Webelos2 (Arrow of Light) Information
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What do Webelos II (Arrow of Light) do?
- Earning the Webelos II (Arrow of Light) rank: Click on the following link for detailed information on how to earn the Webelos II rank. http://www.leaguelineup.com/newsitem.asp?url=pack56longhillnj&itemid=1469791
- The Webelos II dens are responsible for coordinating Spooky Bonfire in October which is held at the Elks Lodge on Valley Road in Stirling.
- The Webelos II dens also run the September Pack Meeting. The theme for September is Reverent ("Passport To Other Lands"). The Webelos II dens also set up an exhibit at this pack meeting to share information about the World Friendship Fund (Building a Better World, requirement 10b). Please keep the Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster in the loop when planning the Pack Meeting. The following link contains helpful information for planning this event:
http://www.leaguelineup.com/newsitem.asp?url=pack56longhillnj&itemid=1367579. A PowerPoint template for the slide show can be found in the Handout Section of the website.
Graduating to Boy Scouts. At the end of your Weblos II (Arrow of Light) year, there will be a bridging (crossing over) ceremony at the Blue and Gold dinner in February. Each scout receives an Arrow of Light for their hard work over the last five years. (Pack buys arrows.) The Arrow of Light can be ordered at the following site, http://bghproducts.com/. Be sure to order the arrows well in advance. In the past, we have had to call to place the order. You may need to try more than once because they don’t pick up right away. One den leader should place the order for all Webelos II dens. You will be reimbursed by the Treasurer for the expense.
This beautiful Arrow of Light award measures 32 inches long. Each comes with real feather fletching, leather strapping and real hanging feathers. A string of over 300 beads is wrapped around the center of the shaft. The plaque is made of pine - which has been sanded and covered in a protective polyurethane finish. Each personalized brass nameplate has two lines - on the first line we engrave ARROW OF LIGHT and on the second line we engrave the BOYS NAME and the YEAR he crosses over. Each award comes in an attractive box. Boys need motivation in order to reach their total potential - this Arrow of Light award gives them that motivation. The Arrow of Light is Cub Scouting's highest award and we believe it deserves a Lifetime Keepsake!