Wolf Information

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What do Wolves do?


  • The Wolf dens are responsible for coordinating the Cub Scout Roundup in May which is held at Gillette School.  This is where we invite potential cub scouts and their parents to learn more about cub scouting.  Parents meet with Committee Members while the Cubmaster leads potential scouts through an example den meeting.  For a checklist on how to run the Roundup, please use the following link :  http://www.leaguelineup.com/newsitem.asp?url=pack56longhillnj&itemid=1367882

  • The Wolf dens also run the March Pack Meeting.  The theme for March is Trustworthy ("Cub Scout Investigators").  Please keep the Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster in the loop when planning the Pack Meeting. The following link contains helpful information for planning this event: http://www.leaguelineup.com/newsitem.asp?url=pack56longhillnj&itemid=1469795   A PowerPoint template for the slide show can be found in the Handout Section of the website.