This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

Meet Event Info

Subscribe to our Newsletter

The coaching staff will post deadlines for invitationals in relation to due dates for entries, etc.  Please adhere to the deadlines so you can ensure that your swimmer is able to participate.  If you have any questions in relation to swimmer eligibility, please ask your swimmer's coach.  There is also a $5 surcharge for every invite we swim per swimmer.

Deadlines for New Swimmer Registration from AMS:

Ongoing the cut off for new registrations & payments will be the Monday prior to the meet start date.



Once your swimmer is entered in an event, please confirm that the entries are accurate.  Please check our website for the Allegheny Mountain Swimming website to information on Warm-up and start times.

All swimmer results are stored in the USA Swimming SWIMS database and can be found on: