Altercation Any physical interaction between two or more opposing players resulting in a penalty or penalties being assessed.
Beauty Canadian term for "nice goal" or "pretty girl". Such as "wow that was a beauty, eh?"
Body Contact Contact that occurs between opponents during the normal process of playing the puck, provided there has been no overt hip, shoulder or arm contact to physically force the opponent off the puck.
Break-Away A condition whereby a player is in control of the puck on the attacking side of the center red line, with no opposition between the player and the opposing goal, with a reasonalbe scoring opportunity.
Butt-Ending The condition whereby a player uses the shaft of the stick above the upper hand to jab or attempt to jab an opposing player.
Coach A Coach is a person primarily responsible for directing and guiding the play of the team. Along with the Manager, the Coach is responsible for the conduct of the team's players before, during and after a game.
Coincident Penalties Penalties of equal type (e.g., minor or major) assessed to each team during the same stoppage of play. Coincident penalties do not have to be the same type of infraction (e.g., slashing and hooking can be coincidental), nor do they have to have occurred simultaneously. A coincident penalty never causes a team to be shorthanded and therefore cannot be terminated by a goal being scored. Players serving coincidental penalties will always have to wait for a stoppage of play to return to the surface. Equal numbers of minor and major penalties assessed to each team can be coincidental, regardless of the number of players involved (e.g. one player on Team A receives two minors and two players on Team B receive one minor each, two penalties for each team are coincidental and neither team is shorthanded as a result). No penalty time should be shown on the score board for coincident penalties.
Crazy Canuck That would be our Learn to Play coach from Canada - Paul Robert.
Creases Goalkeeper's: Areas marked on the playing surface in front of each goal designed to protect the goalkeepers from interference by attacking players. Referee's: Area marked on the playing surface in front of the Penalty Timekeeper's seat for the use of the Game Officials.
Cross-Checking When a player, holding the stick with both hands, checks an opponent by using the shaft of the stick with no part of the stick on the playing surface.
Deflecting the Puck The action of the puck contacting any person or object, causing it to change direction.
Directing the Puck The act of intentionally moving or positioning the body, skate or stick so as to change the course of the puck in a desired direction.
Eh? Canadien term meaning "agree? or right?" Such as "Nice goal, eh?"
Face-Off The action of a Referee dropping the puck between the sticks of two opposing players to start play. A face-off begins when the Referee indicates its location and the Referees take their appropriate positions and ends when the puck has been legally dropped.
Fighting The actual throwing of a punch(es) (closed fist) by a player which makes contact with an opponent.
Game Misconduct The suspension of a player or Team Official for the balance of that game only.
Game(s) Suspension Any player, Coach or Manager who receives a game suspension(s), shall not be eligible to participate in the next game(s) that were already on the schedule of that team before the incident occurs.
Goalkeeper A goalkeeper is a person designated as such by a team and is permitted special equipment and privileges to prevent the puck from entering the goal.
Head-Butting The physical use of one's head in the course of delivering a body-check (head first) in the chest, head, neck or back area or the physical use of the head to strike an opponent.
H.E.C.C The Hockey Equipment Certification Council is an independent organization responsible for the development, evaluation and testing of performance standards for protective hockey equipment. Equipment that is approved by H.E.C.C is required for all players under 18-years old.
Heel of the Stick The point where the shaft of the stick and the bottom of the blade meet.
Hooking The action of applying the blade of the stick to any part of an opponent's body or stick and impeding the progress by a pulling or tugging motion with the stick.
League Authorities The immediate governing body of the team or teams involved, except: In USA Hockey InLine Tournaments and Play-Offs, the body shall be the Discipline Committee of the Tournament or Play-Off.
Off-Surface Official Officials appointed to assist in the conduct of the game, including the Official Scorer, Game Timekeeper and Penalty Timekeeper.
Penalty A penalty is the result of an infraction of the rules by a player or Team Official. It usually involves the removal from the game of the offending player or Team Official for a specified period of time. In some cases the penalty may be the awarding of a penalty shot on goal or the actual awarding of a goal.
Player Member of a team physically participating in a game. The goalkeeper is considered a player except where special rules specify otherwise.
Possession of the Puck The last player or goalkeeper to make contact with the puck. This includes a puck that is deflected off a player or any part of the equipment.
Possession and Control of the Puck The last player or goalkeeper to make contact with the puck and to propel the puck in a desired direction.
Protective Equipment Equipment worn by players for the sole purpose of protection from injury. All equipment should be commercially manufactured.
Shorthanded Shorthanded means that a team is below the numerical strength of its opponents on the playing surface. Thus, if an equal number of players from each team is each serving a penalty(s) (minor, bench minor, major or match only), neither team is "shorthanded." When a goal is scored against a shorthanded team, the minor or bench minor penalty that terminates is the first non-coincidental penalty (the minor or bench minor penalty then being served with the least amount of time remaining). If neither team is "shorthanded," a penalty may not be terminated.
Slashing The action of striking or attempting to strike an opponent with a stick or swinging a stick at an opponent with no contact being made.
Spearing The action of poking or attempting to poke an opponent with the tip of the blade of the stick while holding the stick with one or both hands.
Substitute Goalkeeper A designated goalkeeper on the Official Score Sheet who is not participating in the game.
Team Official A person responsible in any degree for the operation of a team, such as a Team Executive, Coach, Manager or Trainer.