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Author TOPIC: Mettons-nous d'accord ! / Let's agree !

April 16, 2005
1:39:21 AM

Entry #: 802492

Je continue suivre les discussions sur les équipes pee-wee et moustiques et il est évident qu'il y a beaucoup d'opinions différentes. Cependant, je crois qu'on est d'accord sur une chose: quelle que soit la decision prise par l'association, que l'on fasse une seule équipe, 1 équipe élite et 1 équipe development, ou bien 2 équipes égales, cette decision là ne plaira pas à tout le monde. Ne risez pas mais j'aurais voulu que ma grand-mère était ici parce qu'elle nous disait toujours: "L'abondance n'est jamais un problème". Je lui aurais decrit nôtre situation et je lui demanderais qu'est ce qu'elle ferait. L'abondance c'est vraiement le genre de nôtre 'problème'. Nous avons autant des joueurs qui voulent et, j'en suis certain, pouvent jouer. Vous savez déja que je prefére l'option des 2 équipes egales. Aucune de 3 options est parfaite mais, je pense que l'option de 2 équipes égales a les plus des positifs et les moins des negatifs. À la fin, je crois que le plus important c'est de donner une chance à jouer et à faire leur preuves à autant des joueurs que c'est possible. Beaucoup des études scientifiques ont montré que les étudiants qui jouent au football performent mieux en école. Cependant, je vais accepter quelle que soit la decision de l'association. Pendant les premières 4 ans de son existence elle a fait ses preuves. Or, à ce moment-ci, je crois que nous sommes unis sur un point: nous devons assurer, avant tout, que nos enfants pouissent se concentrer sur le sport de football et qu'ils ne soient pas éperdus par les chamailleries de leur parents. Je crois qu'il serait beaucoup plus utile si nous utilisions ce forum pour encourager et guider nos enfants en place de les decourager par des commentaires qui sèment la zizanie. Utilisons ce forum pour des meilleures choses! Pour discuter les options pour les équipes c'est mieux de parler directement aux entraîneurs et les executifs.I have been following the discussions about the pee-wee teams and the mosquito teams and it is evident that there are a lot of different opinions. However, I think that there is one conclusion that everyone will agree with: no matter which decision the association takes, whether they make 1 team only, 1 elite and 1 development team or 2 equal teams, that decision will not please everyone. Don't laugh but I wish my grandmother was here because she always used to tell us - "Abundance is never a problem". I would describe to her the situation that our association is in and I would ask her how she would deal with it. Abundance is really the nature of the 'problem'. We have so many players who want to and, I am sure, who can play. You already know which option I prefer: I like the 2 balanced teams concept. Neither one of the 3 options is perfect but, I think, that between the 3 options, the option for 2 equal teams is the one that has the most positives and the least negatives. Overall, I believe that the most important thing to keep in mind is to give as many players as possible a chance to play and prove themselves. It has been shown by many studies that students who play football do much better in school. However, I will accept whichever decision the association takes. During the first 4 years of existence it has proven itself. At this point, though, I think there is one point on which we can be united: what we have to ensure, above anything else, is that our children can concentrate on playing football and that they are not distracted by their parents' bickering. I think that it would be a lot more useful if we used this forum to encourage and guide our children instead of discouraging them with our divisive comments. Let's put this forum to better use! To talk about the options for the teams it's better to talk directly to the coaches or the executives.

A parent

April 16, 2005
9:05:22 AM

Entry #: 802564
You are absolutely right that there is no point in offering opinions. The association management have little interest in what the concerned parents are saying. They will lead us down whichever path they choose and expect us to follow.

Andy V

April 16, 2005
10:03:02 AM

Entry #: 802597
Well written, Abundance is great as NorthShore is always experiencing to produce the best team to represent their organization, which also goes hand in hand with the saftey aspect for the players having a well rounded team to back each other up.
When you use the term "balanced" are we referring to equally dividing the "talent" or equally dividing the rookies and veterans?
There is a difference!

The association needed our(parents)support to launch a midget team using a survey/petition.

With all the "opinions" we have read and listened to over the last few days, why don't they petition/survey the players families to help them with the best decision for these 2 levels. What ever the outcome, the "parents" can then decide what is best for their child.

I personally would prefer the 1 team scenario or if needed 1 elite and 1 development. I find the 2 team scenario a dilution of talent with the loss of safety and competitiveness, they might as well play touch.My other reasons have already been listed in the other posts......

A supporter

April 16, 2005
3:13:45 PM

Entry #: 802744
Andy, now you bring up a great point. The association needed our support to get the midget team rolling but now that decisions concerning those who helped to bring the midget's here, there input is no longer necessary. Parents were led to belive at registration that there would be only one peewee team, so at least the parents should be polled as to the various options that could be available with the pros and cons being tabled for all opinions.
Zbig, let us not confuse bickering with honest to goodness concern and interest in our children. There is a mix of parents involved some of who have no idea of the commitment required at this level. And let none of us, including the coaches, speculate as to what may happen this season, whichever way we go. That means that the coaches should not tell the children that they will have 'two competitive teams' if divided equally. The coaches don't know and won't know until after they have played all of the teams in this league.


April 17, 2005
11:12:27 AM

Entry #: 803317
1 team,(or one elite and one developement) or 2 equal team,is ok for me depending on what you want the stallions program.
if you want the best possible program to develope players for the higher level and make them lear,you 2 one or one elite and one developement.if you do one elite and one developement,all the kids will also play so dont say you prefere 2 equal team for the same reason.

if you want a program that want to make everybody play and have fun only but not put the emphasis on the developement of the player,you do 2 equal team

but you can not have both at the same time.this is a non sens.

but the organisation as to say it loud and CLEAR.

as for me,since this morning it clearly know which one they have.even if the dont say it lound and clear.

April 19, 2005
1:18:11 PM

Entry #: 806425
Danny makes sense. Also, if the committee and coaches says that of the total players (80?), they have or can develop at least 75% of those players to be knowledgeable and/or physically strong enough that they can depend on one another for protection, then 2 equal teams do make sense. Optimistically I hope that is the case ...but I don't know ...

to the last comment

April 19, 2005
3:12:02 PM

Entry #: 806657
Very unlikely that 75% will contribute. A handful of "players" only. Some potential rookies...
Will be a very tough year in many ways.

April 28, 2005
2:26:38 AM

Entry #: 820124
even if their is 80 kids know,it will not be like that at the begining of the season.last year mosquito were around 72 kids a least register.and when the hitting started with the equipement,around 10 the begining of the season,there was around 28 kids on each team.

and i dont think that their is at least 75% of those players to be knowledgeable and/or physically strong enough that they can depend on one another for for me,their is less talent this year than last year.
but we'll see the results in a couple of month.

April 28, 2005
8:49:50 AM

Entry #: 820287
won't be 75% developed, that is too optimistic.


April 28, 2005
9:57:03 PM

Entry #: 821735
I agree 100% with the last post.
if you look at the kids this year,on defense only 4 are from last year burgundy team.a couple of the silver and atoms and the rest first year....
hummmm.not a lot of experience there.
even if their is raw talent,good coach with good sport experience and teaching ability will be needed.
it is not that simple to teach this kids the good technic and understanding of the game.

P.S forgot to put my name on post Entry #: 820124


April 28, 2005
11:04:51 PM

Entry #: 821821
The concerns that you express are valid but they are not different this year then they were last year, the year before or even in 2001 when we had our first pee-wee team. Every year we had star players, great athletes, players who are put in a lot of effort and players who just enjoy being part of a team. Safety was not an issue then because every player got the same good equipment and every player was coached by competent coaches and it is not an issue now. Players will get bruised and they will feel pain because by definition this is a collision sport and some of them may decide that football is not for them. No problem, they will still be better for having experienced the sport. Motivation or getting discouraged also is not an issue now any more than it was an issue before. Some players rise to the challenge and others do not. If there are some players or parents out there who are apprehensive about the level of competitiveness of the teams I have only one thing to say: DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! As players you can simply practice harder, work harder and encourage your teammates to do the same. You'll get a lot of satisfaction out of it and you will find it a lot more rewarding no matter how the team does. As a parent, you can provide the necessary support and encouragement to your kids and to the coaches. Get involved. If the kids see enthousiasm in you they will get 'infected' by it and they will get enthousiastic and they will forget about all this negative talk.
In the end, it will show up on the field.
As for me, I can't wait to see the kids in equipment and I can't wait for the first game!

April 29, 2005
10:36:50 AM

Entry #: 822315
There is a difference with the past years because this year there is a conscious choice to put together two equal teams versus one competitive team this year.
It's a given there will be bruises and soreness, that is not the point, the point are more serious injuries that may result from such a decision.

gab #21

April 30, 2005
7:05:17 PM

Entry #: 824136
je suis fru parce que moi je veux juste jouer pis tous les parents viennent tout le temps se meler de nos affaires pis les entraineurs, c'est tout le temps eux qui sont dans le trouble pis ça me tombe sur les nerfs ok c'est bien simple nous les joueurs on veux juste jouer ok on s'entend sur un point.

April 30, 2005
7:05:19 PM

Entry #: 824137
Zbig,if i follow your thinking,if we look at last year mosquito silver team(from what i heard from the mosquito coach this year,it was a fiasco last year)
than the parents are to blame for the kids that were not happy with the situation of always loosing.the parents did not juste cheer them up enough then.....


April 30, 2005
11:23:49 PM

Entry #: 824313
It's possible that we are not exactly on the same page of music (...and that's why it's better to talk face to face instead of risking a misunderstanding through a written message).
My previous message was not about any past events but about the future success of our teams. I was only stating the accepted wisdom that people, and especially young athletes, accomplish a lot more when they play with a positive attitude. As parents, we have an opportunity to create that positive environment and what I'm doing (I think) is just trying to encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity.


May 3, 2005
9:09:23 AM

Entry #: 827702
There are approximately 80 players registered at peewee, in the last few practices, only about 60 have showed up. There are always approx 10% of boys who quit when there is equipment, so is there still talk of 2 teams? During summer, miss a lot of boys, are 2 teams still able to work?


May 5, 2005
7:55:28 PM

Entry #: 833076
This is one point i brought up.
but they told me not to worry...
i am not convince at all.

to practices

May 6, 2005
2:06:12 PM

Entry #: 834345
I think it is a worry... how do you practice when a lot of boys are not there and now to try to make 2 teams, will be a huge challenge that isn't needed.
already missing many, what's the summer gonna look like?????


May 10, 2005
6:47:16 PM

Entry #: 840401
I can tell you that last year burgundy mosquito were missing to many player sometimes to have a complete offense and defense on was worse when hockey started.


May 17, 2005
9:05:50 AM

Entry #: 850130
What is the timing for splitting up the 2 peewee teems?
Seems they are behind schedule, no scrimmages, nothing yet.
When are they getting the practice shirts?


May 17, 2005
1:01:00 PM

Entry #: 850686
What's the rush?
I don't see why the teams should be split up any time before the beginning of august.
For me it was fun to see them all chant "we believe" after the last practice. They just have to do the 'break down!' better.

to patience

May 17, 2005
3:13:05 PM

Entry #: 850921
The season starts mid August and July is off. If they wait until Aug when do they learn their plays? Please don't suggest that the 2 teams learn the same plays....

Mike (outside observer)

May 17, 2005
5:08:35 PM

Entry #: 851218
I am sorry I really have no place here but I do like your association in the short amount of time I have know it. I met your Midget Head Coach at a course and really you guys have a great thing growing here.

Do team like having the same play book. NO but teams do look at the same plays and run BASIC COPIES.

Actually what is really wrong with learning the same plays. Honeslty yes there is millions of different play books out there. But honestly at the Peewee level it is not the plays that makes the difference but the execution of the plays. Look every one knows and runs a Basic DIVE 21 or Dive 22 what is it?? A fullback going through the a or B gap. Does it work sometimes yes sometimes no. When it does work WHY!? Is it the play. NO. it is the excution of the play. the player in the play might be hungrier then the other. Or the Line backer read something else.

Every team has a sweep play, middle run play and pass plays we all know what the play is but the question is HOW DO WE EXECUTE IT!! Motion no motion this footwork that footwork. On one play you can have 50 different variations.

take your top 10 run plays and top ten pass plays give them to two teams and tell them to run them. What makes the difference. is it the play no they are the same. It is the players and coachs. Have FAITH in them. Coachs coach different little things that could make the difference and players pick up on other LITTLE things that make a difference.

Honestly PEEWEE football is still GRASS ROOTS football. And trust me the kids will pick it up they always do. In my coaching experience when you coach a play over a longer period of time some players find a way to cheat they play and give it away. Teach it do it and run it sometimes gets better results.

The only time you really need to worry is when players are distracted and not getting reps. Trust me time off is great. it relaxes the football mind and it comes back stronger. Give a kid a play book and they will learn it.

Baciscally after this LONG WINDED message it boils down to this.

Have FAITH in the Players (your kids) and the Coachs.


May 17, 2005
7:28:13 PM

Entry #: 851484
if you ask me,the sooner the teams are split the better(of course after they have the equipement abnd ave been evaluated properly).
so that both teams have an identity of their own and to form the team spirit.


May 18, 2005
9:48:51 AM

Entry #: 852411
Yes that team building is important. If you want to build it fast take them on a 2 day football camp together or have them on a weekend 2 a day killer weekend. They will build together.

I played Highschool ball in Ontario and we had to team build fast because we would have 1 week of try out before school started and then 2 weeks of practice before game one. What my Coach did was he had us at the practice field for 6 am rans us Then had breakfast, then off the classroom , Practice, then Lunch class room again Practice after practice 1 hour team build and then home and repeat Sunday.

We did not have the budget to go away but this was just as good. It worked! You suggest something like this but ultimately it is up to the coachs and association.

May 18, 2005
12:22:09 PM

Entry #: 852822
This all sounds good and fun but there it's time to split them up and practice together for at least 2 months. There's no time constraint there. Now that we know there are 2 equal teams, split them up. The coaches already have an idea of the abilities, just a matter of equalizing the teams. If it's going to be 2 = teams, then let's go. Time's a wasting....

May 31, 2005
11:12:01 PM

Entry #: 874471

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