Meeting Minutes

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2020 B.O.D. Meeting

January 14, 2020
  • Here are the meeting notes from our executive board meeting which was held on January 14th at 7:00pm at Cetronia Social Hall.

  • 2020 Meeting dates:
    • February 23rd at Cetronia S. H.
    • March 8th at Cetronia S. H.  (note:  switched dates with USSA (originally March 15th)
    • April 19th at Cetronia S. H. / Lehigh County Sports Complex for on-field training
    • August 30th at Cetronia S. H. or Lehigh County Sports Complex – Fall Ball Meeting
  • Clayton Shaffer Refund Discussion
    • Clayton was scheduled to umpire a game on Oct. 5th.   Supposedly, the game was canceled, and Clayton was inquiring about a “show-up” fee.   Clayton did not notify anyone until Nov. 11th.   We felt that too much time had passed for us to properly investigate with the teams / league.   So we agreed to not pay a “show-up” fee.
  • Parkland League Meeting Discussion
    • We attended the Parkland Softball League meeting last week.   Parkland League is planning to set-up the 10&U Division 2 as an instructional league without umpires, no scores and no wins/losses.
    • This change will affect the number of softball games that we will assign in 2020.
  • 2020 Umpire and Assignor Fee Discussion
    • The 2019 season fees were $54 for one umpire and $46 per umpire for two umpires.  Our three year agreement expires.   So we need to send a proposal to the leagues for our 2020 and beyond umpire fees.
    • We are planning a proposal to keep the 2020 fees the same as 2019; i.e., $54 and $46.
    • We are planning a proposal to increase the fees in 2021 and 2022 to $56 for one umpire and $48 for two umpires.
    • The assignor fees for spring / summer ball will increase from $52 to $54 which is the same as a game fee for 2020.   The assignor fees will increase to $56 in 2021 and 2022.
    • The assignor fees for fall ball is currently $40 per game (primarily due to less games to schedule).   We are planning a proposal to increase to $45 per team per year for the next three years.
  • Bugsy Resch Recognition
    • A proposal was raised to recognize Bugsy Resch for his years of umpiring service and presidency for the LV Chapter with a gift certificate since Bugsy is planning to retire.
    • We did not support this recognition for Bugsy.   We were concerned about setting a precedent for future retirements and consistency for future recognitions when the officers and board of directors change.
  • 2020 Elections
    • The officers are up for re-election in 2020.  
    • We agreed to combine the secretary and treasurer into one position since the secretary position has not been consistently supported due to the past few years.
    • Glenn will review the officer elections at our 2020 meetings and assume the secretary position with the treasurer position.
  • Chapter Dues
    • We agreed to increase the Chapter Dues from $10 to $15 for the 2020 season.
  • USA Registration Form
    • Glenn will contact Jim Meals (on Wheels) to determine if USA is planning to increase the registration fee from $50.
    • If there is a new registration form, Glenn will attempt to get a copy of the new form so that we can send out to the members prior to the first meeting.
  • Background Checks
    • Glenn will check with Suzanne Robinson at the USA office in Harrisburg to completely understand the requirements for background check forms.   Suzanne will return to office on Jan. 20th.
    • The main question is:   If the 5 year registration expires in any month of 2020, does the umpire need new background check forms for this year or starting in 2021?
  • Audit of Books
    • Glenn, Skip and Mike will meet on Monday, January 27th at 7:00pm at Cetronia Social Hall to audit the 2019 check book.
  • Keith Besz proposed to adjourn the meeting, and Jim Hammer seconded it. 



Thanks.   Glenn

Meeting notes 2-23-2017

Meeting Minutes 2-14-2016