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TOPIC: Le Défi Pee-wee Football Challenge - #8 |
| Zbig
February 16, 2005 4:06:22 PM
Entry #: 709232
| Connais-tu la solution á la huitiéme édition de nôtre Défi Stallions Football? Si oui, écrit-la ici. Do you know the answer to the eighth Stallions Football Challenge? If you do, write it here.
| Maxx St. James
February 17, 2005 2:24:37 PM
Entry #: 710667
| Kevin Shanahan against Sunnybrook in St. Lazare
| Zbig
February 17, 2005 10:17:29 PM
Entry #: 711380
| That was it. The next challenge will be a bit more CHALLENGING!
| Zbig
February 20, 2005 2:06:07 PM
Entry #: 714516
| Actually, while I was preparing the Winners page I noticed that my scoring sheets were mixed up and even I thought that it was against Sunnybrooke. When I realized the mix up I saw that the it happened during the game against Westpark at home. My mistake and you still get the credit.