Leader Training
Subscribe to our NewsletterThe following courses are REQUIRED for all Cub Scout leaders. All courses are offered online by the BSA, www.ppbsa.org. New leaders will be required to set up an account. Don't worry about your BSA # at this time. This only get issued once your registration paperwork has been submitted. Each leader and scout will receive their own individual BSA card.
Fast Start Training
This is the first step for any new volunteer. It gives new leaders information on planning and conducting their first meeting. It also offers a quick and clear overview of the Scouting Program.
This is Scouting
It provides an overview of the Scouting movement, including history, values, programs, youth protection, community involvement, training, and so on. The module consists of six video sections, each followed by a brief quiz. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 50 minutes.
Cub Scout Leader Specific (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos)
This course includes five different breakout sessions related to Cub Scouting for Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos Den Leaders and Assistants, Pack Committee Chairs, Committee Members and Cubmasters as well as Assistant Cubmasters (3 hours). This training will build on “This is Scouting” and is tailored for your specific position within the pack.
Youth Protection
Youth Protection is training for all adult leaders accompanying Scouts on field trips, outings, camping trips, etc. Use the link below to find out about the next available council training session. Youth Protection Training is also offered by many individual units. Contact your Cubmaster for more information. The problem of child abuse has become one of the most significant social problems facing our nation. Recent public opinion polls rank the problem of child abuse second only to drug abuse as a national concern. Your participation in this training not only reflects your concern about children’s safety in this society, but also your willingness to take steps toward halting child abuse and its detrimental effects.
If you are on the Pack Committee and are a Den Leader, the following courses need to be taken in addition to the ones noted above.
- Pack Committee Fast Start
- Leader Position-Specific – Pack Committee