Volunteer Info
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Parents are required to work invitationals, dual meets and or large group fundraisers as part of their South Hills Aquatics requirement. These functions allow SHAQ to keep their registration fee reasonable.
Our volunteer procedure for this year is as follows..
All SHAQ families will be required to work two sessions for each event we host. Events will be both Saturday and Sunday. You may volunteer for the morning session or afternoon session on either day, as long as you complete two sessions for the event. Each session will be approximately 4 hours long.
We will have a sign-in sheet for volunteers in the pool office about a month before an event. You will be notified of this. It is your responsibility to come to the pool and sign the volunteer sheet. Please don't worry about not knowing how to do something, if you are unsure, we will explain and show you how to do it. Jobs usually consist of timing, writing down times, helping out on deck and concessions.
This year the SHAQ volunteer fee will be $75.00. It will be collected as a separate check upon registration. Upon completion of your volunteer requirement, your check will be returned to you. If you choose not to volunteer your check will be cashed.
We hope you understand our position with our volunteer procedure. It takes the whole team to run a meet successfully. A couple hours of your time for each event help them to run smoothly. Please remember your children love to see you on deck, helping out with the meets, it's your chance to see them up close when it is their turn to swim.