous vote of August 25, 2021 (4-2) be rescinded.  This was due to considerable additional input from players, and additional information now available as to spending, and logistics.

       Vote was: Three (3) Yes, Three (3) No (Dave V., Randy B., and Tom K.,) and One (1) Abstention (Jeff B.)  Tie was broken in favor of the motion by Sam G., President.

> Second Motion by Bryon W., “to conduct a survey with a “black or gray” poll of all players on the 2022 Registration form”.

  This would cause; 1) ALL registered players an opportunity to have input on the subject, and 2) Put off any decision to the 2023 season. 

     Vote was: Four (4) Yes, Two (2) No (Randy B., and Tom K.) and One (1) Abstention (Jeff B.)

The poll results will be based on only those who respond.

  It seemed that all Board members agree that if the uniform rules – as to pants, shirts, and hats – are left as is, there is a definite need for ways to establish responsibilities of enforcement, and any needed punitive matters. This would have to be decided by the February 2022 General Membership Meeting, along with any other rules changes, clarification and/or additions.


Uniform Discussions – Shirt Upgrade (Sam G. & Dave V.)

  A meeting with Elite Sporting Goods staff brought up several ideas for potential changes - style, colors, (both shirts and numbers and logos), and SL and sponsor logos.  Elite felt they could do new jerseys (Not changed since 1999) for the same price as the old ones.

   Hats were also discussed. Flex hats would double the cost per hat.  But hats that match the color of the jersey would be the same cost.

   This will be followed up at the December meeting


Player Survey Capabilities (Roger Mears)


   This will be tested with the ‘Black/Gray” poll on the registration form in January.


Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 6:30 PM, at S Galluch’s home, unless advised otherwise.




October 20, 2021

Silver League Board Minutes – October 20, 2021

Board Members Present:  Sam Galluch, Jeff Brenneman, Tom Koch, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Larry Ashbaugh, Kevin Kimmell, Bryon Wine, John Welsh

Absent: Roger Mears and AM At Large (Position currently open due to resignation. Any Gold or Blue Division player interested in the AM At Large position should contact Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, or Sam Galluch.)

Others: Louis Munoz and Chuck Justice

Minutes from September 22, 2021, Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Starting with these minutes, the league Secretary will prepare a “draft” of minutes to be posted on the SL web site as soon as available.  Any final, or corrected minutes will be formally approved at the following Board Meeting.


Treasurer’s Report

         Current checking balance is $23,104.33, plus $20,000.00 in a CD.

         The bill from Guy’s for the annual banquet was $3,884.00.

          Bill for 108 championship shirts From Elite was $1,119.00

          One outstanding bill for approximately $6,000.00 for use of the Canton fields.  That final amount has not been invoiced to the Silver League at this time.  Mickey Ryan of Canton Pks. & Rec. will be contacted to get that invoice sent, in order close the finances for 2021 season. (Total for 2021 should be about $11,125.00 for the entire season, as it is believed that Canton will be honoring the “proposal” originally given to SL.).)

  The 2022 budget cannot be presented to the Board until 2021 finances are finalized. And the cost of fields for 2022 is available

   Larry Deibel will be asked to put together an “Audit Committee” once the 2021 finances are complete

   Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.


Silver League Secretary

Dave V. was elected to be the secretary for the 2022 season by unanimous vote (with one abstaining)


Procedure Manual

Tom K. will have the final draft of the Procedure Manual at the next meeting. It will be quite lengthy and touch numerous subjects, not set down in the SL Rules or By-Laws and Constitution

The Following Mission Statement – present by Sam G., and unanimously passed by the Board – will be in the Procedures.

      The purpose of the Silver League Board of Directors is to provide the infrastructure required to support all activities of the Silver League in an effective and fiscally responsible manner, with a primary focus on player safety and adherence to the Silver League Constitution and By-Laws.

      We will accomplish this mission through open communication, while maintaining the integrity of the League and the Board and treating Silver League members and fellow Board members with respect at all times.

The Procedure Manual will serve as an “operations manual”, with possible changes, as needed, annually.


Board and General Membership Meetings

    Board meetings will be at 6:30 the third Wednesday of a month, unless specifically advised otherwise.

    Items to be discussed, or speakers from outside the Board, should be advised to the President two days before the scheduled meeting.  Agendas will be prepared and sent out the day before the meeting.

    Speaker, or persons that wish to attend a Board meeting must advise the President, in case more room is needed for said meeting.

    General Membership Meetings are “open door”.  But there is currently a need for a venue where SL can meet with around 80 people for the 2022 General Membership Meeting.

  A “Critical Task List” was given out by the President to all Board members.  This list showed the major areas that are known to need input, preparation, discussion, and approval by the Board in the upcoming future.



  Any rule changes, addition, modifications, etc. must be sent to Tom K. of the Rules Committee by December 1, 2021.  Such “suggestions” can be from Board members direct, or a board member can send one or more at the request of a league player. They do not have to agree with it.

  Rules should not have a negative effect on players.  And should balance the letter and the spirit of the league.

  All Board members were sent copies of the “Sub Guidelines” set up during the 2020 season so that they will know how that system is to work. 

Ongoing Projects

   Roger Mears and Kevin Kimmell are checking into the possibility of having online registration payment and being able to do player surveys by email or text.


Open Discussion (To be “mulled”)

 Silver League pants and or shorts as to color, cost, payment, etc. Louie Munoz talked to the Board about his oppsition to changing from gray to black pants for 2022.  He also presented a petition from players against that change, even if black shorts were paid for by the league. Dave V. will be attempting to get some sample gray (considered “silver” by most companies making shirts, hats, and pants now.) and black shorts for review by the Board.

 Possible review of SL jerseys as to logos, backers’ names, players’ names, etc.

 Uniformity of registration fees will be considered since field charges at Canton are not related to lights.

Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 6:30 PM. Location to be announced.


September 22, 2021

             Silver League Board Minutes – September 22, 2021


Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Tom Koch, and Roger Mears.

Absent: Dennis Mathieu, Jerome Bloodworth, Larry Chimento, John Welsh, and AM At Large (Position currently open due to resignation)

Others: Bryon Wine, Kevin Kimmell

Minutes from August 25, 2021, Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

         Current checking balance is $23,403.00 

          No outstanding bills currently.  Final bills for Canton field usage, and banquet (10/10/21) related cost still to come

          Bryon Wine was formally voted the new SL Treasurer for the upcoming season, (As of October 2021) replacing Tom Koch. Vote was unanimous. Tom will assist the treasurer with the final 2021 financial reports and preparation of the 2022 budget.

 An Audit Committee is to be appointed to audit the 2021 season when appropriate.

 Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Procedural Manual

  It is in its final preparation phase, and should be available for approval, and then distribution at the next Board meeting.  It is going to be divided into multiple sections with a table of contents.  Some specific areas will include Drafts, Player Evaluation, and General information.


Silver League Elections as of October 2021 thru 2022 season

 White Division Rep is Larry Ashbaugh

 PM At Large Rep is Kevin Kimmell

 Gold Division Rep is Randy Ballard

 Vice President is Tom Koch.

 Treasurer is Bryon Wine

 Umpire-in-chief is Tom Koch.

Board Secretary and AM At Large still need to be appointed by the Board. (Potential AM At-Large candidates are to be contacted). AM At Large Rep must be chosen by the Board as the previous Rep did not serve his entire term.

Secretary will be by the Board appointment from the 2022 board members.

Newly elected board members take office October 1.


Carry Overs to 2022

 Red Division Rep is John Welsh

 Blue Division Rep is Dave Vanderneut

 Past President is Jeff Brenneman

 Web Administrator (Non-Voting) is Roger Mears



  At Guy’s Party Center. 4:30 PM, Sunday, October 10, 2021.

  Priced at minimum of 150 attendees. $12.00 and $24.00 per person, or SL “guest”, depending on status. One free drink token per attendee. Will be a 50/50 raffle.


Chuck Lancaster and Sam Galluch are close to completing 2021 Directories (200), and awards for sponsors, and Tom Shaffstall Spirit Award winners. Champs shirts are being done by Elite Sporting, and will be brought to the banquet for distribution to teams, or managers, or Division Reps.

 Only 81 attendees were signed up for the banquet (55 players and 26 guests) as of tonight’s Board meeting.  Several registration forms were known to be in route.  Roger M. will send out a ‘reminder” via the web site.  And Division Reps should also remind players.


Summit County Softball HOF Banquet

  Seven members of the Silver League are being inducted this year.  Banquet is November 7, 2021.  Anyone having any interest in attending, please contact Randy Ballard (419-709-7962), or Chuck Lancaster (330-607-0442), for detail and tickets.


2022 Registration

  Registration will be changed having the Treasurer handle the financial side, and Roger Mears, as Web Administrator, handle the actual player registration. Roger is checking into the possibilities of 1) registration being done online sending and sorting information, rather than gathering it manually, 2) Allowing some type of credit payment by players. (It was pointed out that the previous attempt at this resulted in negative results.), 3) Keeping the registration to a one-page form, while still getting all the information needed. (Would include new info for 2022)


Parks & Rec and Silver League

 Canton has not scheduled a meeting with SL to discuss the 2022 season. But neither have they been paid for all of 2021 yet.

Their Tuesday night “senior” league is using SL’s screens, mats, scoring plates, and AED.  Some uncertainty if they owe SL for softballs used last fall or this fall.

 The Tallmadge fall league, being run by SL players, is also using SL equipment.


2022 Uniforms

 Dave V will try to get some price estimates for shirts (players and umpires), hats, and black shorts/pants from Elite to help prepare the next budget.

 Possibility that some samples might be available for the next meeting

Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 6:30 PM, At Randy Ballard’s House, unless advised otherwise.



August 25, 2021

             Silver League Board Minutes – August 25, 2021


Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Tom Koch, Larry Chimento, John Welsh, and Roger Mears.

Absent: Dennis Mathieu, Jerome Bloodworth, and AM At Large (Position currently open due to resignation)

Quorum Present: Yes                   

Others: Bryon Wine, Chuck Lancaster

Minutes from July 21, 2021, Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

Current checking balance is $28,968.51 

          No outstanding bills at this time.  Final bills for Canton field usage, *championship shirts, and banquet (10/10/21) costs still to come.

         *Order for championship shirts will be placed with Elite Sports as soon as all division have their winners.  Regular season champs, and playoff champs will receive shirts, unless they are the same team in their division. Division reps are to make sure Dave V. gets the shirt sizes of all winners ASAP.

Shirts will be blue with a possible new logo that Elite is to design, with board members approval.

Bryon Wine was introduced as the new SL Treasurer for the upcoming season (October 2021) replacing Tom Koch. Tom will continue as treasurer until 2021 finances are complete.

An Audit Committee is to be appointed to audit the 2021 season when appropriate.

The original of the “Single Premium Deferred Annuity” contract with Eagle Life was given to the Secretary by the current Treasurer.  It will be filed with the 2021 minutes.

Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.


Procedural Manual 

Discussed and reviewed, but still some “fine tuning” to be done. No vote for approval/acceptance until final copy is prepared for the next meeting.


Silver League Elections

Original paper ballots, and tallies, are with these minutes, with SL Secretary.

 White Division Rep is Larry Asbaugh

 PM At Large Rep is Kevin Kimmell

 Gold Division Rep is Randy Ballard

 Vice President – elected by the Board from eligible candidates – will be Tom Koch.

 Treasurer will be Bryon Wine

 Umpire-in-chief will be Tom Koch.

 AM At Large Rep must still be by the Board appointment as the Rep did not serve his entire term.

 Secretary will be by the Board appointment from the 2022 board members.

Newly elected board members take office October 1.


Carry Overs to 2022

 Red Division Rep is John Welsh

 Blue Division Rep is Dave Vanderneut

 Past President will be Jeff Brenneman

 Web Administrator (Non-Voting) is Roger Mears


Rule Infraction (In AM)

A situation arose where a Gold player (and manager) requested, and got a sub, for himself for his Gold game.  The same day, this player (and manager) in Blue, played as a sub, as his Blue team had a bye. An “emergency meeting, with a quorum was called at Willig Fields the next AM play date. Two motions were made. 1. The Gold game should be a forfeit loss. (Passed 6-1). 2. The player in question should be suspended for one game (Passed 4-3)

The Board voted unanimously to uphold the previous votes on the two motions.

The player involved was injured for the rest of the year before he could be suspended.  The suspension will carry over to 2022.

Player in question will be notified.


HOF Candidates

Four candidates were nominated thru the established procedure for HOF candidates.

The Committees’ recommendations were approved by the Board 5-0, with one Board member abstaining. 



 At Guy’s Party Center. 4:30 PM, Sunday, October 10, 2021.

 Priced at minimum of 150 attendees. $23.25 per person. $2.75 for one drink token per attendee.

 Marilyn Shaffstall (Tom Shaffstall’s widow), Bob Phillips (took team pics), HOF inductees, sponsors, and appropriate Canton Pks. and Rec personnel, and one guest are invited as guests of the Silver League.

 Will be a 50/50 raffle.

 Chuck Lancaster and Sam Galluch are working on preparing 2021 Directories, and awards for sponsors and Tom Shaffstall Spirit Award winners.


 Umpires – 2022

Board unanimously authorized Tom Koch, Umpire-in-chief to purchase – up to $200.00 – for “educational” material to help train umpires.

 Elite Sports will be asked for pricing and style for umpire shirts, with a Silver League logo. 


 Shorts/Pants for 2022.

By a vote of 4-2, the Board voted to change to BLACK athletic shorts and/or pants for the 2022 season. (Sam Galluch and John Welsh were the two “no” votes.) The Board plans to have SL pay for the new shorts.

 Elite Sports will be contacted to find a source and advise the cost.


 2022 Registration

Registration will be changed having the Treasurer handle the financial side, and Roger Mears, as Web Administrator, handle the actual player registration

 It was requested that no registered players’ names be posted on the Web Sites prior to final rosters being set up.  The master registration list will still be available for those on the Board that need it – Reps, sub coordinators, “uniform guy”, etc.

Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 6:30 PM, Randy Ballard’s House.  Newly elected or appointed Board members for the 2022 season are invited to come to this meeting.



July 21, 2021

             Silver League Board Minutes – July 21, 2021


Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, Larry Chimento, John Welsh, and Jerome Bloodworth.

Absent: Dennis Mathieu and Roger Mears (Health Issues)

Quorum Present: Yes                   

Others: Larry Deibel


Minutes from June 6, 2021, Board meeting were approved unanimously. They were previously emailed to all Board members for review and corrections, and/or acknowledgement.  Majority of Board members did respond prior to tonight’s meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

         Current checking balance is $30,948.51 

          No outstanding bills

         2022 budget cannot be done until October as bills for banquet, sponsor plaques, and championship awards are not known yet.

          Board unanimously approved Treasurer’s report


Procedural Manual

  Discussed and reviewed, with some changes and additions. No vote for approval/acceptance until final copy is prepared.


Rule Infractions

Some situations, and/or infractions took place several weeks ago involving various teams. This was pointed out by the umpire, but no action was taken at that time. In other cases, the umpires did not enforce the rules.

It was necessary for SL President, Jeff Brenneman – due to the time delay in considering any action – to email all Board members as an “emergency”.

He asked if the board members, “do we take action for infractions that have already taken place or not?” “Yes or No”.  An email vote was to be done.

Five “no” votes (Dave V., Sam G., Al B., Jerome B., and Dennis M.)

Four “yes” votes (Randy B., Larry C., John W., and Tom K.)

Board ratified the vote as presented tonight.



  There has been some inconsistencies with the assignments of subs due to poor communications and exchanges of information.

  Attached are Guidelines prepared by Sam G. for possible inclusion in League Procedures.  They were approved by the board. They are in effect immediately, even though the League Procedures will be approved at a later date, The Guidelines do not change the current rules covering subs.

  These guidelines will be distributed to managers, and players by Reps and the league as decided.


Elections/Board appointments

   For 2022 election: White Division Rep, (Larry Chimento and Paul Rebillot will be seeking election), AM and PM At-Large Reps, and Gold Div. Rep. (2021 Board appointee, Jerome Bloodworth, will be seeking election.)

   For Board appointment and Vote:  Treasurer, Umpire-In-Chief, and AM At-Large Rep., and Secretary (Board member)

   For Vice President: Nominated and voted on by Board. (Bob Johnson, Tom Koch and John Welsh are the only eligible members of the league to formally express interest to   the League Secretary to date.)

  League members interested in 2022 positions should advise Board members.

  Roger M. will advise the general membership on the web site of upcoming elections. Sending a system wise email is being considered.


2022 Fields/Fall Leagues

  Appropriate Board members will be setting up meetings with Canton Parks & Recreation staff to discuss 2022 season.  Any changes - particularly cost – need to be discussed by the board as soon as possible.

  Other possible locations – KSU (Allerton), Cuyahoga Falls (Water Works), etc., will be checked to see if there is any interest on their parts.

  SL was advised that Canton is considering a “43+” Fall League. They may have a need to “borrow” certain Silver League equipment.  That will be decided based on any possible Silver League Fall League, and Canton’s needs, at a later date.



  None at Willig at this time.  Mickey Ryan of Canton P&R was advised, and one has been ordered at this time.


Silver League Team pictures

  Two proposals from John Hendrickson, who has done pictures in the past.  In addition to any personal use, pictures are used for sponsor plaques, and the yearly directory.  There were some additional questions that Jeff B. will follow up with John. Decision to be made when that information is available to the Board.


Next SL Board Meeting:  Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 6:30 PM, Randy Ballard’s home.                                                                                                                 


dlv 8/6/21

June 16, 2021

             Silver League Board Minutes – June 16, 2021

 Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, Larry Chimento, and Jerome Bloodworth.

Absent: Dennis Mathieu, Roger Mears (Health Issues), and John Welsh

Quorum Present: Yes                   

Minutes from May 19, 2021, Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

          Current checking balance is $32,873.51 

          SL insurance bill paid and copies to appropriate parties.

          Board unanimously approved Treasurer’s report


Procedural Manual

  Discussed and reviewed by Board. No final vote for approval/acceptance as some area need to be changed, adjusted, clarified, or eliminated. Some of the areas that needed modification included “Memorials”, “Rules and By Laws”, “Mailings”, “Division Reps” and “VP’s” responsibility, Player Ratings and Drafts date changes, and HOF nominations.


White Divisions Protest

  A protest was filed by a White Division manager for the second game of a DH’er played on May 24, 2021. This was based on SL’s Rules for “Dress Code”.

Per current protest procedures created in 2016, SL VP formed a committee to review the protest, and make their judgement at that time (May 27, 2021).  The committee unanimously supported the protest, giving the protesting team a 7-0 victory for that game.  Copies of all correspondence and decisions are attached to the minutes for this date.

  There were some questions as to the appropriateness, and possible legitimacy, of a committee making such a ruling.  Possibly the committee had an incorrect makeup by the most current protest wording.  And that their decision might have to be approved by the Board.

   A vote was taken, and the Board did approve the committee’s decision unanimously.

  (Possible major revisions for protest handling will be discussed at a later date.)



  Roger Mears will be asked to post what Board positions will be up for election for 2021-22, and how to become a candidate.  He will also send out a system wide email advising the same information. The three position that will be up for election are PM Board positions at this time – White and Red Divisions Reps, and the PM At Large position.


Dave Vanderneut will send a list of all current players eligible to be nominated for 2022 VP.


Silver League Team Photos

  Two proposals were tabled until the next meeting.



  There were extensive discussions about “areas of concern” that might be considered for action this year, or for the next season.  Some, but not all concerned umpire, manager, player and Board member responsibilities, uniforms and/or dress codes, and related costs, subs, and tournament conflicts.


Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, July 21, 2021, 6:30 PM, at Randy Ballard’s home.                                   



May 19, 2021

Silver League Board Minutes – May 19, 2021

 Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, and Jerome Bloodworth.

 Absent: Dennis Mathieu, Roger Mears (Health Issues), Larry Chimento, and John Welsh

Quorum Present: Yes                   

Others Present:   Larry Diebel


Minutes from April 22, 2021, Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

     Current checking balance is $35,964.01. 

SL insurance still needs to be paid as bill has not been received.  Tom has made several phone calls attempting complete the insurance process, and get a copy to Canton Pks & Rec.

    Board unanimously approved Treasurer’s report



 An age-appropriate player from the Blue Division that was also playing Gold, has dropped out of Gold. This was his choice and appears to be based on his ability to compete with such younger players. This brought up the possibility of having a “Competition Committee” considered for next year to discuss players that are playing in the age-appropriate division, but also want to play in a younger division, with debatable skill levels.


Thee Buckeye Tournament

  Red Bole has advised he would look to borrow some SL pitching screens for his tournament.  SL will be able to lend him one stored at Dave V’s home, and the two used at Nesmith Lake.


SL Shorts/Pants and Hats.

  Dave V. questioned if there was a need to make a mid-season rule change to allow players to wear “ANY shade of gray, and/or black athletic shorts or pants”, based on the apparent problem with players abiding by the currently written rules.

  It was decided to go with the current arrangement as the rules are explicit, and Board members, Managers, and Umpires should be enforcing them as they currently read.


Ratings for 2021 Players for 2022 Draft

  Division Reps should give out ratings sheets to each manager and two other players on that each team in their Division by July 15.  They should be returned direct to the Rep by August 1. After reviewing the three ratings received the Rep will figure out each player’s average, adjusting for highs and lows.

  Each Rep will then put together a “Rating Committee” – no managers – by Sept 1 to review and adjust the ratings previously received.  This will be the basis for the 2022 ratings for the drafts.


   It was suggested that the Board might want to do something similar for managers and umpires.


Procedure Manual

  Copies are available to Board members on the SL Web Site or from Tom K.  It was asked that they review them for any questions, corrections, additions, etc., to be sent to Tom K. one week prior to the next Board meeting prior to the next meeting.


Umpire/Rule Issues

  Specifically:  Number of bases a runner gets when a ball is out of play, is two bases from the time of the throw.

  General: “discussions” with umpires is for the team manager, not individual players.

     An example of one particular PM player who is often having “discussions” with the umpire of his game, will be receiving a letter from Jeff B. asking him to curtail his activities. (With mention of rule 13. General Rules, D. Misconduct, as a potential if things get out of control.)


PM Divisions

  Apparently, players not getting HR balls, leading to NO back up balls in the storage area.

  One of the screens was broken during a PM game.  But no one advised anyone. Luckily, there was a backup screen for AM games.


Silver League Team Photos

  Two proposals were tabled until the next meeting.


Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 6:30 PM, at Randy Ballard’s home.                                   



April 22, 2021

             Silver League Board Minutes – April 22, 2021

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, John Welsh, Larry Chimento, and Jerome Bloodworth.


Absent: Dennis Mathieu, Roger Mears

Quorum Present: Yes                   

Others Present:   John Robles


Minutes from March 18, 2021 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

          Current checking balance is $42,850.00.  Bonds for SL Officers has been paid. SL insurance still needs to be paid as bill has not been received.  Upon receiving and paying a copy will go to Canton Pks & Rec.

   Still a few players that paid for 2020 let their money ride to 2021. They have now decided to NOT play in 2021. They are to be reimbursed.

    Board unanimously approved Treasurer’s report


Closures from Meeting with Canton Staff – April 20, 2021

  Several details were worked out-

Fields to be used for each Division. White, Blue, and Gold will use #1, #2, and #3. Red will use #1 and #3.  (#1 is the first one on the right.  Numbers then go clockwise.)

Storage of equipment for preseason and regular season. (Base of stairs by door to the left of the concession stand)

“Arc” for Blue Division (Five spots for cones. Not an actual arc.)

Concession stand being opened.  “Yes”, on Tuesday nights. “Trial” on Monday nights.

  No AMs.

Rain out procedure.  If cancelled by Canton, one text to Roger Mears.  He will then activate the “Alert” system.

  SL will not be playing AM games Tuesday, June 15, 2021, as Canton Pks & Rec will be having a Police/Fireman Tournament that day.


Field related issues to be discussed-

  Setting up, and storing of screens, mats, etc., for PM games.  Options involve Canton staff, umpires, and players. Cost may be involved if Canton staff or umpires are responsible. (AM to be handled by players.)

  Need for SL’s AEDs at fields.


 Blue Division

  Request was made by a Blue Division manager that the 2021 schedule be reviewed for equity as to Home and Visitor assignments, and field assignments.

  This will be done, and any needed changes made.


Practicing at Willig Fields

   SL has been authorized to use all four fields from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM, Monday and Tuesday evening.  Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM are also permitted.



  PM managers will be given two dozen game balls to start the season.  Umpires will keep the game balls to become “backup” balls.  Those will be stored with the other SL equipment.

  Blue Division will have the Rep give the game and backup balls to the umpires.  They will be returned to the Rep after the games, for practice balls at later dates. Blue Division will use up the remaining balls for the first 51 games, and then go to the same ball all the other Divisions are currently using.

   Dave V will exchange the regular season mats, screens, etc., for the practice ones May 6 or 7.

  Two dozen scorebooks – 16 lines, 25 games - will be ordered to give to managers.


Silver League Team Photos

  Two proposals were tabled until the next meeting.



Silver League Banquet is scheduled for Sunday, October 10, 2021. Details will follow at a later date. (Was suggested that involved Canton Pks & Rec staff be invited as guests. To be discussed at a later date.)




Next Board Meeting: Wednesday May 19, 2021, 6:30 PM, at Randy Ballard’s home.                                   



March 18, 2021

             Silver League Board Minutes – March 18, 2021

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Al Barracato , Tom Koch, John Welsh,  Larry Chimento, Roger Mears, and Jerome Bloodworth.


Absent: Dennis Mathieu

Quorum Present: Yes                   

Others Present:   Larry Deibel and Chuck Lancaster

Minutes from February 24, 2021 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

          Audit was completed by Larry Deibel, Mike Mack, and Dick Kostko. Letter from committee chair, Larry D. stating their satisfaction that “all financial records are accurate and true”. Unanimously accepted and approved by board members.

          Current checking balance is $41,144.77.  Approximately $1,488.00 to be deposited from received registration fees. Only one player currently short on their payment at this time.

          $20,000 was given to Eagle Insurance at 2.1% on a three-year commitment.  We could make 10% withdrawals from the balance each year, with no penalty.  (Copy in minutes file.)

        $5,799.00 from the CD SL closed was put into the checking account to be used as needed.

        Insurance for the league and board members will need to be purchased prior to the start of Willig Fields usage.

      Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s report.


Current Registration

     Red and White Divisions are going to make some player adjustments to balance out the two Divisions. White should end up with six (6) teams, and Red should have four (4).

    May be some need for some last-minute similar adjustment with Blue and Gold.  But Gold should have six (6) teams and Blue seven (7) teams.

  All Divisions Reps are working on final preparation for their drafts.

  Registration deadline is March 15 (moved from February 24).  But some flexibility will be allowed if it involved late mail delivery, or new players who can be added prior to the draft while still keeping the teams and divisions balanced.


2021 Sponsors

  Chuck Lancaster reported that SL has enough sponsors for the estimated 23 teams for 2021, as well as Division sponsors. Chuck has been working with Dave V. to assign requested colors to sponsors with the six (6) basic colors that the vendor feels will save money and speed up the order.



  Dave V. will order an addition six dozen hats (crossed bats) from Elite. Those plus the 250 “in SL stock” should be sufficient. 

  Requested names for the backs of 2021 shirts will be ordered thru Elite 3/22/21.


Request for Variance

    A request was received by a registered player that he be allowed to play in White (59+), even though he is only 57.  At this time the Board Members did not feel that such a request could be granted. The vote was unanimous against the variance (exception) at this time.


Silver League Banquet

  It has been scheduled for Sunday, October 10, 2021. Details will follow at a later date.


Next Board Meeting: Thursday April 22, 2021, 6:30 PM, at Randy Ballard’s home.                                   




February 24, 2021

             Silver League Board Minutes – February 24, 2021

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard , Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Al Barracato , Tom Koch (Treasurer’s Report via phone), John Welsh, and Larry Chimento.

Absent: Dennis Mathieu, Jerome Bloodworth, and Roger Mears

Quorum Present: Yes                   

Others Present:   Larry Deibel.

Minutes from November 11, 2020 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously. Dave V. asked about the possibility of posting minutes that have been reviewed by board members, but not formally approved yet, on the web site. The negative was that - particularly in our current state of flux, things approved in the minutes, may change before the next meeting, and after they could be posted. The November 11 minutes had just such an example causing Dave V. to withdraw his suggestion.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch via phone due to surgery this week)

  Current checking balance is $37,080.00.

The CD that we put $25,000.00 in to is currently at $25,799.00.  And it is due for removal or withdrawal on April 26, 2021.  It was at .05% and is now at .02%. Tom has become aware, thru his HOA, of a possible improved investment for that money.

   Eagle Insurance can offer us 2.1% on a three year commitment.  We could make 10% withdrawals from the balance each year, with no penalty. This will have to be a commitment by next week.

  Motion by Randy B., seconded by Larry C., that we commit $20,000 to this annuity.  The other $5,000.00 would be placed in our checking account. That amount, and the 10% free withdrawal, should handle any emergencies that should arise.  Unanimous vote in favor.

    Current registered, and paid, players for 2021 are at 217 – 36 Red, 50- White, 56 – Gold, and 75 – Blue. This is compared to 369 in the final registration for 2020.  Division reps should start contacting players that are missing from 2020, and those from previous years that might be interested in the new location, times, and days. Lists of such players from 2019 and 2020 are available

  Tom K. and Roger M. came up with an idea for the "Spirit Award". They recommended the board change the name of the Spirit Award to the "Tom Shaffstall Spirit Award” in memory of Tom S., who passed away this past year.

Passed unanimously.

  Larry Deibel, agreed to perform the audit for the Board. He is to get assistance from Dick Kostko.


2021 Season

  Motion to move the PM starting times of the Red and White Divisions from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Several different pros and cons discussed about players getting to the

games, length of DHs, and finishing times. Board unanimously passed the motion introduced by John W.

Discussion of Red Division going to 11 players on defense similar to White and Gold. (Blue will be having 12 for 2021).  It was decided to keep Red at ten defenders.


Rules Changes, Clarifications, and Discussions for 2021 (Based on suggestions sent to Board members)

   Uniform enforcement will be the manager’s responsibility prior to the game.  Once the game starts the umpire will be responsible for advising the player out of uniform that they cannot play, or ejecting them from the game, depending on the situation.

   Blue Division will play with 12 defenders.  No more than five “on the dirt”, and only one allowed between the dirt and the 170’ arc.

   Blue Division teams MUST try to get the appropriate subs if they fall below 12 players.  If below 12, with no sub, the other team will furnish a catcher, but the short team will take an out in the last spots in the lineup.

   Umpires will be encouraged to watch “the 10 second” rule as to batters batting, and pitchers ready to pitch. (Defenders getting to their positions, and courtesy runners getting to a base seem to be the most common cause of this need.)

  Umpires will encouraged to not call “too flat” on balls pitched over the screen, when the call should be “too fast”.

    The “flip-flop” rule does not exist.  There will be no changes in who the home team and visiting teams are in the last inning, no matter what the score.

  Managers are responsible for assigning the “designated runner in extra innings.

  In all extra innings, batters start with a 3-2 count.

  No limit to the number of extra innings.

Several other “rules” were thoroughly discussed – uniform changes, “Special” batters in Gold, who must be the courtesy runner at 1B, continuous lineups for DHers, change time limits, over running 2B and 3B, etc. were discussed very thoroughly, with no need for changes at this time.


 There are rules changes that were put in for the 2020 season after the 2019 season, that are noted on the rules on the web site


Registration deadline is Monday, March 15.


Next Board Meeting: Thursday March 18, 2021.

dlv – 3/2/21

November 11, 2020

Silver League Board Minutes – November 11, 2020

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard (via telephone), Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Al Barracato (via telephone for vote), Tom Koch, Greg Gonzalez, and Roger Mears (Both via Zoom), John Welsh, Larry Chimento, Dennis Mathieu and Jerome Bloodworth (Both had to leave early)

Quorum Present: Yes (To start, and even after certain members had to leave.)                   

Others Present:   Larry Deibel.

Minutes from September 23, 2020 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously. Dave V. requested – again – that board members respond to the “rough draft” of minutes so they can be corrected and reviewed prior to the next board meeting.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

  No changes since the last meeting.

  SL was contacted by IRS concerning some “problems”, and a possible fine.  It was taken care of as IRS had become confused when SL added “Summit Senior Softball” as a secondary name.  IRS appears to have been satisfied with Tom’s response. IRS does not see us as a 501C, but as a “club” as was changed several years ago.

Board did not need to vote on the Treasurer’s Report.


2021 Season

 Over the past 8-9 months Board members, and other interested SL members, have discussed, and met with personnel from 13 different locations, and 42 separate fields for a possible 2021 season.  Some were eliminated without any entire board presentation. Detailed information on the four “contenders” was mailed out to all board members prior to tonight’s meeting.

That list was down to two locations after the Board unanimously voted to NOT have divisions play at different locations.

  The Board voted to accept, and finalize, the agreement presented by The City of Canton Parks and Recreation Department to play on the four (4) fields at the Willig Complex on 30th St. in Canton. The base information to approve this was in Canton’s proposal.  Small details still need to be worked out, but they would have also existed at all others considered.

  AM Divisions well be playing Monday and Wednesday mornings.  PM Divisions will be playing Monday and Tuesday evenings.


2021 Division Makeups

  SILVER Division - by name has been eliminated.  There will only be two (2) Divisions in the PM, Red and White. (This will also eliminate some of the confusion with SILVER Division and SILVER League.)

  PM divisions will be broken down by ages of 43-58, and 59 and up. The younger Division will play on Monday PM. The older Division on Tuesday PM.  They will both be doubleheader leagues. This was passed with one negative vote and one abstention.

 (Some discussion of having a two year “buffer/overlap” as a possibility, but no action taken this evening.)

 Blue (AM) Division will be “70 and up” from “71” (Gold will continue to be “60 and up). Passed unanimously.

Blue (AM) Division will no longer “force” players to play in Blue at “75”.  Such players can still play both Blue and Gold if they wish but can play Gold only by choice. Passed with one negative vote.

(“Age groupings are subject to change based on registration numbers.” Will still be on the 2021 registration form)


Next Board Meeting: To be announced by Jeff B.


dlv 11/14/20

September 23, 2020

Silver League Board Minutes – September 23, 2020

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut,  Al Barracato, Tom Koch, Greg Gonzalez, Roger Mears, and John Welsh.

Absent: Dennis Mathieu, Larry Chimento, Jerome Bloodworth

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Chuck Lancaster, John Eustice, Larry Deibel.

Minutes from June 8, 2020 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

Current checking account balance is $31,167.00.  Players (about 1/3) that asked for their money back rather than having it “ride” to 2021, have been reimbursed.

Current $25,000 CD at 2.85% is due for renew or review in March, 2021.

Only one sponsor asked for their money back.

Board voted unanimously to accept the current Treasurer’s Report.

By Laws – “Quorum”

Board unanimously voted to correct a grammatical/typo error in Article VI, Section 2 -Count, for clarification.  “A majority of (5) of the voting members of the Board” has been changed to “50%, plus one (1) of the actual voting members of the Board”.

Fields – 2021

Known situations involving softball fields at the City of Kent, Tallmadge, Cuyahoga Falls, Canton, Barberton, and Kent State were discussed. Numerous factors, including days and times availability, cost, lights, field prep and maintenance, possible changes in SL Divisions, practice fields, foul lines, need for additional equipment purchases by SL, SL equipment storage, rain outs, make ups, ‘customer interaction”, etc.

There is still not enough complete information available from all parties. And some information furnished does not seem totally acceptable to SL’s needs and wants.

Additional new and/or revised information is to be requested from all parties by Board members, and reported back to the Board as a whole at a later date.

There were some gaps in the conversation of the Board as three of the four PM reps were not present.    

Next Board Meeting – Not scheduled at this time. To be advised by Jeff B.

DLV 9/28/20


June 8, 2020

Silver League Board Minutes – Monday, June 8, 2020

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut,  Al Barracato, Tom Koch, Greg Gonzalez,  Jerome Bloodworth, and John Welsh.

Absent: Dennis Mathieu, Larry Chimento, Roger Mears

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Chuck Lancaster, Dennis Loughry

Minutes from March 4, 2020 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

Current checking account balance is $31,231.00, plus the $6,000.00 check being returned from Kent State.

Tom has been reimbursing players that have requested their 2020 registration fees returned.  All players have been asked by email if they want reimbursement, or want to let their monies go toward 2021 fees.

Three sponsors have already said they would like their 2020 sponsor fees applied to 2021. The others will be contacted by Chuck Lancaster.

Elite Sports will be advised that there will be no further orders from the Silver league for hats, jerseys, championship shirts, etc. for 2020. (SL did purchase 250 hats at $1,875.00 that will be used in 2021. SL has already paid that bill)

Only insurance payments that the board will not be able to get back is the insurance for liability for Board members.  The insurance - $30.00 per team – from Senior Softball was never paid as the league never actually existed for 2020.

Board voted unanimously to accept the current Treasurer’s Report.


2020-2021 Board

A motion was presented to carry over the current board members for one more year.  The vote was unanimous.  This was based on the lack of a 2020 season, and that there was no way to have a general membership vote on any positions coming open. (This will also allow those that have been actively involved in what has been happening to continue with the information as decisions are made over the next year.)


Playing Fields

Certain league members have been advised – specifically by a new Barberton Councilman – that Barberton might be interested in having SL return to Barberton.

President Jeff B. will contact the mayor of Barberton to see if there may be valid reason for a return.

Dave V will contact KSU to see when/If they want to discuss SL coming their next May. (Greg Bailey of KSU said he would contact us in September to talk.)

Board voted unanimously that other possible venues should be checked for 2021.


Senior AM League in Tallmadge

Dennis Loughry is checking into the possibility of  playing versions of SL’ s Blue and Gold Divisions at two fields in Tallmadge . (This is based on KSU unavailability as advised to all membership in Jeff B.’s June 2, 2020 email.) This “senior” league would only be AM. (Upwards of four or five teams from PM are supposedly signing up for Canton’s new 45+ League)

The Tallmadge League would play at Lions’ Park and Howe Road Park in Tallmadge starting July 6 thru September 2. No outgoing SL monies would be involved.  Dennis would rent screens, mats, and scoring plates from the Silver League. He will purchase balls from SL. Silver League members are willing to assist Dennis with forming teams, equipment, etc., but as individuals, not Silver League members. The SL web site would help to get the word out about the league. Dennis could hire umpires from the Silver League pool.

The Board voted unanimously to assist Dennis and encourage SL players 59+ to participate, for a fee separate from the SL registration fees. And to reaffirm Jeff B.’s email/memo that the Silver league is NOT playing in 2020.


Next Board Meeting – Not scheduled at this time. To be advised by Jeff B.


DLV 6/15/20

March 4, 2020

Silver League Board Minutes – Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Larry Chimento, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, Greg Gonzalez, Roger Mears, Jerome Bloodworth, and John Welsh.

Absent: Dennis Mathieu

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Larry Deibel and Chuck Lancaster

Minutes from February 13, 2020 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.

 Note:  Dave V. asked at the January 7, and February 13 meetings that when Board Members receive copies of the initial draft of the last minutes that they acknowledge receipt, and/or advise any corrections or changes. That way it will be known that the minutes voted on at the next meeting were read and reviewed prior to the formal vote. This request was repeated at this meeting.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

  Current balance is $40,796.00. SL will be sending KSU a check for $6,000.00 as down payment/partial payment for 2020 season use of Allerton Fields.

Board voted unanimously to accept the current budget report.


2020 Silver League Rules

   Final wording was done tonight.  Dave V is to type up, and send out for final review by Board members.  Rules will then be sent to Roger M. for posting on the Web Site.



  Sponsor recruiting is going well at this time per Tom K, and Chuck Lancaster. 21 sponsors have paid at this time.  It appears that 25 might be needed (as of now).

  Beef O’ Brady’s (New location for this sponsor) has a corporate policy of “only $250.00” of actual money for sponsorship.  The Brimfield O’ Brady’s is willing to give the rest in gift certificates.  Board unanimously agreed to that, with a plan to use those certificates at the annual banquet. O’ Brady’s is also willing to sponsor a “spirit night” when a percentage of sales would go to the Silver League.  Details to be decided at a later date.



   Board reviewed players that requested exceptions to play in divisions other than their “normal” one.  Most exceptions were approved.  A few are going to take additional information to be gathered by the division Reps.


Pre-Draft and Draft Meetings

 These should be set up for March.  Roger M. should be advised to post them on the web site.  Tom K. should be advised to try to schedule an umpire to be there to “educate” those involved on the 2020 rules.


Procedural Manual

  Tom K. chaired a committee of him, Randy B., John Eustice, and Larry Deibel to review, clarify, correct, add, etc. items in the current manual. They have been sent to all Board members for review, and further discussion.

  This was tabled until next meeting.


Allerton Fields (KSU)

  KSU has asked if SL could spare one of the four fields on the Friday evenings that makeups are played.  They have received a request from the Kent Parks & Rec Department to use a field on every Friday evening.  Board agreed to give up, and never use Field #3 (first one on the left) for make ups.  Dave V will advise Greg Bailey of KSU.


New Player in Blue Division

  Al B and Dave V. asked the Board’s advice about a 74 year old registered player that has NEVER played softball before. There were some concerns as to his, and maybe others, safety.  It was pointed out that SL’s By Laws specifically allow “members to play regardless of age or athletic ability” by Randy B.  As to safety, Jeff B. pointed out that would be a somewhat hypothetical assumption at this time.  No valid reason to not allow him to play.  But league members should do all they can to assist, teach, and coach him.  He can decide if he no longer wants to play at a later date of his own accord if he wishes.


Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 6:30 PM, at a place to be advised by Jeff B.

DLV 3/9/20 B

March 8, 2020

Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday, February 13, 2020

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Larry Chimento, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, Greg Gonzalez, Roger Mears

Absent: Jerome Bloodworth, Dennis Mathieu. John Welsh arrived late and did not vote on the approval of the minutes, Treasurer’s Report, or Uniforms

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Larry Deibel and John Eustice.

Minutes from January 7, 2020 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.

Note:  Dave V. asked at the January 7 meeting that when Board Members receive copies of the initial draft of the last minutes that they acknowledge receipt, and/or advise any corrections or changes. That way it will be known that the minutes voted on at the next meeting were read and reviewed prior to the formal vote. This request was repeated at this meeting.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

Current balance is $22,522.00. That includes paid 2020 registration fees. (156 players have registered to date: 49 Blue, 38 Gold, 24 Silver, 30 White, and 15 Red.)

Board voted unanimously to accept the current budget report.

Sponsor recruiting is going well, at this time per Tom K, and Chuck Lancaster. Checks have been received from 14

sponsors, and four others have made commitments to date.


Uniforms (Current SL Rules – 3. Dress Code, A.)

Hats – “Approved Silver League hat” for 2020 will be the gray hat with a black bill, with the crossed bats logo.  The 2019 hat with “SL Softball” is not game acceptable. (Unanimous vote)

Shorts – Same as last year, “coaches’ shorts” is not mandatory.  Dave V will be getting what Elite Sporting Goods has left of their coaches shorts stock for “first come, first serve” sale to players at $20.00 each.

Names on Shirts – Names on a shirt ($5.00 charge) will be white lettering. Must be ordered and paid for by the February 26 registration date.  Players who order more than one shirt in a division can only have the name on one shirt.


Rules For 2020

Rules with recommendations by the Rules Committee were sent to all Board members prior to this meeting to be reviewed. Discussion and voting took place on those recommendations.

Some of the rules approved for 2020 by the Board tonight are shown as follow, but not in their final wording for 2020 Silver League Rules.

> No games to be cancelled due to outside tournaments.

> All divisions will have batter’s start with a 1 and 1 count.  Foul balls – out of the playing field after two strikes will be considered “strike three”. Two strike “dead balls” hit into the pitching screen will not be “strike three”. But a second dead ball hit right after will be an out. (This is what the Red Division did in 2019.)

> In all extra innings, batters will start with a 3 and 2 count.

> “Flipping in the last inning is eliminated. (15 run lead after 5 inning, 10 run lead after 6 inning will end the game.)

> Removing the pitcher after “three illegal pitches” has been clarified to “on the third illegal pitch after given a warning by the umpire”.

> Umpires can declare the “last inning” any time up to the first pitch of the 6th inning. (Clarification)

> Games will start at the scheduled time whenever teams have the minimum number of players, not their best players.  Games delayed due to both teams being short will still “be on the clock” at the scheduled game time.

> If a sub is assigned to play a game they WILL play the entire game.  If the person they show up to replace shows up, that original team member will NOT play. If the sub was brought in because a player was going to be late for the first game of a DH’er, the sub must play the first game, and the original player can play the second. At no time will both the sub and the player they subbed for play at the same time.

> Only five minute breaks between DH’er games.

> Subs must be requested by managers in all division by 6:00 PM the day before game day to the sub coordinator.

> In an “emergency” the sub coordinator may try to get a sub for Red or White from the Silver Division.


2020 General membership Meeting

The General Membership meeting will be Sunday, February 23, 2020, 1:00 PM, at ACME, Manchester Road.  Jeff B will not be able to attend, so Sam Galluch as VP will run the meeting.  Enough other Board members advised they would be there for a quorum, if needed.

Registration deadline – per registration form - is Wednesday, February 26, 2020. 2020 registration should be postmarked by then or in Tom K.’s possession.


Procedural Manual

Tom K. chaired a committee of him, Randy B., John Eustice, and Larry Deibel to review, clarify, correct, add, etc. items in the current manual. They have been sent to all Board members for review, and further discussion.

This was tabled until next meeting.


Carry Over of Player Suspension

Question came up about a Silver Division player that was suspended at the end of 2018 for four 2019 games.  That suspension was to take place for the first four games on his new team played in 2019.  That player did not register for, or play in, the 2019 season. The Board voted unanimously that when/if he ever returns he still has to serve that four game suspension at the beginning of his first season back.


Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 6:30 PM, at ACME Green (Unless advised otherwise by Jeff B.).

General Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 23, 2020, 1:00 PM, ACME. Manchester Road


DLV  2/21/20

February 20, 2020

Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday January 7, 2020

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Larry Chimento, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, Jerome Bloodworth

Absent: Greg Gonzalez. Dennis Mathieu and John Welsh arrived late and did not vote on the approval of the last minutes

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Roger Mears, Chuck Lancaster, John Eustice.

Minutes from December 3, 2019 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.

Note:  Dave V. has asked that when Board Members receive copies of the initial draft of the last minutes that they acknowledge receipt, and/or advise any corrections or changes.  That way it will be known that the minutes voted on at the next meeting were read and reviewed prior to the formal vote.

Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

Current balance is $13,504.00. That includes $4,259.00 received as registration fees for 2020 season. (51 players have registered to date:  16 Blue, 15 Gold, 12 Silver, 7 White, and 1 Red.)

Board voted unanimously to accept the current budget report

Rules For 2020

This was to be voted on by the Board based on the Rules Committee’s meeting.  It was decided to table the vote so all Board members can have the list reviewed by the Committee prior to the vote.  Tom K. will send that list to all Board Members for discussion and vote at the next meeting.

Tabling of Rules vote passed unanimously

2020 General membership Meeting and Registration

The General Membership meeting will be Sunday, February 23, 2020, 1:00 PM, at ACME, Manchester Road.  Jeff B will not be able to attend, so Sam Galluch as VP will run the meeting.  Enough other Board members advised they would be there for a quorum, if needed.

Registration dead line – per registration form- is Wednesday, February 26, 2020. 2020 registration should be postmarked by then or in Tom K.’s possession.

Procedural Manual

Tom K. is to chair a committee of him, Randy B., John Eustice, Chuck Lancaster, and Larry Deibel to review, clarify, correct, add, etc. items in the current manual (available on line).  Anyone with any related suggestions should send them to Tom as soon as possible.

Various Other Old/New Business

Dennis M. brought up a question from a PM player as to “lost” games, and possible reimbursement to players for games not played less than “24 games”.

Several Board members advised Dennis that there never has been a guarantee of any specific number of games.  The “24” was apparently the point of reference due to the schedules given out AFTER registration, and division drafts.  In addition the registration fees go for numerous items – uniforms, fields, field equipment, balls, umpires, etc.  It would be extremely difficult, and complicated, to come up with a formula to figure out what percentage could possibly be given back to each, and all players that were going to show up for the scheduled games, in all divisions, not just PM.

The “lost” games was one of the many factors causing the discussion that lead to the move from Barberton to another site.  (For the 2020 season necessary cancelled games will be made up on Fridays.)

Dennis M. also advised that he has had conversations with a Barberton City Councilman, who would like to speak to the Board about things apparently related to the Silver League leaving Barberton. Jeff B will get back to him as there is no rush as SL is already committed to Allerton Fields for 2020.  And the Board has more pressing issues to discuss, and decide, in the near future.  It may not be necessary for him to speak to the entire Board, but just to the committee members that were involved with all the various meetings that lead to the move. They would know more details than some of the Board members.

There had been some previous discussion of adding Roger Mears as the “Web Administrator” to the Board.  This cannot be done “officially” until next year’s By Laws changes are voted into effect.  The Board decided to add the position of  “Web Administrator” (Roger) to the Board as a “non-voting” member immediately.  He will attend all board meetings, but not be counted towards a quorum as a non-voting member.

(The Board unanimously passed waiving Roger paying any registration fee for 2020 due to the amount of time, and effort he puts in as the Web Administrator.)

Dave V. asked the Board’s opinion on managers being allowed to call potential draftees prior to the actual draft to get “more detailed scouting reports”. Often new managers, and less dedicated/aggressive managers do not do this.  The pre-draft meeting to review ratings should eliminate the need for some of those calls.  If some managers still want to do that, they are allowed.

“Which hats” for 2020 was discussed, but no final decision was made if  two different hat will be acceptable for the 2020 season.

Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 6:30 PM, at ACME Green (Unless advised otherwise by Jeff B.).

General Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 23, 2020, 1:00 PM, ACME. Manchester Road

January 12, 2020

Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday December 3, 2019

Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Larry Chimento, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, Jerome Bloodworth

Absent: Dennis Mathieu. Greg Gonzalez and John Welsh arrived late and did not vote on the approval of the last minutes

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Paul Rebillot.

Minutes from November 5, 2019 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

  Current balance is $$9,245.00.   An additional $25,000.00 is invested in a CD at 2.85%.   It is due March, 2020.  Board voted unanimously to renew it at that time.

Board also voted unanimously to accept the current budget report


Projected 2020 Silver League Budget, presented by Tom K.

   The 2020 budget was unanimously accepted with a few changes to be made, and explanations.

      Softballs for 2020 have already been ordered, and delivered, with 2019 funds. There could be a need for additional softballs if the number of teams increase past what is currently in inventory.

  Increase in 2019 “Umpires” cost was due to the $5.00 per game increase approved by the board after the 2019 budget was done.

   The Golf Outing will be dropped from the budget permanently. (Unanimous approval)

   Silver League will not need to have AED/Defibulators, as KSU furnishes them.. SL will still be willing to rent them to Thee Buckeye Classic for their tournament.

  Monies were put in the budget for a new screen if needed, as an emergency.  Currently Dave V has six (6) functioning screens.  And Jim Ruby and Jim Strausser each have one.

  A higher amount was put down for 2020 banquet as opposed to 2019, since the 2019 banquet was well attended.

  Postage is for the mailing of registration info to returning and new players without email.


Initial Rules Committee Meeting

  Tom has scheduled a meeting for returning umpires, and any Board attendees. Rule changes and/or additions that have been sent in by December 1, 2019 will be reviewed and discussed.  Any final suggestions will be presented to the Board at the January meeting to be for reviewed, and voted upon for 2020.  That meeting will be 2:00 PM, Sunday, December 8, at ACME, Montrose.

Page 2  Silver League Bd. Meeting December 3, 2019


Paul Rebillot’s “Presentation”

  Paul suggested that the Silver Division be lowered to “60” from “61”, thinking that it could increase the number of teams in that divisions.  He gave out a list of players from other PM Divisions that would be eligible to play. There was the usual discussion of players that might be lost because they “don’t want to play just one game a night”, “could not make the earlier time”, “can only play certain nights”, etc. 

  Paul’ suggestion will be tabled for later conversation when final registration is completed.  At that time the board can review the need to “adjust” divisions for the good of the overall Silver league.


2020 Registration Form

   Sam G. will prepare a suggested form based on tonight’s conversations, and decisions, and forward it to all Board members for review, and approval.  When finalized Jeff B will advise Roger Mears that he can post it on the web site, have Roger email out to those with email, and Dave V can mail out to others.


Various Decisions (Some on the 2020 Registration Form)

   Deadline for registration will be February 26, 2020.  The General Membership meeting will be Sunday, February 23, 2020, at a location to be named later.

   There will be no sale, or ordering, of game shorts through registration or the SL.  (Dave V. will try to get the leftover “coaches’ shorts” from Elite Sporting Goods as a possible’ going out of business” sale for them.)  Players should be aware of how the description of acceptable shorts reads – and did last year – in the SL Rules.

   Names on the back of shirts (Not extras) will be optional.  If a player wants his name on one shirt, he needs to note that on his registration form, with an additional payment of $5.00.  (Unanimously passed by Board).

  Anyone registering after February 26, will not have the option of having their name on their shirt.

   Players wishing an extra shirt will have to pay $14.00 - $19.00 for the additional shirt.  They should put that on their registration form, and include the payment.

   Silver League will go back to the black-billed, gray hat, with crossed bats- as in 2018.

(Passed 8-1). Board will still have to decide what will be “acceptable” as to hats for 2020.

  KSU will be checked to see if SL can store some game balls in the same area with the mats, and scoring plates.  Temperature, space, and periodic restocking need to be considered.


Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, January 7, 2019, 6:30 PM, at ACME Green.

General Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 23, 2020, 1:00 PM, ACME. Manchester Road

DLV  12/30/19

December 4, 2019

Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday November 5, 2019

 Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch, Dave Vanderneut, Larry Chimento, Al Barracato, Tom Koch

 Absent: Jerome Bloodworth.  Dennis Mathieu and John Welsh arrived late and did not vote on the approval of the last minutes

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Roger Mears, Chuck Lancaster.

 Minutes from October 22, 2019 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

  Current balance is $7,777.08 (an additional $25,000.00 is invested in a  CD). 

   $100.00 due to Summit HOF.

    Audit performed by Larry Deibel, Roger Mears, and Red Bole. Letter from chairman, Larry Diebel advising that “the committee is satisfied that all financial records are accurate and true”.

    Board voted separately on this month’s treasurer’s report, and the Audit Committee’s report.  Both motions approved unanimously. ( As Treasurer, Tom K. did not vote on the audit reports.)


Kent State (Allerton Complex Fields) Meeting (November 4, 2019)

  Several smaller details were advised to the Board by those that attended the meeting. A list, by email, of as many of those details as possible is being sent to all Board members.  They also recieved copies of all contracts as finalized.

  The board was presented with the two final options from Kent State as to cost.  Option #1: AM - $30.00 per game, and PM $40.00 per game.  There are other small charges, but those were the significant ones that could be financial differences depending on what option was picked.

  The Board unanimously voted for Option #1, $30.00/$40.00.


2020 Fees

   Board unanimously voted to keep sponsor fees at $400.00 for 2020.  Chuck Lancaster is working on getting returning and new sponsors for 2020.  Any one that has a potential sponsor should contact him.

   Players, and/or managers or assistant managers’ fees have not been set yet.  They will be discussed, and decided upon at a future meeting.



Initial Rules Committee Meeting

  Tom has scheduled a meeting for returning umpires, and any Board attendees. Rule changes and/or additions that have been sent in by December 1, 2019 will be reviewed and discussed.  Any final suggestions will be presented to the Board at the January meeting for review and possible changes for 2020 Silver League Rules. It will also allow for any discussion needed for rules perceived to be enforced inconsistently last year.   That meeting will be 2:00 PM, Sunday, December 8, at ACME, Montrose.


 Web Master – Roger Mears

   Tom Koch suggested that Roger be made a non-voting member of the board due to his importance with league activities.  And the need for him to be present at meetings for his knowledge and input. No vote was taken, but it was obvious that there was a majority in favor of such a move.  Unfortunately, this would need to have a By Laws change to precede.  The deadline for any By Law changes was October 1, 2019.

(Roger sent an email after the meeting suggesting using him as an “Honorary Board Member”.  This can be discussed at the next meeting.)


Gold Division Rep.

  Greg Gonzalez was nominated to take Sam G.’s place as Sam has moved to VP.  The Board approved Greg unanimously.


 ALL future SL Board meetings will be at 6:30 PM on the first Tuesday of each month. (At ACME, Manchester Road, unless advised otherwise.)


 Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, December 3, 2019, 6:30 PM, at ACME in Green.

November 5, 2019

Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday October 22, 2019

 Board Members Present:  Jeff Brenneman, Randy Ballard, Sam Galluch,  Dave Vanderneut, Dennis Mathieu, Larry Chimento, Al Barracato, Tom Koch, John Welsh

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Roger Mears, Larry Deibel, Jerome Bloodworth

Minutes from September 19, 2019 Board meeting (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

  Current balance is $30,486.00. ($25,000.00 in a CD).  48 dozen balls were ordered for next year as that allowed for the best price, and money was available.  Final Barberton field bill was $6,523.00 as advised to Barberton as part of the Silver League’s email of notification that SL is opting out of the contract. Barberton staff acknowledges the email and the check was mailed to them. This was considerably less than 2018 due to corrected method of figuring the cost, and the number of games lost at Barberton. And lower than Barberton’s initial projected cost.

  Approximately 198 people (109 players) attended this year’s banquet up from 150 last year. (Money per dinner was saved there due to the count breakdown.) Randy B has already asked ISSA officials the dates of their Cincinnati tournament so it will not conflict with next year’s banquet

 SL came out approximately $2,300 to the good for 2019, with all 2019 bills paid.

  Larry Deibel will recruit (Roger Mears and Dick Kostko), and set up an Audit Committee to get with Tom K to audit 2019 records.


Umpires/Playing Time  (Tom K)

  Only 50% of the umpire’s cards showed the length to play games.  But there were enough to give a basis to make a comparison in 2020. (Division & Minutes: Red [1 & 1 Count] – 75, White – 74, Silver – 79, Gold – 76, and Blue - 82.)

  Tom only received umpire evaluation sheets from eight of 27 managers


Board Structure/Logistics Business

  Jerome Bloodworth as White Rep., and Denis Mathieu as PM At Large Rep, were selected by the board for one year terms.

   Sam Galluch was elected Vice President as of today. (A new Gold Division Rep will need to be selected and elected by the Board.)

   No By Laws changes had been received by October 1 – last day for suggested changes.

   Rules Committee will be set up by Tom K., with emphasis on umpire involvement.  Any changes/additions/etc., need to be sent to Tom and Jeff – in writing – by December 1.


  Jeff B., Randy B., Tom K., and Dave V. will be meeting with Greg Bailey of KSU to discuss details of the 2020 season at Allerton Fields on Monday November 4 at 9:00 AM.

  Discussions of uniforms – Hats, shirts, names, logos, and shorts were discussed.  Only definite was that the Board will not be offering shorts on the registration form this coming year.  The rules already specify the mandated type of shorts, but no longer use the word “coaches’ shorts”. (Very difficult to find). Some discussion of other related uniform situations. They will be continued at a later date.

  HOF committee membership, and candidate qualifications were also discussed.  Both parts will be reviewed with thoughts towards changes in the future.

   2020 Divisions schedules – there was some discussion as to NOT allowing games to be cancelled due to players playing in tournaments – particularly AM, since Thee Buckeye Classis will not be at Allerton Fields.  Points brought up were “you should play the games with who is available, not always your best players”, and “AM teams have to be aware of who the travel team players are in the draft”. Further discussion at a later date.

   Sam G will be sending out copies of the 2019 registration form to all board members for review, and possible ideas for changes for the 2020 form. (Already mentioned was the need to emphasize “travel teams’ and “times to be missed”, particularly if game dates are not cancelled due to outside tournaments-for al divisions.)

  Procedures – to be reviewed for needed updates, changes, etc.

  ALL future SL Board meetings will be at 6:30 PM on the first Tuesday of each month. (At ACME, Manchester Road, unless advised otherwise.)

  Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, November 5, 6:30 PM, at ACME Manchester Road

Audit Committee will be meeting at 5:30 PM prior to the board meeting. 

October 23, 2019

Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday September 19, 2019

Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster (Last Bd. Meeting),  Sam Galluch, Mike Crawford (Last Bd. Meeting), Jeff Brenneman, Dave Vanderneut, Dennis Mathieu, Larry Chimento, Dick Kapper (Last Bd. Meeting), Tom Koch

Absent:  John Welsh

Quorum Present: Yes                    

Others Present:  Roger Mears, Greg Gonzales, Mike Hamilton (Dropped off some information for Randy B. that he thought would help the SL.  Did not stay for the meeting.)

Minutes from August 29, 2019 Board (previously emailed to board members) were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report (Tom Koch)

  Current balance is $21,003.00.  Barberton field cost still outstanding, and not agreed upon. Will need to be discussed with Barberton Parks. Final bill for the banquet, and incoming fees for the banquet are still not completed.  Championship shirts, Sponsor, Spirit, and HOF have been paid. Umpires’ checks have been prepared. 

    Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously by the board.



 About 170-175 expected at the banquet. (Up from 2018)  September 22 is the deadline for reservations.

 200 directories are to be ordered.  They will be given out to players as they arrive to control distribution.  There will be a 50/50 raffle, one free drink ticket per, a giveaway for a couple of 2020 registrations, but no other giveaways for anything.

  Division Reps will present the spirit awards.  Nominators will present the HOF awards. Randy B will give out the championship shirts to each winning manager.


Rules/By Laws/ Procedure Changes

  By law change suggestions need to be sent to a board member by October 1, 2019.  Rule change suggestions need to be sent to same by December 1, 2019.  Procedure changes will by worked on by the board for next year


Open Board Positons

  Nominees are still needed for Vice President, White Division Rep., and at Large PM Rep. (Current PM Rep was appointed by the board for one year.  He can choose to run for a normal two year term at this time).  Any positions not filled by election can be filled by a board confirmation vote for a one year term.

(Al Barracato has been elected AM At Large Rep.. Dave V as Blue Div. Rep.)


Golf Outing

  Held September 14 at Paradise Lake Golf Course.  Eight teams signed up and participated.  May be very slight cost to SL as cost was higher than expected, at the last moment.


2020 Playing Venue

  Considerable time and discussion was done related to past, and new, information on the “field situation”. Discussions, offers, past use, and exchange of emails involving Kent State, City of Canton, Barberton Parks and Recreation, the Mayor of Barberton, the Barberton Foundation, and even Patterson Park were discussed.

  At this time it does not appear that Barberton can commit to any improvement of the problems SL had last year, let alone make any of the improvement that have been discussed for several years prior to the 2019 season.  The present assessment of Barberton’s potential to eliminate problems, may actually go in an even less acceptable direction. Discussion with Barberton personnel have been going on since April of this year.  Other parties became involved about June.

 Weighting all known, and potential factors as to SL’s 2020 season the following was done;

  Motion – Dave V is to contact KSU (Greg Bailey) to see if they can guarantee SL Monday and Wednesday AM and PM fields – per the agreement they have sent to SL previously.  (The days were the final concern). If Monday and Wednesday are committed to SL, KSU will be advised that SL plans to play there in 2020.

          Motion by Dave V, 2nd by Larry Chimento.   Motion passed 8-1 in favor.

  Motion – If KSU guarantees SL Monday and Wednesdays, Barberton will be advised that they of SL’s 30 notice (per contract) that SL is moving for 2020.

          Motion – Sam G; 2nd Tom Koch.  Motion passed 8-1 in favor.


Post Meeting

  KSU agreed to the Monday and Wednesday game days for AM and PM.   Final details will be discussed by board members and Greg Bailey of KSU

   Randy B contacted Lisa McCLean of Barberton and advised her SL has decided to move.

   Randy sent out an email thru the web site advising all players what has been decided.  Board members will be at the banquet early to answer questions that may not have been answered from players.


Next Board Meeting – To be advised by incoming President Jeff Brenneman. 



DLV 9/28/19

August 29, 2019

Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday July 23, 2019

Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch,  Sam Galluch, Mike Crawford,  Jeff Brenneman, Dave Vanderneut,  John Welsh, Larry Chimento, Dick Kapper

Absent: Dennis Mathieu

Quorum Present: Yes

Others Present: Larry Diebel, Larry Ashbaugh, John Robles, Tony Ninni Paul Rebillot                       

Minutes from June 18 (previously emailed to board members) Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

   $40,604.00 currently in the SL checking account.

    All received invoices have been paid.

Elite Sporting Goods has been contacted and will print championship shirts when order is completed for all divisions, and bill Silver League.

Final bill for Patterson Park usage has not yet been requested yet.

Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously by the board.


 Tom K. advised that all umpire evaluation cards have not been received from all managers. Division reps are asked to get them and turn them back to Tom.

Umps and managers are reminded to sign cards for completed games, and show "time for that game".

Tom has found it necessary to "recruit" some players from the league rto fill in as umpires, particularly for makeup AM and late PM games.

Schedules and Fields

  All divisions are setting up makeup as best can be done. There may be some use of Patterson Park by divisions other than Blue and Gold.

  Barberton Parks (and the Mayor) have been contacted to find out if the Foundation Fields will be available fo SL again.

  The Board is continuing to check out other venues in case Barberton cannot provide the fields and services SL need. Detailed information has, or will be received from Kent State, and Canton. Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, Stow, Green, and Kent city cannot make available the Silver League's field needs.

  Still some confusions as to "rainout" cancellation for PM if AM has been cancelled by Barberton. If they cancel, it will be by 4:00 PM, After that it will be SL's personnel's responsibility.

Team Pictures and Directories

  A second proposal for 2019 team pictures from John Hendrickson (previous photographer used) was accepted.  SL was able to lower the cost by having teams know when John would be at the fields for pictures. (If you are there, you are in. No photo-shopping). John H. is to handle all sales.

Division Reps will need managers to put names of players on the backs of the pictures and get them to Chuck L. so they can be in the directory.

Banquet and Golf Outing

Banquet is scheduled for September 29, 2019.  “Donations” for gifts to be used for the raffle would be appreciated. Directories and plaques - Sponsor, HOF, and Spirit are being worked on.

Golf Outing is September 14, 2019 at Paradise Lake.  $60.00 per person.  Registration forms for both will be put on the web site. Additional forms will be made available during games for those unable to print from web site.

Hall Of Fame

  Five nominations, with the possibility of a sixth per Jeff B.  Deadline for nominations is August 1.

Player Ratings

  Reps need to be preparing to have ratings done on their players so they can be given to the Reps prior to the end of the season.

"Issues" involving Divisions

  Situation in Silver has been taken care of with no need for Formal Board involvement. (May be a need for even more clarification as to subs and roster players in Silver League Rules for 2020).

  Blue and Gold Divisions will be playing scheduled games from July 17 rain outs on Friday, July 26, at Patterson Park. There was some conflict with a senior tournament out of town that date, but both Reps decided to play the games as a priority over the tournament.


Next Silver League Board meeting to be announced

DLV 8/20/19

July 23, 2019

Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday June 18, 2019


Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch,  Sam Galluch, Mike Crawford,  Jeff Brenneman, Dave Vanderneut,  John Welsh, Dennis Mathieu

Absent: Dick Kapper, Larry Chimento

Quorum Present: Yes                       No Others Present


Minutes from May 23 (previously emailed to board members) Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

   $32,483.00 currently in the SL checking account.

    All received invoices have been paid.

      Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously by the board.



 Tom K. will still be scheduling a meeting with the umpires as possible.  Board members will be invited to attend once the date has been established.  This would allow for discussion between umpires and board members on issues that have come up.

  There is a need for additional umpires particularly for PM games. If anyone finds anyone qualified to umpire SL games, they should have them contact Tom K.  (Umps must pay to join the SL.  Pay is $30.00 per games)

  Tom K is going to give umpire evaluation forms to reps to give to their managers, for return to him.


Schedules and Fields

  Blue rain out makeups from June 5 to be made up at Patterson Park on June 28 will start from the points the games stopped due to rain – per SL Rules.

  Gold rainout from that same date will not be made up as the Gold Division will have started their second half, and that game has no effect on first half standings. (This will also save field costs at Patterson Park)

  All divisions are setting up makeup as best can be done.  There may be some use of Patterson Park by divisions other than Blue and Gold

 Barberton Pks & Rec will contacted to find out when the Foundation Fields will be available for SL again.

  The Board is continuing to check out other venues in case Barberton cannot provide the fields and services SL need. Additional information will be received from Kent State, Cities of Akron, and Canton. Dave V gave an update on what came out of the first meeting with KSU. They are to get back with a cost after July 1. Lisa McClean of Barberton Pks & Beautification Dept. is to meet with the mayor of Barberton towards the end of June.  SL and the Foundation Fields for 2020 is to be discussed.  Randy B

is going to try to arrange a meeting with just SL people and the Mayor to discuss issues.


Team Pictures and Directories

  A proposal for 2019 team pictures from John Hendrickson (previous photographer used) was given out by Randy B.  It is felt that the amount is higher than need be.  Randy B. will try to set up an easier system for John to take the pictures, and discuss  the costs.

Managers will need to put names of players on the backs of the pictures so they can be in the directory. (Additional pictures will be needed for each team sponsor’s plaque. Division sponsors will not have pictures on theirs.)



Scheduled for September 29, 2019.  “Donations” for gifts to be used for the raffle would be appreciated.


Golf Outing

  September 14, 2019 at Paradise Lake.  $55.00 – 60.00 per person.  Additional info to be distributed by Tom K.


Hall Of Fame

  Only two nominations to date per Jeff B.  Deadline for nominations is August 1.


Player Ratings

  Reps need to be preparing to have their managers do ratings on their players so they can be given to the Reps prior to the end of the season.


Championship Shirts

   Rather than getting two styles - two different prices – for regular season and playoff champs, SL will be purchasing only one style – the better one for all champs.  Shirts will be red for 2019 after being gray the past two seasons, (Passed unanimously by the board)


Gene Stanik

  Former SL president (2010) and a SL player until 2014 passed away this past week at the age of 85.


Next Meeting: To be announced

May 23, 2019

Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday, May 23, 2019

Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Dick Kapper,  Sam Galluch, Mike Crawford,  Jeff Brenneman, Dave Vanderneut., 

Absent: John Welsh, Dennis Mathieu

Quorum Present: Yes

Others Present:   Larry Deibel, Larry Ashbaugh


Minutes from April 18 (previously emailed to board members) Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

   $35,042.00 currently in the SL checking account.

    All received invoices have been paid.

    There are a couple of money-owed situations in Red and White Division that the Reps will follow up to find out the status of certain players, and their uniforms, and registration fees.

   Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously by the board.



 Tom K. will be scheduling a meeting with as many umpires as possible,  in June.  Board member are invited to attend once the date has been established.  This would allow for discussion between umpires and board members on related issues for 2019.

  Managers were asked to make sure the game “ending time” is on the scorecard when they sign. Umpires will be reminded of the importance of this.

  The importance of the timeliness, and the procedure for protests, were brought up.  The “official” score book – kept by the home team is significant. (There are “home”

teams that do not keep anything on their visitor opponents.)

  Board members should be familiar with the SL Rules, and encourage managers, etc. to do the same.  The most current rules are on the Web Site. (In all things there should be conformity from all board members.)

  Uniform rules should be enforced by the team manager first, and then by the umpire if not done by the manager.  A player “out of uniform” per Silver League Rules – 2019, Page 1, should not play until he is appropriately dressed.

  Players signed up for specific days only – Monday or Wednesday – can only play in makeup games for games made up (lost) if they are eligible to play on the day the game being made up was originally scheduled to be played.

The Board voted unanimously to add a rule clarifying how far a batter can carry his bat after hitting and turning into a base runner. The clarified rule will be posted on the Web Site by Roger Mears.

  An additional clarification as to the “Blue – grass” rule was also updated.



Directory (for banquet)

Randy will be sending a copy of John Hendrickson’s photo proposal – deemed somewhat high at this time – to all board members to review. Russ Vitale of the Blue Division has expressed some interest as to doing the photos.  It will be discussed with him.


Start of Season

No major setbacks.  (Took off and still airborne.)

  AM Divisions have already utilized Patterson Park (once) for makeups. Silver Division is using the “vacant” fields for double headers to make games up.

   PM Rep expressed some concern about leaving the strike mats out when locking up. Here has been no problem in the past, but Dave V. will check on getting some “backups” just in case.


Fields –

  A committee from the board is to meet with Kent State University to discuss – not negotiate – the possible use of Allerton Fields next year.

  Lisa McClean of Barberton P & R is to meet with the Mayor of Barberton to discuss the future of the Foundation Fields, and the Silver League.

  Chuck L. is waiting for a call back from someone about complexes in the Canton area.

  Barberton is being contacted about turning the lights on earlier, extending the 30’ line, and a “plan” when AM plays and PM is rained out.


New Business/ Open Discussion

 A request was made by a Blue Division team requesting a “during the season” trade. (“Trades” have been allowed – if approved by all managers - immediately after the respective drafts.)  This was based on them not having a “decent pitcher” on their team.

The team in question has had as many as 17 walks in two of their first five games.  This was hurting the enjoyment of playing for them, and their opponents.

   The “trade issue” was voted down with two “yes” votes.  Those votes were based on the enjoyment level of all involved, and the competition issue.

   The “no” votes were based on 1) The danger of setting such a precedent, after players had been evaluated and drafted, and 2) The team does have a person that can pitch – though that does weaken them at another defensive position.



Next Meeting: To be announced


May 28, 2019

             Silver League Board Minutes – Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Board Members Present:  Chuck Lancaster, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Gary Beckman, Mike Crawford, Larry Chimento, Tom Koch, and John Welsh


Absent: Dick Kapper, Jeff Sloan, and Jeff Brenneman


Others Present:  Jim Ruby, Paul Rebillot

March 22, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes previously emailed out approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report –   Tom K. discussed players that have paid up since the last meeting, and those that still owe.  Only one in the White Division still owes a significant amount.  Mike C., White Div. rep. will follow up with him.  His uniform could be held unless he pays.  With no 2018 uniform, he would not be able to play.

  A couple of sponsors still have not paid.  They are also vendors and may be making adjustments on their bills to SL.

  Several players have been reimbursed for over payment.  John Scourfield will be reimbursed $75.00 as he will not be able to physically participate.

   The Board voted unanimously to eliminate reimbursing players for their fees when they get a new sponsor. (There is been some inconsistency with doing that over the years.)


2019 Registration – the current Board members will discuss 2019 registration procedures after this season has started.  There have been several problems that need to be addressed including forms, dates, cost, etc.


Uniforms/Scorebooks - Dave V. gave out the last of the scorebooks to Div. reps tonight.

   Uniforms should be picked up by Dave V starting this weekend.  Div. Reps. (or their co-conspirators) will be contacted for delivery.  They will then get them to the managers in their Divisions.

  Players would did not pay the $3.00 for their name on their jerseys, will not be getting the same.


Barberton Foundation Fields-     Barberton is willing to let SL teams use fields 1, 2, and 4 next Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.   There would be a $30.00 charge each night. This ties in with the suggestion that regular season games be substituted with “practice” games on this year’s schedule.

The Board voted unanimously to table such changes for consideration for next year.  (Barberton P & R will be advised)

 Barberton P & R has made an offer for adding clay blocks in the batters’ boxes on the fields used by SL.  The current offer would have SL paying 100% of the cost.  It could still be done for this season.

The Board voted unanimously to review this next year, with a possible more acceptable cost distribution. (Barberton P & R will be advised)

    “Tower HR Balls” – Dave V will check with Barberton P & R for a system to “retrieve” balls hit into the tower area on Field #2.

  Dugouts and Fields – Barberton has a strict policy as to who is allowed on the fields and in the dugouts.  No one not a member of the SL is allowed in the dugouts or on the fields.  If such a person is there, the umpire will allow five (5) minutes for them to move to the spectators’ area.  If they do not move, the team they are associated with, will forfeit the game.  There will be no such grace period between doubleheader games. (The SL part of this action is not super ceded by “past allowed action.)

This was passed unanimously by the Board.


AED/CPR Training –     Jim Ruby will be in touch with Jim Hogan, to set up such training for either May 1, 2 or 3 at (possibly) the Montrose ACME. All Umpires will be trained. Any managers or Board members may attend if they wish. (Accreditation is good for two years)

    The AED/First Aid equipment will be hung on the outside backstop of Fields #2 and #4 when the SL is playing.  It will be one of the responsibilities of those putting out and putting away SL equipment in the SL storage shed.


Rule/Umpires for 2018 – Rules are on the Web Site, and can be printed by anyone.  Chuck L will make copies of the 2018 Rules (Larger print) for Jim Ruby’s umpires.

The 2018 umpires; meeting is April 29.

There has been, and is a problem, with getting umpires to work Red and White Division games due to “attitude” from players.  Both John W., and Mike C. will discuss this with their managers


Silver Division Sub Rule – Paul Rebillot, of the Silver Div., attended the meeting to point out a conflict/problem with the “two sub” rule for that Division. Due to the number of players involved with “traveling” teams outside the Division, there is a good chance that two (2) may not be adequate for the team to play. 

Tom K. and Chuck L. suggested the following exception for the Silver Division ONLY.

     A Silver Division team will be allowed three (3) game subs if they are down to eight (8) players due to travel team players being absent. The “3 rule” is not good if one of the missing players is gone for other reasons, other than injuries.  The normal request time to the sub coordinator are still valid.

    Passed 6-1 (Dave V voted “no”, as he did not feel that any special rules should be set up due to travel team participation, not directly related to SL.  And that I could set a precedent.)

Paul also requested that a printed set of rules for the new “pitching screen” experiment being used in the Silver Division. He was advised that it has, or will be explained to all umpires and managers. Copies will be considered.


 Game Set Up and Put Away/Shed Equipment-   Opening Division and closing Division Reps are to coordinate taking needed equipment from the shed and returning it.  Jim Ruby, and available board members will assist when possible.  

   Keys for the SL storage shed will be given to Jim Ruby, Dick Kapper, Jeff Sloan, and Dave Vanderneut for the AM games. For the PM Jim Ruby, Randy Ballard, Larry Chimento, John Welsh, and Mike Crawford will have keys.  Each of the PM Division Reps will pick two others from their Divisions to have keys, and to assist the setting up and putting away of the game needed “stuff”.  Reps will advise their managers of who is responsible for setting up, or putting away for their games.


Balls –   All divisions use the same ball.

  Reps should make arrangements with Chuck Lancaster to get game balls for their division.  They can get all, or part, of those needed at this time.  They a responsible for giving the game balls to the game ump.  Or can leave them at each field. Reps are to pick up the remaining balls after the games.

 There will be one (1) box of back up balls in the shed for emergencies.

 Rep can decide how, and where, is best to “store” balls between games.


Scores –   Managers will turn scores into their Reps, who will then advise Roger Mears.  Roger will then post them on the SL Web Site.



NEXT Board Meetings – Thursday, May 24, 2018, and Thursday, June 21, 2018, at 6:30 PM, at ACME in Green.

April 20, 2019

Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday, March 28, 2019


Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Dick Kapper, Dennis Mathieu, Sam Galluch, Larry Chimento, Jeff Brenneman, Dave Vanderneut.,  h.

Absent: Mike Crawford, John Welsh

Quorum Present: Yes


Others Present:   Roger Mears


Minutes from March 5 Board meeting were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

   $41,942.00 currently in the SL checking account.

   A few “exceptions” are still outstanding from sponsors or players.  They are not late, but due to arrangements with the sponsors, or late uniform orders from players.

$25,000.00 is being transferred from the SL checking account to a CD now that the “rainy day” fund is back up to an acceptable level. 

  Treasurer’s Report, and the movement of the $25,000.00, were approved unanimously by the board.


Umpires – 2019

   Tom K, as Head Umpire, suggested that SL raise the “per game” pay for umpires from $25.00 per to $30.00 per. This would be based on the involvement this year with the umpires assisting in putting out. and putting away equipment.  Umpires that do not assist will not get the extra $5.00.

 (Umpires will be furnished TWO GAME balls for each game from the Reps or managers.)

   Approved unanimously by the Board


Registration – 2019 (Repeated from March 5 Meeting)

   The last of the late registrations are known, and supposedly in route, with payment.  Final break down will have four (4) Red teams, Six (6) White teams, five (5) Silver teams, Six (6) Gold teams, and six (6) Blue teams.  Field #1 will not be used.  Red will used 2 & 4, White 2, 3 & 4, Silver 2 & 4, and Gold and Blue 2, 3 & 4.  SL will start Monday May 6, with expectations to be done by Wednesday, August 28.

  All divisions will play the same days and times as 2018.

  All Divisions will have regular season and tournament champions – weather willing.       


Division Drafts, schedules, etc.

    All Division Reps are to advise Roger Mears of their division rosters and schedules as soon as available so they can be put on the web site.  Roger will post the schedules from the Reps on the site under “Forms” and “Handouts”.

       Dave V. is to be advised of all rosters for uniform orders that will be turned in April 5.


Fields (Reminder)

  No non-paid club member (SL is a club) is allowed in the dugout or inside the fence, for liability and insurance reasons. (Any player or umpire paid in ANY division is a club member.)

  Meetings are still scheduled with Paterson Park and Barberton staff to work out possible details for AM makeups – and with some thought to possible changes for next year.



  No votes were taken on any needed exceptions for players at this time, for 2019.




Next Board Meeting – Thursday, April 18, ACME Wallhaven, 1875 W. Market St, 6:00 PM.



March 5, 2019

             Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, Sam Galluch, Larry Chimento, Jeff Brenneman, Dave Vanderneut,  and John Welsh.

Absent: Dick Kapper, Dennis Mathieu

Quorum Present: Yes

Others Present:   Larry Deibel


Registration - 2019

   The last of the late registrations are known, and supposedly in route, with payment.  Final break down will have four (4) Red teams, Six (6) White teams, five (5) Silver teams, Six (6) Gold teams, and six (6) Blue teams.  Field #1 will not be used.  Red will used 2 & 4, White 2, 3 & 4, Silver 2 & 4, and Gold and Blue 2, 3 & 4.  SL will start Monday May 6, with expectations to be done by Wednesday, August 28.

  All divisions will play the same days and times as 2018.

  All Divisions will have regular season and tournament champions – weather willing.       


Division Drafts, schedules, etc.

    All Division Reps are to schedule a pre-draft meeting for all their managers. Randy B and Tom K., Head Umpire, should be advised of said meetings prior to their happening. Player ratings will be given out, and discussed for any needed revisions.  Those ratings will then be used at the follow up draft meeting. The first meeting will also serve to “educate” managers, so they can “educate” their players as to 2019 rules, umpiring, subs, field changes, uniforms, etc.

 After the draft, Reps must notify Dave V as soon as possible of who is on what team for the ordering of uniforms. (Names for jerseys will be ordered this week based on final registration info available)

  Only managers and non-playing managers are allowed “at the table”.  Once a player is drafted he can assist his manager with the draft.  Reps should get a draft – even without exact team names to Randy as soon as possible

  Chuck L. is to talk to Roger Mears, web master, to see if there is a way to get more continuity between the schedules made up by the Reps, and those on the site.



  No non-paid club member (SL is a club) is allowed in the dugout or inside the fence, for liability and insurance reasons. (Any player or umpire paid in ANY division is a club member.)

 Due to the staff cuts in Barberton there may be some issues arise such as grass cutting, restrooms, etc. Anyone with any kind of field related issues should contact their Rep, Dave V. (AM), Chuck L (PM), or Randy B.

 Each Division Rep. will set up a system for putting out, and putting away equipment – screens, mats, game score cards, AEDs/First Aid kits, etc. It will be necessary to have Reps, managers, and players to assist in this. Keys to the SL storage shed will be needed

  Board members are still attempting to find some place for AM make up games to be played on the Friday of the next week. If no such place meets SL standards, or is not available, that will not be an option.


One & One Rule for Red Division

   For 2019, all batters in Red will come to the plate with a 1 & 1 count on them. After they reach two strikes, a foul ball is an out.  But if after two strikes they hit a fair ball into the pitcher’s screen, they are not out. A second ball into the screen – after two strikes - is an out. This rule is hoped to speed up Red games, and will be used a test for all Divisions in 2020. (Passed unanimously by the Board.)


2018 Suspension

  A Gold Division player was suspended for four (4) games after being ejected from a game in mid-July.  He did not play the rest of 2018.  That time missed is considered by the Board as the suspension time. He is eligible to play from opening day in 2019.


Treasure’s Report

  There are still some players that owe registration money.  Some of it is due to “late” registration for returning players. Players are not eligible for the draft if they owe money.

  There are still several sponsors that have committed to sponsor teams, but have not paid yet.


Next Board Meeting –

 To be announced if needed in March.


3/7/19 DLV

February 13, 2019

Board Members Present: Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, Sam Gullach, Larry Chimento, Dick Kapper, Dave Vanderneut, Jeff Brenneman, Dennis Mathieu, and Johm Welsh (Arrived Late)

Quorum Present: Yes (100%)     Others Present: Roger Mears

Minutes - 1/14/19 minutes approved unanimously. Minutes will be posted on the Web Site, along with information on next meeting by Roger M.

Treasurer's Report - 

     Tom K. advised that the current checking account balance is $47,568.66. Sponsor payments have not been posted as of now. Report accepted unanimously.

     Moving approximately $25,000.00, known as the "Rainey Day' fund, to some sort of account that gives some interest, but is still available for any newed (mostly "field" related) was discussed. Motion by Tom K, 2nd by Dave V. Passed unanimously to have the treasurer make such a move.

Registration - 2019

     Tom K. updated the Board on the current members. Sunday's General Membership meeting should bring in several registrations. Deadline - with some postmark, etc., "wiggle room" is February 20. Division Reps need to follow up with the players that are not returning from 2018 to get them to register, or find out why they are not returning.

     There may have to be a special Board meeting once the final numbers are in to see if, and how, adjustments need to be made. If players that have registered are affected by changes tey will need to be contacted to see if they  would still want to participate, or need reimbursement.

     There are numerous registrants that have left significant information off their registration forms. Various Board members will attempt to get that information to Tom K.

(The order for jersey names, sponsor assignments by division, and the scorebook order cannot be done until player, and division numbers are finalized)


     The Exempted Hitter (EH) as used in the fall league was discussed by the full Board, as a follow up to the Rules Committee prior discussions. This rule was only in consideration for the Blue Division, and possibly with some additional modification in the Gold Division. The Board unanimously voted NOT to add, or revise any rules related to this.

     Randy B. is going to rewrite the rule covering"Gross Misconduct" (13.C.) to allow the Board more flexibility when handling such actions.

     A concern over current rules for the breakdown of divisions by specific ages had been expressed to the Board. Age discrimination seemed to be a concern. Board discussion lead to the conclusion that since we offer "some" division to all ages of members of the Silver League, the league is acting appropriately.

Pitching Screens

     There has been conversation about, and inspections of, new screen for 2019. It was decided to continue to use the ones used in the past. Any repairs or orders will have to be decided after additional examination of the four in the SL storage building.


     After discussing the options available at this time, it was unanimously decided to use Guy's Party Centre for the 2019 banquet.

Player "execeptions"

     There were several exceptions brought to the Board involving situations involving ages, work schedules, etc., that the Board needed to decide upon. All situations were voted on unanimously for the final decisions. The players in question will be advised of the Board's decisions.

Paid Subs for 2019

     Paid subs only have to pay for their primary division. But they will be allowed to be a sub in any age appropriate division, based on their primary division. They are expected to sub in that division as often as possible to be considered to sub in other divisions. Paid subs will be considered the first source of a sub call. But skill levels("too good", "too bad"), position needs may cause ("pitcher"), and ability to be contacted ("not home") may influence who the final assigned sub is. 2019 paid subs will get a SL hat, and will be allowed to wear any approved SL jersey.

2019 Draft

     There are a couple of players with game suspensions from last year that will carry over to 2019, no matter what division they play in.

     Division Reps will be responsible for getting ratings for new players, or players that have moved to a new division.

     There were lengthy discussions by the Board about certain draft procedures that "evolved" in some divisions that go against the basic concept of a new, not preset-draft each year. The areas of concern involved player-managers, player-sponsors, players and managers "connected" to certain sponsors, and playing assistant managers/coaches (Not non-playing assistants).

NO player, other than the player-manager can be "frozen, or pre-assigned, to ANY team prior to the draft.

Sponsors can be assigned to managers. A player-sponsor will have to be drafted as part of the normal draft. Prior to the draft a "gentleman's agreement" may allow other managers to NOT draft that sponsor-player. But they should still be drafted in an appropriate round based on their rating. (a three inning catcher cannot be a 2nd round pick).

"Bloodlines" are also covered by the "playing-sponsors" guidelines. In addition to a possible "gentleman's agreement", manager may make trades at the end of the draft.


     To expedite the jersey order, all names on jerseys will be done in white lettering. This will allow the name order to be placed as soon as final registration is complete, and before the actual drafts. This will eliminate some colors for jerseys - white, light yellow, etc. - but will not affect the colors of the numbers or logos on the front.


     Dave V spoke with Barberton P&R. They believe that tere will be cutbacks in their departments soon. They have advised that it should not affect our leagues. (Some concern about field maintenance if staff cutbacks are severe by SL). Another reason to have players sign up for the "rain out" app available on the SL web site.

     Division Reps will work out the details of setting up screens, 1st aid equipment, etc. prior to games. And then putting them back in the SL building after games.

Players requesting to speak. No requests received.

Next Board Meeting - if needed a "emergency" meeting will be scheduled after final registration numbers are in.

Normal Board meetings in March, and April will be on Wednesdays




February 16, 2019

 Silver League Board Minutes – Monday January 14, 2019

 Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, Sam Galluch, Larry Chimento, Dick Kapper, Dave Vanderneut, Jeff Brenneman, Dennis Mathieu (Arrived Late), and John Welsh (Had to Leave Early)


Quorum Present: Yes 


Others Present:   Roger Mears, Charlie Shook of Houston Hall


 Minutes –

 Minutes of 12/20/18 approved unanimously.  There were some “details” found after the last meeting added to the minutes. 12/20/18 will be posted on Web Site, along with information on next meeting by Roger M. 


Houston Hall

  Charlie Shook of Houston Hall, Norton, discussed the possibility of having the SL annual dinner at his place. (Tentative date, Sunday, September 22). He gave out price lists, and discussed seating, and capacity.  Chuck L. will be checking with our previous location so some comparisons can be made.  To be discussed at a later meeting.


Treasurer’s Report -

    Tom K. advised that the current checking account balance is $36,400.00, with about $1,000.00 of registration fees to be deposed tomorrow. Report accepted unanimously. 


Registration - 2019

   Tom K. has already received 24 Blue, 18 Gold, 13 Silver, 11 White, and 4 Red registrations to date. (And one (1) “paid sub”)

   Roger M. will be posting registered players for 2019 on the web site as he gets them from Tom K.  They will be under “teams” as “2019 Registered Players”.  Reps – or anyone else - can check to see who, and how many players have signed up for 2019 as of that date.

  Roger will also be sending another email out with a message from Randy B. to all players reminding them to register, and about the February 17 General Membership Meeting.

  No emails, or U.S. mail, info sent out to 2018, or new interested, players, have been “returned to sender” in any form

   Players with reasons for being an “exception” to registration guidelines currently in print, will have to approved by the Board 


 Rules -2019

  Tom K. chaired the Rules Committee made up of Tom and eleven (11) member players from 2018, from various divisions.  Any rule changes submitted by December 1, 2018 were reviewed and discussed by the committee.

  Tom presented the results of those discussions for any necessary Board approval.    Only one change had to be voted on.  The Board voted unanimously – against – changing the “DH Rule” to be for seven (7) innings rather than the current five (5).  It will remain at five (5).

  There were a few “clarifications” made – 5. D. add “See 11 E.”, 7. J. delete reference to any specific ball, and 10. M. delete “in the dugout”, add “can be hung on the OUTSIDE of the field fences.”

  (See “screen” and “Time of Games” sections for additional information.) 


Screens (Fields)

    Additional discussion about new screens (similar to ones at Pinnacle) to replace the old screens.  The weight of the new screens was a concern.  Larry C. will check on a lighter prototype. The Board Reps has not established who will set up the screens, and put them away. Depending on how many teams are in each division, only scheduling on those fields closest to the equipment shed is a possibility.

  Randy B. plans to set up a time when board members can see the Pinnacle screens.  Later discussion to be done on the screens.

   Silver Division will go back to locating the screen in the same position as the other four divisions. 


Time of Games

   Randy B. did some checking to verify how many games did not go a full seven innings due to time limits.  Some info was not available to him, but it appeared that something needs to be done to get a full seven innings in per game. Board members, Reps, and umpires will be sources for gathering info during 2019 to see what adjustments may be needed for 2020. (No 2019 changes in time limits as currently stated in SL Rules) 


2019 Divisions

  Division Reps are finalizing the ratings for 2018 players for the 2019 drafts. Based on the ratings they have, they will put together a group of “knowledgeable” members of their division to adjust the ratings as needed..

   Division Reps were reminded that they should have “pre-draft” meeting with their managers – after registration is closed - to review who is going to be in the draft, along with positions and skill levels, etc.. (That would also be a good opportunity for Tom K, and Dave V to review rules, uniforms, equipment, and fields with the managers.)

  Drafts should be done by the end of March so the uniform order can be turned in April 1.


Players requesting to speak:  No requests received


Next Board Meeting –

Wednesday, February 13, 2018, 6:00 PM, ACME, Manchester Road 

Board meetings in February, March, and April will be on Wednesdays

General Membership Meeting will be Sunday, February 17, 1:00 PM. ACME, Manchester Road.  Players to be advised.

January 15, 2019

 Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday, December 20, 2018


 Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, Sam Galluch, Larry Chimento, Dick Kapper,, Dave Vanderneut, Jeff Brenneman, Dennis Mathieu (Had to leave early), and John Welsh (Arrived late)


 Quorum Present: Yes


Others Present:   Roger Mears, Greg Gonzalez, John Scourfield


 Minutes –


 Minutes of 11/15/18 approved unanimously.  Will be posted on Web Site, along with information on next meeting  by Roger M


 Treasurer’s Report -


    Tom K. advised that the final numbers for the 2018 season had about plus $3,000.00 for the season, without touching the ‘rainy day” (projects) fund. Accepted unanimously.




   Tom has already received some 2019 registrations.  But he will not be posting any of the 2019 funds until after the 1st of the New Year.


   There was some confusion as to who the registration checks should be made out to.  Roger has posted “Silver League Softball” on the web site as info.


  Also some confusion as to “Name” or “No Name” as some players thought there was a cost factor. (That is being paid by a benefactor for the 2019 season). Roger will make another posting on the Web Site.


   Roger has sent an email out to all players, and potential players, with email about registration information. (Form is on the site). He will resend it again by the end of the year. All others were mailed forms and a cover letter from Randy B. by U.S. Mail.  If Board members come up with other that want such info they can get on the email list by advising Roger.  Or on the U.S. Mail list by advising Dave V.




  Tom K. will chair the Rules Committee.  Any changes or additions should have been to Board members by December 1. They should be given to Tom for discussion by the Committee.  Rule changes or addition that are approved by the committee, then go to the Board for final approval. Sam G., Dave V., and Larry C. volunteered to be on the committee.  Any one – not just Board members – can contact Tom to be on the committee.  Tom will “recruit” if needed.


 Non-Committee Assignments 



Sam G., with the assistance of Jeff B., will be responsible for the 2019 season Directory.  Any input, additional assistance, vendor knowledge would be welcome.


   Chuck L. is going to be working with Tom Shaffstall to become the sponsor coordinator.


Equipment -   AEDs/First Aid


   Dave V. advised that it appears that some of the managers were not aware of the presence of first Aid supplies in the same back pack with the AEDs.  On the other hand, two board members were advised that there were minimal supplies.  Dave’s end of the season inventory showed only chemical ice packs used/missing from either pack.


    - Screens


    The current screen used by SL is 76” high, 38” wide, weighs 20#, and cost $299.00, plus shipping and tax.  The lightness, that makes them easy to breakdown, and move, also is the cause of yearly parts replacements and repairs. Larry C has done some research and SL can replace the four (Five - if Thee Buckeye Tournament is involved) with a stronger model, made locally, for $290.00 per. That one would be 72” high, 36” wide, and weight more. (Replacement nets from the original manufactured are $42.00, plus shipping and tax each.)


  This will be the first year where the Reps and Mgrs in ALL Divisions will be responsible for coordinating the placement and return of the screens. (Strike mats and scoring plates may also be involved.)


  The suggested new screen is currently being used at Pinnacle at 9:30 AM on Tuesday and Thursday by SL members. (Off until Jan 3).  Anyone with any interest might want to go there and look at them. (Thee Buckeye Tournament [Red Bole] may be interested in buying the old screens if they are replaced.  No discussion if for sure, how many, and price)


  There will be additional discussion at the next Board meeting.


 Silver Division Appeal


  Randy B. received an appeal from one of the two Silver Division players suspended for the first four (4) games of 2019 by Board action of August 16, 2018. Lengthy discussion was done by the Board members based on the Appeal Letter, current SL rules covering the situation (13. GENERAL RULES, C. Gross Misconduct), the umpire’s handling of the situation, and the action and reaction of what happened.


  By verbal roll call vote, the Board unanimously decided to let the suspension stand as given on August 16 at four (4) games for each player


2019 Divisions


 All five Division Reps are working to get their ratings for 2018 players finalized.  If they do not get enough ratings back from those they requested them from, they can put together a group of “knowledgeable” members of their division to do the ratings as a group.  Even if they do get a sufficient number of ratings back, they can still set up such a group to “fine tune” the ratings.


  Since there will be no “blind draws” or “hat picks” in any division, it will be the reps responsibility to get a rating for any players new to the league, or their divisions.


  Tom K will periodically send a listing of all players signed up to board members to use as a tool organizing their league.


   It was suggested that Division Reps to have a “pre-draft” meeting with their managers to review who is going to be in the draft. That would also be a good opportunity for Tom K, and Dave V to review rules, uniforms, equipment, and fields with the managers.


  Depending on the number of teams, divisions have to decide what they are going to do as far as one long season, first and second halves (even number of games each half is not mandatory), play offs, etc.


  It is strongly suggested that whenever possible Board members not be managers.  No matter how honest they may be, there might be the impression of “insider info”.


  Question of “bat salesman” showing up was brought p.  That should be shown to the Board before any Division sale pitch is given, (If approved, the possible practices the week before the season at Barberton might a place for the”pitch”.)


Players requesting to speak:  No requests received


Next Board Meeting –


Thursday, January 17, 2018, 6:00 PM, ACME, GREEN


  Board meetings in February, March, and April will be on Wednesdays


** January’s meeting changed to Monday, Jan. 14, 6:00 PM. ACME, Manchester Rd.


General Membership Meeting will be Sunday, February 17, 1:00 PM. ACME, Manchester Road.  Email will be sent to all players.

December 21, 2018

Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday, November 15, 2018

Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard (via telecom), Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, Sam Galluch, Larry Chimento, John Welsh, Dave Vanderneut. (PM At Large Rep is not filled at this time) 

Absent: Dick Kapper                Quorum Present: Yes

Others Present:   Roger Mears, Jeff Brenneman, Larry Deibel, and Paul Rebillot.

Jeff Brenneman was nominated to become the PM At Large Rep per By-Laws (Section 7, a., 1.)  Passed unanimously

Jeff was then nominated to be Vice President per By-Laws (Section 3, b.) Passed unanimously.

Dennis Mathieu was nominated to fill the PM At Large Rep position for the remainder of the term (thru September 2019). Approved unanimously.

Minutes –

Minutes of 10/12/18 approved unanimously

Roger Mears, Web Master, has been asked to put something – noticeable – on the web site stating when and where the next Board meeting will be. Randy B will give his final approval of the layout, and wording.

Treasurer’s Report -

Tom K. advised that all 2018 season bills have been paid, and current checking account balance is $29,988.00.  Final bank statement and checking book balance exactly.

40 dozen balls have been ordered and delivered for the 2019 season. (In Randy B.’s basement)

Audit was conducted under the leadership of Larry Deibel for the 2018 season.  No errors or discrepancies were found. (Copy of Larry’s letter attached to minutes.)  Audit and report unanimously accepted by Board

Player(s) Requesting to Speak-

Paul Rebilott presented a request with 30 plus signatures from Silver Division players asking that the “test” of the pitching screen used in 2018 for the Silver Division be dropped for 2019, and not become a “rule”. (There is no rule for the Silver Division, or any other division about moving the screen “per rules” at this time.) 

He also had some other rule changes for 2019 for consideration.

This will need to be reviewed and considered by the 2019 Rules Committee when it is set up.  Dave V will keep copies of Paul’s info and make sure the committee has them when they meet.

** Reminder:  Rules “suggestions” need to be to a board member by December 1, for Rules Committee consideration**

Registration Form (2019) –

   Sam G. has been working on actually creating the form based on ideas presented to him by Board members. Additional changes were made tonight and are shown in Sam’s latest draft.  Significant areas discussed were “paid subs”, “Deadline Date” (Feb. 20), General membership meeting (Feb.17??), Optional names on shirts, Elimination of “overlap” in Red, White and Silver Divisions, Divisions possibly being set up – in age order – as 43-52, 53-60, 61+, 60-74, 71+, same cost, and shorts on form..

Banquet and Golf Outing –


Open Discussion –

    Fields – Dave V., Chuck L., and Tom K. met with Barberton staff to discuss 2019.  (Notes from that meeting are attached.)  There will need to be some additional negotiations, and work, prior to the final plans.  But they seem willing to work with SL.

(The dates in the notes should help the Divisions reps to have some ideas as to their schedules – depending on how many teams they have.)

    Uniforms -   Additional information from Dave V as to hats, names on shirts, front lettering, cost, etc. discussed.  No immediate decisions needed

    Re: Names on shirts – Board does realize that acceptance of anonymous benefactor paying for names does not guarantee that names will be permanently a “freebie”. (Even though the board has now been advised that more money may be donated if the “name cost” exceeds $1,000.00)

Next Board Meeting –

Thursday, December 20, 2018, 6:00 PM, ACME, Manchester Road

October 12, 2018

Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday, October 12, 2018


Board Members Present:  Randy Ballard, Chuck Lancaster, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford,  Sam Galluch, Dick Kapper,  (PM At Large and AM At Large {Jack Yoak has resigned as AM Rep} are vacant at this time) 

Absent: Larry Chimento, John Welsh

Quorum Present: Yes

Others Present:  Red Bole, John Eustice, Roger Mears, Dave Vanderneut, and Joe Troyer


Randy B. nominated Dave Vanderneut to fill the AM At Large Rep position for the remainder of the term (thru September 2019). Approved unanimously.

Dave V. was nominated by Randy B. to be SL Secretary for this season. Approved unanimously (Dave V abstained)


September 13,, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes previously emailed to current Board members was formally approved unanimously.

Board Minutes, as of this date, will be emailed out to Board members for review, and corrections.  The minutes will not be distributed to past presidents, or posted on the web site until they have been formally approved at the following meeting.  The web site will post the time, date, and location of the next Board Meeting as soon as known.


Treasurer’s Report

    2018 Budget reviewed and approved unanimously.  Copy to go on to Web Site.

    2019 Budget approved unanimously with the knowledge that there may be need for some adjustments.

   It is possible that some uniform related cost could go up due to recent tariffs.

  Tom K will make an adjustment for the number of game balls to present at the next meeting.  The Board unanimously approved the use of one “synthetic” ball for ALL divisions. Randy B will check on another possible vendor for a better price. (Reference to specific softballs – manufacturer, code number, etc. will be eliminated from the rules. This will eliminate any need for a rules changes any time games balls are changed.)

   An additional donation of $1,000.00 ($500.00 already accepted) will be added to income. (See detail under “Uniforms”)


Web Site

 Roger Mears, SL Web Master was present to discuss possible changes/improvements with those present. 

         Actual schedules done by Division Reps need to coincide with what shows on the web site.  Dates with no games, cancelled games, round robins, and make games were some problems that need to be fixed.

          Cancellation alerts may be set up by Divisions rather than AM and PM.

          Roger had problems posting current scores – and standings – when reps did not advise him of game results.  He posts them the same day he receives them.

         Certain forms may need to have their font sizes enlarged.

         Web Site payment will be due in April, 2019.


Old Business

 Umpire-in-chief - Tom Koch was unanimously chosen by the Board (Tom abstained).  There will be no change in the rate paid to the umpire-in-chief.  But some of the duties done by the previous umpire-in-chief will be done by Division Reps and/or managers.  This basically is the putting out and putting away of equipment.  (This was initially discussed mid 2017 season, when the SL shed was completed.)


Vice President – Still no candidates that wish to serve.  There is some confusion on the wording of the By Laws on this subject. Dave V will send Roger a grammatical correction for the web site.


Registration for 2019

 Tabled until next meeting.  Board members are to review the 2018 registration form and advise Randy B and Dave V, by email, of what changes, additions, and/or eliminations – if any - need to be incorporated in the new registration form.  Some items mentioned:  Age overlaps, spouse names and phone numbers, subs, paid subs, playing dates (make ups?), shorts (color/s), names on shirts, registration deadline, number choice, on line registration, etc.


Black Shorts

 Numerous negative feedbacks about going to “black shorts/pants only” for 2019 season lead to the rescinding of the “mandatory” wearing of black shorts/pants as approved by the Board at the 9/13/18.

Motion by Chuck L; 2nd: Sam G.  Passed unanimously.

Any other detail referencing shorts/pants will be decided at the next meeting as it will be needed on the Registration Form.


New Business

   Uniforms –

     An anonymous Silver League member has donated $1,000.00 to have last names     returned to the back of jerseys.

   Dave V pointed out some information that might help the Board with accepting the donation and implementing it.  With the same number of jerseys as last year, at    the same cost for names, the cost would be slightly over $1,000.00. (Approximately 45 names)  It was suggested that having your name on the shirt be an option on the registration form, allowing for some cost drop (In 2018 173 of 445 shirts had names – with a $2.50 vendor fee)

Adding names could slow down the order delivery as the vendor cannot do jerseys until after the division drafts.  Having one color for all names would speed   up the order, but would conflict with some sponsors’ color preference.  If registration deadlines were adhered to, it would increase the timeliness of the order. Those dates will be on the new registration form.

Hat and Shirt “design” will be discussed at the next meeting.


Rules Committee –

    Suggested rules changes must be turned into any board member by any Silver League member by December 1, 2018.  The board member will then forward it to the Rules Committee

    Randy B. asked any volunteers for the Rules Committee top advise him.


Open Discussion –

   “Dugout Assignments” are up to each Division Rep to decide - if needed - and put on his division’s schedule prior to the start of the season.


Next Meeting:  6:00 PM, Thursday, November 15, 2018, ACME # 15, 3979 Medina Rd (Rt. 18), Akron Ohio

September 13, 2018

Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday, September 13, 2018

Board Members Present:  Chuck Lancaster, Dave Vanderneut, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, Randy Ballard, Gary Beckman, Larry Chimento, and John Welsh. (PM At Large seat is vacant at this time)

Absent: Jeff Sloan, Dick Kapper

Others Present:  Jim Ruby, Jack Yoak, and Sam Galluch

August 16, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes previously emailed out approved unanimously.

Banquet Items- Sunday, September 23, 2018, Guy’s Party Centre

    Only 90 people signed up to date, despite handouts to all teams, info on web sites, and mass emails. (Low attendance will raise the cost of the dinner per person to be paid by the league)

    Spirit Awards and HOF plaques have been made to be given out at the banquet.  Division Reps will give out Spirit Awards.  Nominators will give out HOF awards. Spirit Award winners and HOF nominees have their dinners, plus one, paid for by the league.

     Each attendee will receive one free “raffle” ticket.  That will be used for drawings for prizes, gift certificates, free 2019 registrations, etc.  Different raffle tickets can be purchased for the 50/50 raffle.

     Each attendee will received one free alcohol ticket for one such drink.  Other drinks may be purchased. Soft drinks are free.

     Any gift certificates that anyone can get for raffle prices would be appreciated.

     Jeff Sloan is the head of the banquet committee. 

Old Business – New Head Umpire and Vice President

     No action taken as no nominees, or volunteers, have come forth.


     On July 17, 2018 the board had unanimously (5 Board members present) to allow players to have the option of wearing black OR gray shorts/ pants for the 2019 season.  Players could order either – if needed – off the registration form by paying for them.       

This was rescinded as follows:

     Motion by John Welsh.  Second by Larry Chimento. Passed 6-1 (Dave V voted “no” as he did not feel there was a better plan to be offered, and that a transition year was appropriate) Chuck L. as president did not vote.

     Discussion about making black shorts or pants MANDATORY for the 2019 season.  SL’s vendor has said that such pants/shorts would cost $20.00 a pair if at least 200 pair were ordered.  (There would be the same extra charge for bigger sizes as 2018)

     Reasons for making the change to black included:  Getting more difficult to get “gray”; gray shirts look “terrible” with gray pants; if changed, should be a “just do it” all at once thing; and league has the funds to pay for part of the new shorts/pants.

     Negatives brought up were “heat factor” of black; elimination of some dark jerseys; and number of players with several “gray” in their possession already.

     Motion for mandatory black shorts /pants for the 2019 season was made by John Welsh.  Second by Larry Chimento.  Passed 7-0 Chuck L. as president did not vote.

     Exact details of the breakdown as to how much each player will automatically pay for the new shorts/pants, and how much the league will pay will be decided at a later date.

     All championship shirts for all divisions’ regular season and playoffs have been ordered for distribution at the Banquet.

Red Division Season.

     Due to rainouts and an extended season, Red Division still has three games to play on one night as their post season playoffs.  Originally Red Division was to have a regular season champ only.  They did have a regular season champ (after 24 games), but decided to have playoffs also, including the regular season champs among their four teams.  Originally, the regular season champs were to get the champs’ shirts from the league.  When the playoffs were set up, the shirts were then to go to that winner.

     The playoffs were rained out last week, and have been set up for this coming Monday. Wednesday has been set up as a rain out makeup date.  If both dates are rained out, they will not be made up, and the shirts will go to the regular season champs.

Rules/By Laws/Procedure “Situations” (All three are on the Web Site)

     A specific situation where a Division Rep allowed an ineligible player to participate in a division playoff championship was brought up after several phone calls were received. There were no formal protests. But general membership members were aware of what had happened.  The rep should have known better.

     That led to the discussion of reported problems with reps, managers, and umpires not knowing rules, or interpreting them as they please.  This has been an ongoing problem on a yearly basis.  It often gives the impression that the board is not controlling what should be basic knowledge by those in authority positions.  Or that certain people are being allowed to disregard set rules, etc.

     No definite solution was decided upon.  But it will be addressed in a more active manner next season.

Barberton Fields-

     Dead bolt on the SL shed has still not been fixed.  Barberton is to meet with Dave V tomorrow to fix it.  (It was fixed then)

     Dave V discussed his conversation today with Barberton staff about the ongoing problems with PM lights being turned on, and off, in a timely manner.  They are working on a remote system that would allow for control of the lights from some place other than the concession stand.  They were looking at a $1,300.00 cost (raised to $1,700.00 on Friday.)  This was presented to the board as a possibility with SL making a percentage donation. (This info was given to Barberton on Friday) 

     Barberton is to get back to SL when they know more details. The “clay in the batters’ boxes will also be something to discuss in the off season with them.)

     Dave V has started to remove some items from the SL shed for off season repairs. Earlier this year, Dave V had mentioned to all reps about the box of 12 emergency backup balls in the shed.  And when they used them that they needed to replace them.  (The EMPTY box was removed Friday)

     “Make Up” games at the Barberton Fields have been discussed for 2019.  Nothing definate to date.  But Barberton staff has advised that Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday AM are available for games – with appropriate notice, and charge.  But there are no PM openings

Next Board Meeting: NOTE TIME CHANGE

Thursday, October  11, 6:00 PM, Acme, Green



August 16, 2018

Silver League Board Minutes – Thursday, August 16, 2018


Board Members Present: Chuck Lancaster, Dave Vanderneut, Tom Koch, Dick Kapper, Mike Crawford, Jeff Sloan

Absent: Randy Ballard, Gary Beckman, Larry Chimento, and John Welsh. (PM At Large seat is vacant at this time)

Others Present:  Jim Ruby, Larry Deibel, and Sam Galluch


July 17, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes previously emailed out approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- Current checking account balance is at $51,000.00. Expenditures due to come from that amount are the final umpire payment, Barberton field payment, and the cost of the banquet. That should be about $25,000.00.


Banquet Items- Sunday, September 23, 2018, Guy’s Party Centre

   Team pictures with players’ names, final standings (both halves), and regular season and playoff winning teams needed to be furnished to Chuck L. so he can get that info into the 2018 directory.

    Chuck is to put together an info sheet with banquet details – cost, freebies, time, alcohol tickets, etc. – to be distributed to all player by the web site, email, or U.S. Mail.  (Additional info as to the annual golf outing also needs to be distributed.)

     Any gift certificates that anyone can get for raffle prices would be appreciated. (Some free registrations for 2019 will be given away again.)

     Jeff Sloan was appointed head of the banquet committee.  He will be working with Mike Logan, and any other volunteers.

     Reps are to advise Dave V. as soon as they know who the “Spirit Award” winners are in each of their divisions.  Those awards will be given out at the banquet.


Gross Misconduct (SL Rules, 13. C.)

   Two situation were brought to the Board’s attention that involved “gross misconduct”.

White Division - An umpire exhibited behavior towards a player that was considered inappropriate.  That umpire will not be assigned to do any more games the rest of this year per Jim Ruby.

Silver Division – Two players were inappropriately physical with each other.  Rather than punish their teams for the playoffs (no subs allowed), the Board decided unanimously that each of the players will be suspended for the first four games of next season.  Chuck l will advise Larry Chimento, Silver Div.


2018-2019 Season Board Elections

         Red Div. – John Welsh unopposed for a two year term beginning October, 2018. (John had previously been appointed by the Board as the rep for the 2018 season.)

         White Div. – Mike Crawford still has one more year to serve.

         Silver Div. – Larry Chimento still has one more year to serve.

       Gold Div. – Sam Galluch unopposed for a two year term          beginning October, 2018

         Blue Div. – Dick Kapper has one more year to serve.

      AM At Large Rep - Jack Yoak unopposed for a two year term beginning October, 2018

         PM At Large Rep – No candidates at this time.

         Vice President – No confirmed eligible candidates at this time.


Championship Awards

   The same two quality gray tee shirts, with the same logo will be given out to regular season, and playoff champs, as were given in 2018. Two sets will be given out in all divisions, except Red.  As previously discussed prior to the season, and at the July 17 meeting, with only four teams, only one championship set will be given.

Both the style and distribution were approved/confirmed unanimously by the Board.

Reps have been advised to advise Dave V. of the winning team ASAP.

Shirts will be given to managers at the banquet.


Divisions –

  Baring rainouts all divisions have their championships, playoffs, and final days scheduled.  Barberton P & R will be advised by Dave V of these dates.


Discussed – no votes

          Making up games in all divisions in the 2019 season.

         Jerseys, and related printing, for 2019.

         Cost per player for 2019 season.

         Team pictures for the directory, web site, and individuals.

         Different balls for different divisions – with related cost to


         Registration dates.


Next SL Board Meeting: Thursday, September 13, 2018, 6:30 PM, Manchester Rd., ACME

(As usual, anyone that wishes to discuss any SL related items can be put on the agenda by President Chuck Lancaster.)



July 17, 2018

Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Board Members Present:  Chuck Lancaster, Dave Vanderneut, Tom Koch, Dick Kapper, Larry Chimento

Absent: Randy Ballard, Gary Beckman, Mike Crawford, Jeff Sloan, and John Welsh. (PM At Large seat is vacant at this time)

Others Present:  Jim Ruby


Five of nine board members present represented a quorum.


June 16, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes previously emailed out approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- Current checking account balance is at $53,000.00 plus.  It appears that only expenditures (banquets, etc.) normally taken from ‘rainy day” fund will be needed for the 2018 season. All 2018 bills, reimbursements, and contributions to date have been paid.


Player Ejection in Gold Division –

A Gold division player was ejected by an umpire on July 11.  That ejection meant he was not eligible to play in his team’s next game (July 18) for “Misconduct”.  Additional action on his part after the ejection were considered “Gross Misconduct”.  He will have to sit out four (4) total games starting July 18.  The Gold Division Rep, his Manager, and the umpire involved were to be advised.  And the player in turn.


2018-2019 (Season) Board Openings and Elections

     The following Board positon need to have persons to fill the spots, for two year terms-

          Red Div. (Current Rep was an appointment by Board)

          Gold Div.

          PM At Large rep

          AM At Large Rep

          Vice President (For one year.  Candidates by Board Committee.

     Still no candidates to date.

      There was some initial discussion of possible changes in Board positions. This would be something that would need a By-Law change.  It will be discussed again at a later meeting


Golf Outing (9/15), HOF Nominees (8/1, Form on Web Site)),  Annual Banquet (9/23), ballots for 2019 Board Members will be mailed out, and/or posted on Web Site.


Uniforms –

          Board voted unanimously to allow BLACK coaches’ shorts and/or BLACK long softball or baseball pants for the 2019 season. The current gray coaches’ shorts, and gray long pants can still be worn for   the 2019 season.  Players have a choice of either/or. Other than the additional color, other “restrictions” still apply.(This will have to be updated in the 2019 SL Rules.)

         Possible changes in hats and/or shirts will be discussed at a later meeting.

         “Awards” – be it tee shirts, or whatever, were briefly discussed.  As of now only the Red Division (due to the number of teams) will only be giving out a regular season championship recognition only. Other divisions may give out regular season and playoff awards.


Fields – There was a Barberton power outage – not just the fields on Monday.  Chuck Lancaster worked with Barberton staff, but the second Red game had to be cancelled.

   Dave V contacted Barberton P & R about the possibility of a “charity game” for a player, using SL’s field permit.  This would be for some Sunday in August. They are to get back to him.



    Jim Ruby, Umpire-In- Chief was present and discussed “umpiring” with the Board.  He is aware of the number of occasions of inconsistent or poor umpiring.  The lack of available umpires makes it difficult for him to “crack down” on his umpires.  This is something that the Board will have to take on as a serious issue prior to the 2019 season. If there are “umpire issues”, that need to be addressed, they should be brought to Jim’s attention with as much detail as possible.  Certain umpires that were brought up with specific situations tonight will be critiqued by Jim.


SL Rules, By Laws, Procedures, Barberton Procedures, and SSUSA Rules

  There was considerable discussion that “some” (at times) Board Members, Reps, Managers, Umpires, and players are not familiar, or up to date, about the things that control our league.  It would be appreciated – and is expected –that persons in “authority” be more familiar with such goings on.  And that they “educate” those that they can.

 The related information of all of the above areas do not seem to be always communicated to the general membership. Even though all of this information is readily available to the general membership, there is a need for some “guidance” in these areas.


Next SL Board Meeting: Thursday, August 16, 2018, 6:30 PM, Manchester Rd., ACME

(As usual, anyone that wishes to discuss any SL related items can be put on the agenda by President Cuck Lancaster.)

June 26, 2018

Silver League Board Minutes – Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Board Members Present:  Chuck Lancaster, Randy Ballard, Dave Vanderneut, Tom Koch, Mike Crawford, and Jeff Sloan

Absent: Dick Kapper, Gary Beckman, Larry Chimento, and John Welsh. (PM At Large seat is vacant at this time)

Others Present:  Larry Deibel, Jeff Brenneman, Dave Hall, and Larry Ashbaugh.


Five of nine board members present represented a quorum.  But due to three Division reps, and one At-Large Reps being absent, several items that were to be voted on were only discussed, and tabled.


May 24, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes previously emailed out approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- All 2018 bills have been paid with no outstanding debts that have been received.  There has been no need to take any funds from the “rainy day” fund.

   SL will be getting a payment from Thee Buckeye Tournament for AED rental.

   Tom K. will furnish a copy of the current budget to be put on the web site, for anyone with an interest in the 2018 budget.


2018-2019 (Season) Board Openings and Elections

     The following Board position need to have persons to fill the spots, for two year terms-

          Red Div. (Current Rep was an appointment by Board)

          Gold Div.

          PM At Large rep

          AM At Large Rep

          Vice President (For one year.  Candidates by Board Committee.  Current  By Laws, Section 3. The President, have some erroneous wording, that need to be changed to “past board members that have NOT served within the past three years”. This was passed unanimously, and will be placed on the Web Site.)

     Once candidates are established for positions, ballots will be printed up to be given out, and collected, by Division Reps.


Golf Outing (9/15), HOF Nominees (8/1, Form on Web Site)), and Annual Banquet (9/23) – Information on all will be placed on the Web Site.



          Goal to have the form available at the annual banquet.  Then a printable copy on the web site.  No online registration is a possibility. Last “in person” registration could be


Sunday, February 24, 2018.  Last date for mail in registrations received could be February 28.


Uniforms –

          Discussion of “black shorts”.  Possible vote at next meeting as to the “ifs”, “hows” and “when” of black shorts and/or gray shorts.

         “New” Hats – Modeled by the always lovely Dave V.  Only 50 cents more than current hats.  Discussion tonight, with possible vote at next meeting. 


Fields – Dave V has been in touch with Barberton P & R staff to discuss some recent “situations”. They were to have an internal meeting late today to discuss these matters.

(2/27/18 – Dave V met with Barberton P & R staff this AM.  Chuck L. is to text Lisa McLean to give them a “turn on” time for the lights, starting 2/27/18.  They will advise their seasonal staff as to what time to turn the lights on each Monday and Wednesday nights.  Lisa will push the time up for each date based on the sunset time.  If overcast skies cause a need for any earlier turn on, Chuck will text Lisa from the fields for an earlier turn on.

     There will no longer be any “2nd preps” for the PM divisions as of today. It was rarely being done, was not that much of an improvement, and will save time [if done], and money for SL.

     No “permanent” repairs can be done this year for the “dug holes” in the batters’ boxes. Barberton will try to do some “patch work” on them.  But a permanent fix might be negotiated prior to 2019 season.[Players should still be encouraged “not to dig in”, as they have been asked in the past.]

     Burned out lights, and pitcher’s runner on #1, are listed to be fixed/repaired.)


Pitcher’s Screen –

     Lengthy discussion about the screens as to current location, change of location, revert to old location, “fast” pitches”, changes in “penalties” (“ball”, not “ejection”), pitchers not behind screen, safety issues, other senior leagues handling, and why, and   - what appeared to be the main point of contention, and confusion – a lack of consistency when making, and not making calls based on SL rules, by SL umpires.  

     The Pitcher’s Screen will be readdressed at the next board meeting.


“Inconsistent” Umpiring

    Jim Ruby, Umpire-In- Chief will be given a copy of the approved minutes to show the Board’s concern with the noted problems in several areas.


Next SL Board Meeting: Tuesday, July 17, 6:30 PM, Manchester Rd., ACME

Judge Teodosio
Big Bats Inc.
Hartville Kitchen
Chenoweth Golf & Banquet
Galluch's Pizza
Cramer's Cliffside
Cottage Muffler
Nathan's Patio Bar & Grill
Mosquito Authority
Dr. Bryan M. Scott, DDS
Red Beard Automotive
Kristen Scalise
Bomani Sports Research
Paragraphics, Inc.
Campus North Church
Drivers On Demand
Basement Sports Bar & Grille
Sergeant Home Improvements
Walts Cleaning Contractors
Howard Hanna
Portage Pumps of Ohio
Akron Monument & Granite
Summit County HOF
Guy's Party Center
The Cypress Colts