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Official Code of Conduct

Print out CODE of CONDUCT 

The mission of Pickleball-Hubl is to promote the growth and development of pickleball. This sport will succeed best if its players embrace the values of good sportsmanship. It is essential that Pickleball- Hub players and volunteers, in promoting this mission, model good behavior, lead by example, display respect, and show self-control.


Every person involved in the Pickleball League  (participant, official, volunteer, or spectator) pledges as follows:

  1. I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct or encourage others to do so.
  2. I will not engage in any behavior that would endanger the health, safety, or wellbeing of others.
  3. I will not engage in the use of profanity.
  4. I will treat others with respect.
  5. I will exhibit fairness and honesty in my dealings with others.
  6. I will not flaunt my position.
  7. I will observe the Golden Rule of doing unto others as I would have them do unto me.

The above code applies in all situations that relate directly or indirectly to pickleball play.