Pack Committees
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Pinewood Derby Chair
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: October – January for a couple of hours and a full day on race day.
· Order kits in October to be handed out at Nov. Pack Meeting
· Conduct a mini training session for new scouts at the Nov. Pack Meeting
· Update rules and regulations if kits have changed
· Order trophies from a website
· Create certificates
· Update program used for tracking positions
· Contact Registration Chair for an updated roster
Pinewood Derby Members
Number of people required for position: 5
Time required for position: 3 evenings, and 1 day (race day)
· Provide coffee and donuts on race day for committee
· Provide pizza and soda/water for lunch on race day for committee
· Attend 2 evenings from 7-9 for weigh in of cars
· Day before event (Friday night) help set up Senior Center for race day on Saturday. Usually from 7-9 depending on how finicky the track its.
· Clean up on Saturday after the event.
· Act as judges, car carrier, mc for the event.
The Webmaster is the keeper of or website.
- Maintain website
- Update pack calendar
- Work with committee members and den leaders to maintain, create and update forms for registration and events.
- Work with committee members and den leaders to customize tabs on website
- Maintain master email list: 1 for leaders and 1 for the pack
- Manage yearly fee for website
Membership and Registration Chair
Membership and Rerigstration Chair
Number of people required for position: 3
Recharter Chair
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: 5 hours
- Pick up charter package at Council
- Get updated roster from Registration Chair.
- Input roster information into charter database
- Obtain proper signatures
- Return complete package to Council.
Roundup Chair
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: May – September for a couple of hours
- Should have a basic background on how Cub Scouts work.
- Work with Committee Chair on the presentation to new scouts
- Make sure there are enough blank adult and youth forms. Work with the Roundup Committee (bear dens) to obtain these.
- Bring a signup sheet to put new scouts into dens.
- Bring at least 30 copies of an information sheet about Cub Scouting and Roundup Chair contact info.
- Responsible for collecting all new scout forms, making sure information is correct, obtaining proper signatures, giving checks to Treasurer and bring forms up to Council.
- Is the point person for all new scouts.
- Will put new scouts into new Tiger Dens or existing dens
- Will send all new scouts a Welcome Package via email.
- Will talk with each new den leader and give them a basic 101 introduction to scouting and the role of a den leader and that they should complete the Bobcat requirements before the November Pack Meeting.
- Provide webmaster with email address of new leaders and scouts. Needs to be broken down into 2 groups. Scouts and Leaders.
Registration Chair
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: 2 hours per month
- Maintain Cub Scout Master Roster
- Work with webmaster to keep email lists current.
- Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee to develop and carry out a plan for year-round membership growth.
- Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee to see that
‒ eligible Tiger Cubs transition into a Wolf den at the appropriate time.
‒ eligible Wolf Cub Scouts or 9-year-old Cub Scouts transition into a Bear den at the appropriate time.
‒ eligible Bear Cub Scouts or 10-year-old Cub Scouts transition into a Webelos den at the appropriate time.
‒ Webelos Scouts and parents or guardians have a smooth transition into a Boy Scout troop.
- Work with the Cubmaster in following up on former pack members who are now Boy Scouts and potential den chiefs.
Events Chair
Events Chair
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: A couple of hours in the spring, fall, and around December
The Events Chairperson plans all of our Sleep-ins, day trips and ice skating party.
· Works with the Pack Committee and Den Leaders at Leader’s Meetings to decide which activities will take place during the year.
· Plans and arrange for those activities.
· Works with the Webmaster to design form for sign-ups and payment for outings
· Arrange for property, fire, and tour permits when required.
· Locate new picnic areas.
· Arrange for safe transportation when needed.
· Plan first aid for emergencies.
· Help Webelos den leaders plan Webelos overnight campouts. Help arrange for equipment, as needed.
· Arrange for Safe Swim Defense implementation for all outings involving swimming.
· Plan outings to help pack and dens qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award.
· Help promote day camp and resident camp opportunities.
· Be aware of BSA health and safety requirements and see that they are implemented.
· Know and carry out BSA outdoor program policy related to Cub Scouting. Review all activities to ensure that unit leaders comply with BSA policies in the Guide to Safe Scouting.
Popcorn Chair
An Overview of Pack 56 Popcorn Sales
Pack 56 relies upon the official BSA Popcorn Program as its only source of fundraising during the year and we have a long and successful track record of sales that is a credit to the work that volunteers have contributed over the years. This article describes how Pack 56 organizes its volunteer efforts around Popcorn.
There are five main activities that require volunteers:
1) Overall Popcorn Program Coordination, led by the "Popcorn Kernel" volunteer
2) Show & Sell Coordination, led by a Bear parent
3) Popcorn Delivery, led by a Wolf parent
4) Prize Delivery, led by a Webelos1 parent
5) Den Popcorn Lead, one for every Den
Each den operates as a "franchise". The boys sell their product and their orders are consolidated at the Den level, which are then submitted to the Pack via an online form. This process ensure a fair distribution of effort and, more importantly, fewer errors in the chain of activities.
As scouts sell popcorn they are requested to have customers make payments directly to them and to submit a single check to Pack 56. This reduces the amount of time necessary to process payments and reduces the chance of error as well.
The Popcorn Kernel
This person is the overall coordinator for the program and does the following things:
1) Communicates with the Patriots Path Council on Popcorn Program details
2) Manages communications to the Pack and Dens (email, pack meeting presentations & awards, etc.)
3) Creates and manages any Pack 56 incentive programs (prizes, trophies, pie-in-face contests, etc.)
4) Orders the Show & Sell product for delivery to the Show & Sell volunteer
5) Consolidates Take-Order sales from all the dens and orders the product for delivery to the Popcorn Delivery volunteer
6) Collects and accounts for payments, deliver to treasurer for deposit
7) Manages scout attainment and prize determination based on input from each den; communicates prize awards to Prize Coordinator
Time Commitment - About 14 hours spread evenly over 3 months
Show & Sell Coordinator
This person does the following things:
1) Determines at least 2 dates for Show & Sell events
2) Identifies and obtains permission for local venues to hold the events (for example, at O'Bagel)
3) Creates and coordinates the den schedules for staffing the event.
4) Accepts delivery of the Show & Sell product and ensures that it gets to the event
5) Organizes and manages logistics necessary to run the event
6) Ensures that records are kept as to time worked per scout so proper sales credit can be accounted for
Time Commitment - about 2 hours preparation and 2 hours each Show & Sell event for 6 hours total
Take-Order Delivery Coordinator
This person does the following things:
1) Coordinates with a parent who has a suitably large garage to accept delivery of the popcorn
2) Coordinates with parents who can assist them with sorting orders and delivering product to the dens on delivery day
Time Commitment - Somewhere between 3 to 5 hours on one Saturday, depending upon the amount help recruited
Prize Delivery Coordinator
This person does the following things:
1) Accepts deliver of the scout prizes
2) Sorts and consolidates prizes for delivery to each Den
3) Delivers prizes to Den leads
Time Commitment - 3 hours over two evenings
Den Popcorn Lead
Each Den has one parent who functions as the popcorn focal point for that den and they do the following things:
1) Distribute Take-Order forms to dens
2) Facilitate Den's participation in Show & Sell events
3) Consolidate the orders and money of each scout in their den into one order for the entire den
4) Accept delivery of the Den order and distribute to their scouts
5) Accept delivery of prizes and distribute to their scouts
Time Commitment: about 2 to 3 hours spread over 2 months
Advancement Chair
Advancement Chair
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: 1 hour per month
- Have a working knowledge of the Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout advancement plans.
- Help plan and conduct induction and advancement recognition ceremonies.
- Arrange for Tiger Cub Bobcat badge ceremony with the Cubmaster and Tiger Cub den leader.
- Arrange for Webelos graduation ceremonies with the Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, and Scoutmaster.
- Collect den advancement reports from leaders for use when ordering badges and insignia from the local council service center.
- Promote the wearing and proper use of uniform and insignia.
- Advance scouts to the next rank using the online tool on the Council website, obtain the proper signatures and bring up to Council for processing.
Pack Training Chair
Pack Training Chair
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: A couple of hours in September/October
The pack trainer’s main objective is to have 100 percent of the pack leadership trained in their position responsibilities. New leaders and adult family members should receive orientation within one week of joining the pack. Leaders should receive position-specific training as soon as the training becomes available. The pack trainer must meet BSA membership requirements and be at least 21 years of age and be registered with the Boy Scouts of America as a pack trainer.
Under the direction of the pack committee chairman, the pack trainer helps leaders and parents under-stand purposes, policies, and procedures of the Cub Scouting program. The pack trainer makes sure that required training has been completed.
- Guide and support den leaders. See that they receive the required training for their positions.
- Remaining current with training material and program updates
- Provide Fast Start Training to new leaders. Fast Start Training can be completed by viewing the Fast Start video or DVD or by completing the training on your council’s website.
- Ensuring pack leaders take the following online classes
‒ Cub Scout Leader Basic Training, which includes New Leader Essentials Training and Cub
‒ Scout Leader Specific Training
‒ Youth Protection Training
‒ Make sure that a parent is BALOO trained Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation before any pack campout.
‒ Make sure that a parent is trained on Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders
- Encouraging den chiefs to attend Den Chief Training
- Maintaining pack training records
Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster
Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster
Number of people required for position: 2/3 people
Time required for position: All year
Everything that the Cubmaster does is aimed at helping the individual boy. He/she should be a leader who is able to communicate well with adults as well as boys. Should be able to delegate responsibilities and set a good example through behavior, attitude, and uniform. Preferably a member of the chartered organization.
Responsibilities: The Cubmaster's responsibilities are to:
- Complete Cubmaster Fast Start training and leader position-specific training. Attend monthly roundtables.
- Plan and help carry out the Cub Scout program in the pack according to the policies of the BSA. This includes leading the monthly pack meeting, with the help of other leaders.
- With the pack committee, develop and execute a year-round recruitment plan for recruiting boys into Cub Scouting.
- Know about and use the appropriate and available literature, including the Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide, the Webelos Leader Guide, and this resource.
- See that the pack program, leaders, and Cub Scouts positively reflect the interests and objectives of the chartered organization and the BSA.
- Work with the pack committee on program ideas, selecting and recruiting adult leaders, and establishing a budget plan.
- Help organize and encourage graduation into a Boy Scout troop by establishing and maintaining good relationships with Boy Scout troops.
- Maintain good relationships with parents and guardians. Seek their support and include them in activities.
- See that Cub Scouts receive a quality, year-round program filled with fun and activities that qualify the dens and pack for the National Summertime Pack Award.
- Help the pack committee chair conduct the annual pack program planning conference and the monthly pack leaders’ meetings.
- Work as a team with the pack committee chair to cultivate, educate, and motivate all pack leaders and parents or guardians in Cub Scouting.
- Request den chiefs for all Cub Scout dens and, after selection, see that they are trained. Recognize the den chiefs at pack meetings.
- Conduct impressive advancement, recognition, and graduation ceremonies. For Webelos ceremonies, involve Scoutmasters and other Boy Scout leaders.
- Encourage high advancement standards from all Cub Scouts.
- Help bring families together at joint activities for Webelos dens (or packs) and Boy Scout troops.
- Support the policies of the BSA.
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: All year
- Help the pack committee and Cubmaster establish a sound financial program for the pack with a pack budget plan.
- Open or maintain a bank account in the pack's name and arrange for all transactions to be signed by any two of the Cubmaster, pack committee chair, secretary, or treasurer.
- Approve all budget expenditures. Check all disbursements against budget allowances, and pay bills by check. The pack committee chair should approve bills before payment.
- Keep up-to-date financial records. Enter all income and expenditures under the proper budget item in the finance section of the Pack Record Book.
- On the request of den leaders, sympathetically counsel with a family who may be financially unable to pay the yearly registration fee. Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee to work out some type of payment arrangement.
- Report on the pack's financial condition at the monthly pack leaders' meeting. Make regular monthly reports to the pack committee at the pack leaders' meeting, and report to the chartered organization as often as desirable on the financial condition of the pack.
- Provide petty cash needed by leaders. Keep a record of expenditures.
- Guide the pack in conducting council-approved pack money-earning projects.
Pack Committee Chairman
Pack Committee Chairman
Number of people required for position: 1
Time required for position: All year
Is a person of good character, familiar with organization procedures, with a deep concern for the pack's success. Preferably is a member of the chartered organization, respected in the community, who shows the willingness and ability to be the Cubmaster's chief adviser.
Responsibilities: The pack committee chair's job is to:
- Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative, keeping this key person informed of the needs of the pack that must be brought to the attention of the organization or the district.
- Report to the chartered organization to cultivate harmonious relations.
- Confer with the Cubmaster on policy matters relating to Cub Scouting and the chartered organization.
- Supervise pack committee operation by
- Calling and presiding at pack leaders' meetings.
- Assigning duties to committee members.
- Planning for pack charter review, roundup, and reregistration.
- Approving bills before payment by the pack treasurer.
- Conduct the annual pack program planning conference and pack leaders' meetings.
- Complete pack committee Fast Start Training and Basic Leader Training for the position.
- Ask the committee to assist with recommendations for Cubmaster, assistant Cubmasters, Tiger Cub den leaders, Cub Scout den leaders, and Webelos den leaders, as needed.
- Attend Cub Scout Roundup in May and give presentation to new scout parents with Registration Chair.
- Recognize the need for more dens, and see that new dens are formed as needed.
- Work with the chartered organization representative to provide adequate and safe facilities for pack meetings.
- Cooperate with the Cubmaster on council-approved money-earning projects so the pack can earn money for materials and equipment.
- Manage finances through adequate financial records.
- Maintain adequate pack records and take care of pack property.
- If the Cubmaster is unable to serve, assume active direction of the pack until a successor is recruited and registered.
- Appoint a committee member or other registered adult to be responsible for Youth Protection training.
- Develop and maintain strong pack-troop relationships, sharing with the troop committee the need for graduations into the troop.
- Work closely with the unit commissioner and other pack and troop leaders in bringing about a smooth transition of Webelos Scouts into the troop.
- Help bring families together at joint activities for Webelos dens (or packs) and Boy Scout troops.
- Support the policies of the BSA.